2 THiE UNIVERSITY 01 MNIChiGA.N DAILY Early ths fall and Ieent before clleg csomenced, ts an attractonO to draw athletes to lifchgai, itttwts anounooced thtat twoto woltsendola tracl teamttto Pa. Later itt ti.yar wetn the lan- tgemeto nn ountocldtaeaschetule of the tttter ottnproponedl track mteets for the season, the Ptris tritotwargulttl enttmoerated. All tf tese meet ae either beenohodd or failed to mtterilz, eciefly the latter. IToe Paris trip is the onoly ott Oiotte scheuole tohithit i not ton late to attted. fle qtioitnote isill wee tttetd it? Little too beettdonote for te track toao this year. After tttntttstofevrc retrtit- ittg they ot lot swere gite otto cttttce to sitott ahat they cotldl eo. Hots trll tioey sowedro tis, tto oore of lot Sat trday shosoNote oiste titotofor tle mlanaogemleot to}taelotp oontgt tatontog theltuttdnt loney toilote they tol ilwtd. W it eey little toustling adlescm plaiting tab ot toardIfitanotil sortk, eottgitontty ciold eaily be riee tmonglo tembll one t osttto t lscon. HOly s05011l111011ntltl thOtt poitftr Mihiogan olst Soluday il -f hs atd Ken Ftp icktoulttdonot btank- roiten OttiLd tot aea otod lo ga htontotoondtaott11t suficettosoot ix e.oItohlathodi Assoiiioton ootl 01:tt 01h1s ith otlod vanceo11000,it1the o i ul n doatedlynOi04000110aloothto toinooluder colooeotoio cwithci 01 whlo oaongtio te studoent bodyo o ftroth thins issto bosn Ioooteo, loitt otut sb doe t ocebtorho Io t oeleekis toolI suh oaleterris- lg atos tecideot pon11101 assage an otd tcommnodtoitonsot utoble eure, eotrieo madand toil oottonher dtail atteolo- edlitooto ext ets days. Soph. Medic Electib. ifToosophom~lo medicsohodd ailotetig yesterolay mlorninlg .t 101 olok for te pournoseofefleetnthoo irofnfiero oote moeicaleoierot.I Ito 01a00is rontitledton te vie-ptresoeooltreasuolrr tood a toen- bee of the oardofd01eoto or. Te ele- htio as all "fixed" totid tlltott reoootioed to e lontesas to coantotfle ballot. fle ooaehinelad a tieet too tho field, atdsas so comtpletely moaoageetatottheooi tionolfaileo nmtaterialize. Thte officerseletedl 55000a00folloso Vice-president, Harry A. loiirrottotoot of Portsoth, .1 treaosrer, W. A. Esvans, of Anno Arbor Nel Kellog of Strickldand. Golf Tournament Osoitg toote etitheoltie tofaoolify- iring the golf toroaoooo ttias lecot x- tetooedton Tuesoday oigit, Jtno.. Dtos- iongs sill le otade at 7 :30 adtosfotein o Shceeha'osswindows. le tornatomet proper sill logintonooWentesa . fle follosiongiceos aeo beeno haonded itt Trotebloodi,tooo; Joclyon, 981Fautot;o ileotteo,tot Prentiso, 0091 Tilton, o; Meiorrocl, 031 Troowblridge 041 Nortioo, too. So ftr thoo' eotris for fouroinoetre as follcos: Trueblood ad Jclyo, Fat tootl19tun, 'iroiselrioloo totol flett, 1?oclciftrriclo stoolWall:ce. Senior-Lits, Laws and Enineers Should Loosen Up. fToe senosttIohote tieir fictreil te Aloltolo olodsttoosoool tp 1110litely otodlp1119tho ost01ftomakinoog toetotos. Wohlenthielss dciedolothlee iodkoidio cal plotoco alt osatuooertood tat eaehlonoe wshon fod lis or oer aco ioote loolloksolfldy setenty-fi ecenIt,fle cot oil hinog flec11utae. Tfle coot- otittee aoe toss lootiotto aard time cot lectingtohios moooe. fle cot of ohese all-tnes wo $38 aboothOey sere se- cured front the etgraver oly ty adaoc- iogtfeloarget share of thiolamaount. The members of the board are persooalle respoonsile for ths and wshil to e re- lieved as soon as possihle. They do lot hanlking hsioess with the added feattre of aksward detors. LAST MEETING I (Contnedeafrompate1) entertainth le loague atstostal. As there is s0 littlolttme left for eocial tplcasureo, antIhoe oteetinog Saturday teas ito assay aubtatiiate for the lotswt social, Moo. Aizel' io ldneIo o twill or1ohabl00nitlie accetotedl, tough it is lieaortilyepprecit- cot lby allotmttbers ofte leagu1. Tie foloilsrtate the commoitte or i tooeter: lito00p arrantgementt, Do. Moshr Itossl 1Floroen00 W. (Gteeno, Miss N. dRtto ediori tandlfor, Mrs. Vau tghtoo MlsotElsto Prottf 'iis Hout J.Scott;otempl oment, ;ito 'Aonoi- 11101 E. Conles, rsF.o P. Jooboo, tro. ,,.Ooisn Fa c .Brootst Eloot B. Bah ocoAoig lliub oJnste ra00011Missoes Footney Kortood arare D Ma 010001 taL.NotoBlaoncie E.ito- to too Geneovitoe DB Neill, Floroonce Blaglo, BloteoM. Poppeo, Llsie FPPratt, Grace AI. Boolie Shta01100 o isL.BrnooeEel- too SmthodtEdit tohuhh ; Cake, V001 N.- CoontonIrItn0110fBitt A 10001ilt of 1gotp leader- f to text yerotto ise etoueeChubS, fir-C 010011Gontditano AotntooLonglosZioe SmthoJooosoietteyoildt-.CootstantceBe- meto Agnestoo WellsGooertoude Mifller, Kathar inet G.Hineoora 0.1Henderision, BorotoaSteot,00LootaiSmthlo Mart BroatstoBoorttaOBrBoeootBeotBrowtso, GIloenna H.InoDBous etortooeoCoote,. _nLditho Bet toold 't toogtott C7' n TS, itabib Phiollips,/iltslo iCa11110 llr L t t e Lunodtom010Lottie Sooth.loBoosior tlooclo c-I.Mne 'i tototo ftleno Bendier, Luc0Co 01y M Iio iiawono Ittotle HunotsLatilaICororA.Chistopo hor,; Berniceiri rftrickoltLIa \lrf~itoilts,; Elsi Sawer, lorece. ishe- Ne lM. BotreIabite 0 10 nad,1 Ena 1Cm-0 otilig- fHeenWato eo ranesCu- toitigo.tFannoie Keortog IlooidBitsie abr Graice Ia teious. 'Nell i owno t Woods Hole Scholarship. of Dletroiti. 1theotoool deptorn000i1 abt 'to awardotis iieaI one1sIhLlarshtio at the M finlo. llt a abrtoy 00ntitles thelortiler ton 0000toothioo dutoot te sotiootoorsessionofi la1booatory. '0 ttiittO~n iliOentofit teo o uti oursies iofoil zt o OsiotHfoloetoillbefudi thec deptmoooeontaotorytiesI sttall btoi thoe laboriatory 000n1TesdaysandooThusI of thois keel: froo o2to xo:30o'0clock o te poorpose ofconlotingttt witshlbappli- cttnts o tr toescolar00hiopt IAC Ott fE1010 ARD LOOK TO US Fine Clothing, flats and Furnishings lOotfiost off'ering ronsists of the advance style, feesh froon the hoonds of the foremoost Fashion Makers, THlE STEIN BLOCH CO. Eery Fabric that has streongth aood Charac- tee is represented in this collection; every style in vogue is hoere. No moerhant tailor will glee you the same style and patterns at 50 per cent. more money. . .,. . . . LINDENCHI1ITT & A PFEL 209 S. Main Street 13 4 . 1J &A3 09 C3 AFTER THE MAY FESTIVAL Stop in at PARKER'S CAMPUS CAFE and gel a good, cold glass of Soda Water. Strawberry Cruoshes 10c. Wtoe have the exclusive right On the refreshmenit stand at Athletic Field. W. S. PO1RK1ER. I SCHLEEDEl'S 61, ji STRAWBERRY CRUSH , (FRES5H FROUIT) 10OC QUARRYtS C.A~vLPa'w 7RZf7O5 mTOR . Dce ]riei'... ART STORE, A new Assortment of Oval Frames and Frame Mhouldings, just received Do not fail to see them. Stabler's Art Store, 217 So. 4th Ave. New State Phose 173 jJ To soft Do'. Choses Wanted oImrovedt Receipot Book durinog vaca- l~ iontolheat sel- S LuUd fLs lisn' hookathoat an agentlt anthadle. Ouor regultar Agentts make big nooney. Can give good territory. Paeticulars by calling at the Courter Office. JOHN E. TRAVIS, IManager'. TEMPORARY BINDER 10 0 8TUDENT8 WRiNTWD Big Profits. Qaicko Sales. A hood wasy to m'ake money this summer. F. SCHLEEDE, - - - - - 340 South State °' ForaSUIM M1E.R CRUISE take teo COAST [IM[E OMCIA NEW STEEL femn. The Greatest Perfection yet PASSENGER attained is Boat Construction. STEAMERS. p Lanariaus Eqaipmant, Artticl SPEED, COMFORT Farnishing,.. "Secsration and - rDSAFETY.- Efficient Service... To DETROIT, MACKINAC, GEIORGIAN DAY, PEfTOSKEfY, CHICAGO Nboooer ineoffertac anoamt o f 40t i let~ csoqual variety aditerest. Four Triper nWeek BetwenDayeanod 5.ig0t5o'ttntcBetweno ToldoDetoitnd iacina lltoy Doy and DETROIT AND CLEJVELAND Toleo, Dtroi an Macinac Nigt Bewee ittr, $1.50 E.ahDireeto. PETOSEY, "THc See," aivgUETE Beroths, $1.00, $1t12 Statroomo, 0.00 ANDeDULT.. Cieveland, Conecionsar d to Clevelandbooowith Eaet oTins oro oallonotasSouth LstW RATES to Pctttrensquet1nn nd t Put- itr-SBa'.- odoSothet n ttr oittfo l oiitv Retuon, Inclding el n. d BerOt.Ao. Ntt' oe o rfothtano5Ntortet. tool Coet frto leenodo., . tb o m adtoo e To. oSny Trips Jote, July, Anettt, Toedo, $17,05fromo0Detroit, 000.005D601 EN toosNOod.500o ..o A. A.SHNG.PA.onal,DaETReIT, RInHs GAS AND ELECTRIC LIGHTING SUPPLIES, SHADES, PORTABLE LAMPS, ETC., A SPECIAL.Tv. SANITARYO PLUMBING, STEAMO AND THOT WATER OREATINC. J. F. SCHUH. 207 E. WASH NGTON ST. t7hoseNc _ .,,,, you sos out every day come from HOlr0LAME LIE9'lw1V E RY Phone 106. 515 E. Liberty Street NWSTYLES OXFDSMEO $ '90XF DS MENAND WOMEN 00 SEE HOWWINOWJOHN V\A.FLR. 1 - y Y1D0THEnS aOEIIIA SEE OUR LINE OF 50 OENT PEARL HANDLE KNIVES AT MUMMERY'S DRUG STORE.