r. t O VOL. X. ANN ARIBOR, 31ICH. TUESDAY, JUNE 5, 1900. No. 185. Sprin~g Announcement G. H. WILD & Co. We have just received oar line of spring woolens for men's wear. bt includes everything in staples that are suitahle and de- sirahle for the season. We are also showing full ranges in nov- elties, in qaity and style to suit the most exacting taste, consisting of Top Coats, Sit- ings, Fancy Vests and Golf Trouserings. We invite you to call and inspect our line at WILD'S 108 E. Wasbirgto) St. Ari thstcofAts iiair aei l rmW tth ame utl it Ot Pits, Chin an tieriWa tel iitd tBitshe of tll Wilder's Pharmacy THE OLD Fo eeglwek ahv RELIABLE it andt LUNESI- tIt fis A SPEILtTY. R. E. JOLLY & CO.' Are you going to Paris? ibeagoodidto tick it outenow wilthne eisltaptiian tlttiu CALKINS' PHARMACY 324 SO0 STATE ST BASE BALL AND IjOILF GOODS AtSO A LARGE STOCK OF JERSEYS In New Stys and Patterns WAHR'S 1900 MICHIGANENSIAN carried out the plan. Thr, hae alit ay LAST MEETING hadlseparatr indiial tcrt, teearin griiottositttwelve itiiornamen tin t Woe' ag-NePlnfr A Valuable Edition Making a Com-nwhicihiiisntonail mor atitir bt t hr oe' ege-e lno prehensive Year-Boots for oiy pI ratiralimethotailNext Yeer--Elegant Furnis- Evertjboc. Attheirbeginingiifatheetlibio ok, in's in Barbour Gm. inaidrnin atGrian ittriretadsun- The fourth annual Micligaiir-aian i nis ntao o aboc tt odiin a -One of tie mosat iteretig imeeig tlactrdiottstic today.- Though ittt epa-veyi ncmtrietiitblIh e oitiniaitcraimeri lthe omn'rsoLegue hlineveer witesedc ratiuoitwin delay ed earlirein the yearby ct vii riite tiird ii t bltiete. Te tinkCpldcerSaturday aftertiooni at tie rersignatns ta d oiler troube oiitheIl amteeofIT e li e rs ci fenitiir M, ieo B irboitrgym iuitrit. neil. ithoe wiiho finaly ciii rdit iiscrrnt11ii10iii1riforte- tico, iii eite tf heiie-tcriiiiful trainsf rmitouthalineinei to hate tadunceiiifor losetimiie anti hiaite ~i co flowadany Iu o icb-e iiideigoie by tie gmnaitiiparor, tidenird a crerditable tuiatiout. an hre captnine fr last yer:iThe lreewindutowstei rtor are. Tooseliaeciiar tinethiiforiir iciuStekir unana c-cn .lit e aenwtatefullyn raied withtcurais, p iiicnii n eplaintiosof tiempiiistiortie hork. iiTheilirrsof 00'o irint tgearetrewniitatotitthe flore an t i icf is rontenits arc uc esii r y. Theyoutniimiirti iiirole IhoorIed p r- nn r crytig i prvaedd withii a tic it sufice ii -ny that it isit heti c i- idc es 0s, isa-eicuid igtheiirtee rty iattfuly omeie it nr. an antiiiil, attrimptitot to rtogea ti tnd ti vcarialoteWav i itoor, tierie ar I Tie cat partor tewhic adintiethe teie n i re oi resmi icly theiriionsIforteftie andI engieersrandtfdrty-tw a n~stintroperisfuttrnised in n- rt aciities theiioilst-uae waig ca-n ioorsi. Ote eeehoacu tehiiioti exrcrpin-atinanitiqte lactic,intercasse-drpairiiicit oir ote- taturs othteattletir inoob ir i full tak setir- itwiictivan ntelgnttteffect iae. Lati tfthe e i irtialy a tiaercuttanit Ialisteot m mr o fttiit t i te to tairetr of ti fatrtihig. Ii the houts iitf nuntirr -rar -ninPetiteri' u, iirttme rf te Guiiicrtibrrtetriof teiroioitiotpoite thet ettle, tistear'sannualistiin terminactlarii eind eiitmail cur t of ti yea's bse inl ie amahogaiytabnlneatd itt the coner the saime as ittntirccrs. Iia tiii andth ie screatftieges u t nurt igrde tiion liiicistatds a Bary ifei mittor dtisthr ae stiigttdacne . 'nlrge Ctitoflatneast eamap ionttthe gifi t fDiMoher. Te piana chanugeso ut i i sela c i tt taittme e- tperstasual uti itit ti ttnprecditd ac linenim oed itott h ie parlor, wic h patinient is cotmptesatedciftoi iy adthird ty itae this yeareteamtiantdscotetiae otiefetht l itinsdrtpted into ittfortnttiott iniothtetsIi thcii yearn nualuni.The otly oranizeurnoer it tr clib iooits rater tat lttttttcctitit fter av r a trteti iotiittcthich o e a tlce it is boo it v niunupalos. Greensiliiicutrtains title tage Itt goldadbleadtwotpgesteefnrtittH Iockeyclub.Oterifettire donithettriwidows optnig tion thie of blatit tuer iettig off a cutiof tieirnu ornhart trevewciiof trfootball seon it iitttttt vrrity-sertabuiat re sa t-ctty iy Fance S.Simuons, pitres of the iree Te roomaie dioning iti ote hasitot fie ccitt piircttice the pteeuCte N'Vit sit tend teseraclcsunio chis t e nfrin ihed It tie tlogt bear to the bootrdiof editoisendtthenteresttsottete rotre citanltclant and ttetieithiitced ttintilficielt igpar oft i the itins reaz in as faitir b tepr mtt eam, cnrs f ll am s ifndtirt ice reeurediton funihutu i n lr ett 1tnrIn th eca nr- j atd tieets at the tint yr itndtil a 1-vflhteohr icy Symons, mainiagiti- editin-r lt H at tte rcortd.ii r ilot is tnto aly-the mot t S. Stmtllietbutiiess tt-ingcr ;-A MNThItnetbokisdvoeitot cii srkig ftie tairomts.litthe cirier Clodn ian bumes mng C tins1'h me ldsocetesartrep 1 cii it ii th tidows oerooking tthe L C~ tee cicc J Itity r ' catic ith iitlitte iii tic i Sae it iiiC iituitt-tec Ifietthiium t meet thevic-t- I Conv\trli, N Fllu tecJR 11. Iiyreuu ic ttttiitl c t o ricc -c iia agentifcetttcat of the I. I liiiu nit .C.W ,o o t, hi lienvctieyearsrited thu uit c ta f r fll NR itgd NVictir- iiimch M ir. Lmatird L tiiter N cc i hi nly, lina r cuteof tmembeir aor finerscihit 1 n t i er gymunsium. e Oiutheir at- aortn dtr.Tae ftemn ic e vcisiother e i e oo izdb lrf i at santothic gift ac eduntrcut tr tTrnc ei dhe adniug itte iutt itng treucing trcteieutnll rIn tuadn ae-i, nctid ile ai i te fI it ra ubyhiFutu ud i) 1 ciiiu nd1 thi F ciav 1 hitAumcneAso- i shapei I ii ii i- - ticnift enniu iiv-ithiabhia kilticr ciir ri1 ad Lrh rtin)f it iii tc i chic o hs ne he toutri n eeh Atal ad iet n Cittlulciciitheii tieri iihivyibiai< ,o it le f hit he wlnes o th N ie it nthisi oo .ar vyinee stintc i- n i ch int e it ti Ithecfu iur tro t eidals itithi itee ni letc}thng iithecaecu i the Y t i n e tns t n cu tiiu h t uu - i tci t tci t u - - uc igu t e ot o hr )lttabodiii1y r Al tr iN acticl. i J-Ie Ih Liii'e and th 0holDc eifitCc o ciii ii thur llin i t ut unning'i 07 i i tuu c h c e fhiuoo tedtnocrsudelitiu i ci i firN i h JBost cL it h I . A u ,, tutuitIe utwith i Ci t ii r X1 c t i uuoohis tic s utiti e ehi 11ta tu cne t he rustotaabd hmusico t1 iic otyrfmnin etic et t tfig o hruhetlenaidoit th th e Na t o tdue e t ha u d w le othe h r l n o . B n ia of Glee, hrsi. J . eA . t-M c tugie ,to fSa t rii tLasev- Ittue wreth L ingat it ch b iotis i-tetic na latce e u ajhadM dlncutbsiii.ieC c'ictci teiitelet'Vrit o almth ansouhtct>hv oae ath a d op osite ('11the b musi al cl b; a d truifreh man leetreatlpr-a toutche or e tds t'ie hu r ur leoesliis~i i h li ii t tcui Tdasnuttur rJhreutue e eu ct-giiii tiu F l etcti po hurlu cur etuit u tsi ofi I et Our fr lin and e shr maticsuue thu r hci avtuei assieelintt rt nerIof Nd iii Ten filloeec PI of.n ac t ieo c '11I tubl ccic ii ti i-tiewrit-s te pnt- ie iscitnclue skt-. etut u Gen hid ll eon eeice190,ty l it iiS ir - m e ee cn vrid i fsheU irit Afice cci - tittimt paocrs, itit he5 1 ci .'et r ity thtrr u urttiyhinewneathlsnoftCttctihileaguersajunet-Srh ~~vl Iraitc veit it lc itici, itEarl Ci -t eetwartic c t ep t iuititpatrh ciiiaie. lc ntl alw ee t e na u inesstut trauicecc t chd iur C ut-i eitt dC ci t he annuatuetoitthit t:btimite e. Dot ofmutuc r nt at centeld. Materstt ot, Cu r le citet o e ine ubi c tin iuae h l i nctshrfT hteuer 11 t c a thur tar encomagr-tte c he bcetok cis dedicatdcli t Henryi a- tic uit ititrdinoin edeeitor'. Toe itcli igute inr ephrtCci ccecui t iii gtla n intrhe Joh Fik stut go Te]afthn urin a ethol igeOe fctur 1e leagu eh funtith emai nduteroir his sugm them- liu- it tet etc y c cut-ccit c hett at t ra~citu tctive it neccr hitic- hrm theIShueaBagduconte- shoerthnbutiucmcipterte Inbiograpihatbyi i mu ftt hi her niur ras aim ies ctNit and cter Nhoutiewtri g irn-ti t tu low S. Pertrteson.l t oci te titilci cpa e fue r iousthe hcli- tc ti-c i 'luu ldint reiicto y i n 0 Ild tic ('tu oln isi oetitutd irii iir cittterhasNiaue of - i t-I Liee t cuui feruc tgnveuaelhcuhc- r turcind iot Ot~he utubuceety to athndan t c tchii hu t hoera ofbtitut ne i on e pu e eri uueeotueI atuof tiue ear e teenk cud tftte c-itJ nth iii ttadtdc-ed ie lyciii- Ithepeiw dl atlyete a sr tteuthanited fti; nai Dauele,"tel foreti lure lent cdes te tsd ircty Ofese ttiottutunte T a hurociety bochi iscud l arecisertobl he- ii atcrtghi t- ofealcee as o0ice d ten on in-.s enc anthekrt deat mie e nin Tee of atine hl e toenm c ut fi ldlra tted, hy lciptuchclege theca her llle arc he o ga u ts1 AlL m T e c ti fr n f ll l sd l st v ok a d b en tee iof tc e eati r t hancu t ic t hete eailu tmtrtuene it til netuti O uiait e lbee ii taheimle hoo inforhe i.edi- "n1ethoitue te oryir;totutcta ungatedniue rktuithe restotal ytear.beMissc oPaen- tubati Tthiee-fottlatthblers hrofotn- i sinc eientu oodress theeigwthciwlhdtenst, iepr700to helaue h chuelitsutireheeenintdiiac htointrutpisthccipuBes ies olcut toriuehty-setauice Jeie Woods ~tehrtineeedy-eleted Inethecreac emiberatele opuoblte. ndhtrriuoiuut ot es nthturndiuffe reet vite-reidepe-utciafe cetta nx Tqhi sal nnovacugteeshat ftiontetie 'ic i i cnrtc thee heclase anditeioreunft-aeTeNeair hasbe pn a r bsce sofee ctsanare rellnntahy clea r mainsentu fierstof lier iii ienm in t liri e u in- ne. Aritut bfee nnitgtr o ruettyereo eaydeot fete fatsit aens infine itetofle tinaliecfatedthiaerMticfeteseolrtteuhie redArenaueipo inte hntesbeeent aduftei ersonotne cutoaeatdi oe theuittuThe onyaew otefcietii tenoconedfobydinuficilentttfnueteenatuorwetrore caes are iteattrcieness.Undogrtunes aritheIotrledtin cluagte o terco-Iemb sodd.itsaesetid Tmemerstrllsb lnie outalcegfaas ssbe reito i ecl uloapler wcoatofasedo notstheed groteg Ttihcere.rbittesparty ar.enttoarrangd iliatheyphiiirahou tc ppear atat.he fceso loliter catteeriacy h ohvenillbeengiventifordaiten apo hsePmostpraion hete450colldgpteclasqeneofthesroritieaftmclnts aacite rhuepccrance thheroitenalmcusn, iresbot irisnothonyodffi tto landbutmpuofeo rateranies aegroped.t- magel teot letershlastfmeekrto expot ene-toucarysou thissthdefrtgeitsentoeriofthechatdertib-D tog erocouo.rmnin e t6iunethatd ittesneersbeenastuofpteuthicheete repetistefatfetseugrocupetat'stheek.Tieohee Jluneift ewstear age lare nameysaneallcollegehos tibIhey deputneot acormgerlytheado-abaedoandwtat seuashexecingto gradh uaticassesof ats 5haveic eeneoften thesoiti n ei htlthe Ii coracethedrPusue It to