THE UINIVERISITY 01 MICHIGAN DAILY OOLF fyouw want... DIVERS, BRASSIE DRIVERS CLEEKS, MID IRONS, LOFT- ERS, PUTTERS, CADDIE BAGS AND GOLF BALLS......... You can find them at S heehan's ~We carry the largest assortment of all makes in the city. Our clerks are up to dlate Golfers, and will gladly give you any in- formnation desired in the pur- &Jase of outfits. We are Ann Arhor Agents for the following well-known cluhs: WILLIE DUNN, McGREGGOR, HARRY VARDEN, SPALDINGS and MORRISTON. ,ring your old Golf Balls and ex- change theme for new. "heehan & Co. PROMOTERS O GOLF, ~a SO. STATE ST. ANN ARBOR, fIC1 U. of 1" Barber VTO 3Te5 fhep and Ba hthe Ciy. eas ROOMtS, 2 STATE. 1.. Trsaswski BICYCLES REPAIRED PRICES REASONABLE WSe aeagets for the famous DAIYTON EBIGYOLE Cal ad eamine e ntalstoolsmanuac- turedad epa seied. *Al. 1. WENGER, 113 E. Liberty New Phen,553 FOR 1900 .?re better than ever. Prices, $25, .$2 aod $35 Cainiless, $0. lo agency for Orient, Sterling, Fowler, etc. Sundries. Tadems . y . ednt, _. STAEBLER'S CYCLE EMPORIUM 119 WWa~shinsgtonSt., Phe S. ,"K F. HAKETT. DEWITT ALLEN 223 S. Igalls t. 720 S. 12th X r rz0te Phene 48. New Seate Phee 208-r The samtps pt otolgrapi~rs A- BIG SELECTION0F.. W ALL PAPER Can be found at MARTIN SCIIALLER'S, 116 SO. MAIN STREET. DO YOU $1DOKI? 4 Pittsburg Stogies for - - - - 5c 6 Bill Anthony Cigars for 25c 4 Brunswick Cigars for- 25G Old Number: 44 SO. MAIN ST., DE N& O ANN ARBOR. MICH. E I 0' " Special Program for the Medics. Thcenmcdicaxl dcpartmntt of thc Uni- vcrsity uas arrangcd a special pro- gra of clinics and lcctnrcs for is ainutni to he iven commntcccntn wveek. Tilionclay afteroon, June 18, will ibc dcvotcd to clinics. Tuesday forcnoon at t rsoclciko A. M. Phcips, 21. D., prcsi- (lent of thc Newxx'York:Statc M4edical society, will givc a gencral addrcss to the xxixsnxxi. Tihc progratm for Txuesda~y aftcrnsoox wii coxtsist (xf clinicsxxtd an iilustratcd lcctutrcanxlixquxi air by Prof. Patul C. Freeri of titc dcpartmcrxtof iacacral cityem- istry. Two paers ihavceceenarranxged fat Tui esday evecnxng. Dr. Fredecrickc G. Noxvjuntorisrofessor of itygicetc antd phytsioogcal cheitc stry, xiii rcad a iapet ontthetcPitaste anxd Dr. G. Carl Hu-ersjuior pr ofessor oxf antomxy ants dxtectIot of th ixe lovxaaicai lahoratory, xxiil read a paixer cntitled *Thxc Decen- xrationt xnd Rcxscnerationt of Moator axnc Sensorv Ncrxc Enxdings in: Voluntaary :Mscc. xx dexaia fsrcxnxoon all thxe mdcixcal laxborataxries xciis e aisetato thte inspxctions of alcumnxi axadivisitin- pitrsic- xanxs. lTe speciaxl prograxmt:-xilcxncludxe Wexdn~essday afterxnooxn withcldics. It niexetedstat a large xnmbcr of thse graxuts anaxdiforxmxr stutt s ot5xf thc sdexsartextt xilxexprcsexnt siurixxx commxxexncemxx te~s vek xand ixnattexndan~ce upo ~~xte speciatl xmedicaxl prograxmx. Billy $eiicy's 'Spiel" to thxejxury lxx tse tMicfxixxexxsiaxx. Oxte Dollar. SUMMER WORK. Nuxxmerouts requxests ffor thec xaxmes o1 stuxdents sdcsirixtg sxxmxmxr wxort:a xre be- insg receivedcx. soxxx of thxcxm offerixxg ex- cellenxt poxsitioxns. Ant cesirixxg suchx pxsi- tionxsxiii dos well to lexxve taxtcs xxithx Secretaxry of kApoixxttment Commxitttee, -Xfoxsday atxd Wednesday, 4 to p.i. t At te last taxmsxtx yesterday, it was con~sicderecd test tot tox talke Foster switht thxc trackcteamxx to Chicago asxcliews nt a xxel esnssghx to comtxpete. SENIOR CLASS T AX. The treastirer of thxe senior class will be at thte ticket xindowv, side of the alutni room, Ciiversity itll, earl: Mon- day, Tncsday, Wcdncsdxxy and Thttrsdlay, fro 12 :30 utntil 2, far the purpose of receiving Ihe class lax. Seniors are urned to pay as soan an passibte in order thtat preparationts for graduation wteek maay be began at once. CaLBURts, Trexasnrer. Calendar. Friday anxd Saturday, June i anxd .- An:: Arb~or Art Schaol. Exhibzitlin af puils's wcork. Admaissions free. Saturday, Ju:ne a-Cicago-Michigan gamta at Regents' Field. .Mon~day, June 7-Last facxulty conacert of thxe seasotn, Mentorial hall, S p. m. Wednesday. June 2a-Laxv xepartment A new line of Mannattan Shirts just in at Wadhams, Ryan & Rentse. See them. S. Main at Twvice as mtanxyr halftontes ix: this years Mich xiexxcnsx(xx. ONE DOLLAR. A.ecomplete line of Adler Eras. Oine suits at Wadhams, Ryan & Reule, 205- t02 5. Main st. Admtiral Dewvey ii be in Detroit Junte 8th an:d 9th, and to enable the public to atten:d the reception to be given in isis honor Saturday, June 9th, the Ann Arbor railroad wil sell excursion tick- ets June Sth antd 9th, litmited far return to Junxe 9th, at axe fare for the round trip. Cover Design ix:blste ands gold by Whtitehteast for thxe zaiigaxexnixax. ONE DOLLAR. NOTICE. LOST--Lady's silver, opex:-facedl svatchx, onx State street, betwveen 'xiliamts ands Cathterinte. Retuxrn sxxmxe to 7:: E. Cathsrin:e andc receive rcevardi. 83 'THE VICTORS" MARCH. Do::: forget to txxke a copy of 'rThe Victors" Marcht ly Loutis Ethel homte Aritx y0::. Car saxle at Sixeiaiss anth ie Ax:: Arborxr M~tsic Co. 23 centts a catty. Students mill be Counted. Contrxary to thecucxstom: folloxved in: irxceesinxc cnsuxses thte studencxts of Ax:: Arbor xandi Ypsilatnti xiiibe coun:tedi tere anxd conxsicerexi as residenats of thxe cal- le'ge towvns : Sxxch:tax bee:: the decree issxued to Su:pervisor Mfetcalf anxdihe itas soa in:stru:cted thae enumtterators of thxe several tx-tds. Thsis wil adsd qu:iteita- terilly to the populiation of Attn Arbor whiich: sereafter xxiii be contsidered a: city D. A ITINKER & 801" BATTERS5AND IFUNISERS Headqarer for- AS, CAS, MESs FRsSHSsut aed Cmpte lie tosf Gewesise GOOSeansd .SWEATERS, AGENCY FOR LONGLEY HAT 334 Sth State $tree Cr. Mts ansd Hrenstreets. Capital, $50,000. Surptus, $30,0e0. Trsacts geeratbanking hbusness. R, Ksm~r, Pre. CE. GREaEsE,Viee-Pes FEssHiL SERss.Cashier. FIRST NATIONAL DANK os A r 86 Capita, Ctti0. .5Suptus, ad Prits, 40,000 Teanacsa en era axkin:g bsiness. Freg exehangebuteenad sd. Frih etter af credit. E.1). KINNE, Pre. iHARRtSON SOUL, S. x. CLASON Cmbe The RtlnfrM or Savinas Bank Captat Stee. $50,000. Srpls, $150,00. Resource. s, 5a,50,000 Osgateed ender the Geerat Baktng Laws at this State. Reertves depsits, Sapsad sells ehane asthes papcites ofathe tUnitd States. Drafts cashed pse proper detifcaios, Safety depst bst renset. OrrIERSx: ChristixsnMak. Pre.;W. D rl- ma, Vce'res.; Chas. . HtisckCshert . w.FitAssisontaher TII W. A. easeH, PRtESte perti W. ARNOLDsea~atdX'eeper Jt.C.U aeKH Ae t ahiesrSH VINGS BRINK Transacts a general Banking Business. - COLLEGIATE CAPS. S GOWNS aod IJ-OOS, CAPS apd GOWNS, A SPECIRiLT. CLASS OfNES, COLLEGE FLAGS, CLA55 PIPES CLASS STATONERY, COLLEGE PINS, COLLEGE SPECIALTIES W,.KERN & CO 4lt . Fifty-rseenth St. CHICAGO, ILL. rr 'A slice to pipeful" LvpVC~r e one reaso Pipe -1 Tbacco . why Old En.. a Sxistuavsncull glish Crve Cut pipe to. bAcco is so \ popular. ., The crved tin box that fits any pocket is another reason. No other pipe tobacco has ever made as many friends in so short a time. "It disappoints no one." A trial box will be sent to any one anywhere on receipt of ten cents in stamps. Address Old English De. partmsent, The American Tobacco Co., III Fifth Ave., New York City. All dealers sell it. SPALDINGS offiiai Jltbktjc 6004a Offcalaly adopted blls iading Ciieges, Shsts ssd Athti CIabs o the Cntr. .EEYRESTEsFR. Mass Bait Tenns Foot Mal Ahletcs , Golf Gymnasium Spaldigs Official Leagae Ball Is the Offiial Salo the Natials - - Lssgts asd al ieading coiege ass- ciatons. Spatsttsgs Base all Guide for 100, 10e Oft 1, xstoge.e A. G. Spaldng & Bros. arty addrecs. NIreYenK,,CUOeeY rin:. iBigg, 98e, tasxliwentsgixven:a The Ann Arbor Mustc Co. have paositiona viittte SouthlGWest Divisiot: of some inducements to offer stu. te fLong Distaitce Deptartmoent of thxe dents on table board; also one autte Bell Teleiphonte Companty xviiatheas- of rooms. q:harters at Daxllas, Texas. / / Quieliputon Shirts. H9.asllainieso U. of M. asnd AsnnArhor Tieows. Male a speciltty ef Studests' Rosms , aC74 MW7- fas Pashuight Wash, at resasable prices. Tbe New Oper)-Frort Sbirt. Wiews es sate at Cainis', Sehiedes's, Lavela, Buttons oll the Way Down tbe carda bos. asdsi 5allre sBokstore,. Frornt. Slips on ao~d off like a Coat. Differeot Lengths of = iisisstoos+i~slst Sleeve. Perfect Fitting. fry 'he.. fNeglige--Semi Neglige--Plait- NJO RTlH SIDE 1 CU IiPER D ed Negligee. THOS. HOWE, Props. , ' IOW ' W GNO&GO .02os r edwy. 457 Bell Phase SPRING HATS tHaberdashers SPRING OF MLW R SPRING WOOLENS OPEN FOR YOUR SELECTION