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June 02, 1900 - Image 3

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U. of M. Daily, 1900-06-02

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HoveYo Seem u e Dorcas Sos 119 SOUTH MAIN ST.-
',The Niagara Fals Route" V entscbler, the libotographer. Alarm Clocks $E.
Taking Effect April 19, 1899. U. of M. Pins 50 to $10.00. Fine
Detroit NightEpress ........ 5551A. . WRepairingRCEIVpecNTHaRLARG
tlantic En Tress............ ...7 45
£madap prs .......3147P.M. J S R C IV D AO0E L R E J L CHAPMAN JEWELER,,
N.Y rss.... 8. Boston Special ...... . .4 58'
Fast Eastera .............. 9 43 DISPLAY OF WASH TIES 26 Min Soth.
Mail ad Rxpres-..co ....8.. 40 A. M
Bston, N. Y. adChicago . S....9eFstw anxrs .........18P E U A 5 E G IHS U R - 0
C.. and a. Rxpecee......5 45
Fhiat Nigt Express..... . .. 30.. AR GU A 5 E G IHHQaE50 cve Y ou.
Caiicg h Expre or........... .0 A.M
Satesp es a ll. . .12es,0oa. o. The latet effects in Narrow Four-in-Hands and Bat
European ponts at Iweetc rates. Falli soa Wings. Silks, (Rumhundas) (aratha) 5o cent.
nation 00 appiaton. seenaoas PORCLAIN? M=
O. W. RUGGLES. 11. W". lE thing ot-oly placi th
GSP. & T.Ag't, Chicago . gtAnn Arbor. M ISl ,A~i- E.~wberY5cn. ht
Law Examinations. In The Feud1116 BurFumlln stllf1I
The followinig schedtle ci ex atic1-lThi. fild heing in sccdiio .as 1o 112 W Huron St N SPhone 119
ltN m~M~Pxns ios has eet posted for the lat epallirt pssibly pemt l of ptay the game owith____________________________
TIMETABL mIt. ISttRCLS. Clicago will e plled off today t bet
Taking Efet, Sunday, May 21, 1899. it mutlbe played in cud for yesteday
Trains leave Ann Arbor by Central Stand- 1. Crimtintal Proceedure, June 7, 2 P. it
Or im.2. Doestie Relations. Jtutt 8, 2 p, intte field preetted ato appteatce reeettoh
SOUTH NORTH 3. Cottrts, Jutne 9, 2 p. to1. ling that of a smtall ake. Buttetm gatie-
4. Torts, Jutne I7 2 p. itt. is to decide stpretoayoito the diamtod AMS XUST OT AT
No. 8.- tt25 A. . No. .- sats A. Al. . Agettcy, Jttne 12, 2 p. mt. tetweetCicago atd Mitictl atd musttiAMS XUST OT AT
E. 2-11:30 A. 1M. -No. 6.-2:30 P. B. . Eleetietary Real Pr., Jute 13, 2 P e plaeed matd or o mid. Te game at-
No. 4.- 835 PsM. No. .- d:56 . Mor .
i~. 10.-8:05l. i. tNo. 101-9:05 A. X EONiRsLS. presett statd itt a tie at eceh teatm has Whiten, beautifies, and preerveasb.-
Runhbetwee Ann Arbor and Toledo only SEONoEAnLAS tatnie attelitoncte tey ae spit even, teeth.
All trains daily eept Sunday. . Code Pleading, Jne 7, 8 a. to., Sc it is that today's gatme is ote of a
isndays only. 2. Private Corporations, June 8, 8 a. echatmpioship atttre.- ANTISEPTIC AND VERY PLEASING TO THE
. S. GILMORE, Agent. t. The Ciago tact arrived last ight TASTE.
W H. BENNETT. G. P. A 3. Real Properly. Jun~e , 8 a. i. att are eager for te game as they aeAldr
Detrot, Ysilati an AnnAr- 4 Eqity Peadittg, Juittef, 8 a. mi. beeco tiore sttecessfttl ittAtn Arhor tan ggll ta 25 cna rb nti~R
Derot Yslat adAn .r- 5Datiages, Jute 2, 8 a. ttn. ott Mrhaliedthiis ear atddthe- receppt of price.
bor Railway. 6. Eidencre, Jtste 1t 8 a. nt. cats to win. Miicigat's teatt is tote C. S DENT & CO., Dtroi t,NMzor...
Cars leave for Detroit and Ypilanti 7. U. S. Pratice, Jttne 13, 4 p.to. te less axiis for v itry atd are de -__________________
every half our, oeginning at 715 a. m. THIRD YEAR CLASS. terttited to pull otut teseie in todays
unti 745 p. m After that to Detroit t Wils, Jue 7,10 a. us. gatte. So tat a ontset is tastured. A
at 8:45 pm, 945 p mn and 1115 p m 2PsteCrirtot.Jte8 0a goodly crtird of roters winlteptmatters
Walln rom Crnr nnan M~n . PubicCrpoetons, J e 8, to a. . aong to quite att extett attdlsould te Praele eres in dancng by Mole.
stsDetrot. 111 Grtsold ttpreset to root othetorside toe in the gre.Irshoroagre-LesoofitehRee
_____________________ 4Secsee oi Juriprudece, Jtte i, tttnd if neeary. drcndAaeya anr
10 toatm"'ioThebaltitiocener ci thetor ieteamos
5Cttreyattittg June I, 4 p. it. wil probably hbe a folois: Ciao-
4 6 Extra Legal Retmedes, Jttte 12, 10 Mlerrifietet 31. Pae, cc.f. Kettedy, _____________________
6 M S o t alit.tho.;Vern, 2.Sttitht -VattPatteto.
7 Eqtity Jurisprutdentce, Jttne 13. 10 .; R. Merrified, r. d. Eittg.I1.;f; READ THE DAILY.
61 1a.1130 1 ; mlt et Hrper,;. Jihitia--iileGinsioimc.;
This copon psenrted ItoueCndc- Davis i.r.f.; eiee,21FlePhelser31.; 'D~l
sert with a ist Clat Ticet adle ay "A Toast to Mihigai" by Piki h hiny . etite, p. ILl
distnee eeoc he Wabash Railoaill xiii%.hlichigauteutaiait
entitle holdertsa fleerset in our Palatial - ubhiased EXCURSIONat JUNE gal SaeCashfoss
Rcliig Chair Ca. Thep are in daily poCmplshedits the past five years.EXUSO TO TOLEDO JUE on. --o old e=a
sevice to Bueffalo, Niagaa als, New Otne Dollar. Rocs year Toledo ishecoig more h Sivere
Yorh City.Kanoss City. St. lous ad all
lentcalit.IBrafst AuffAbor-Sup- attractive as ott Extrsi ott City, and ] A m id .
per t. Lois. TO REMOVE CONDITIONS IN Mihigai people realize that no more""m Ar od Jeweler
R. . Greenwoosd, MS. P. A., PHYSICS. deightfuli place ats e found to spend
97A amsS.hiago, R11 There wiii e aic examcoiaioct for ue aic afternoonco.'Tle Ann Arbor Railroad The ost Complete Line of
L AS reioova of conditions ii thirse I wiii ruts itt next exurion to the Cenc- LO W NEY
_________________________________(mcotacics, soundtt, an Light),phyic tenniia City 010 Sntday, June ltoi lea- OHOCOLATES
R 2 ( Hat, Eetriiy, acd iagneismc), icg Atti Arbor at 10:25 a. so. Te fare
aa lIU accilectraicoee physis onYeednesay, Juie for te rond trip till e 7 cets. No Itsthe City anbeho ro=
H eKN V R 6 at 4 t. mi. inthie phoyichatittditg. cie shottld fail whie ii Toledo to visit T T L r
J. 0. Rec, Late Erie Pantkacd Casino. Fiftee
4 TRA1IS DAILY 4 A. TosBrci. e n cctopays street ar fare tracm the city 338 S. State S a-
Betwen Toledo acd Celumhus, using nion tisionteontokthie Park trn and dicdsZoological
depothtlitil .,Studntare cordially invited to in d salotous-tetrOior frsfU MARTIN.,
TheeughSeepee t Wahigtoandeal0111ore. s ccciour to phto Ilue e o suits, over- caeso lot- hetetewhr is
coat, mn'sfurishngsandhat. cassperformncces are givet. On the
GREAT RAILROAD ocoats, mona Curnlothngs Candnbats
Wadhams, Ryan - SHeule, S. Alpainc ay My20hlceCaio.a FUNERAL
THE HOCKING VOLLEY _____ visited ly fifty thouand people. DIRECTOR
Write A now line of Manhattan Shirts just Howard hat at Wadhams Ryan & Embalming a specialty. No. 209 S.4t
L, W. LNDMAN, in at Wadhams, Ryan & Reule. See Eule. et hat on the market at Ave. Ambulance night and day. 4Oo
It W. Mrt St, Detoit. them. South Afain streeL. $.00. 200-202 S. Main stL dece 302 Fifth Ae.

inI~~' ~ " ' ~-~ WOMEN 3 .5,0
S20 STYLES IN .....
Bo af iEaePatent Leather and Tan 110 E. HURON SL
VV IU L1 Te ENCH DIETELIL Embalmerr and 3Esit 1 et Wiliaem Streetd
BIIKBH E s. Enoch Dieterle, Lady Assistant. S of law shsing. All hindsfl Fu
stret a.of repsertngsLantly doe.
OIJSSRSNTE~iS fITISFSGTION. Fourth Ave, Bsth Phsners129. O EL betPhts

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