2 ITHE GUN IV ESIT Y OF MICHlIAN DAILY ,. ._. Pubiseod Daily (Sndas exepted) dring the College year, at THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN OsraE: The Inland Press, Heaning Block. Bth Phones t47. MANAGING EDITOR. _ F. EGAsaRaD, '01 L. BUSINESS MANAGER. . H. Hoes. 'OL. EDITORS. ATHLETICS,. . G. D.HUNUTTe, '01 E. T. B.Woonow. '00 L. A. H. MDoesoL,'tI B .B. WOD, '00, W. 1,.IHEew, 'toEM, L. J.MONTsOXERT,'100, R. H. JENEons. 'OL. W.A. KNIsHT '01L. V. T. Event '03. Mes LLANw K. SLosen'0. The aabscrpto pio e 1DhIoLe s $.50 1or the college year. with a relatr delivery eore aon ah dy. Notices, cmmunaicatins, ad other water intended lee phlicaton masct e handed ia at the DILoficeb eor 8 p as or meiled to the editor eore 3 p . osf0 the day prvius to that n which they ae epeted to appear. Suhscriptions ay e let at the DAYoice, Meyers or Ileftet's newtand, or with Bsiess Mnaer. Sehbcier will cner a ayr y rorisag praptly 01 thin tffeay faiusesof arniers to delivor paper. All changes in advrtising sater mst e in the osfie byd p.".en hestay peioso that oa which they ae to suee s. A NOVEL CUSTOM. A Picture oi Student Life Presented btj the Girls of theCbllege for Women. Ii is pleasinig to learn ihat in the midst of college work in the west, tose fetivities are not wholly' forgottetiwici form so grealti prt of easterns college life. Al the College of Woimen Western Reserve University Cleveland, one of the greatest evente of the year is Tree Day. Otn the eollege camps, already sturdy' oaks and beattiful pines proelaims the patrioisin of sophomiore clases; bt the maple panited last seek by the elas of 192 bide fair to ottstrip it felows. The planting of te tree, hssever, while a fitting symsbol of elass pirit, in not the nost itterestitng of the exereises. Great preparations are nade lythe classes that Tree Day nay be tiore tat a mere ceremnoty. Certainly last seek's exerises proved that theass of '02 is not lacking its resources. The first task of the juntior, setior atd freshmett classes is to elect a speaker frost each class to represett it itt atser- igteeeharges atd to ward off ilhe its of te sophomores. Te setiors letd dig- nthyton the affair by their a"'earanc itt caps atd gows; the oter classes select appropriate costnnes. The class of 1902 preseted te trial scene fronm 'Alice it Wotderane." It swas given in the orchard at te side of Clartk alt ithle presence tf ltusnres of spectators. Thse freshmen were bedecked in ye- lose taffodil costues adtte junitiiors in large gasdesthats, armtedl wit rakes atd watering catts. to represent -Misress Mary attet"her fair tmaiecns all itt a row." They tmarhed itsatd tonc their places in tie atdietce, te stage beig reserved for te tree class speakers asd te sophonmores. The play sas cleverly worket out ty the girls, as tneary as iossibe like the original. The sophomisore class, repre- sentting studies, sore great cards painted weth rest hearts. Ossthesebaks of te fair pasteboards sere sigis cottainisg te nmanes of the sttdies represented. Gytmnasitm sas the joker, for reasotts best-known to te girls thenseves. The jury examnitations, vere garbed in feathery costumses atdsore bird tmasks. Each jurvnt had ont a lotg red robe and white wig. In his hatd he carried a foutais pen atd examiation blatsks. Alice represented "1902" and te play depicted the college world at seen by the nebers'of the class. The complaints made by Alice against the prisoners (te three class speaers) wills their defense composed in the main the but'etta. The kin' and queen represented the faculty. University spirit wao peroosifed by Dr- msonse. who was constantly napping. Mockc Turtle was a play on the half holiday of the college. "Flutks" had their share in the glory of the perfort- esne, for who would attempt to picture college life withott them? Hatter, gaily garbed in reel and wite with a huiec sandwich in his hand, sig- nified spread, and White Rabbitt, up. per clas dignity.. The jury trial gave atpe opportnsity for alt sorts of good hits and funnaking. Thse sones of the book had been para- phrsed and were scattered trougot the seboe play. At the close o..f the trial, the prisoners swere all cotvited atd sen- tesnced by theIking-Daffodil's pntish- ment being to dig for a -ear. The pro- verbial spade, shichs at the Women's Col- lege descends yearly on sopomore to freshmtan,sas then delivered sith an appropriate speech. The class after this ceremony marched on the place swere the tree ad beet planted. singinsg "We're the Class, We're the Class, the Class of sho." The quessn witht a gaily be-ribbosneed stade weent throttgh the formo of plantinsg the tree. Thsesn, while each class sasg its owt sonsg senors, siusiors asd fresmten, mtarched throsseb the ampus. Clhi Psi Banquet. 'Te Ants Arbor chapter of Ci Psi, its conjuntctions sit the Detroit Aunis Associatione of the fratersity, held its fifty-fifth annuotabanqpuet at the Ressel House. Detroit last night. Hon. Don M. Dicinson acted as toasmaster, asse in the responses of tlhe oldest aumni and the latest ititiates the ong history of the Alpha Epsilon clapter sas msost thsorotughly sad deighfllsty covered. Massy Detroit Ci Psi's sere presest, inclusding Gets Hesry M. Duffield, Hos. Thsonas \. atmer, W. W. Hantnas, E. A. Got., S. T. Doglas, . N Caffee, J. X. Asndersosn, Johnt B. Archer. D. J. Davison, Dr. S. P. Dffied J. W. Fits sey, E. A. Gt, J. C. Hart. F. . Hinhs 'sats. F. A.t. Robinsos, Elliott T. Socttt, J_ J. Steed. E. Y. Sweif, P. A. Van ur- ess. X. H. Wels T. J. Weadcock ado others. Battle Creek. Bay City, Posstiac, Gransd Rapids asd Cicagos wee also rep resented, as swell as Ants Arbor its its undsergradutate asse alssmsismesssbersit. Upos thIe cossclusioss of the programs of speechses, tnd college and fratersity sonsgs, regrets fromss sasy relresesstative Chisi' wssere res, amoncsg oters. frost Eledridlge T. Gerry, Hot. Tomsas B. Reed, Chief Justice Fller of te Usitee State Stpremse' Cort ex-Cief Jtstice Hortons. of Kansaos, Clisston Scollare, Clyde W. Fitch, Hot. J. StirlitgMortos. Justice Franscis _M. Scott of Newe orte Court of Appeals, ad Govertor Allen of Forto Rico. Earl Samsple fortsery swits 1900at, of Greenfied, Indiana.sas smarried re- cestly to 'Miss Flavia Freemn, also of Greestfield. STRAWBERRY CRUSH (FRESH FUIT 1 Oc QUARRY'S De Fjries'.,. ART STORE A sew Assortment of Oval Frames end Frame Mouldings, just received Do not fail to see them. Stabler's Art Store, 217 So. 4th Ae. New State Phone 173 W a te To ell D. Chase's W an~eu Improvet Reeit Book during vaca- Students to te etst agent ast handle. Our regular Agente mke big msney. Can give goed territory. Prtfcularn by calling at tho Courier Office. JOHN E. TsAs't, Manager. LOOK TO US FORS' Fine Clothing,-flats and Furnishings Our first offering censieto of the odvance style, fresh from the£ hands of the foremost Fashien Makers, THE STEIN BLOCHI CO. Every Fabric that has otrength and Charac- ter in represented in tisl collection; every style in vogue to here. No merehant tailor will give yen the same style and patterne at 50 per cent. wore money. . .. .. LI NDENSCI I ITT & A PF L209 S. Main & APFELStreet }© 4. *1. OJ ,J s 4. 0 AFTER THE MAY FESTIVAL Stop in at PARKER'S CAMPUS CAFE nnd get a good, cold glass of Soda Water. Strawberry Crushes h0c. Wn have the exclasive right to the refrehment ntand at Athletic Field. W. S. PO1RKER. b 0 Q 0l Q1 0 SCHLEEDES BINDER ILUL 100 8TUDE5NT3 'WNTW Big Profits. Quick Salon. A good way to make money thin summer. F. SCHLEEDE, - - - - - 340 South State Por a SUMMBV R CRUZI SB take thae COAST [1NE TO MACK INAG NEW TEEL " asThe Greatest Perfection yet PASSENGER attained in Boat Construction, STEAMERS. r' LanuriousaEqaipment, Arhttie SPEED, COMFORT -_ Furnihin, .. Decoration and ADSAFETY. - r,.' Effcient Servico... . To DETROIT, MACKINAC, G[ORIWAN BAY, PETOSKIIY, CHIICAO Nos other Lse fes asorama of 4605nilesoof equal variety and interest. Fourarsere Nek Between ODaand Night Service Between Toledo, Detroit and Mackinac Rigt Btwe [TFreIT. aDir[[ctioAn. PETSKEs Yn "rso o 'E 81 AnRQEnTE Berts. I00$.05 Sateroom, $2.15 eNs DULUTH. Cleveland, Cnetosar aea leeadwt LOW RATES to PictsoquedMackinsc and Put - in-Syan sd SotwsaatDtoittfoesaltpoins Retura, Inludtgaelaland Berts. Apeeoa. adT teo Nothad Northwest. nae stoCle veandr,sssO Ots.tesOfromsa nd70 { Sunay Treipsuer, Jly, Augset, Toledos,017.15; fren Detroit, $14.5I Seteahbeandte tr Only. t- endO 2eforItted ampsnhlet. Addses, OH IM i tIof lo t A. . SCoTn, G A., DoTRoIe, asCo. 1UUUNv GAS AND ELECTRIC LIGHTING SUPPLIES, SHADES, PORTABLE LAMPS, ETC., A SPECIALTY. SANITARY PLUMOBING, STEAM AND HOT WATER HEATING. J. F. SCHUH. 207 E. WASH NGTON ST. 'Chose JNew_.,,, You see out every day come from H0LM&& 5 L VPhone 106. 515 E. Liberty Street AOXF %0 DiS MEN AND WOMEN $3 OO JOHN WAiHhiR, 55SE SHOW" WINDOW THE SHEMAN SEE OUR LINE OF 50 GENT PE~tRL HANDLE KNIVES AT MUMMERY'S DRUG STORE. A