be Nor 94 Palm4P VOL. X. ANN ARBOR, NICH. SATURDAY, JUNE 2,1900. No. 183. Spring Announcement O. H: WILD &c CO. We have just received our line of spring woolens for men's wear. It includes everything in staples that are suitable and de- sirable for the season. We are also showing full ranges in nov- elties, in quality and style to suit the most exacting taste, consisting of 'Top Coats, Suit- logs, Fancy Vests and Golf Trouserings. We invite you to call and inspect our line at WILD'S 108 E. Wasbir~g tor, St. Artist Whve bogtouot Arit thstok of Atis MteiasromoWet - mWoes Book toe Mtaerials od hove dded to to the smeuno li i 00now opete 'Ott Ptto, Cina ad othe WteCo- os,wig Ppes and Brsohes of all Wilder's Pharmacy THE IOLD Foseerlweks whove 5oyssod ew osodswth RELIABLE a¢1ln fLNHS I GARS anod TOSBACCO YIpms A EttA LTY R. E. JOLLY & CO. Are you going Sto Paris?I What aoutoroKodok?7Woldt itbena ood ida o c t ot oow i l bt he toslots otimeoand let si ke it foryo?3 ICALKINS' PHARMACY 324 SO. STATE ST BASE BALL AND ALSO A LARGE STOCK OF JERSEYS to New Styleso and Patterns WAHRS OUR CHANGES. sstill ae to tae a larel fight for a place TRIP TO PONTIAC. ut, batring accidents and possible pock- In Inerco]le rte.-AClos Con ret cn he should e able to lod as good InItrolgiaeACo a ot s0 second. Hayes ought to do as well iu Senior Medics Visit the Eastern H-os- Between Chicago and Michigan the half but e too has a stroec field to pital for Insane. for First. t uclk against among them the samse Ma- loney that Teetee has o umeet. McLean The senior tedics of -the Uiversity, to preparing to comment otn the ot- ought to e able to run as good as second accomtpaned by about twenty-fixe seuior come of telay's meet the records that in the lose hurdles and out of the bicycle larsoout the ausal trip to Pontiac base been msade in conmpetition inthie eetts Mihigan sonld get ee share of yesterday, to vstt the Insate Ayum I- various eulnatd triatngelarnmeets this points. The oS poitts here involed setl cated ithast city. The trip wxas fr the probably tbe nearly eualsly cistribeted prpose of clinical itrttttiot, folossing spring ase been consulted attd the con- amng Michigan, Cicago, Wisconsin te conse of letres wshict had bees ditiotts under wshich these meets swere and Ntre Dme Tiree cc foutits giens to te senior by ele suerittend- cut,otnsidered.-Int imaty of thets it is too shottl cmte ottr waey ott of tie cts of the sriots asyluss of the State a ttatter of mecre gttess sore as to sehere seightevenits busste see ae too uttcertain assited hb- Dr. W. J. Hercian of the and scune of tiesitor colleges uay step medical faculty. tlse pointsotill fitaly fitd a resting place. itsattract of tine strotg tmet. tr tsettEat variety of insanity atsdttetta That thte tmeet sil be close and fiercely are strons bt seettm tunbe to stay it-tertgenent easdemetotstrated very cotntestedt as beets a foregutte concitsiots setel intg wedicsoitg teir titows cealeyI to tie setios b presctitg to for sme tt ks. s cheges. ndCMicaotigator attdrasCntinnogbe antide formdtfsientreaatottf teuntyumt bee eenepokts uoedatthtettder duffponetstll ttstlutateeseof d titeono asylumt tat bets uoetittpn a te lades bte Wisosit has a couple of ,good pole undere diseussion. Tie cliticl lecture to selotnth ie fewspitts welieh till edecide vasslters atselClifortia hs well repteet ws gtvets by Dr. E. A. Ciristin, stper- tite esetswill belotsg at tite finsis is a ed there and tiey seth figt it ottfottttetttett of te hospial, tnd satsery qitestioteoo hard to attser. ele points rettatttttg iswhettDoak hascsinstuctitve andtsdhorough. Dest- Poe thirdel sace te race till be qite tketn his. For secots ad tltisdinthlie Aloolc Inssatity' anPrtcDmn higshurdles Hulbet, tof Neter Dttetcwsxteated cliicialy Dr. I. H. as oeroseitXWicotsinsCter Damte attelFreelMuosey still fght it ot wt Neff - x) sistant ithie asyluttm. Hit re- atsd California asele cottetding prtie. litle oddns otneswat- or atotere. -The o''-mark lshoect careftl study atd present- Illitnois attd Northwtesternc tmay be ex msaintgoseonseandutth iirestill go to eel teclttnical fact itt eccscue in a pete t pcku^a ew pins ortanetcorage te stmaller colleges to sendetclectrctnd precie tmanter, whliht tas isetei o iie 5n afee oitistsretiunteatsanthtier yeatr, tste istsose whichelsitth]ti ppreited bitthose rio iheard thse rest ofsthte field but th ey are so fewsso tsu fall itt Xionosisc ttoto. It s hint. that thsrttlev econtedl among thte nt a citchhowsoercthcatethose abutve After te citicl dmtntratots a scattered. itetewsill go to te tmentcto whlotst. ste t xxas mtadetrotgt tedifferent Theplce wlit sthae givess tr uitt teter ae te logtclwads Of teay lmth ie clas bitg di- Theosicexseit rntt5Ipints for first, couisiottnsie theit of the season'stiedintut fie seciots, and ech ecitio 3 for seconsd atd t for third. Thte to- worik ittcmptitictn. beigttn charge of ote of te assisttts. tutu for ele itwo leers till be very chut ie isi tig teswsads tier clitialit- to 0 poinstachrunthtie secottetbtttchs till Go Down in the Finls. stttetott sas cootiosete, sehetsattittmat 3of pcttrticarinteest tas reaced. At .usc iton ntit abouti200 points uaie etd Thtursedayputt a cietotxMichigttts pesenct ttrec are suo65 imatsstoittthe till saler asgootd field noosassedtestotne chattes itt teWetrnsIttecolegttecas ttoustenttmbere of itttses bing so of thtem pickinsgep ai Iointi or so. Tennsis Citasmtionshlip race fothtiti ctarge cttstelcoportuntitv stas afforded Chicag's stegehs liestot tie srittospritt en stostsAhcraft antiherrytcifell feetclnittclitstuctiotn. attelruns~, bl oteCtrerDamttetill msakn efeore the itrotseseof Chicago's temtt it fittcimtehi of d oles. Sissev heytte More Changes in the Aerages a tronsg bid for poinstoittthe twoshcteswred tatderier mithesetcrsfl andetit is itobatile that thesreitoteats ts:Thersentrites us toe a cotiidr- xcilsisaie and share alike int tres, PREL IMIN'ARbY:MACHt alethaksin gtp ad etiertetangtemset its th Miiigano greater shrethistics the NAshcrft defeatedi Zittmtermntt ofbattntt ci ' C - attsott atdohped iothtitesdtes't ftoms fito to oixth phatee xxhile Becoeu fiel eventto.lbarrisgte weights, thiielt l1iien, of Cicgo, eefetet XXhetry.has eisenfttetsfit tithe toit positin. are thithesr ste to be Californsia's. Xis-S i -IS nw tttttostek is Xedesday's cousinsetcoesintong onlesilt' cwalikFIALg'aite is torled t:henisttiftotttsiths lhce Gottltiebsof Clieesg ,oedefeate bolt lbefore the GcolRiptelsgctteto aitisst butthsill xpiitrobably e eosly first esaft ',6-to464. ate etsuplaetwi tit te titlenotches. Tith tee tollbeitt'sixelicit by tnuerousCisee Inthieed osleeste recortd of te ih totie stndingttwiththetile t whCino ae ansd ansd thid places. tc pltayedl u flltr i n itall usriectis cii tegaesn. Gty Frostscompa~risontsof list stork dinet XRIte si iteRr eefeTCetH N neil e achdhq itngeewtheschis woutleappearethaitstfit pla5cisottul steand sreetttnstof A.XrItnsItithe,6 tintraes hitghettthanltho Csoe of tie smen to Mtchttgartsi te hisgh hutrdes, thelile 6-~t1taedhaoxe. Thie feidntg aereags .vti adtht ig tm.Thitmei-SMI FINAL. categ very little froms gamte to gamec butt ttotn is srnsg thosghitsall theseanets Acrat Xad ierrctdefeated en-Kcthegnrlten a.entofl f preitli itstis lat t~sstd. rsstteos:ootsxf Northwsltns, (-, 62. pot or twxo intseti. pecall inthelat nmed ArstrngSox's all-rotnd sok for te sasont s te sly tmastit inte wstoshare dose FINAL. shots-s ti toswel pserhap as usxs-oe's, etter tans 5feet it ittehes its=tlis0butt 15he (Gottisetebad bHleotf Cicgo, te iClipoitototafI unes m sadeIhe falls bt hasno awas ee sue f isgratr e le cfCtelXdlscr 6o, 46.ose beintelMcGintiosto ittaslways 6s-2,t hca' be 6-3eof.isgrete b eene bCiesit runstgeterousthtite Cas. hteight itt comestrits assetClifornss- -His ihittigios ligtly better thasMatc's sinseits lo e wthtwso good cstsoict Oldest Ltvtnq Graduate of Medical ne his ieding sow s bit loer uer- wchoIese cectelsuehose5 feet to;!inches,. Department. ag" e to souit-fielders bhowever Dutt of he trereuases ttnd te htalf-ITe seetc ldeiartmsents of thisc isten easitlytleadfietr hntemteso tmierunsssChsieagosay' b detsetded u~p ostx w eiCtld ictsmi-centennssiai luing arsso , a toS1dse, ibate-runninhsg ad scu- o geass at least twou firsts attetas Ilcaoy comCt'ttetent wt seel. It had eseniantc- Te tatle below-gtveste record of alt (paedeigrht clogthsial DavidtlXXasen, te tose omect stio hscie tlye t tie seconsd, to s otuiittn of ele first that sstiionseirlmbra, oud ealepydintlas is their's is inte lourtsdesy xvitueof hfleouroet, sgCamettsteo rthistitiitsCLson. C.t~ciI Peed Maloey's ork ch. XWher Cicago possiility. Mr. XXardt sns ose f six Piesyel.Renss Ave. As. detsot suits inthle dashes Note Danse whos cotmprisethes first cltss grauaoetesidhctcoe 5 . 4 S "33h6 probbytill assetosut of tetw so onte first frtiomtohe Chedchdeat ri eein elsesets- ioet.. ,o.321 902 t stay go tu thse Indiana mid. Gfisey resise professer of hemiestory o te Ag- Cotte .....7.8 2t6 .328 .96 siay also be extiecte to take a first oris rictltural College, is teotly sror.Cn tton t.I o6f.08 .754 ettcisetstottrxcbceesrt.Tht e tise foote of te class are as o- lims....18 2 .95 94 iesxn's ttout ofsseotAolexuottirevensitedtatsonuyt.. ..7 4 090o 857 kas ae lxne de tWyereralso XWisconssin is srussg and out-- intt86s) Afretd ayles (dedelits171 hitey. .s) 2 eisle..25 840 sde of he scal:the sy till Isrobably owinhIesry Hunsmanos(she t O kaDIIa, .tO.1o us satty pins~tsite bike eentts as its a., its t887) utnd JohnsssBetnes(lied et eoscict. .308. .t. any othsre.T'u California belots first Leenwruort, Kat., in t1868). Uthey. . . . 17 1.70 place in not only therhauterethrow' but New Sf o optl Miller. . .... 385 .933 tsr sot Isst s sell and two or more A oesafe aseeno Hopurcaelfrh secssd stlt ullto hei to. IhsoisUsiversiy hospital, to take the pac of Tds ae seemss fairly sure of the broad jumtp and thor one recently dmoished by brgars. Yale vs. Pincetn, tCcxc Hven. Northwuestern hs a good graft uss te The sfe wilt hr placed in tbeusain hal Anhert vso.Lhgh, at Atmhlers. mil re.owno stairs in the lower -hal, instead of Notre Dnme vs. Nrthtecsrns, at utilerunin the hospital office as foerlty. In its Evanston. Besides these first which can nearly nese position it till be constantly watch- Xiiams vs. XXeseyano at XWiianston, alt be placed among the five leaders there eelby the nurse on duty nd by he night Columbia vs. XWest Point, at West witll be sundry second and third placen ordrly. Point. comingr in to be added in the totals. Cornell vs. Dartmsout, at Hanoer. Michigan is reasonably stre of one or Manser Baird ae out before lea- Pennsylvania vs. Georgetown, at Phil- Iwo points in the dashes. The quarter ing for Cicago that the fifth eTame swith adephia. and half miles should bring additional Illinois wilt' -ot be played. Illinois last Harvard vs. Brown at Providence, points though in the first named Chicago game is on next Tuesda-oo with Minu- eoit vs. Grinnel, at Grinnel. wtll probable -qualify no less than three sota. Their college trk ends then and Ohio State vs. Oberlin, at Oberlin. men any one of whom can do the dis- the team wishes to, disband. As no Wiscnsin vs. Minnesota, at Madison. sauce, in 51 seconds. game could be arranged before that time Purdue vs. Indiana. at Bolonington.- With such a field against shim TIetzet it will have o be given up, Holy Cross vs. Vermont, at Worcester.