THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY. 7 fl flw~l~l~l :+ : .+ l~l~l*r + l~l~l~l~lflfl :~f +l , l~l~l~ll~. Q3flQ+fl 3 C3Iea, l~l~l f~f " +l fl + KN OX, AND ALL THE NEW ONES NEW BRAIDS, NEW BRANDS + 131711 %fi sQOODEED' MICHIGAN CENTRAL r - ',The NiagaraFalls Route." I e CENTRAL STANDARD TIME. ' Taking Effect April 19, 1899. Detroit Night Expresse...........5553 A. a. Atlantic Expressa.......7 45" (braad Rapide Expresso.........11 10" Mail and Express .........3 47 a. a. U N4.Y. Boston Special .......... 4585" Fast Easterno..............0943" Mail aad Express.e .........08 40 A..01 Boston, N. Y. ad Chicago.........923" Fallt0WesternExpress........... 1 38 r. M GION. aad Eat. Expresce.......5 45" Chicago Right Expresse... . ...39 43 FatificExRpres..............12 30 A. a. Steamship Tichets, all Classes, to ted feel Europea poitt at l:cooet rates. Poll inftor- mationon00application. 0. W. RUGGOLES, II. W. HAYEcS. 1.0P. & T.Ag't,tChicago. Aa" tAnncArbor. BURCHEI TlventlJ-fice1 TIME TABLEThDalisi TakisngNffrct, Suanday, 3lay 20, 1899. the "Coliege Es Trains leave Ann Arbor hy Central Stand-.of Bosltn, Mas dTie SOUTH NORTH pti s abotldtl *No. 6.- 7:23 A. 01. No. 1- 8:56 A. 31. ved to the s111: No. 25-11:30 A. ry1. *No. 5-12:30 P. hi. No. 4.- 0:35 P. S. No. .- 4:50 P. ma.ntd Etnglatnd. t~a. 102-8:05 P. 0M. INc. 101.-9t:05 . M. The stcidentl b *Run hetwee Aaa Arbor and Toledo oaly five classes, eiz. All traias daily except Sunday. tSunadays only. Juni:or, settior,a E. S. GILMORE, Agent. msentbees af ea( W H. RENNETT. G. P. A iamong lsetseli Detroit, Ypsilanti and Ann Ar- offered te fell: hor TRailway . conttributionss 7: Cars leave for Detrott and Ypsilanti Octoher next. every half our, beginning at 7:15 a. m, t. Fifteent pt until 7:45 p. m.; After that to Detroit fifty (toc) doll: at 8:45 p. mn., 9:45 p. mn. and 11:15 p . th sud.t Waiting room, corner Ann and Main to uesuet sta.; Detroit. 111 Grinwold ot. ontthie afterinei 2. Flee prize each far the hi 6 t t ii Ub . The suittio G utar tic oll he eqt COUPON NO. ONE. ltnstdents ril, This coupea presented to our Condac-edetts. toscwithna Frst CtasTe~tea*ding ay Bysway of expl dsaacer over te Wabash Railroad, wil entitle hoder to a tree s1ea ttnoar Palatal the palcers with Rierclinisg Choir Cars. Thep areti aoipy has I ie se rvcice In Bufoalo, Niagara Pails, New hed:()ut Posh City, Eansas City, Sr. Tlode and alt art hiographty a: -per St.Louts.1 R. S. Greesnood, t. P. A., etc. Tlhe third Wablash.aRN R. Oilphilosophy, 97 Adams St., Chicago, I1 eil1 y.Th HOCINGI VALLEYflT.claies ifthfi stne illlie a 4 TRAINS DAILY 4 lredl anidity{ Between Toledo aid Coumbus, ting Union All coinpetit: depot in both cities. lie followsinig c Through Steeper to Washington and Boltmore. I. No: papler GREAT RtIILROAD (ycoo) wordsa, p THiF. HOCKING VILLEY antlione'sd Write 2. 1Nst tea L. W. LANDMNAN, pent samtemst 11 W. Fort Si, Detroit. scriptl. THE BEST MAKER OF ~tsc~ct th llhottapev5MaHOdld Guitars ScsJsph Blians, Washabun's R C I~ D ~ Snand Bruno's are osale at the The Fine Tailoring Trade of the City. IELD, 106 EAST HURON STREET Have You Hundred Dollars in Prizes. n ee: :0 :f :a nttiecess:::n .ay Puitsintg Comps~ainy s. stti.-thit:thdis coiin- )isa mt ionttlyvpublieca- .c "College Esa-:.'":de- let lbodey of this countr:ly boily swill he dividledin tto freshmtteni, so ooe, ittd pressiontal, ancldie eli class will cemtiie Ies. The eompaiiny hss otwitng prices foe the test o libelhand~edin its befoe tozes of onte iuntdreid aid seas each swill he aweardedl weritinig the heal patters mtiotin eteme.. ces of 'thirty (30) edollara est poeritntoeachs deisart- ofotne hsundreid (too) :dol- itally cdividedI taiotig use ititig the bsest cosllege itici- loalitisicestill chile itat h e grooped unider face rattire, etmblsacing hitory, tid fictioti. (2) Scintfic, smii:iie, lass geologs. stwill cmpeenid palpers psychtology, religioni ans esfoutth swill lbeudesvotedt ter ini each of the five irt thsreeIhceds afosremseni- wared: a price of onse Iscit lyeO) dollies. os still tie goveredeebly ondeition,-: :shall exeedlfiee thosoiand:: poes alidmitedi tosfifts hures o four liinidedlword,,,,,.) ede of the page only. author's sioiiatiie but h s st aecomtpan y theluanu 35. His amae, peitn: niue, tnamse of col legean cilassi musi t Ibe seitito uiiunere separate seal ansd these sot to he at:: ed: intil tie seleetiensiavoe beetn imadee. 4. Thle imanut:serit aenttto tie lefore the openinig of thse esllege yea r 2: ste inteidita get ouit the firstisue cdur- inig Oetobser. t. Eititanuicriptcmsit he acots- pattiedswithit samtps for e eeiintg. Thse price of the 'College Easay" ssivll he two tdollarestier yeiar atte eaehit a;-i ant still bse expecede to titail use ahove atmoutiw ituhiianusciiaripst to easer oe yee'ssusecription, thua eo-opeeaniveiy enutsng tliuc teseaaof1the pubiipatio-,. Sucriherstmay I eti i in pesuoffice or express msontey orders, or ini bankteckets, edrafts or ecah itn regiatered settees, paybet h CleeEsyPbihn Ca., P. 0. GBo 7, Chtarlealstwn,_M1ass. LOST-Red silk shawel Saturday tight, betweeen opera house aind 720 S. Uniieersity ate. Reweard. Si "A Toast to Michigan" hy Kirk its the .tlicii-~iansi~t. Tue heat Miechigan poemt putblishedi intshueisast fSte years. Otse Dollar. EXCURSION TO TOLEDO JUNE in. Eaech year Toledo is becomcing mare atteruetive as an Execirsiosn City, anid Miehigan Iseeple realize that 00osaore delightful place can he foutotd aspetid an afternsoon. The Ann Arhor Railroad still rn its nsext exectraionto th ie Ceus- tenial~i City ott Suniday, eine letit, teav- itig At:::Arhor at te :25 a. ms. Tue fare: for the eroiunedlticcil he 75 cents. Na ottesotitd fail swhile inTol~eedo to viait Lakie Ceic Park atid Casiino. Fifteen centc pays street car faire fromitshie city to ite park atte returnc, and includes ad- misiato Ccltoe Pick aid Zoologicali Gardetts, alsa tos lie theatre whiere fieat class performuances are givent. On the opseninig day, May 20thc, thse Casino seas visiteedhyfityitouisanid peele. Howard hats at Wadhams, Ryan* Rcule. Heat hat on the market at $3.00. 200-202 S. Main st. senour POHCELAnNS? Fan thiag ot-only pla ce in the :where yoo can get them SPEGIJIL ROIT[S TO SENIORS The BcI~rrUmdn Studio 112 W. Haron St. N. S. Phone 119 A MOST EXQUISITE TOOTH PASTE Whitens, heautifies, and preserves the teeth. ANTISEPTIC AND VERY PLEASING TO THE TASTE. All druggists 25 teals, or hy mail upon receipt of price. C. S DENT &g CO., Detroit, Mich. Private lessons in dancing by Mr. or Mrs. Ross Granger.-Lrsrcsn three bearters hoar, $1IR. Offce, Resi- dence and Academy osn MaynsardSt. READ THE DAILY. t DoItaIold " Old Coldand .Df ~Silver... Win. Arnold, Leading IJeweler The Root Complete Line ci LOWNEY CHOCOLATES tIn the Cicycan bc found TUTTL B'8 338 S. State St. 0, M. MARTIN., FUNERAL DIRECTOR i Embhalming a specialty. No. 209 S. 4th Ave. Ainhulance night and day. Roa. dence 302 Fifth Ave. Oxfords for AND 35 iI20 STYLES IS...... r1 Box Calf, Kid, Enamel, Patent Leather and Tan 110 E. HURON ST. EN C IETR.~maleran513 East William Street The 11 Fun el nthiilel, aeraI Dirrector ie rsiy ajst one-hnlf block weat * Fine Ill ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ o ShoLpi~N dirt Ld ~~at of repairinag Ieatly doeasea I G~~ZNFB fTS O 1P1 o i .Lb rStreet. Reaidence 6Ida E LambEert. Photos WE PATRONIZE GOODYEAR'S DRUGh STORE