III es-aestlictic, pschological and social-S
soca-hich undetlie the most notatlehoslcn
ii!~' theories of rhetoic acl coil poiton; g ~ ,
(z napiaino hs rnilst t a S c iieDaily (Sundays exceted)ct durin the certi urgetprblms the teahi at a Sa cic
THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN, wit WOIIOenc fthpl in an d 1 The way our shoes are going will
Block, t of copoito wr int osottnd surprise you, and the prices that
BeitT ota Pes, 1e7o.citt tx are makinag thenm go wiil surprine
Bath~~ tn i )
In cotnnection with titese coutrss Pro- you still more. It will he profit-
MwANAGINGOt EDITOR. tessor Scott twil oe fite lectture, tthichta ahle for you to be surprised. Drop
F. Ia at. oD,'OS L. wtill he frcc to all stuents atttetdtttg te int ta and try it.
HUSINESS MANAGE. suniettrt sess0n, ttyont tltc lolloactoe suib- int-na
a..BS '00L. sects I The hAt of L ss Correctiocn; GLASS'S SHOE STORE,
gDTR.cDsse fEec en3Vr 1 09 So. Main Street.
ATHLETICS, o, D .. BeDecay, '51. Ett m t ielttttle of Ltngiisht Opea eveaiags aatil ANN ARBOR, MICH.
T. R. woollen.'011 L. A. B. MeDoulaL, '01 Grtmmtar; a. The Use off Ptctotrttl .Art- 8 p. M.
aJ, B. WOOe, '00, W0. D. HICREY, loo I, 10 lhe ITeachtig of Cotttyoitionit 11._______ _____ ______________________
L . EOaloealY, '00, B. B. JERNcEGcAN, '00 L. traced hy st eteotio viws c
W.A. RoasHTe 't1 L. V. T. EVAeNS '03.
Teewlbean exatiatiott lot thte
remtoval of conditions in yhesi rs t
(tchitcs, sound, ancd Light), ysyics N
- the college yete. with t regolae delivery before and entrattce yysics ott Wev dned Sr t 2 N ew .
noon each day. Notices, commuonicatione, and etea Y,ttt I il ® II I
other mtter iatended foe puhblcatio otust he 6 at 4 y.. itt. ill thte yhysical btuilditt. I
handed in at the DAtLY oalice heoe 8p. in., oe li 6.RED
mailed to the editore befoee 3 yi. ofa the day J.0=ay
previos to thot on which they are expected to A. T Oosotooc a, It Tice ig deman'd we have had for
appear. mar Spritng Suits go to showv thte
Suhsceiptions tay he left at she DAttY office, SENIOR CLASS TAX. -
Meye'sor to~lt'snewtaud orwit Busnes -eood values We are giving our
Mnagee. Suhscrchera wcll rootfe a favoe hy Tite treasurer of the senior doass tilll
repoartlog yrompytly at thls affie any failur of be at th -ike widw sieihecstomers, thew'aytlhey are matte
arier o deoline aper.o steco Alutttti room, Ustiversity tall, ech Mon- -z uti the ty le and general appear-
the oaole hy 4ay. cc. en the lay yrevioue to shot Y, Tuesday, \Vd "oa at autrcay pleas the mootfatdos
on which then aee 00 00 Ocr. frott 12 :3o utttil 2, for the yuryose of Pes fastadtous
rcceivintg ste class lax. Seniors are - and for wvear-yota have our p-care-
urged to yay is soont as ptossihle in - antee tttth every sut.
English and Rhetoric in the Summer order that preparations for gradutationlt
Session. sweek maoy he hegun at ottce.v
CorcooN, Treaslurer. ~ j jSTAEBLER & WUERTH,
_Twos conesill Englisht iitcratutre -and ___ 0.,tn-, - '
fotir an rhtctoric sitd English compoysition CLTHER ADFUNIHES
tave beeni atrranged far thte siimmeur se-..."".....c COHESAD UNSES
Si01n sof the Untivertl The woirkc itt 4. onte Cristo Cigarn, - ~ = rio
Eniglisht litcrature soll he gi ett lby Pro- La Prefereneia, 100lt 211 S. Main St.
fessor Isaac N. Ocitot. Course t is King Albert 10 - ~ i
etntitled, rTe Teacinig of Englist Lit- General Mereer ' 1 .+ti . SCHLE EDE' S
ertue" h wrkwllb areiw f Chaneellor ' 0 - ~ i v ~ 1
ertuc. lt tok ou aca cicv f Green Seal - - t10oc
Brooke's Entglitsi Literattare, witht as- RylBnec0 E PRR
signcd readinigs for echl yeriod, itid dis- Powell, Smith R Co.'s Perfectos 10e
cussions. Coinsiderabale titte twill he given SlSihRnel ios-ler
to Shatepar, ad cite play will he Sanet &C Hyac 100t + U IMN ®
react critically int lanc. STA LE & CO
'Te title of course 2 is 'iitcricait ST E L R & C
Literatutre." Thtis is ati outliate of the+
subject, switht assigited readings fromt tie .. .....~br~,10 TU E NT ~ N~
yriitcipal authtors, atnr discossionso. Big Profits. Quick Sales. A good way to make money this summer.
While either one of ite courses nay he F. SCHLEEDE, - - - - - 340 South State
takceit waitotit thte olter, there twill he ait - -___________________________________________
advantage in akig them ogether for 111 11++++++++.1++ !.++4-i t OV a SU $R CRUISE take the 7
rpe ofd Amcanoiparative stoidy hettweent CO S LI ET
British antd Anmericain authtors. The Ui SOSODNAc O AC I A
varsity library offert excellettt facilitiesQ
far Itese couirses and studeints cant profit- e NEw STEEL ' . a, The Greatest Perfecton yet
dcl. sted ttei et~ie tite syonileti. ' ~PASSENGER attained In Bosa Construction;
Slicy Ipe thi nietieuo hm STEAMERS. -Luurios Equipment Arttilc
While the pcdagogical siide is eutyha- - -SED OFR unihn..Dcrto n
sized, they twill still be found suitahle for - A SAFETY. 'x Efficien Seric....
all 'alo twish to go over thece subaecats. j
In coinuectialt swiat these couec rr TO D[TROIT, MACKINAC, G[ORIR AN BAY, P[TOSK[Y, CHICAGO
p N~~ocother ieoofeaatPanaema ofa6inileisoial vaieey andinteet,
u-ill he asisigned for graduate studets n Fo ear i. peweeak Bet Day nd Night Srse. ettion
_leadiitg to a secand degree. Toledo, Detroitand Nackinac. 'Niht e~o s D[TROIT AND CL[VELAND
'rTe twori in rhtoric aind Etnglicst coim- r EOI~ TESO"onrio Gl tie, i5 a, e msaaru'a.a
De autats. Clecond acaie ode atCiec codwih
position wviii conisist of cotarses ini part- AN Eanethr~. llpinsEat-s
graylt-tritiitg andi thictit-triliitg aitr j Lost ano~s toIi raae.q, na,51,ai aaI Put- In-Ba' co caiwetada at Oteitfrallpcioaa
teachters' courscs itt ritetaric ainch couyo- Fuee I.. t To re , c atti a, tle,, Triee,. adT ld Octhaol Tip vee, a ye. .t
sition. Thte first tto will he give cibly Icii,o, aab eon iat, ka75 eptealerand ertiaseeol
Shirlry WV. Smtith tiid ithers bsy Pro- IT SUITS THE TASTE v Send a. ce nicstt,tc pi.iht. eadreti, ____
fessor1 Prcd N. Scott. A. A. OciivtIA G.. A., DETRiOIT, MICH.D rt DRIfO CII IY6Nf.CO. R~
Tha courses aisotite d y Professor Our pure fr iti juices aid delicious Ice) AS ND E CT I L GH NG UP I S S A E i
wh ecor wisht to prepatre to te c rem-h che-AT- erhvrgsGA N LCRC IHIGSPPIS HDS
rhtrcattcmsto n the scn-PORTABLE LAMPS. ETC.,
ary occtoolv. It i, recoumitended that te HANGSTERFER'S, A SPECtIATY. SANITARY PLUMtBINeG, STEAR ANy uOT WATER HEATING.
courses lao takcen togelter. 100 E. WVashington St. 316 5. State St.
A large collection of referece books, J. . SCHUH, 207 E. WASH NGTON ST.
tcxtblookcs, phtograpths anrd oter ius
trative niaterial rclatintg to te trork of 'T'..+.H.++++++++++1"'.++4i...3.4 'Chosec e _,,
thte comptositioni class, trill lae ottent to y
thtose tvho elect thseo couirses. ______________________
In couirse a, eititleid An~ialyvis of Etig-13 k e
lislt Prose, Gening'v Rhtolrical Analyst i ne Improvedl Receiptsa
trill he used as a text-baook, 'Te 1S11l Booka during vacea- I
te course it to illustrate anid vcrify the Csetiot, thte best set-
esseittial priinciyles of rhtetoric hy an ex- hodnt ig hook that an
ammatDenitioceytaOnrprregulartAgeietes'gent can handle, ±son see out everyday comre from
. 'lTe authtors studieid are makeney hi yine
Huxley, Hatwthornie, Arntold, Macatiley, rglrAetmaehgmny rv GeadSotoue.Te Can give good territory. Particulars ~ U ~ ' T~~~
olewin booekt and Sreoed e t y ealling at the Courier Offiee. M 0 I J S ' LV E R Y
follovittghoolc arc ccoutoende forJotax E, TRAVIS, Manager. Poe16 t .LbrySre
collateral readiog: Lewes's Priniciples Poe16 1 .LbrySre
of Success it Literature, Spencer's Phil-
osophy of Style, Bates's Talkcs on Writ- °y-
intg English, Minto's Manual of Ettglish NEW STYLES
Prose, 'PatclWeindell's English CoinpositiontFRi
Genutg's PatclRhetoric. ~U ~ U O
Couse b it entitled Methods of 'retch- 74 ME N O E
itig ERtetoric anid Einglisha comptosition. OF OD
'IThe course trill takce the form of lecitres,J O N Y H .
assigned readings, and disctussions. It SEB SHOW WINDOW T011E V\L Ai- I x