THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY. 7 SUIT CASES---A.LL STYLES STELESCO SPES Hv o seen the indestructible ase ? 11 ° MAIN STREEUT MICHIGAN C;ENTRAL 4, The Niagara Falls Route." CENTRAL STANDARD TIME. Takinag Effect April 19, 1899. Detroit Night Expresso...........5 55 A. a. Atlantis Express ........7 45" Gran~d Eapide Espress .........11 105 Mail and Espress ....a..........3 a7 . N4"Y. Bostss Special ............4 58" Fast Eastern............a..as3 Mail andExpeses. .........S8 40A. a. Baston, N. Y. and Chicago......... 2 Fast WesternExpess...........i1 38 . x. G.ER. and Kal. Express .......5 45" Chicago Night Express...S...s94 Fcic eEapresse.............2 3d A. Steamship Tickets, all Classes, to and fom Europeas points at lowvest rates. Fail ittrfor mation on applicatios. 0. W. RUGGLES. H. XW. IHAYOc, IS P. & T.Agt, Chicago. Aget Ass Arbor. TIME TABLE Takalng Effect, Sunsay, SMay 21, 1899 Trains leave Ann Arbor by Central Stand. ard Tine. SOUTH NORTH *No. .- 7:25 A. M. No. 1.- 8:56 A. 11t. No. 2.-1i:30 A. 5M. *No. 5.-12:30 5P. As. Na. .- 8:35 P. m. Nc. .- 4:56 P. S.~ iNs. 102.-8:05 P. 3S. fNo. 101.-9:05 A. M n*Run betwee Ann Arbor and Toledo only All trains daily except Sunday. tsndays only. N. S. GILMORE, Agent. W H. BENNETT. G. P. A Detroit, Ypsilanti and Ann Ar- bor Railway. Onro Isars Lfr Detroit, and Ypsilanti every half sur, beginning at 7:15 n. m. until 7:45 p. mn.; After that ts Detroit at 8:45 p. mn., 9:45 p. mn. and 11:15 p. mn. Waiting rsom, corner Ann and Main ste.; Detroit.,11 Griawold st. '6 tt I COUPON NO. ONE. This copespreseted te our Coaduc- sorswithba isiClats Ticket reading any distine er ethe Wabash Rilroad, will entitle holder so a free neat ianor Palatial R~ecolining Chair Cars. They are in daily Lsereeler to Beffalo, Niagara Pails, Noe York City, Kansas City, St. tLouis and alt loca toedpinis. Breakfast Anl"Arbo-Sup- LIper St.Lousn. R. S. Greenwoosd, M. P.AP., Wattaslt R. R 9t Adams St., Chicago, 111, HOCKING VALLEY RY. 4 TRAINS DAILY 4 Between Toledo aeed Columse, using Union depot in bothc cities. Through Sleeper to Waehington and Bltimoe. GREAT REILROAD THE. HOCKING VAILLEY Write L. W. LANDM1AN, 11 WC, Fort St,.Dereet.f , l101entschlcr, the plhotographer. 4 WE HAVE JUST RECEIVED ANOTHER LARGE DISPLAY OF WASH TIES A REGULAR 75c ENGLISH SQUARE-50c Thse latest effects in Narrow Four-in-Hands sod Hat Wings. Silks, (Resosebondas) (Bdaratha) 5o cents. U. of M. PINS Observation Train For Barnard-Yale Boat Race. Mr. J. W. Cutiss, chsairmeane o1 tse cm itein ctearge of the Hirv-sri Yale boat race, les inedeucedlte Vermeoest Central R. R. to build ae ten observation traits. It wrill be provided wtheasll the msodertn safety appliatnces and runee as smsoothsly as .a teoderte vestiblatstedl trails Thse entranece to earls car twill lee intshie centre of otto side, writleate aisle peassinge sip, to the rigltt aind left of wchiell t be fottr rowrs of seals. Thsese are all iight baedeswsitle seuffcienst rise for teoaceu- psats of each seat Itolease a clear tien over theose int he seal below. The archeed rsof of the cars is so seeptorted stsat so obetresetioee sotote e x ises to a ca views, while at the santeteese protectioes igiven agaiteshsowrers. Thse cart are decorated atsd paieted tee crimsont aesd bleue, MACK~ & COO Aen l e sinti015 for etaensal Train- islg Tleaces wtill lee held reelJseee 211d see lhee StedIl lighe seoel buildineg, Ci- cageo. A circelar onthse subtject ra est e serenset Presiete Angell's office. CeeretDesigeeteeblsue aend gold by Whliteheadeelfor Itse .tficlei eeesioee. ONE DOLLAR. Allsenitor las wtreo is-ve sehscribced fetr ienvitations .are requeested ice ascertains if thsey havse ue for aeey etore, aend all tose whio hacv ent ordered- are re- equesteed to do so at onece as thse fuell 2,500 'hare sot yet beeen sebscribed for. Ceestery Mticlsigseaitsia for Dete Dol- lar. Tlhe followring scores wrere meade at ste last soot of te Guen club: Nortone, ef8;Soetle, t7; t ltlesey, 1f; 1Shsoaff, j51 Fiser, 15; Colliess, 15; Alarm Clocks S Watch Repairing a Specialty. J, 1. CHAPMAN, JEWELER." 20 ann Sth ~. Have You senoar PORCEILAIS? Fiy thing out-osty place in lby. .wheere you seen get them. SPEGItAL RTES [TO SENIOR~ Tio B~vur11diSiudto 112 W. HuronsSt. N. S. Phoei119 A MOST EXQUISITE TOOTH PASTE Whitens, beautifies, and preserves dtht teeth. ANTISEPTIC AND VERY PLEASING TO THE TASTE. All druggists 25 ces, or by mail rpoxf receipt of price. C. S DENT & CO., Detrosit, DTich- Privsts leesns in danceng* by Er. sr Err. Ros a nce.-Leossn:shree- quarters hose. $1.tS. Ofie, Real. denceeandAcndemyeson ynard St, READ THE DAILY. Dultdl G6lfi, I 10 Salet Cash for- Old Gold and.' Seleer. Win. Arnold, 'eaung- The Most Complete Lise of LOWNEY CHOCOLATES lee tie City c en ho ro, TUTTL B'8 338 S. Stale Sa. 0. M. MARTINI. FUNERAL DIRECTOR, Emibalming a specialty. No. 209 S. 4t . Ave. Ambulance night and day. P* -,a- dense 302 Fifth Ave. LOST-Red silk sltawl Sateirday Gustheree, 12; Foster, 4. ight, betwreen opera house and 720 S. Utniversity ave. Rewrard. SI The overcoat left tonste balcotty as Granger's Academsy Saturday evenineg, "A Toast so -Miechigan" by Kiirklet the Mlay nth, cats be sad by callineg at tse .tliceigaieceesieen. Thse bests Michsigatn office aned describiesgte saeme. poene publisheed intthie past fire years. Otee Dollar. The Ann Arbor Mhusic Co. have some inducements to offer stu- EXCURSION TO TOLEDO JUNE to. dents on table hoard; also one suite of rooms. Each year Toledo is becoening msore __________ attractive as ane Excursien City, anid Th i i allfy isg reeuneds ith le gol iStichtgaet people realize sisal no meore 5. 1.5setler dlelightfuel place caee be founed to spetid naeut-ew tere ~eue serdel5aysandtrill ats afteretoots. Thte Also Arbor Railroad contsine e sereetaeiender of slits creek. trill ruse its sext exacursion to the Ceis- Tie Sixteene teskineg tilhebesrseeres trill seseeial City ontSuneday, Juine le, lear- ft e eereeteitntt~ l tog AssetArbor at to0:25 a. itt. lTe fere quealify frtetunmn n o l for te rosend trip trill be 73 ceests. No those emakliegs co ~ere offless thanseezon oene shsosld fasil whlile its Toledo to visit as seeems lt leete olpienion of msansy. Lake Erie Park and Casitto. Fifteene cens pays street car fare fron thte city Thte Forty clueb rill et gire asethier so te parka and reteeres, andetisclutdes sid- etissiots to teePark seed Zoologiael 5party tisiyer becaee su etitbe dte Gardens., also to tie thseatr eleore first coeeM sot be secusred. classr performeaences are given. Des the opeening day, May otie, te Casienoteas Assemeblies trill 1ta1ecplace at Granegr's visitedi by -fifty thosndstpieople. Acadiemsy steder teedirections ef 1ir. arli Howard hata at Wadhamns, Ryan & Mrs.,ERoss Graesger Satuerday evseniengs, Rcule. Heat hat on the market at Jueee211tee.,q9thsaedelthl.. 8:30 lt t1 :30 $3.00. 200-202 S. Main at. o'clocke. Puia .iirsWMENU Eor AND _____ alf, Kid, Enameldatnt Leather and an 4EHUR .11J L I This ENOCH DIETERIE Embalmer and E l 6 13 East William Etreet I aFneral Drector Uni erst ut one-hanlf blokwest iuin fgIR r Ms nc ineele, Lady Ansistant. of law buiding. All kinds WARN R nd i Shoe Shop rep ns~~eatPhone.i OLISRLNTEBS S iTIWF~iOTION. Na. 115 E. Liberty Streset.esidence 69a8 p EE asker.rd a lo WE PATRONIZE GOODYEAR'S DRUG STORE