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May 29, 1900 - Image 4

Resource type:
U. of M. Daily, 1900-05-29

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T~c ivm~~x~ ) M0J) ALLY

°-fRI1 - A FS~i1==fR REI,-
YeRan mitessw
We carry- the -largest assoitent
of all makes Ain the ciy Our
clerl s, e bp t :te 4(MFrS
and will gladly give you any in-
-formation desired in the pur-
"chae of outtfit.
Wlle eAnn Aror Agents 3for the
Ifwing wellknown lobas:
r~ig your od -G~T~als an4 x-
change-them for new.
Theehan & t,:o,
32o 50. STATE STS.- AANN AER, til'Cil
S iaand ah the Cit. Re-
Roomis, 322 STATE. J. Trojnowki
We aeagntscfor tn famu
- Calandenamine. Detatiolsiauann-
taRi'i1daa i"d"ll ' I
_WM&UW-NG~FiRll F. LibrtyNew hone 55~
Are better than ' ,And $3r
Wtar $ , Kmssean, 60.
Alagecy frr6iien, Sterling,
-Fewnri' etc Sudries. Tandenms
to rent.-
.f'l°W 9a7 goaSt ..Pone$.t_
223 So. logalloSi t I7 S 2tf
New Stnie 1Z ieAj$41d1 etnioPhnei93-r
PHA.' =-d rt e,. rtT l t an t,1 in .%) :



A- r I 3 r n..00.er nson p. nse.S
Can be found at
4i'iftsl u gv toges fr - - 5C
6,GBi1,At Wy-cl-ig tsi _ jOar
a - ~ rulNvicligaS fil 7225,(_
Old Ndmbeir- - '-
- PgOFESSJ1ONA.L BAJL Aalendarlh
{(Cntnutaed frfee page 1 . ¢ droe dar, I'ty 30. . iclttgan vs -
anti netted eiglht inns. The 'Varsity Illinitos at Detroit at 3 :30 P. itt.'
Profs, didn&ndtscoff: tiitil the C inl lii Tbinsd :y Ila5 3 t-Entertainmtent at
of hefotrltan fft ~ T~* It e~h t riohalt firatoug N\Voman's Chris-
of te furt andfifh treemore were Yi. M. C. A. qutartette, tsisited by E. I.e
sMdecTbt til jead't -t-"aaters4 1j the AMoore, edeattd $,V:issRose, LFrencit_
talfi .&d totnast/Vlig er, le -Nbrmal Ivoln/t
a-ttytr n t atttts"_ t yi tttean T i a.-'

adqu s fori
and Completeelneatof YXNASIzUX
ooans and SWEAnTna.
yerey ., QNL
334 South State Ste
Ctap!tani,.,66%( 5.ilinrpluF, ,St,0055t Tranacnte
generat tanting bautane.
R, KnwTzr ;;e; (jtt' . F gTnsj _, V ice-Frey
rananete a genarrat bankirng bntibri e -bentig
teadiange banttanti arid. Fnit-1ir ettar af
S.D.KSMINN, Pre.r. i~idlftISNSOQJE,
z. Vie-P tee
LCapitat Stk. $0,000. SairptanPWl9,p0i.
it enaur-cet, ti.t0liiO. ,
Orgnized undertthe.Ceatrat Banking Onwe
at tbis State .Reiesaepar tse,, innand neits
ei e S e nthe prinripalte of, theCIt nited
gtatee. atDrait h pdneo pe r identiration,
Cai"tip an~st" boes aC t. t -"L
Or ,Q Chistan Mark Pres;WD. arri-
ma.Oten . k>Hsc l, hierKM.

LULI , ~ p , x iMtlcaine tobat._ - j 1rA kFbse-.-
~ ttie ttidReed trio taspaigaI t nis tr<orkt. Adtaiseio fre
sioCi ik ffteIie a bean- S1t ttea-tc______
tiftul . atch ofa- pop fly bnt that spoiled jgain at Rrgens' Field. Joutt.C. « . _8 O
tint forinurter tate to the teant.,:Pat." ?Vonrlay, Junie 7--Last f~cti-Ity conceert"I
fielded hit position !t'ell and had. several; of Cte seasot; i, Mentorini thal, 8: p. no, - IBANK
strike-onto .to itis credit itatd it wsdn edocoday, Juie 2.an-Lw iepartmend Tateo eea
to good pitchting rathter thatn to poor;rennint-t. Ranking Ilusines
bfat sc itln at i w ercetoade off of line -. -
for 1It hrCotweing eras acctirte ettonli Ca f. §ET TOR .CLASifS -TAX I Sakern bigtebl utwti raho Ftesrro liesiiicaswl O A f
batE ti Cie tl ttc etttt ai ofa 4 Cratrro tiestttctsci CO E LAECAPS.
.tc , be it thte ticketweridotv o sde .of tClii WSs nd HOODS,
Lairdt at second itase itia-yd oorr tttt"mto .t.ctl mt'InRe .n.a
fieldttgge ttefor the e tcite snd-trtr addi- clay, htcelday Wbntc-<day aod Tfirrsd it'CAPS, dGOWNS,
ttotn itad it e eon tteboil tr iit c amoe iotiri o tit frtit ectot f PEISLY
toItin rcccrnp:30ion abc0 o~re $cttir otf
tt I ttt s itnedl t i sfoilow :'f'ilch' inam ed to jey at coot asc iect in LS N
itga1t---ejoolnlc- e 8atoereos p , Bonra orde to tll npre-itoitne fitr ttdttitor4-a
lat ib..IrI ddoprl, h " 11 lOtei:, 3b-. d ty liteo' al tt onet,.t ' ST cIl-i IV
lend l s .opnbardI 11 f inoblood; - - Cictr]. - no c r titr OLLEGE PINS.
ti.t LIF'fctt rt1 'foci Itr t ma cotttta
P-eel c ; Iitl'arl n6od .; Sheridr IP ;r,7}" S PCIALTIES
tint t(1, -213. il30Ven _3b. .Suvo41tt s.s. C. I, bi Wr 08i L Lit of't'-orti ant, Pa",aI - y
ititpitc 1 l;f" ; utIkain, ft l arbont tis in thoe city c-he gttet of' ftientds. les~e W '1 ll-N &" c
cn etttc t rteoi :th im iuditt l ianntact of .ittr~e ftcSt.
I tttttlti<e----4
~n'cr t' .y0.0 J_3f,j3 7 /I N 1r'it - 0 I O ttn, S rr+ -* -- - _- ieto
I oi1as .1, 0: o 3 itrt.4-i 3 r j jse inat Wadhams, Ryan & R -taerws'iI
13atttt 1 01cs I t ot lnerjoolinonote' - ae-a ; pipeful
t it hn attd EPic.il Lnqprce fSptrittert Ot lzt ~ lt; ---a.r -
antri jo< ci it _ Dr. Heard its established a fintc petic- 4RE one reason
is a rg r7t t tie it No le ti st. Ie -lea. fioned a, ppe 4 ar
Af 4L a19N T SFIQ1 S 'fittnfrc ii fitlil rotiter celo grado- jiobacco hyOldEn."
.0 rtptt s trat owt and unpI cmn loui t~i lo ttit Sc'r111 clir cl i rdttitnt ]it >4
1 ls arvif rti, n4!90'p .;far: noun - ]t 13 NO VGTIQ ~ - t it pto
ls etnti YI n. o-Adai iri~NI IA _TED aTV 0 /Cs-Twvo ennpe
;i ci yCCn a diR tOe tent ciatinet Slavers to fill te vacancies bacoi~ so
r; si C 1V d ra ns, ti. & atti1e-200- m r let .
tai E L~ iTNIIIION, Mge. - \ populari.
rv:denS n areerdiotli tented to r in 1,Mr. .LColton left 'csterday for - e T- e curved
ffptepc-enet Fons C iii oe-Nrd; Cateahtia as -at c'ipt weoogledph-
eoats, mtp'sp CpeninlitEngs,-a; d.-'hats"- -
'c phams, yan,- xeule, r io . t S.er it the nititoy of tte notot~ietn. - Mr. i bxA*-s p nte
.. ___.__________;that_______ Ctltoe ta to oeetsittttt--
bth aint e tcttphoarahren oter- q No other pip e tobacco has ever
toAnti i tI cEtray il o.be g3' ilv~ne trtpoteohitit h Lcro-ra easO rw d$dm's hr'a iefi.ioe-_au-~y ~,th h n
Atit a i t-ai1d liid o tre o e - l i toe l aff:' t°diap oitsmadee._
_ _lg_ _ __et c:n oi)a ratime.erid 2
Co tted he ecptinhivert pt ofnetenricentsiin
Anatr iW a d wils ella & eefot etick- ItronoT Red wok No~ho;l th Uiedy tr It disappoir~o n Toae co
clve J teSu ~e illtcphfert teto ttsgreetuni ca tlt opt, it}ty.aed 7
.r, o -ff 41: on 1 for lot-,°i________'A e.__ivorkeCity
-1run . ticrty.r41er All dealeos wll b a o iy
hip __________- M I ii4- Jegn ie iylh~ @Orcitg e osi
4~cn~ S 0S~ap~11et1 )Sttes cost taueto f- -- cwasuGo fisiavend w toi Ciy
Pie Clabs at tie Cauntry.
Coat. Di fferept Lengtbs of ... EVn EnaRQUcSTEaFRe.,,
*o-".s Sleeve. Perfect Fitting. Bane Rd.' -- -fl
_ Foot Ball Athl~eticsn
VI e g ig e ' I- lhliI~es Official League Balli
_ - aA -iaia spatdingnsea17n i~fo19li
&PiI~rO ATS._~J, ljni41hiern Htzndon jCat? n
v,. ~ n.y .: --________ Srits___
~ R I Gb~9'~ TION

3.Yi E7 7w QS1E 5

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