T 2 THE t N I 1AtAi'i Y f0 1 1k-t1I 'GASN DAILY _. ~younZg manI who is busy that is most in LOOK TO US 0 ~. ~demand. It is the brave fellowe fighting U . tn the rantks for whom shoulder straps FO ate waititng. Go bravely at the work Pufsead Daily (Sendatsexa eptedt dart g the which Provtdetnce puts within yottr reach Cottege year, at Retmetmbet that fitte sayinig of Carlyle thsat te best teacher for the dttties that THE UNIVERSI4Y OF MICHIGAN. are dist to tsis the performance of the orpicH: The Inaad Press, nenning Mouk. duties which are clear to us. Keep your nets Phanet 147. soutl open itt s spirit of candor and hun- Oar first off esty, ready to receixve swhatever way the hands MIANAGING EDITOR. prove to be thte divitte comtmandl for you. BLOCH-ICO. ilUseNESS MVANAGER. Senior Lawse Decide Uo Their hereis repre ti. II. itas, 'taL. Orator.patrst EDITORtS. Somtea ago at a tmeeting of thepatrst 9THLETICS, 0. v.IIUNUT.'0E. enior laws a cotmttittee of five swas ap- r. a.'Aweauttan. . A, 11,.Mc~anakLta'0i H pointed to look after list selection of a B.3.WOODnsn, '0 , a.w.Jta. cE, 100 L. tstass ofatr hedcirimgmittehdteLJ.MNGMR,00R.H EEAN10L.((nmsotoedsinghe office so a UIN D EN S WA. KNsueT '01 L. V. T. EVANS '03. I contest for thes.hottors was decided uptots A F Mitt LILIA.iaSAB aINEt'05. iatnd held Friday evenitng, four judges be-& A P E -ing atptoitnted to decide uipoi thte merits of ite oratios p reseted. There svere three contstatnts for the place, J. Ga. IDonaldson wso-poke ott"The Govern- >0000G+0 +0+, titetat ofthue Phtilippintes ;" J. A. Moist-, In charge of today'sansse, gousery, subject, Te Ideal Lawyer,".z+ AF E A. H. McDOUGALL. attd A. M. Clottd spoke ott "The Policy of Metternsicht." Te oratiottsterre all IT I Igood wit the decission svas itt faxvor of+ "The Choice oil a Calling" Bq Dr. -A. M. Clotud, to sotothleihoniors wiii Q' Angell. fail. It wiii be remsetmbered thtat MIr ' "Cloud hteldIthte first iplace on the debatitig The cerrettnumbser of thte Saturday ieeatt Michtigans sent to Chicago its-April t Esvenisig Post is a college manti's nuhber. antd which swott out over tite Mistnesost ; Amn- gte articles ott the stibject of the , teamos tsh u lts secured for :Michiganfirst b pace inthie Central Debatinig Leagute. prolettts tnd Iprospectsof icollege ment, a 3 as seett by thteir presidensis, is a good Annual Banquet. otte frott Dr. Jamses B. Asgell's ptettott 'It '*Tse Citoice of a Callil-." It is 5as fol- I.Thotanuol bantquet of teet Chop- 0 Fine Clothing, ilats and. Furnishings fering eonsists of the advance style, fresh from of the foremost Fashion Makers, THE STEIN ).Every Fabric that has strength and Charac- esented in thia eollection; every style in vogue is merchant tailor will give you She same style and 50 per cenS, more money..... .. .. .. . . ;CHWnITTS 209 S. Main Street ,THlE MAY FESTIVAL Stop in at PARKER'S 0 DiMPUS OAF 0 and get a good, cold glass of0 Soda Water. Strawberry+ Crushes 10c. 0 iusive right to the refreshment stand at Athletic Field. W. S. PO1RKER. +0 lows Otte old equestionss 5c eveeti chtl mtessber of a graiduaitiing class inthtie last htouscofiis esollege coutrse :'hat purt- ! stuit slitall I followoitt lifce' The .titt of thsis tpapistto give .a fete st-gestsotts xvhichltniitsshtlp onie int liitg the sti- Somse tiersotnsre b heir escry staste anttn iitterttenttso precnetntttlyhfited for otie pursut ttt iitines-ctoccutto thseti, or to atty otie else, tat there is atsy roottifor itesitationa its decitdittg whait shall heeltseir callinsg. It is a great for- tutte to a msatn to he so cottstitutted thtat hte foilstttiiseort:in ttlife asxntatirally attdl as easily ts the yoiung bird lakes to he55witigs. For all iis et.ergics, htis stude- tes, life expterienices work tossrdstheel t real end of lisi life. Whlat swe call provietial circuttm- stattces of sonicenittet oert'I??'" their calliing so plaitilyictha tere catisbetno doubt abth the mastter. A sost, for ini- stancec, is left with the care of a large patrimioiny, wshichihslict best adminstister. His dusty 10 motser, btrothsers assi sitters, stay liepiaratitotit to tll oilier duities. Illuistraiioinsteedn tot lieiuitiipliced. These cases are sitmple. The really dif- ficul case retmaitis for conidethrationt. Iti is tust of the maitn wto lissatptpareitly eitisl saptiitde for differenst pitrsuits, say for lass, for tesschisng sttie kitejousritsl- iii, stud is-shut til to i on ie of ittto tse exciisioin of the others. Soeitneni are so versaiile thast thsey coitldl ro anmy twso or three things eiqiually weell. - Inttciermiiiithqus iestistot of tpti- tutle see miay freequeitly fitnd hells ini isis ith le opuintonts of jtudiciouis friettes, isess of exsperiensce whio swilt he fraisk eisiughs to tell suse tplaintruithi. 'luere is a stratngetprotpetisity isin ent0o sppiose thsat whlat is their foible is really thseir forte. It is saiedstht Grit. Scott believeed to ihe day of his death ititIis famse wouldl deisendonthisis literary lprodlucions, wvhich nobody reads, rather shaf't oin his Mexicant canspaigns. Gocthse apparently felt msore pride in htis Essays on Coloi itsatnits his Egtmont or Tasso. Evets in the range of college experience isot a few nieit convince thteimselves thsat ihey are poets, while thse rest of the college comnttnly remsaits unconviincedh. The explanation of this self-deception is probably foutnd it the fact that swe arc incliined 1o coisider aso our test produic- tioisthlose whchlh ave cost uscitost toil, becattse xse have not been wvorking in the directioin of our talent. Let us theta be prepared to hear the counsels of our as- sociates whsoxiii tell sis trite things, rather titan pleasant things, vera pro gratis. The faithful wounds of a friend are helter than the flatteries of a fue. One who is seeking to learn what his future duty is to be will find Sep in thse faithful discharge of present duty. She path opens at we march on. It is the supy wililie hldilisith iis eig stitse Cools: Ifisue.Prepsitsions siae liensmetosil i make istis bsntiit asticcess itt ciery tic- ticulit. Aitnumier 6f alistitiivlst oreisieseito reethiclilege dasys, arniosig thern ise hDts Dssdley, '94. ofPt-ic; cChis. l3.h tics. '7, of Lanssing; C. F. Heard, '98, of NiiortEst, Pas. I loerae Netw- lists '98,of Neiw Blis, ihist. ; IH. B. iaer '9i ofp8u Newv 1iels Ctiy ;Wesley I. IT'alotph8,of Clevelsitd, Ohio; Cabot ILsll, Jr.,p98,of Clev elaisn.diio. Ike Theit Delt Clii sefeaticd the Phi Deltas Theityesiterdsty oilernoiiiin, score 7 to 6i.'The batteries wvere Belforid siti Issiesis for she wsiniiers stud Sartsbiusg andc Begle fur she 1osees. Unpire- STRAW BERRY CRUSH (FRESH RFIT) 10OC QUARRY tS ART $TORE A new Assortment of Oval Frames and Frame Mhouldings, just received Do not fail to see them. Stabler's Art Store, 217 So. 4th Ave. New State Phone 373 W anted To sell Di. Chane' Improvetd Receipit Book durang vaca- St.u d e nin, the best sel- ~L u n lihg book thsat an agent can handle. Our regular Agents malie big msoitey. Can give goad territory. Particulars by ealling at the Courier Office. JOtNa E. 'TRtAVIS, tanager. 0 We have the each ----------- Iq Y *O+o+o+o+o+o+o+o+o+o+Q+o+o+o+o+o+o+O+Q+0+0+0+0+0+0+0* 5I SC fLED's m~~saw TEMPORARY BINDER i 100 STUDENTS WINTED Big Profits. Qutiek Sales. A good wasy to make money this summer. F. SCHLEEDE, - - - - - 340 South State J; ~For a SUMME~R CRUISES take the COAST LINE TMACKINAG NEW STEEL- M . .,,The Greatest Perfection fset PASSENGER attained In nalt Construetion" STEAM ERS. Lasiarlaus Eqaipment, Artiatic SPEED, COMF'ORT ' ' Furnishing,.. Decoraion and ADSAFETY. -'~-- EficeneaSersice.. To DETROIT, MACKINAC, G1E0RGIAN BAY, PIIIOSKIIY, CHIICAO Nte i neiili ftferis inaP anaa 6 ies oeqaln vatietyeand itreat. FouririspeWei BetwenDadi ht5 SevicenBeiween Toledo, Detroit and Mackinac Niitnetsien DETROIT AND ULIIEI.N 'tsia n s Fun-i. $1.50 Ec e ti ona. atasKan, "vain so," MaA~Rg UEEiethsu, $1.00,i,$1.25aStatiettm, $2.25 eADstarts. Cleveland, Cnetosar aea leeadwt LOWRAsTESs toPi'tiiesruse iaanPut- In -Ba tiad Soutwesst,iundaatetot fallintsn Re,t , Incldng Metals an u,erth .s. andp Toled o thsaad xoritest. miiitoC istra.,Clevetan, $0.5 0, ft roman d oed OSnaTria tps June, July, Atruit, GAS AND ELECTRIC LIGHTING SUPPLIES, SHADES, PORTABLE LAMPS, ETC.,, A SPECtALTY. SANITARY PLoUnBING, STEAM AND OT WATsE HEATING. J. F. SCHUH, 207 E. WASH NGTON ST.. thboseJew-. You see out every day come from HOL.ME.S'LIVERY Phone 106. 515 E. Liberty Street ~Vf~EMEN AND MEMFo SEESHWYYYN owJOHN WAHJR. SEB SOW WI4DISWTHE SHOEXIAN {I SEE OUR LINE OF 60 OENT PEARL HANDLE KNIVES AT MUMMER'S DRUG STORE.