2~IH CNI ~VI1D-11Y 1OfNltflGAN DAILIr * 2'X~ ~Communication. * o o * II o * Editor U. of AL Doily : ________________________________ As somic of oo teoroed the croft, oc- Pusliehed Daity (Sandaya eacepted) daring the coracy wxas deemed o prime requixite of College year, at g c ootxl cc c1 c erxco THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHlGAN. couclcisomec of tlxe reporters aouot col- Oreaca: The Intand Press, Heaning tBtoh. legette some lce igttptins in thiocc- Bath Phaaea alt. specs. Kindlyti ceceyoo core macdea MANAGING EDITOR. txtemenot icn tttc ocote-mote tite fol- Eaaax~aoa, ~ L. lowitng correctiont: Itnstead of cividincg F. EGLAR,'t . .90 per manooaOxyoct stote,lice mceomhers BUSINESS MANAGER. of lice ccc'cicot ctobs received Touecloy 0. H. H~tta. '00 L. nigt $3.29 eocc. 'Thc net profits for ttte EDITORS. seasonowere $274.49 of cwhicth $130 oxas ATHLETICS, .. G. D. HUDNTTe, 'itE. oacportioncdcaonocg cluxix ebehrs. T. II. WOaOROW, '0t L. A. H. McDouaALL, '01 E tttccwcuctctire onlty fairncess to odd, too, J. B. WOOD, '00, W. D~. HacaEY, '00 , tht a ot otecmpt to ocoke thecancucccc ct- ti. J. MatTeaaEaRY, '0i, a. H. JaERNEGAN,'00L. tiont of officers o cocntest hetoweon froter- WA. KNIGHTac'01 L. V. T. EVAS '03. nit es, wasccproccptly ood ceccplaticolly cot hips LILIAN tK. SABIE '0. dclowcccpocc by the dclbsicy o vote of tcxxxto occe. 'T'tc comiacco pirc iticc thet ccoccicaltclbs ix to tcc effectctcactnool ®ocnly cihou'lccxm en be lcove prostituting5 fraccxternal atiiaionsx, dcsigncccltocmcet codicotty differtceccxi, to cccxc politicco In charge of today's issue, puccpoces;cut tcttcut xinocd dried politic: chascoo plce cin clubtoaffairs. L. J. AMDNTGDPIERY. DAxTA T. lo'ocx. _____________________________ AccccArbxor, Ploy 23, 1900. Sprinting Shoes, Top Notchers at $2.48 + SPECIAL, S Bicycle Shoes, Solid Colors and Combinations, S$1.25 to $2 .48. Best wearing Shoes made. GLASS'S SHOE STORE, 109 Main St, SFirst-Class Repair Work. Open Evenings.Z _ . y- , ' ' 1 ' %~ l _____- ,I I 1 I _-- , ! -- I z --- t.--, z -- i ,_ -. t __ - _ _ ' ! - I C-- _ Everything New. The big demanadave have load for our Spring Suits go to shoxv the good valcies xve are giving our cucstomers, thce vay they ate made cclx t he tyle and geaeral oappear- cice please the moat factidioust andx forcvecar-youi asale rguar- catee wviichev'ery asit. To ResereIBoxes. Placnc for the Decorotiocc Doy gacce at Detroit hocve tbeccnccopeted ocnd 10000it onclyremaciccs for oailrge crowvd of coot- ccx to go downcc ccxitbWedesdxy accd help to wvicnout froccciisi. lice bol poark1100ccccdergoccecsocccwht e xtencded cirovecccnccsx since th1cc Ucivecxity cchac eccinargedi so thct cxtccil occoccc icxociate 1,200 pecsoccs accd acccextensxiocn on1 te lechersc cci iaccc ticaccxcto seatt O,00 .ccd ,b'oo. takecitef lx.cisxtxtw ccxxx cc inte grccnd ccc singlesx ccxcidoublesx to ca~cccoxlltoxtx. ficc oxrce cpersos especctvly. ilce boxc xes crecesxiiilyccxc icc cccocct- daionftosiloxcxclbdesixrc to cmakec cci iccriics to catend itlhc gcccxctogethecrcand acxe more. xctcdctve toxoxcbtyxcx cinthoxs gethcec.Itit xpcte haci erlo lice franticcxcc e cxxii l akeccixaicesc to t.ke oxes. Sectionc C.,wci n- ccdeslice ciore dexiralc etshsbe reservedi for lice .Annx'Arbox concccxx"enct ccxidte chcart lisxpened codaypt cihce- ccxxx. 'PTie remaxincderoc h et r onc xsale xatWrigt, ap&Co.xsxDe Thce odcmissioncto gaccexcand.t gra:nd- xtancxci1xcibex.75 cnix, x\Vclxe a seatxin thlxx 1oxxwillctxtoo0, iccclxxx"ngcadmisxxon. 'T'he ucscial xceixrsio ccix.eovxer tlxx.Mich-c iganccCecnical will be given.x"i cetx goodi for lice rouncd ccixexxucccxng 1e ccxxx daty, ccxdiinxcluing admissixconl to the gaccxc Doar at xx.2. h coupon: xofxlacc miso totheigae mlic e "cxx.cc ox.nxxcfcIIandc tuccx ccxicx1x 0 cxis cx cxlixc ccnscxlirpymntfoxr eithei ere d sexat cl x.incxthec "cccxd xltccd or inxacbox. 11e10eca in wc c iillx.eac a1 9:x3 \5edxceoxl c'xmorncccng cxandcch spciacl returccingx"leavesxDctrixtcclcc30 inx lic veigTee x cxx 1 cursic xoncktsc xiii xc oox.1ocx thexe ccrainxcxxxialso ocx lice ii :t0 . cccccracccgoinxgccxci lie It :20 Puttinq on Finishiuq Touches. 'l'he-Comcedy cu repttnxo h fiixhing touces iccdccxcixr eccclxxxccx oandi cxerything ipointsxto tlxx.facti clxx intercexitccanidccci.canytlxixgclxxclxxixlxas yet donce. A finlcxxdccss reherslwaco l ls nuiht ctlice Athesinc ee nt cxx1cccxxirpllay wasox ode troxughc cixhxpractixcally'11 hitecex.It oixstnowasOxthcccxhixthc clubh xwouldx iplay to a pacxkedihousxe. Thxere ore xno seatx leftcc ic e ixarqiuet, bxut o fewxxcccxcbe otainecxd cinlhecirce cxccxry mcinutcex ofterthlice dcopenedxx~ We~dnexsdoy ccorning cthere xxececsevcl scotx left cx ic e parquet. Those xwho hove clot yet 'seciced thiri seaits re oadvixsedto do 00 01 once. -lcxc- oger XWoodwvorth isese to anounxocce thoot seats wichare noowereservedilii clot beheldceiafter Saturdaicy 11001. The Cheqccocxegoc orchestro ore pre- parcing o stpecial cmcuiicol programcxfor te Arranxgemntsccxhave ibeenccomcpeted for the uxe of electric fancs to cool toe ctheotre 00 thaooo10e1c ieed saoyoawoy 010 occocuct of lice waorcmwetiher. Axsxtxucl oat eegant soucvenicr programc wviice ixscued, cccdl distribxctedaonoxg lice audence. Anx ortistic cover dexignc droawn hy Rotc. Wogcner, '99c xwiii be used. Pratt-Hurd Nuptials Yesterdayj. 'T'he marreiage of L. ..Pracxi, '96, of hc IlandPressccx, accxciss00 Zellao U c too 01diace ci thxe homce of thle bidce ccc Eaxxt'cW'ashincgltconstceetclxix ofterncccxx i CI 11 11 t_ icng.Pie. andc Mtrc. Cr'att tookthie after- cocu cnccctra i cin n ilccgoxne for ac xeekc lxifcocc retrncincg to lhisxit- Clxx Psi; defca~ttedx'.xthe The, i~ctaxxDelta lec'a~ce . c' C( i tfetc I Wte'l'CLOTHINiG0 S AEB ER9 CLOTHIERS AND FURNISHERS, + tiote(Cito lig'ars, - - t0c s"' 211 5. Main St. t La ttcefecencicc, -' ' - t1ec KigAlbert ' ' l0c +GenerailMecec - 10t * S CH L E E DE' S1 + Chancellor 4-10 4. l0eentSeal 0c EMtRAR + Royal Banner " ' t e0c TEPOAR ..Paowell, iaoth &Ca.'s Cetfeelas i1o0c Sal OSmith Russell Clgars - 10ce~IIf~ 4. Sancec Ax haxa ' 10c + UIIN ULK SSTAEBLER & CO. 0 3ttS. Aain S.,or.Liherry. 4. 100 c3TUDBNT8 WfMNT WD +++++++++++..44.44.4++++++++++++++4. Big Profits. Qutid Soles. A good wvay to make money tis summer. -- - F. SCHLEEDE, - - - - - 340 South State i 1=i1 11 1 ;fi.4 .l PZO{ pyY f s PY' 1 Pb -- !<^_d i i~ 1- 16-' t 1 IT SUITS THE ITASTE Dccx puce frt xjuicex oc eidcieocixIce Cre~anm-lie chief of smmner beveroges H AN.GSTERFER'S, 200 E. Washcingtonc St. 316 S. Stoic Si. W ..t To sell Dr. Chlase's Wan~eu Implroved iReceipit Book during vaca- u dents lion, tile best aol Lu e linhg boob tLbat an agent cati handle. Due regular Ageicts make big money. Can give good territory. Particulars by calling at tile Courier Office. Juo' KE. TRAVIS, Manager. J For ci SUMMIII'1 R 'CRUISII ake te COASTLINE[ MAC K INAC NEW STEEL te. t. 1SJTereatest Perfection yet PASSENGER' attained in Boat Constrtction, STEAMERS. r -."F 'LaxaurotEqtlptnent, Artistic SPEED. COMFORT " "ueit ecrton an ed AN SAF'E'T'Y. - . Eficient Sevicea. To DETROI, MACIKINAC, GEIORIlAN BAY, PIITOSKEfY, CIHICAGO No octher Lietboffr ant oaaiofi460ilesofulq riety andicteet. Youraripei r etktBetwceen Dy t :igh t ,.1 eeteen Toledo, Detroit and Mackinac tce tttDaycxnd DETRlOIT AND CLEIVELAND rtceann, "itesoo'- alcrel N igtBew en Fae, 1.50ach iction~c .1 AND tDLTH. Cteveand, Ce ton e aex, xcOat eela wtcht Eaextains or'callcdipcccoilt Es, Sxuth LOW RATES toiicriese c ki tthnctndt Put - itn-BSaa nd Soutdhwe td ttoitflltipints Returc ludintel als adcBerlil thsli...trcc. ndT le o worth t hestl e. licm ei t e.,Cos tfrmCeel,$20-50;llcfrm (d ote o undey Trips aJune, JulycAegutt, Told,$ .2,fo Deri, ' $ O 'a1vSpebran coe ny Sed .fo llusraedPa pdhet. Addrsiecee. f1 & 7 f li I li1 fl R9 { OV fi q " SA. A. S~~CHANTG ' ., DETRoTe, tMItH. )1 t uO GAS AND ELECTRIC LIGHTING SUPPLIES, SHADES, PORTABLE LAMPS, ETC., A SPECIAL.TY. SANITARY PLUIvtN, STEAM AND HOT WATER.H EATINGO. J. F. SCHUH, 207 E. WASH NGTON ST. J iL~le W rnoi You oee out every day come from HO0L MES' LIVERY Phone 106. 515Z E. Liberty Street ~WAH 'S PECAL $.00 HOEThce Latest Color, Automobile Red. WA H 'SSPCIAL 3.00SHOESEE SHOW WINDOW f JO0HN m'W AH R THE SHOE MAN 218 SOUTH MAIN SEE OUR LINE OF 50 CENT PEARL HANDLE KNIVES AT MUMMERY'S DRUG STORE.