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May 25, 1900 - Image 1

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U. of M. Daily, 1900-05-25

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U-i f

. III O r G O

VOL. X. ANN AR1BOR~ MICH., FRIDAY, M1AY 25, 1900. No. 177.

G. H. WILD & CO.
We have just received or line
of spring woolens for men's
wear. It includes everything in
staples that are suitable and de-
sirable for the season. We are
also showing full ranges in nov-
elties, in quality and style to
suit the most exacting taste,
consisting of Top Coats, Suit-
ings, Fancy Vests and Golf-
Trouserings. We invite you to
call and inspect our line at
108 E. Wasbigto) St.
Artist cWe hvet ot
he ook rtsta
SMaterials oom Wht
isnw coplt,
Oil Pain. Chia
acdothe oateCcl-
os, Dawcig Papes
a d Brusheoall
Wilder's Pharmacy
THE OLD Fo sea~l weeksocwfe havc
abor e w ae r lay w th
Are you going
to Paris?
Wvha aoutcouo codal Oeodoct
t begodde o ickt oo
kee it o o?
In Newv Styles and Patterns

HALF' MILE LOWERED. Blaine, 30 yards, second; tie-amn- J. F. Hashetts Poem on Goole.
_lute 3-5 secods, breaking 'Varsity re- The poem written by Joh F. Haskett
Hae eue tg25O eod ordMe u-otrsrth wn i-of 01cc senior ticls, 01)00Thooas o.
Haue Reucesit~j 25 ola Scon \lie rn-Fscer ecate. con; ii-Celey, ws delivered by 01hc yuccepoet
in the Handicap Meet. len ay, 30 yards,.seccnd; tile 4 micctesic at the Coole Day exeriscs Wedneday
A lamcenctably- small reccd, due irob- 47 4-5 secntd.moccrnig andt beasecf it mceris is
ably 5o lack of adcertisincg, oras res- Mile wal-Brookcfield,. cratch, won1; prited belo
cut at tielhaniciap imeeft eld yeterday Dee,00 scods, second; timce- ccii- THOMAS M. COLE P.
aftericoo at Regecnts' Ficld. The coonk nice 6 secnds. The blood of a crowned mconarhi may
cin saore of the events deservedl cmucliooeeyards nigh hurdles-McLean, fie fall incthewoorc s great test,
beter paronage bid thainic others wa yards back of scratch, ivo; Rbicioc, And the prineeby crowvn of geniusconcca
of a icediocire ciatucre and was cute scratc, secncdl; tie-i6 seceoniis,- pecant's head may rt;
coliilatablte ciiilie sire of te crowd 220 vyardstow10rhurdles-Robisont.10 A fol uay be ao-reel by fortune,
lresenct. 'hiroreticaly che cay oas ielcacccetwccciiiMcLean diet cot fini 00ticc thre's mncy titleeclown,
for fasc oork oil racle cacd field bcte 27sconds.i Duc the moen ci might, in the struggle
mcacy of lie cmencn cd cot apecar to be Dcigh cccii-Arcstroncg jumedte 5 feet fcc right, hacve faced a great
fit forlie wovrk cet lut for ctchem. As itp9oinces; Flouronoy,. Tryoni andelM-Leanc worl's froc,
wacc liv recordosccencc by the bardted atii feet 7ichesi.Ancid they've scorced the jeer of a
Haves loeredel ie'Varsitycmacrk th ie Shcet iee-Seigmucncd put stol38 feet; jealos age, 0.n4 tey5'c-claghel
alf :ciebyto- efitic of cc seconde mcaiccg I0coy,36 feet ii ioces. at povrery'csals,
the cierecordl ofltwoecmicutesecandelthree Hciiccec cihiocr-Acvry coot.ditancec. with a gloioee ride i, the crimso
ffluhs of a seond. Droraks raiseile 119 feel 3 icones, tide tat flowvs icche people's
recored icc t1ccpolic cauii, mcade a coeel tDciscs 1ccho-Avery ewoc.ditance, eine
ago fromo tell fet svent icee to ccc ob feet;Pcracc, secocd; ditance, 04 No foolihoboast of a blod that is
ecc cc ecccc fee. 'Tccetchanicapicg as feet lia,o costetha i born of
donr to aiceandcidoderficiesecre Brodcjumi- Meaic jucmped 21 fet owelth
edted icc ccary all the tractkccects. 1onces; Robic-on,.20 feet 5 ccccccs. Bot wifhlof1ty i am, co-lobbrawnsuet
Leiblee coci Sle hundored bltcot icc lie Pole vatcli-Dooral, vaultediecccfet. brais, and virues, puckl and
tioerhaIliacoght 1hac-c ccciiexipecieof helh.
hciccn hligloo of hisetat performcaccee. Dr Bouche Reads a Paper on And whatever the field of labor, cwbo-
'eI ndcita fifhicGcas ie best ie cul e.t oe' eer lie cwliof life,
50 esoflotracc second, Iofer beicng boxedIGeh Style. Where there's aught to be gained by a
i. In 01110 rcrcd iic e two twencty 31cc cegcciiircmeeicgacd ancualelec- struggle thats worthy an honest
Leib ee shoelhimscel possesed o o o f te hiooal Society crc hlcd strife-
trick whci ccayrst thimocdecotsbefore at ccveningo ccc coomcc, Univc et toattl,0he heat of Ferest battle, 01rchen
licesesonil roses culecsie emcedes i.A.good ored a-iceistcceed toDr. faccs of oar are furled,
Thiis ccctincg ccc ahed f lieccciiiBonces pperod Nots on00GoethesTe blodl of liarconamon popl1e has
cietto icmcotile cococenotolie sslighot Sctccci,"o bic ccsinte retngfom ibeo et cnuereI acclrled Sle world.
cad itica'cfildccwtorte -itttheoonntcecs a inistoice cd-c ttorarc s-ndpoit
are ot ispsedto e a frendy a Th dicusimiwasdivdedint thee e hoe bidrelec thle Browo of tl ic l-
tcy moigt te surio aciocschie at aloeleoe tdie vocablat ry 00fte eighteenot oc antcc 's-cioooredthlie naion's
too ce ohimooctoo or ccaoe lie ojct o01centryiGScatheindividuaoclcitoecbulary, bcacoo
St o oideal ic e coo dcenty -bloge ccittthiflecerof tics di idotto ccocac-cccl00 w e'v comoiserne owitho terand
oI ctotee ciih c ef cii sercodccc te blary up cconocthce olowers octGoeteir. sriewccc withofloerosie nmaryred
iddeeoftel ntycoico00anccithri e-fith; see-Bucheo cot-rethdie ccoksoof Shille heos egrcoo.
eacnd, eing eti oofifhbo00a0 oecond beler cd bolihe ccmret o t01i0ccaticote ndw' ol their ame cocciglory
to-coo toatof aiwcckcrg.cgandcolsoawed lie ciooccdltof sadchem-c withccheai cd bruscad pen,
I rebl 0000 eict cc tcs ococ eo I to ~ ccco s tthor.oci leiliit e cildren 'eisp lie soey of lie
wcitio at ci to Thie ltter coccircc cit oors lwt cccore iticn ;o worct toul e l ' e-, ccr by artacc te aofn
tie0 0003 ,0 ,al:Ise ie a shwnf osdih0the dera eucaeted OldieS waoSlenttasterood 10000leves obeae
tyon wacharFtserita hedeGOreano owou letnoticuodertandcitiSotty, s0 heladof omcetcinlie ofpearceud
ther gainit s 150= thaatier oo nd 0l5000(t e e l- 0ei c eeeetancowithothetmofter mido'
choei steofca.Hvsrnawihhv cagd sthtoil e0000000iii onesii)tuc ftesupo'
liatdii dotae ii thorhalcoile ecoil - dgr "0e 000hofth ti cndontbleoSfoboocze or stoe,
coos. i i 0 ths o l'buocilol a Isiuiltet ot rrastd
100cc hllcocors handicpofa30 cadstc d ce u 150to10 emeid1000elil b rrntse a i
inihn nerl tel y01sahth f hmclluthasdbybhewriinso otocg alt of huls
in tcheitie cof-orty is-cc o a00 tic5o s oteccosndhoth e. h o fasho0ceticso o cc
onds.c Fotriduplicted hood uefouri- 00tieide lofld the dieigcooenihei tintgO fririthani scolioocoecart-
anre ofaccorel ag o adcp01001reth01cr00 100 itoI echoocsilde fIrdit'01000 00qau iving d fa00 e andc-acudoohethlesto-coe in-
iile frontc srtctoini40100000 discX.74-5 D4 Buch rasert itcatSGorheit scbdolanto'shr.
seods dlru dhimself idt ccretico gn riusd det hisi 1 ut~~ en
Al t cccdclothe1hig hiectuurdes cfrom0000ehownsudcciedo .ot lose of hin gc, ad on- ridAnd schm c ctcanc00000Cooley, iccpeaee
000dstick scof sOvccraci16 sevendkitti O. squently ell feuw iiinrks ondie 00000iii oh a leaderotovoi,
Robinsonruningdid "fr omcrtch, eingd ifd~de oathclngua0g.0'A'0ncral dicus Atoiletifor sow'oalthofowisdocm,.a teach-
doc exccetdiglytoseoccsecon000 Thlbto-iond foluodlihe reaiof thcci aerliv wto toue anduencu-
ccuirdlec00edit ieoobinsdodd as -ic Lea th c aN' ort.10000r00d- a the Oo Ootet cd ocuaouicg cad earliet
tid ot ccinIishl W5henco Oi erhd seo lse I didvi iiThre toss nd ie anoucdOe:
nitre cochbosot Ical isccccurdiesctic shoeitrbeo-cdittlrculaoo -r ci ccti iic dri'g thor A treecsan atbint corceser,oih o 1f-
cadde cciiccitniohehcst00eedsbsop.T helio- 0a, nbcoi dl ooesecotlcetceJi Altr.Hoc- betie 0cimcs ccc vieco
rrtici thobe high jumptiwents so c0Leaccctoo' tr eois"diillagenorI cun rcceotcer, Dignified, ikeec-aobolqietereay to
adalTryoutwoowoerre eaciNai capp5i~~ed ad cocci per: ri nd Prof.clue Ihs hi ciicocci lanco
to andcoec-halif inhet.IPraily woiii luc, treo on ermantwonI Lwy coad cooteakeriandot Santir,
thooughite vli wnroo-t t to lucidraug cchooB-reechonace o Gnconceis oot Enlsto n uchdgbe -coo mon,-
'c.earedthobe bar ct fle feetcolour iche.-occand o tlonoRunes0 coicgou totohioaidedjstce addish
McLean,. TryandoctFIlount~oyalfil inchog At thobusicour meting cceredctold fou'a couchdelsc appause;
acc t::,a0 height. Ainoter ohoechortsofofaicensctick isahet ore od. Sscso thill Cecing cupeolesopas-consoande omold-
thenrcy cdlprcticecure at avian c uie cnncueotite duiors dos100esiden no d citDo. incccnatonc's boos;
wascin hocscluepstooldcci nucoctdosc Sarasc r earycacot cc c;ol nO Sees-cg ito Sihet101acs cood mak~ig
i 38 fceedcond Averr 30Ieto ncetuhr- ___________ le office geat;
Buti thin cotie luci adilcip uof tire OfFo h tus'leching te trocrelation of he
cet ctwhi cuic niecstuccoto flustcplocoeforheat.Uooo alod Slestate;
Acvry oasctneoboelytoutsof thaicsStcc tuneto-csb-cit sqhad3left latiogt at Too broach for a sioge conty to
tie itthrosswesehoowsal t yisie 943 fcrIliaa uushirer dicefirst gmcce of claimchbmn ts her o-c,
of th1crin cg andcie hoctnetdestininoii the50 adienrip rc wcilS hopletcd Saturay For She oword dus repest a-barvet
bot cc oryfewc timce.Hoc bet thousyow gh ornelat.cciie'tieltoidgoes ccsobe fromucte seed which h de hascowcosn.
witoiutocfouliong wccciigfethrnocie.bedt ethlacMicigcan otas oeS shncecnAndthrogh he yers uumbeuotred, in
Thor disoeseccascagaino a soucof d (isap- he lcethse of Bteaccigcto," Hoisteer, he life whbieh Fame cot gie,
uoiccoccecc Awrerblcews cc asS fet andtiShielset ailohfor "Spircal. -1111r wiloh Ailelboos bamnigt aod moen oe
Prance 04. Mthn v th bod heicenoothor box cand lads of hiclou lviibe rigt-o long shall Cooley ie.
utoupcleniariong a1 feet useunhes DOc thin duoeent'V-ccsiy citic ounbocnded cna- Joux- F. HSotsrr.
anoter trhccl hepaconally tidihe t idencycoo obe ablity of socrates." Mi-
offcd obe offeondintg hoe brokiiseng ircc's sdtatcus co anaer is uncquetiohdue Senior Lana Incitations.
lis anklce a bad turn c. Robinusonmo c t ouhie haus lad obe fortne or mcisfortunoe Aevace cois of Sheoeonooor cawcosi
haceaereeS as feet fiseicureos coccdcwhose to tics-calredy olay el hole for years ott Iioslooe Senicreeihvetand coit1bc
icandicp of twosfeet gave bothim eevenoti Ailugamos Ieam. it cos sithsomoe hesi- cshon by omembcer of tie ncoomitee.
also ttned hsloautile cand hoth sotoed tacy hooteser tcct tiemeoinoiostrtive Thudsareunusuoay elaborae. Tie
ccithoout further trelud. Doorals cleared nosdgae its cnsdent tom hula ply-bg for coer is hoeay, glaed.owhie boaccdl cito
every hieght tredl going steadily uip to( greater oiioshtionc to colt eoing so hs~ a fine sieemgraving of tie law build-
eeveon feet ovwhic eedid nichely. HIdeid coe fromcotitlenod of thie lothatt frontm ig Ito tie upper eft ad corer is
cot ry furher Scutwa contentd to let lie other tie Foniersiy seal iou yelow ~atd bue
hot estacelfor thorpreent. 'Tleecloudarries hoc Ithaca ctathnto- emubossee. 'lie iserei hatraly egrved
Th'ie summacry:0tday andeltis cftertootc rwiloosve orctcen conocains a fulaendar of class day
oo yards cash-Leibee, scratnc, 000005 sumerry field. A good rest tonight owiltexerise, bclaurete adcommonocne-
Westlal, o -2 yrds, seond; Neofer, putt liemeno into goodl conditiono for Obe oiet days, liht of gradute, ad facolty
swatc,thicrdl; timeu-io 1-5 secnods. gaome tomcorrowr and it is resonale to memcber. 'ihe ouce of toele andon be-
ass yrnds dash-Lehbee, scratch, 50001; suppose clot that gamoe ciii belong to alf ceots a ncocncnot be secured ot
Westfall, a -2. yards, senod; Neufer, lie mueno fromo M~ichigaon. 'i'hoeccwIo are tese omnlese so50 or more re ordered.
scratch, thitld; tlcce-22a3- secnmd. of te party re:o McGinnisl, Condon, Terefore it is of primue importneblood
440 yards dash-'ieetzel, snratch,otch Snoow, Moateson, Davies, Blencoe, Flesh- ol moembcters of tbe cls eavosether
Utey, 30 yards, secndel; time-5-5 5 Jorc, \Whcinre filler, Bistle, Utley'. orders for bcvitatios u-lobtblocomomit-
secnods. Coch Watkins aond -Maaers Bhird aod tee atoncoe, as the order mout soon be
1 Idaf mile roc-Hlayes, srtnc, wecoo; Launcsir, seoul in,

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