V THE UNIVERSITY OI1 MICHIGAN DAILY OOLF If you want.... DRIVERS, BRASSIE DRIVERS, ;LEEKS, MID IRONS, LOFT- ERS, PUTTERS, CADDIE BAGS -ND GOLF BALLS......... 'Yoij can find them at A BIG SELECTION OF_____. Can be found at MARTIN SCiIALLER'S, 116 SO. MAIP STREET DO YOU $MOKI ? 4 Pittsburg Stogies for G Bill Anthony Cigars for 4 Brunswvick Cigars for " 5c - 25c * 25c ,;5 Old Number: S'?heehan' s Wil44 SO. MAIN S. ANN ARBOR. MICH. D A WilAttempt to Break? Records'To- Hays, 5 itrdo; ilmot 25yards; We arry the 1argest assortment dn ooedPtsf e of all makes in the city. Our Haff tile too-Hayesscratch; Blaioe, Clerks are up to date Golfers, Lovero of good track aod field cotests 30 yads ucly,35 yards;Spaulding and wiii gladly give you any in- iwill have their wishes gratified this if- nt ed ffotseio v4oiads. formation desired in the pur- ieriioon wlieo the ihaodicap omoet willbe Mie l-Bookhoeldociratch; Dow, ias of utfis. iun off at Regeots' Field. Sincee Iastin seicoinds; Staodish, 15 seeoiids. '-ehare Ann rborf getst. for Th uirsday'smetrithe mteti hase heeni fo1.il u-otradLvs cac; reAnAbrAet o h M a,30 yards;Knox, 45 yards; following svell-known clubs: workitig otand the ivarmer ivesilser Liidienan, Altigot wise 5o arch. seetissto tare hrought ahout nmarked us t1is high liurdles--icLeso 5yards WIL IEDUN ,iros-etietit itn nearly all of Iteit. No otewbhch of scrtch; ibiinsontscciateh; Fed- McGILLEGDUNNappears satisfied swithlisiiperforinaiws derototi yardii ~icRG O ,of a tweek ego atnd all are deterinted to to0 loi r idles--McLean, scratch; HARRY VARDEN, hetter thiemi. Cotiing as it does also hut Rothbison, to yatds. SA DN Sad a little tmore thianta steelk before te fHighi iump - uArmstrongscratch; SPALDINGS and iesternt tntercollegiate nmet it trill offer Floiutnoye2inches; Tyotn antd iMcLean, MORRISTON. the unttdergradutates their last opporttnitty 2 t-2 inihei. to isatchl the tmeti in cotmpletitiotn hefotre Shot hut-Seictud, scratth;Asvery i3ring your old Golf Balls and ex- itat toert.atid Rohbisont. 3 reet. chtange them for new. Close fitnais are protmised ini all the II ittnmeothtrowr-Avery tind France, oevrnts as lie haticiappitig has heat dotne sotratch; Dirowni, 20 feet. hy otis swIo hstaoifsrotughkotwledge Dtects itrow-Av ery anid Fratnee, I... of the r espetive ahilities of the ten.icratcht Seigrititd, 20 feet;lBrownt, 25 'S ee anLeihloe iiwiigto redeettimitself fot fiet CO othefatilitie to seize his oppeoritnity to Brdu mp ttut--1iLeats, scratch; Dvior- hiroak the trocord last woeelias promitse tkt -2feet;Rohitnsont, 2 feet. g:~- .5.5TATE ST. ANNI ARBOR, itlCh the etnd iniite hope of doitig the distance lie ohuiitlo are as folloiws: Starter ittider the to secotnd tmark. 'Teeteel isatid et rtee Kiene Fitzaitrick; ati- taiothter otie woos after ai recoerd 'rid nouunoerDay; clerk of eoutrse, Graidie; <-, w~ abr VPRBTS sill tithe it tighity offset to hetter toe ssistaits lerksoifeouirse, 'tilcoth, Thebr VAOR ATH0aS o secotid tmtark. 'ithi the heaocing of ItodIt licha rdsont tracekjudges, Potter ~ilop and Bath the Cit0.RBa-andiatricapleled tietithese tortsstartits e tind 5McDonialdoiefld judiges-, 3foore, soable rares. froim scrtth should he table to do as'fft tatdlShiip;sterers. Crtafts. ely 0M) 1322an STATE. I. R. trajasawolti theeyiotie to do 'andorunsin i fast timie. n ad timers, -Millardl, Cooke, C. 1l. Te einote i eohldevetnts tire ssoe-\ ilt ii ljuidge otf ialkinig, C.-M. Wil1- B C CLE RE AIRED ~hsit e e o tituorl oser iteit'ftiailstre r to il I I NmeeI L t ex0pecot itons lattsteecls ti ari g' lad of anoithertriy at the records. Prao CO-I Al ITT EES. PRICES REASONABLE tioo \i 11 doubtleossetnahle lFraiteto Iceel T hIie committee silt hseeficieunt cf- o reaetsfotfamIouswitinttiteo tiringwenlie thiros'the cis-frsaedetesucs ftebnut Df'Y"TO N 13IGY'OLE cs ott i t iltpehassomtetoef liislontgisistotiehescesftehitte, ,,Callend examneusDental tootsritianttac- itirows itaithobeplaced oit record. N~ititcare is tollois: Lturetieadrepaired. a.w titot day iatd little wiid Dvoak 13 ec) ET COMIEEtc. WS.J. WENOER, 113 E. Liberty New Phase 553 witll suely go over eleven feet ill iteO .0 11.LHati, fIdiancth airmtani. tiult andfpotssthly iwill umecet the hteiglit C. A. iNiit ii, Ohio. itready doite in practiee of tit feet h J. As. Ofiftenheimter, Iowat. tttchee. C. F. Mcenzoiie, Mtichiigant. 1ri fir adistsioni sill he plaed at a C. -1. Lute. Ohiot. cftttattrotilsysind alerge crows e - > c x cAro e t. pectedf hoIbe oitt. The teamtisutrelyce-l W L. Day, Dliosfciairan.iu ~7U~ setsvesecogestitifn istppotsitH arry If-elfmanoicitfigits. is bfartesty gstadbet 'lne f4~~R5 1900 teatmtiti has ever heensAMichiigani's gotoid Ocorge S. Wlefy, Illitnois. FO 9 0forttue to fproduice. Anid siitt the tRECTIOe. . koiledg~e thttt the Ann uArfior ttoh is jJ. .Cir055ley, Illiniois, ciritiai. betrtha esver.FPrtces, $25, $206sithi thecm they caittot buit tmar a shots .G. Donaldson, Kentiucky, t tuft,$,35. Ciurleor, $00. tng of whichi to he hroutd at the ivesern IiEans IHolhrooks, Ioisa. Ai oageney for Orient, Sterling, intecollegititesaiweeke frottiSatutrday L 3rlch isscourui.t c/osler, etc. Suitdries. Tandenms Tfoltloswitigsowss the tmctishto air I..J.hit chle, Ohio. roett entsered foe today stud theirluadictiacs: WilliamiiKlviiaughii.Colradotis. t too ysrds dash-Leihlec, scratch; Seor"ttiC. A.Watid, AMiciigaii. .STAEBLER'S CYCLE EMPORIUM Wtesfalsaid Breitenbahec 1 1 -a yards; J.01) Dandriidge, Texaus. S" W, WashingtonSt0.. Phase 8. Dlisit 5i-a yards; Sniowv std Dosswutn A IEy, Jr.,Ness'York. -- e t 0 yardls; Bickoel satf6 t-a yards. 31,iitIThioeas, Uttahu. X14 F. SASKETE. DEWITT ALLEN 220 ysrds dashs-Leibilee sod Nufer AN F.Boynutonu, Cal iforia. 223 Sa. Ingalls SI. 720 So. 12th scretehi; Teetzel, 2 yards; Weitfall and IN 0. Kyle, Afotatnau. Breeitenbachu, 2 t-2 yards; Cornwvell, 7 F.I.Jernegans, Itudiauis. New State Phoe r436. New State Phone 2903-r yards. Li WV Flyntut, Kansas. 440 yards dash-Teetzel, scratch ; C. G. McDonald, Nefbraiska. -v amnpus pr otOrap ers / - Qutekputon Shirts.- D. R1 TINKERF & SON' tATTERS ANDt FURNIHERS Headquarers tor HeTS, COAr, on's PeURNSHIarSa andt Comlteirlioreof Orsesu COOnSanti SWETERSa. AGtENCY FORi LONGLEY HATS 334 Suh Stae Sre Io. Alouranti tHuor Street. Capital, 850,i00. upius, 830,OW0. Tanact eeralsibokie.,busoine. B, EMPa, Pros. C.E. GREENE, Vice-Pe PaE. H BELSnR. Cashier. FIRST NATIONAL RAKOgn 552 C/apta, IS,'iB Surptu aetiPPofits, 84,00 'ransactsuagnitlnkingiiusines oegn recciange boeght nti otd. Funihletrs tif B.. TIiNNE, Pteus.tHAtiRISON SttLE. S.5. CLAtRKtSON Ctaier The AintArbor Savings Bank CapitlOuc. 850i00. Srpus, 8,150,S0i. tiesorcese. 500t,00. Organizedtietrethe Geneal Bnkin Laws efthis Stai.uRceivertepots,.byr antisl, exchange oni slurprinripauoitniuen of the iUnited Stats.IDratisahetiupopn proper itentification. Soire t epnriinnoer inrent. Otrtcennat Chistian Macku, Per.;W. T. Harri. son, 'VicePros.tICbo. E. iook. Cshir; . J, Frit,AssistantCahier W. a. BOc. Pns. W.YA.OLDn, t tVice-ir J..WALTeZ.AeciCo Chir SAIVINGS BAINK Transacts a general Banking IBusines. M~ akers of COLLEGIATE CAPS, GOWNS and 110000, setira o CASad GOWNS, A PCIAILTY. LASS STATIONERY, COLGE PINS. I CERN &CO. iiyi-itvSeventhiuSt. i sVE , one reason Pipe Tobacca ~ why Old En. asunaaoo - u. ish Curve Cut pipe to- bacco is so S popular. .- The crved in box that fits any pocket is anothe reason. No other pipe tobacco has ever made as many friends in so short a time. "It disappoints no one." A trial bos will be sent to any one anywhere on receipt of ten cents in amanps. Address Old English De- partmsent, The Amerean Tobacco Co., Ill Fifth Ave, New York City. tll dealers sell it. SPALDINGS Official JItbketic Goods Offiialadioptedtihhe leadiag Coleges, Shols anti Athletic Cuhs of tle Coutr. ... EEsR Rzos[TnFO... t Rase Ball Tennis Pet Ball Arl ris Glf Gymasium i Spaldigs Official League Ball Ithe Offiia Bali at the Natinanl4 eageanod aitIeadigecollege asso ations. Spaldigs Base Ball Eaide tr 100, 10c fAndtiteiCoge A. G Saldtsg & Bros. ofthedul~prt. sc iieneoatp ecg SPRING WOOLENS 'Heie a.alllineof of M . snd Ass Aehor ~, 'Vees. Mahe a apeialty of Studensa Rooms .andFlashlight Workatereasonahle peices. Thye New Opes-Froot Shirt. Ifw aon aleat Cakhus', Bnhtdeesa, Lovell's, Buttorys oil the Way Oowty the tt*sfleas andSchaitars Bookstoee. Frorot. Slips ory oryd off like o Coot. Dif fereryt Lengths of h..tRth t Xll~l~*ltex 0-- * Sleeve. Perfect Fitting.. Try 0The. SI. ENeglige--Semi Neglige--Plait- NOT IEI ed Negligee. LAUNDRY .WG'R&O THOS. IOOWEPrapr.SR1OIA Hherd&her r us e0'rad wy. 15TBell PhoneoPIGIAS fbrahr SPmRING OF MLW R r: I: L c!