VF THlE LNIVERISILY OF IWdILGXN DAL~tY.T PWK NOX, AND ALL THE NEW, ONES 0 NEW BRAIDS, NEW BRANDS E;TR0 OODSPEED'8 The Niagara Fals___ ____ ____ ____ ___ CENTRAL STANDARD TIME 'v Taking Effect Arl1,89 .o .Pu 0 o$00-Fa GON A8.-R piigDetroit Night Expes...t .......555aYm atch .Re airngaSpecialty Grand Rtaids Espes......cac .. 1 .1 LtOAP JE E E Mal and Ecprcco ......... 34s . ALL $1.50 GLOVES J.LCAMAEWLe N. Y. Botonton Special. ........45 Fat Eatrn .ac . .N ... )4 $1.25. 206 Mlain Saut. Mail and Express . ..........O84FA Baton, N. Y. and Chicago ..........i iltlcltet0olrsan oap---,20 7c Fat WetonEoprose .... ......13 a. Wsh i c( I7aloe na lteltsclr n hpe 5 07 G. . and Kai. Exprecss ........54 Chicago Night Exprcess..... ... 3" FnyJ0ei il n lre~sd 0. a Y® PaIc Ex~press.....I.....Is acj .e.iiLse.o ceie.....42c0 1-jexYo Steamaship Tichets, 1all1IClosses to ond fI cooty. European oci tlrwsort es.Fuleo f Large Line of Ties, Reiced to. .. ..5C. maton on aplicatio. Fo 0ad7 et ennrP RE AN ?Fm 0. W. RUGGLES. IT. W.hTarrocotOindgocot-only0 0 l0ce in the GP. & T.Agt, Chicago _ 4$.n'tA ort. A U. o f M.whryocagetem >5 With Every $2.00 Prthase. M ACI~ & C . S~6~LtPTST LL J PGA RTST EIR l lcrmnE BA\NQUET. Tint enttse aid conotattapplication of " Studio, to o a ot totoL011 t t 1 Judge Coley weor teld uttas itctives co 112 W Hrn St. N. S. Poteie - PItt 011 0000. 1 tiop lld to t ve durigti o 0young lawye r. TIME N Ta I E 1000; the iafctrn onittotacotnt of ohe cols of ITotmater o tc itt clo se od theipr111 Traia ISnra ~y 1 o t '0 .zittca(O t t h et loir ro p tJ ctt nuC Ott. gratiy oitotlcitgthat the lawy dpitt : p" l sins lave Ann Arttor y te otos ad. Clhief JuticceKr c coo AI. \lotogotto y met0r0i t osplgeod t too u l olsr- _ ,lL 1 ard Tio. -folo ecol Presidectot Xtgod. 1 e t Ic s- s0000 f Cooey Day.__________ SOUTH NORNTH I ,d h ce Cfcasi o n hoc ilNU. clip o thtitort o l awt s o. tc. l t leaigt h ol~t lowlin tg totnot waosservd byA MO T E Q I TE O THP S F 'No.0.-:20A.Am. Not . t 56 ta. otto 000118 0000000 o o rgtOr t o.rMOTTO TH PA T No. 2,.-lit0 A. tn. No. 5 - -tot I d l , c00 1caO ot tituto bleohgislatottrsteGrro looootrfr E Q IST No. 4.-8:3o t I. N o. .- 40900 . Im o d Ot. to -roti"it to,-cc INc. 1t2 -8:05 aY. it. tNo. 0.tO t U A a. " " d- ttoo.lu lt r\aet 10 a d C a'i. 1 a , Srv opinoth lat thtosupre100 o ur it thas miooghtybutoca ot d cdrinkicao fricd." IWhitens, battifis. and preoervesot& Rn ewee Ann ,Arbottand Toledot only chtoc of deidigoct t codiOtog too te coi-t amJ t 0000of te .5.1 , f" . .teeth. All trant daily eceprt Sunday. ostttion or derse to itotdanod th c Gcrd-Goctho01eOo NTSPICADVRYPESNGT H Ilandays only. CeeCikno os NIETCADVR LAIGT H E. S. OtLItOtE, Agent. ot to ~ ~t~tt 011 000ot ' CL. TASTE. W H. BE.NNETTP. . P. A lottroidetIhocjtdgeo.astaileoh torotosly 110111 Roat Turey Ox .Tongute ProfesorotChs. A. otet fotiterly o1 -0 All druggit 25 cents, or by maif r-poa Detroit, Ypsilanti and Ann Ar- too.la100epaotmnto of 01ectottoasIetSaoga Chipo receipt of price. bor Railway. collduon.ol Itolo l I10) hochofo.of - C. S DENT 8& CO~, Detroit, Mih.. rars leave for Detroit and Ynsiani Jodgo. tCooley a an to t i eoto to te Loettutceo.Saoodicoc Btreod ollo ________________ ______ every hlf our, cgitning at :15 a. M. youtnolootero dclrin to ha~ to lW10y10050 until 7:45 p. m ; after Ithat to IDetroit eoerohadIt ho d er t asit ntcar 0 tith0SALAoiS.ooo at 8:45 p. m, 9:45 p. m and 11:15 p. nm. ooodid to. goeat jurist. Hto wect to thc Slot00010p Lobotercarlton sdocc y ~,a Waiting room, corner Ann and Slain op log simptly ditghtg c ame0001 0 tlo s-Piaelsosi acn yM.o at. Dtoiandiracodot toot todo. ottratingtheold"ll'fac OlvosChGeoseoSicks Sltcod Almondsto Dir~s. osranert.-Leeon:0the, stay;___Dtroit, ___111 ___riswold ____t ___ ult 00 fit othe cc'w Itoeodeclrd tIliadrtgcetrs ho, $1.50. Offic, ci_ whiletu________wereonnectewithSrawberresHarlquin tolCream deecand Academy o Ma ard ~o tZ ~ r tohitfcuoltyfotoeyio r co cotoholcol coololile lmeotal.oct ousoen]scric l ct oii IcaGkoto ~ lofeiotlothro y oo cot touccon-tl 111 J U t ao. %vth it.Youusflteoo dpen~d FRUITS[READ) THE IDAILY,u OPNN.OE agl nyu bltyt e at.YuBnns Oags Gae CO P N 0 . 0110 t owvthe orcfteo.sofioile. delrt x61 Thi T 0oupon prsetted 0oao crCooSu. o00 he c lot wo ti oooor 010aststtge0s adtol aItitooChoCoffeort![! 01rs ith ta la Ti ck0 e ot 0 raing oany 0prclt i t.ors s dlhin oogitoalfroo thetoCigar Cigarehtes , JO;> distaceor othetoWabahRailroad laltpr 010so100n. 'TIhe franknetss.aid il-I.attodefi eit oler o Old eatGoldrPaatalcd Et i igcoir cas. They .arc,.inardloy oo rgy of heooroorapro ofessor5br ofuthPt" Sate.rCah ens sI evc to Buffao, Nigra Fllst N-o '5 othloittot0 t tta toan . o Loc lotgto (v 'Silec. York ' it y u, aots Ctiy, 0t. Looitoand alt ll-."oeT oghs wlz locaal poitnts. Bakfhas Aen Abor-tSop H. T. BtratoIdof Sgnaw doicsood theto- Mait Behinod thto Gunttus e a ~ ef te t. ois. probhae 00000ut altdocatd thoatoit bc iit.o tplco10 (P Vf..Arnold a 2 E S.Geenoaasod, .I . A., gorotsc000 g o ort frcr. lan Fantasia) ...TobaiJwee wabahalla 1 . $ e elaboratod Iis reaostoempo~hsiig 5,I."Thf lo'IehptoeGirl' 0 O er Jrt Adams t S i clao I. i 0 ro o boy0t1 htc ittotrance oI thor prolate 0o oht"MxottiSrtarThe Most, m ptte Lie of S - cut . . .Vtotdrcooh0 LOWNEY U- IolItIS. DBrepon0010oiohl totbhalf I7. Gol. Roo cret Mch'.tooy CHOOOLATES f tie.bBardlof Regeits. d. 'Angl's Srenoadr".... MooryI HOKNIAL Y 0In l oior o ___________ otht Utty:an be foucc thoe dagtooy of te obar oootnd o .'hah fo HOCKING ALLEY th o1DlZ;anc of ito high caroacer. oward hats at IVadhan, IRyan U TLE' 4 R I)AILhY 4 Hia addrcs wasveyfrilanenItu.Bstotnthmrktt BtenTld adCombsisigUin livened by evral witty refeencees. 9.00. 20202 S. Main t. 338 S. State S&,.. epal in bolE ciies.Th latrsos wsby heio.T Throgh Sleepet to Wash ingocand Baltitooce. E. Barkwoortht o Jackson. IHr eloquetloy The Ant Arbor Muic Go. have (I MA~TIA tookhse foewoitJudge Doy, climittitghat some inducenment to offer aDstn- r. w ~eilI . GREAT RILROAD tePtmericanotciviizratiout oansuperit~~oor deta n table board; also one suites FUNERAL TH MCKN LY ntohtrAnXtohoSaxonats th otheno- Sxoni of rooms. x sto the Latint.Il~e alooo(oirtmeda that DIRECTOR Write 'o lil orritt conotootutlooio arc fxd, it A. complt lint of Adler Ero. fe Embalming a specialty. No. 209 S. 41~ interprting thtem the movig forceso of suis at Wadhams, Ryan & eul, t00- Ave. Ambulance night and day. Re&. L. W . A tD M I, D l a t ci ili atioto ca ntlo bhe onir ey ig tored. 202 S. M ain t. d ece 302 F ifth A ve . Purian )xfrdsAND r 20 STYLES IN .... Box Calf, Kid, Enamel, Patent Leather and Tan 11 E. HURON ST. L Embalmer and 613 East William Street The ENOCH DIETERL E'Funera irectorUniversi ticutone-half l'oet Fine VVI re. Enach Dietele, Lady Assistast. of pa todig. n. lthy dst OUA'IIAMTEE.S S SPG Na. Fourth Aye, Bath Phaaeshih. Sheho E. Lambet l l Phoitos i TRNIE OODYEAR'S DRUG S>TOR E