- servitude, except as a punishment for anti new relations are created betwen United States shall govern this teri-'chapters in Paton's very entertaining
crime wihereof the parey shall have them anti the gavement which has tory as he sees fit till congress makes life of Andrew Jackson than thse
heen duly convicted, shall exist within acquired their territory. The sane frther provision." which describe the reign, for it was
the United States, or any place su- act which transfers their couty, "Now, if the gentleman will e kind nothing less, of that great statesman,
ject to their jurisdiction." transfers the allegiance of those who enough to tell me what principle ot the patriot and soldier ouring the time
In the limitations of the powers of remain in it; andi the law, wh ,"hsay constitution he supposes suitale- hie exercised the power of governor
lie states, in the fourteenth amend- be denomiinated political, is necessarily what discrimination, he can draw e- of the newly acquired territory in
ment, and of the United States anti the changed, although hat which regu- tween suitable and unsuitable which Florida. I his commission the pres-
states in the fifteenth amendment, no lates tic intercourse, and general on- he proposes to follow, C shall be in- dent said:
mention is made of territory beyond duct of individuals, remains in ots., strnted. Let me say that in this gen- "Know ye that, reposing special
the United States ht subject to its until shtred by the newly cetedt~ eral sense there is no such thing s trust and confidence in the integrity,
jurisdiction. Perhaps the earliest and lOwe'Ot' the state" extending the constitution. The con- patriotisms and abilities of Miaj-Gen.
niost authoritative writer upon the "Onl the 2nd of February, 119, Spain stitution is extended over the United Andrew Jackson, C do appoint hill to
constitution is 'Mr. Justice Story, who, cdcd Florida to the Utitcd States. Thc States and over nothing else, t can- exercise all the powers and autior-
spcaist ofthispmoicin oftheco tOi article of the treaty of cession,stt be extended over anything except ties heretofore exercised by the gy
tution, stiys, sec. 605 (Story on the costains the following provision: over the old states ants the new states ror and captain-general and ite-
Coittiis):"'te inhasbiants of the territoies, thtat shall conic n hereafter when they dit of Cba and by thegoen'sf
"Thte power of congress over the which his Catholic imajesty ceies to do coite ii. Tere is a want of ccur- ast and West tFlorida"
public territory is cletrly exclusive the Uited States by this treaty, shall sty of ideas iiithis respect that is Ptrton records that scarcely ha tite
and universtal, andcheici legislationi is le icorioratedt in the Unioss of the qeite remarkatble amitogemsinent get- Aimerictan flag taken the place of the
snbject to iio cottol, but is tbsolute United Ststes, as sooii as uay be' con- tleisen, and especially professional and eiutleis of Spain than the governor
and universal, tinless so far as it is sistenit wiihithei'ncsip'tls of flh' fesd- juieicial gestlein.It sens to bc putlishieud tn ordinance empowering
affected by stipulations in the cession eial constitution, stnd dmittedl to the taketi for grantedl that the right to pro- ele myor taid aldermsen of each place
or by the ordinance of 1787, undci' enjaytiseit of the privileges, rights and teethhpersal liberty is extended by to "levy such taxs as may be uces-
which any of it has een settled." imisuiities of the Uinited States." force of the consitutian over new ir- sary for ele support of the towii ga-
Spaheiig of this provisioin of tesecon- 'flistreaty is teseMAw, of the lamas, ritory. That prpositionsscannost be risiset? .More thans thast, tie gasver-
sdtttiass, Judege Cooley, in his work on atith sdmiits ele inhaitants of Florida smintainsest sll. Htow io you arrive nor hatt beentoiposwer lbt a short timse
ele Prissiples of Constiteutional tLaw, to tesen(jymncit of tie privileges, st it by sisy resasning or deduection? unitil lie was adevisedthatsst certainspti-
Says: ights amd isssunssitis of the citizens It canmsosly te arivedl sthby tie loosest vte iaters which leedeemuse poper
"'The ieeuliar wordint'g of tesepsovis of ele UnitedStaSstes. t is sececssry ,tint sll hpossile construcetions. Ct s st~tmlbe turnseover to lustsftrm'hes
tosls lusshelssoe iperseons to sustose o Iqutcire' whether this wassnstattheir si thatl tshis must le so, else tile right msc of tieiPersons itersted, were it
hat it was instlee etingress soseull eondition, iuuihi'ieul't of stipulation. f this'habieasmscorpus woculd be lst.usle Ptsasessions of Cl. talava,ftrmer
exercise its respect to the territory They eta sut, hoawevr, paticiatein Un 'sdoubtedly- these ritts musmt be cam- gveror-gneral, smiths-Io remined
hic rights iinly ofautroietric rop-' poiittial hewer; this'?dthenot share hut terrei la sw hbefore theyats e em- ito ssrenseer the renss of auetorityt-to
eyn?dmithiat tim eple it'atthe terni- ie gOverismiteit, till Foiatttcshll hbe- joyedsinitaterritory-." (htutom's 'Tir-the' geuerasl. Fr these papeirs the
torieswere' to be leftt sibetirty to it- ca st te. Ithicesittantie, IFori- ty Years inthie t'niteid Sates Senasti, geneiralst Illts seetatury ntlasist-
situte governmuuents tar theselvshses.ids eiint iis to be ua tirritory oathe' claptr 182, vol. 2, tiage 7.) ut, whomtt le hadsappitned sase,
t is use ehubet most consistent with UnitudStttes; gsernseidby virtue utfiMany otserautoriitis migit lii'and stt finhug theim, he proeceee to
tie gieseralhiory of reuebican insti- t hatt clasi'theseontstitution, whirlscitie but these semisto te' o utie- nrerate nstatonly- Callav's scre-
cetians, hat thieiole eerywherei'mpoiwsers ciingress "to miakesll seed- u-st wuigt anmii'suthsriy to msitestary biut Cllava h itmssel, to besow
shoausllie talowedilfouhgocvermenmtsst; tiui mlis and regulsationms, respetintgste errec't idiitrinei'utotishicsubiject. fthe' laugeiss'fstlMs. tekan icalet-
lut itlisits-evs-i'be'sit deeum'dItitusttert ietertiritoy, or tlrhertioerty bhelong- It we tutruss judical authoraityto t itiotti'rid,''lut htstitsthe csl-h-
of right stsiahecal eosnimsis?- siiuldhmg 1otheunhuitedh States." tie trautice' tittie executiei'n aeusd- tuse"whc,;eobrvd"laa
be suftereid to hia' cisc'ouaionsto'f At i. Webstr lissbeens accorudeidthe ilatie tbrntches of ue gocermiiemt we trritie'thising really?."
instsitutioins, smut ret usstrcture of grieateset.iuthoiit~sti~ tyoa uesuuai shl findelgas-e's-esm proi ed o rtuTu- re hpeiidto im ie iaa
govermsent theruon, without lie guiu- iuson constitutionalhqulsestions, wis e wly acqiuires territory- outside ofteta time aceti UnedSts
ansee' aisuim-staint of as stteriu wan ssnst a membtetrtiut'thic supett con' usstmitional goernmenuut piduesh foeduug'ftunWst Florida, tieCln. EL+ -
thrity. tEves-minitsthis'olihi''stateis,csutr of tieUited States. Isuatu- the states of tie Unio. hum Laohssian .ills FuItmeutiu. 'oltu] ie mcs'c
ss-he'r soietyis isut litst i 't icis'ec'thast greate constitutional sc'sfitututhat fishlispower wssvested to attes Saiardttsisappiieaedt suita writ
smtatenduutsuisatdissluiet ltary'ir sid: the irsident to sappoiatst siclers cil ofstiabes iriusms isas issuedhto bisttg
slush ehisorc, tCis tti' reservstoit- "Whast is Florieda? t is use lut of sndmithlsitary, to gos-ern tie territory. theisisbse'etie judge. No sones'ditc
self tie right to ssishae uitcialh imst- lie Unitedet ses. Clssca-smsit be-Tye' fhud termritmorial i ei'mrsimit eiri- GV ako er fti cin
tuthss; mamiitowss-mind51tceties ati nemly howcs'is itrepire'sentsed? Do the lawssof slush htshichs teiople at Lousianass1.thi' isartsit tis' juiciyt hanms he orth-
formseduster its edirections, sumit tc- this'Unmited Sates reach Florida? Na ld use part-asos-serr -smih eouni h -emissued-situtuorse, uniueits esar-
eorngitto tie'ruses mmmii sitinmthe nmuss uaby pasriculasr provsiohns." tintthirteenmappinsoutedsh -lsthemadvi-ces' etr tash torcitle in exressin, sue
humiste mestate hpresribes. Whelm sill "''he lteriter?' smth ll 'iithinit it tre cit this'senate',judeiciuallofces'sholing fols's
less reamson catltih esew'vsettlers its to hi' govensrusedby tie sacquirin-ug 1p0c- onusttemyents atr''t us dntatdutmnig "li is Froiseuttim, hsq., scill orth-
mmccc'terrtories le sufftered to exercise s-,uexe-lt 'wshere there sre- rcservastoss goodsehavIsis-or s udu juduge of thim b n perbeoei( oso
sovereigns psowers. Tiherctice eof theiby'treaty." Unitedh Sttes. amiiiec's' itust ememss-,ritsschy- elistsas ttemptiiedima mter-
governsmsent, o aritinssg betfore the "iythlie lawc of Englandih ciemsios- rie, teem, thatthlie' hitlsititiutreat?' pio- aese wi ieysauexerisgoeviers
haptions of tie constitution assussbeen sessioms is takuenmoatterritoe-s, this eing ig.cue-t:oftelriaexcsnghepw
for consgress to estabshs gosvernmnuts tunet'erlase, hasthue oer oatlhis- "This' haiultats_ afthleu'ereit-serr- of thecatahti-tienrl assetintendtt
for tie' terriories; asmith sether tie liass unitil pauriamssent shllhinsterferm. tory shaliilbeeicrortdin the anisomsfteIsadO. uaoerteSi
jurisditioncsnertihe' district 11515been Cngress hose lie Jes Coronasue ! hlissoatthis'tUnitedulSates asnd aedmitttedas Prhi-nces', mmiiiof the'tovernsors of saidh
acquired by grouse ft-ailsthsestate's, oneuse, as luhForidhuwsusto tee gosvernsedt son s posesile' accrinig to the provic-ses, respective?; in msy jutei-
by treaty? ccills a foreigaimwer,-eonas- hy congres s site thoughtisroipe's." ;iprinciplsof lie tederaslCnstitution, ealcuhesat-cit?' as supresmse judege as-r
gress shall Pidecce thserefor, sre not Wtutlmscnrs eh? Sie to iee mtjytnct of all lie rights, ad- th anada-hnelrteef
set right entitledh to paurticht'hi 5'sight has-c hems mtsmgs itn ntionrsn se dogn mtsse nt sssumte tettiamissof }lvigeucomittea craibiu dividutosee
liticali uautority, untsil the' territory be- hills-u'refuismetilsetrial tiny'jilt'y, amdgre-ilte anittdnuis uiteStates; sutet hum Tthe tusan- cagd - - i omiaintoscee
tenses a State. Mleantittiilt'?eymie int fused-l e'gislasture. Sie hils givens a tune they shaull le' maitised'ndadharyosueth trrtriscee
acondeitions of temssporary pupmilage usnd iugisiutetum, to lee exercised auserlinPhrteced-uihutthe riee'joymentt at ibots e UlmslchSttes, the eidecheofus
deuedeene; anti cs-lte congess c-ilwi ll se u a-'nssnms e 5X-t r-et, hroherus, and.theru-ignhest Indiveritalesightiteis has beetsll seuepctdtorcgnzmteprniperusfoe!adaect toto mxd a tritres hchhs en eurdt
be xis-etd t reegsiacthepniscihe itr',hum'siich sithe liss e-mshc'aed to 111he' profess." '-
of Sef-gov-ernsmenst toscacm-i isextent cdistinustlhiseems state assetUsited "Of tlistsgvernmuenuttsuid hoerm ittheelsh indiidteualunde-nthe second r-
uase may' sess wise, its ediscretioalsone Sies jurisiction, anltiitmting tileerus'curt oftinhlii Uitedt State'huri-si eo.thCie- late trasty5withllSpain,.
canl constitute thse ne-ssume tin?'hchlfuture erections of tie territory itllet tlie csemofatSerev.c' tetat(0 Cr'smch, adtesi l -sFoetn s.
elheuartcipationofat Cthe-else canmsbe slate-" 12), says;setandapa's-o r meil lt my'offcesm
determsined." T'tmthlissvc-ess-ccas held hy JM. Web- ''"sTheawer of toverning stnt legis-it5occkpm.I naeao
terhsaps the leadeing case iuon thits ster cu-iemslie wsusnot'saking uuter laing test tute'ritory 'is thte inevitable' mabeknoby suet abovrtcmn su antsls
subjet is te case of the Amsericanthuue imlntse giveutny us retainer, but m conenurnceqmpny vsCatescuonIls efonithey s snaoghttndhod toitryacquirespoi-deremau te-crc's-d na o
Cusumasee Caushasy is Catls- Cuui~i iisreusasiiltymismuses tino ecnetd hecnttto frigttsitmuspirper to msae therein."
Peter, Ili, a ase issavovg rights std the Uniteud States, is shown y liehotuecnsedlteasiutm f
jursdeitions of territorial couts in positiaon taksenmbyheyit in1its9Cinhim chth le United Stoes declares that "Cat- Fratsey' Judcge Iramnentin wsa
Florhi, argumhled uo se siude by D0r. he said: gress shall have passer to make all umsblehtoCapahtr sat liesiapinted time
We'bster acud decieded by Chief Justice "Tileeconstitution-wcchat he it? ll'o e medfulh ruses and regulationss respect- bfexcuse' tegoero, ithatsal Muits.Indip'ivasf hatchexen teumptiuio with rcsetht i ws ai sen-hrhu
the Chief Justice s s: States tiy lacy to territory? Wlht is "Accordingly, ce flush congress ps- arties apeled to te executive, at
"The cntiutuion confers absolutly te consttution of the United Sates? sesshug and exercising tie absolute elitChue James itanree, and it msust
on hic gore muent of the Union thl s nCssot its very first principle thuat all and undisputed pccer of gverning leetsdmitted that le had some mesans
powvers f aking cus, ands of msakingwiithin its influence and camprehen- and legislating tarrlie territory of of famusilirig himself wsith te con-
treaties; consequently IliaC gayv-mn- Snshall he represented itt the legis- Newv Olean. Congress has given situstion of te United States. Hs
iossesses the power of acquiing tenth- lature wihich it establishes, with not thens a legislature, an executive, ou stwlser was coveyed by no less ass
ony, either by conquet or by treaty." only a righte of debate and a right to a judiciary, wiith such pasers I55 it authormity luau John Quincy Aasms,
"Thie usage of the world is, if me n- vale in bth houses of congress, hut a has been their wil to assign to these thes secretary of state. Gen. Jaicksons
Clan he nt entirely subdued, to can- ight to partake in the choice of the departments, respectively." clamsed tat the judge had use a-
sider tie holding of conquered tern- presidenti and vice-president, And can The Treaty of Fl'oida, ike the ta- torny to issue the order of htbeas
tony as a mere miiary ccupation, Ive by law extend these rights or any isana Treaty, provided: corpus because tie right to apply tr
until its fate shall be determined at of them to a territory of the United "Tie inhabitants of te territories it had not been extended to the Ccrit-
the treaty of peace. If it be ceded by States? Everybody will see that It is wichl his Catholic msajesty cdst oyadtejdecamdt eat
tetreaty, te acquisition is con- altogether impracticable. t comes to ele United States by this treaty, shall hg in accordance wiith the acts of
fined, and the ceded territory he- this, then, that te constitution is to be incorporated into the Union of the congress. Said the secretary, address-
comes a part of the nation to which it he extended as far as practicable, But United States as soon as may be con- hg Judge Fromentin:
is annexed; either on the terms stipu- hocv far that is is to e decided by the sistent with the princiles cu thel e. "I'S.la ',"g,,, ,+ f-"
such as its new master shall impose. thlberef ore lito is to have absolute and enjoyment of the privtleges, rights and "Sir-C have the honor of receiving
On such transfer of territory it has despotic power. H~e is the jud e of immunities of the citizens af the your letters of the 20th, 26th and 28th
steven been held that the relations of wvhat is suitable; ansi what he thinks United States." August, 0th, 8th and 21st Sept., with
the. inhsabitants with each other under- suitable is suitable." IHe. is omnis 'in Cu the government of Floida we their respective enclosures, a ll of
go any change. Their relations with hoc, and wuhat is thti but to say in gen- have an instructive precedent, Per- cuhich have been submitted to the
their formser sovereign are dissolved eral terms, that tO> President of the hops there are no more interesting president of the 1.'nited States.