THE UNIVERSIY OF MICHIGAN DAILY. 3 HOW M Y W E OVERNpropsiton, and it is today one of the as to secre to these people as touch crwing contributions of that great freedom as they are capable of cor- O U E IW n sificent doman. tion to life ad property? 0 B N L T iiIllIUI i. "This was not the first or the last and fhiss question is entirely apart te tit the LUnitedl States sosght a front str duty after flume shall hae ____small territoryan goa large oe. demonstrated their capabalties and Just as George Pgers Clark's capture desires after te experiment of liberal AN LAB RAT CO STIUTINALARG MEN BY EX-of two frontier ]posts gave risettteegoerutett has becn fairly tried. A N LAB RATE CONTIT TION L A GUME T B EX occupationo of a vast territory betweetn Tese questions are oftetn said to be SECRETARY OF STATE WM. R. DAY. te Mississippi adthrie outaits, atdtnew protletts to the people of this just as the exteitiotn to Cbta led to cotttry. ft is interesting to tindtttta the attexttions of ite Philippisl- hot iile te Situation which has pro- hattds, so Motroe and Livigston dced thetm is new, te qtesions ar" Delivered Before the State Bar Association .-Political Signi- sougt for tetty tousad tmiles of old tttd ttt principles lotg sittce di- iarret sasttd airtiirogtt iotne six cussei aniossiby -settlelit inte ear- ficance Attached to Judge Day's Speech. htuttdrd thousatndtiles of empire" her darys of the republic. ft tuay be Ibelieve saty thoutgtfutl Amseri- aitmittedl ftrt tere is so tmtuct of tsv- rttts wousidi have favoredl withdrawal cty ttt rie sitrtttioss that no ote cats fromtie Philippineos at te coe of ,ipettk wis aty cetsiry po te fInrihe first sson of te 'ieligass Jutdge Days address is giv er itfusl tt- wrsottfnsats sgovernment'ta c- stttject of otr lgtl relatots to tiese State i3r Associatiotnedin itUtivesity browor. sosirsrsstittl is ctcertnted, were if los-islrtttds an teir peorle ttntil te S- trih setayacrotatll:0l ea'rr 139tSwill ie foreverttett- sBibe tto oso trwitihoror. ''sitircre l'e -cort of fts' Unitdi States ias Prot.r:11its ritehomistoryptefirite ofsttct1 wro-tmatyrdihetultes itt an rstrc-ee derth ie riuestiostsItvlved.Its de- Prf t t lorP-ot terre o ieStatetrs. I tit inkte hisorian switsc- thoss to rmaisninssg tiere tIsaerver e~t isirtswill, of corse, ie bindintsg upo 5stctttiot, elir ted assatble address. grdrrte Cubansssitationssois lottf- yeteardt frostsatty suiree a5mthodtistcotsttutsttioa isqestiossution tes cot- He sidie cotrsideredrt iitie duty ad rstIgortht of o-srrsretg iviirsti'lns ty Awlins-Ithtie ' titr'rtS ttsihrvig e- grss rf te Uitdr Statss an have prsrrte ofte risetrociationttto ecsltlttestn n-Bitioweereotg itttonettt' to tarsestto itsisorrre amonrtg nartottsttrnd smuch to ro its stligrsol riiry. fBrt tionr tsany teetos itesttres systemttatrr how s rIn-erorstie fortbeasrsncee ottits oblisgations to tirppe osiir rt hert srseesomsstetinigrof owhatrehasrgoue oihe jtoseaktienbrrsdieuptere - l irel ate cot- etsr ierrt 'ftiirt .'rnflrtict. iroms ts' cotnsrtetquenesof ots tourtrirss-s.eave tose iroisir-N w0Ionfredss'heis'Unsiter Striso's oiotisg eectinrg its jutdges. ft' Virgfisits intnrsscre andstho'erongs torets'farntshed't wis armsssby3the ftr tir eanr'ts rro etlartge-its bordtoers Is is rie durtysoi tie JudriiailDetart- r>r tsrr''strArrrets etio55err ririsi ititts is r-sn ttitressrs e orsrr-wtcti sten t tsr)n-govs ermenr t secideehtrtduiritg tiso-t'teny-artsitorte adtrt-silith us Igttst a Cotmmonssfor- rthromtiht e-riire. AS errsi as i17.r0, as tire iascissornd to rdeterintecesres iby rrisistrrttst of Gen'eratli Grattttttttsg- irs tietforester reaitons to Spaitottrrf. fHarrcoros, te cogess of jus-tiOc trndeuoity. Tie tuestion sis not s-rito scap'e itousnt t:tal centiet, tt frey to interal ndisort or treat- tie ns titedStaSntes hadotvotednthtat ans whoshtlligosetnieesrse iortsystemstitd Sin s enabtletdirto patch lrl? silstngtie'petro'nf tie- wordi b-ect- rnrctir-dtsthalbittspors seof foe tie ot goeersmetthetie oerle btirtntietohe rna'enf Zntjrn wsoithisetsrotbeli- trrtirrs nulltssrt srscts whiheitsoeecsure ssrrnsssrsbenefr'it nof tie ns' ited'taStes; qufioistseowrteyrshallnt firesysrrof{ ents subjecr'tstn IC'utba. Btrtie 5same5ton fonllowvfromntie csloniziing ntonis thaot sioidnstosth ie srttle'dttby solrooo oeieoetteol55e sru ~rnnsrersoni rmethodsconinueisort ur op-tItrr wahrsnl oy a nquestin s sicrsengulaionts1,saslootptrvaoi te tire tsIeootr sers pln.1It altsrs tmsot o nnreonail. line nearby tinentce tan tsrowhethere sr- ouldertir dishrge 5tmoseotanibttr rres n tIb~tty tins'cngrss of goseerrtert threcmtustt ie a fisnoaetrbter endtting owrseof free instituttionis obtligationssbty requtiritg ti'cession tt- Utnid Sats ass'mblse;:tar andse it is necessay thast this higrosm rt s ever prrsnitf, sntit wass onlyti'of soinsnort-nnf tie groussi sso-n tn-'thins tritoryshahlie foednntino be givrea to a manortofintelrectaoh abilito niquestion sof tints0wsr-nn-i eis system in trittrntbyvtin epleto whtsos-iniswsocdisttrott rpiantri- tstores whiti-nsal 4indone lesrnedeitoths irslaI n usrticie. insst yie'tldts thin'oiir. biters tinwe obl'rnrrigeor' aornrrringe sn'b-comnte smembetors of tins'Federal A judgec-aossneer sit worse hie his a os -nsls nf tie ne itedtSto'site s itubaswolern'grup s trantIndiisile' uoleto n'titont. deidredoii sronor owr teclie ihs artmtntotldntorit rortei- n nimnntity tir e' con'mut rlnrig viewos' othaot theins' 1787liS sr ednn tine osniroasee terest ins tie suit. Neiheecana a judnge try sacerwhere saffectiron or feare keepso sanmesrstory,'of tins' o'nte-ntrtioi o f norast:ifrrieu'ouoldise nn'cou-sntersoet fine tins'oernment of tie'Nothwsoest tintsfrontsenernirg justice. T'he one ins',tpeoplei',starvtoiittan ett. by trkngietie'entir'e'group:rn [httrntitTernriry, sett ing stirasgovenment wehos hsoldsIis -offceefete lifernsatraslly Wiest tie Amr'tino 'nsnl go'mmo'en'm ws otm rInted thtinoit couldt not be tie-s'swithrstanappoine governorr ant possesscs tie oirrsoitieo orwtie te judge reqs't'ffor prtetion to Amesrican spartent or sirinent anthtn tie lunges. Thistsoriinamneowas ins force cetedrifo ,a sort semsmssrst contendot citize'ns en-rintstnnins thiirert othsfslmo' e550 trubtle' soehsd rootaiss-n on tis solonntins'coosto ittions 0000dnopsted. svtilsmrntry ttiisirrnsorti surpaoss mtay Ma1iniss-tontins'aroronf totoitontitan t nntit wouildainisestrs'ainrsit fAmr-t-itdnitsn' tr' s-n tsstit inn isfor'ev inpo- ftao tionrs to retains tineeualitiies whichtit ovisiu tormasort, if not sritosi-canondtiSinsinnnweres'to tsr' n-oss' nigh- hiitoitrislotsen ints (rursls n d mwtsithn tie rentwl ge-trutndmadmteirnsao h eector;s sol riseii sr lst enmy ( tssaultont, yet os-irismheminig treach-eiors intttsr' ocu-tiosnotof tie'isandsns. ints, triot ionsfort'fre'domsth te on- thinkismiioatote wil do keronrrte mors t'3oii-r y nrnnt r trfttrrquiueui rn si-istnss'nistos stttSt ions silnt1umndrntnrtr to inter- gord fi'nancoislly;tis saiesrmnt ws- nd hiets'' nn'sos'to btins' troy55'5edin, ts'enoT'hiss'Ameicn't'i oplenssit)rons''tiny'for'. AhGino ern seatm55isssof tie ir~slsretod y tireliiuotra e.e Innte Anwricr'onnpeotple'tbel'i'eed, 1ninth tins' tinei'constitut ionsdeets'ned n'ttinstien'press-stools's smbledi'nton makeso'tins' onoso- ireensry stemstherreeis a timiit y riotto sennn-itm-t wosssin sttrinmntas50tsroniionottdetnt a ndtnisnatt' sri'thor'UtnitStaits tution rtins'onfederr'nt ions hadnt alradyn those eecedt tonfesrlessly iperforem thiei t t n inar universal onv 'rnitionrtirt tins'rigintts tongot itranti tfy sntins-a ''p - rgn'idbythins orinancittte'terni- dity snd neteforeete lawsv i tey iner- hti'Smn' ha our iniss'sen ntoting smot ro eretaotis. 'limo'treatyohaingrutet ovegrnenst btyn'd t is btrdrers. tinedsieibie s greywshily rseelirn.osr bsonrluten d stomntm'tnf Spitsltbetnnira'tifi'iironhs mior m' tin supnre'mesThe''5no'stit Sutonsof tint' Unitedt States tesoette iju s toneIsislsiinaenid ee tsn'tigint3' woulrndt nstthiss tat'of lits' nf tins'laind. 'lie' iltnlns' r iprns-n005fiamuredt tby tir' 'ople of tie ie is depeendren lrs'mo~trtis soes hmnus onitonirstun mng purse to hins roulttt3. nf mmmi'domainoandtAvtunt o'swumrsitnd urint n itn'ntStates's sisrenciedt urnits mmm- hrns Norstat tie jidge orittltbe es it is trs e s-caod intrests tbere;''',bitt s-Stmnner s i istr' Sarss aut o 'nsfu tn- amblte: htonestiuthorsie srittltie riticilzed,. oters tihs'humasrnitrrian ssin-it imnt roos tetinunsnf mmiii'oummnry-rm3 r it,boiro n etr"Wi''ts'enop'eof tie ns'tited Statow faste%'. s otheres sre irs poitcallife and tmtn's'siiituioteis'hoiiw-r s50embracln'oedn'ntmindstourone minterittetsts anal Sim' oni i intret's to forinnarorstirerusfet union, miis sit do iis office grat eins tins' -sresoltiosrntdemnngisrelinq- frt's'of tminie iiolr. estabtilisr tisttin-, insr' domersic shrouldiereso ituaintedotathie people ay nisimmso'mt of Spanoniimshsvreignty. '11mm'resolmutiosinnf mconrrges'sm bntid titnlitititO tsroide for'tie commton osmse isos s mmsiss tnsahiteem ttohin tro It is useless tinspmecmuloin 'irtihter down rthes'liss'sf oreduity towrdr'rmdtetfen'ms, prmote, themis'gtnrml IA'efare wkorwheter artie rcontestantisdfere aneroes repianieo rpohibitionist or torls. sngw' intigoulrdhaveion'sbrnoightt (Cuta. Yi'W e e tboiun ty every cn-ns-ai m'eur'the miss' insmgs of Ltberty- Judnge Cooey, tiegreatest jurisno t ~m 'ni-nie cabeoutiosn I t wtromigit o sidmraon ofsm natotnanl honoirsntinstaty t mto r'ss mamitinsuros terity, ro irh is tieswhensitt tie emiensc of iis strive fine it. It wroosight for- thi'ostntummcselfminrnises'md imtd i st0srutnd rdaois int establrishrtmins Constitutmion ability3'wams defeaotedi tiy lils 0505 partey Ame'ricnin rister' rt Madrtidimtins work Insossist its pepnisle oinesalishitausfom'thin' 'UnitStats'sof Amerrica"n ore trsthey' or-rc irsauntority tbecamuse lie fors'it ad oute ornn'it ms hesimS srill th stble gvenrmen't. If they' s'sesromes e '1'prisiounsfSthmmt instrusmernt gave e cisiniscrotrary toosnime of their inreat ncourageamitsilstl. ft wsnsright tinstie nItited'stStools'sifinust tint'ty3;sre finte tie tn'seitfof tins'peoole of tie views.n Judge Geant ost 4000 soes ii fuste irerusidetn'm of tie Unitedt Statsnthe ir oron ft-s-ill andstatertn'he Unt~iedmtSts'sthostsdesigsnted, ann one countnybecoauseot one deisiiont lie tin stin thie srar tide as long s hehinsure cognized, if that shal osi sme to sects to seermie'tie relationsrusse reraeres. rmniuii ru~t ssosor isistomt~' rsort555 ipass, thast tie Amuerie'anttgovenmetf lpor's of ientoirns andmbtins states Ihouldnin te mus itwatiintendoed tat fle %sr -srit-tipeatcful menshasdmmbeemn is btter tnSothiycnst abtslishs ins'reiuihciinformednitie Compact. Wheneser judicia office shoudtseckthie stait not e hutd u eiv h ft hmevs tie rnanrtie ffie. The arty boss atdarindnusfet whe b-eetr hitr im'rs're. umtstnseertie nsUitedmtStates oen rmtahtire sore imstinesanae rsanrt\oer ,sms r-lecresthtithelu'coufitrwa0055 limt 5whast of Sis'iseuiss tbie'rrndttire rferedt to, tens ateeused concerig tis offie as they control orer tie oterieiabesat W hrtthere moe titnhie politicali corpioration, swhicht s-as offices anmd departmensf ouron goser-1 Tins result of thrut sous, as of imost sixty' tribes of people sunrsedt thrustfruing framsed ndrs set sit. fts saemt. toe tie judicia ndepartmenrt, whlich theritiisOvwas unlookedsfor.tunedsstunfore- tinsliberty assetty tie cocucrrt fleons w'ssee nt sintomg of tie go-4 is tie tfoundatsriosn of omr ibierties eand sensi. Oust objctroos to menSpasrisi tmsttrsoy' of au cossisom, cmnsiosen gaphsical ntitet Sttes. We uinitpro- consitutiona rights to beeeomae sujeet soreigty its(tCuta and adjaiocemfntf sush meins Detey3, Sclrmns, visiossmianic for on prsidnt, for o a party tos saasthat ifmionaly mr-tes'sTie result of thtirowrse tsmnWorcester, Denrby- antdtOtis, thtisuetiecours, fuss a senaot amd house of re p- ie a shortt tumacbeore omit coursts will oure rumy andS musy in tie Philippinrenpeonple of tose isanuds mmcm'noseuittiresentatie's of tie Uied States. Btt be politicali instituins, as moseistie slandms in a sitiuation anndsumer obli- fist sef-gov'ernsmen. ft woold tesma- thfits'tsiediStates1udfnsaifbs case ma tieFrenchacourts. Imrpariatly ha-ten asitha onthie part of omtrorcna suly ie galones from os-ich re. couldi not ebous if it were ofherrise Liberty acquiredt since, outlying territory. mantainsedI Sy (I) eectinrg judges for escapse. The unexpectedt lindiha- is a buane of sore growsth.Omit fath- Whiat shoilm be done woith it tftmas life, or () eecting thenm foe a fixed peteders'sreepLrearedtom' it by tie stug- providedn rimuce 4 sections 3 that termen d preventring re-eetion, or (3) When lr Jefferson its L803, alarmed le for costitutional liberty of their congress shall hamve porer to dispose ihe federal systemr of appotaing judges mt the transfer of Spanish soeriguty fthiers before they ever came to our of and mae all needful cites and foe life. Prof. Thromrpson said he pe- over the great Louisiana territory by sores-by race tradition and educa- regulations respect igfle territory or fees thie federal systema. "But whatever tie treaty of St. fiefoss fromo Spain tion. To these people goerment has otrrrpertybeogsgttieUtd sysfemr we adopt, shori termrs and ce- poet eogn oteUie dlecion should be abandoned forever" to rance, sent 'Mr. Monroe to join awrays meant tyranny, fraud ansi p- States' Here in unmistakable At irechoe o Prf. homsons rithm our minister, Livingston, at pression, until they have begun to di- trss is rested in congress anple pow- addetoJode Wn. R Da, o th u.Paris, to obtain, if possible, control of trust tie motires of any outside er to make rules and regulationsfo S.drCirc ute CouRtf ppal, ade-teotetooieMsisppfn d etl u h usinnovmdtiegvrnetohrtres of time teCieracyi otoffedeivrdpeaadess-jjaenot landsfthorMizsingsim ivadad eisHo ca odoplt.tButtse itet ru aentgoerStaes ntfteritoig oftirel- ofcrthay 'owMayeivreWte aGovern 1jacierefol$2,0,000toriifnecessary, ie it:Htorvcanfitdothes seipeople maytetates.dnt frthemintitution One Nth e rit o y." 'thy e GenIteeaswas0met0withfth eremar a rpoi-e hthoweeitsegoemt teethr enadstnc tecon ttion ah an elaborate constitutional arggmntn of tion from the minister of Napoleon same lawes amid practice must govern United States in its corporate capacity the powers of congress over territories, that the United States purchase all of in the Philippines that control and may be one thing amid the territories and, becanse of judge Day's connection Louisiana. Though Mr. Jefferson govern within our continental union? be another, for that amendment pro- wih the admiistrafton, witl be taken as doubted the constitutional right to do Or is thiere porvrr in this country to vides: ane official statement o teposition of s eddnthstt oacp h elwt hsq the president.ioh ddnt eiat_ oacetth el ihthsqestion in such way "Neither slavery nor involuntary