"Rled now thetoflen murmsr of thee orttt G O L F ~The oplendidroiment oate Spt e peepsfortha." ('O F It is with a feeling Of prtite whetshtee think paettonabeo that we invite yoor eariy tnspection of our ew'line of Springand Sume Oferinotegsejutreceived,"fesh andttemopt- O U T F Ttag as theo aneat leavesa of Naturees serial toray. Ottr 3000t-patterns from the OUTFITSTailor made to your measure at thee peiee of the Hand-eme-dtown .. .. . . .... U....r- '"nan a ic If you want... . DRIVERS, BRASSIE DRIVERS, CLEEKS, MILL IRONS, LOFT- ERS, PUTTERS, CADDIE BAGS AND !GOLF BALLS........ You can find them at Sheehan's We carry tie largest assortment of all makes in the city. Our clerks are up to dlate Golfers, and will gladly give you any in- formation desired in tie pur- chase of outfits. We are Ann Arhor Agents for the following well-known clus: WNILLIE DUNN, McGREGGOR, HARRY VARDEN, SPAULDINGS and MORRISTON. Bring your old Golf Balls and ex- change thtem for new. Sheehan &Co. PROMOTERS OF GOLF, Sco SO. STATE ST. ANN ARBOR, rlIC U. oflY, BarberVAOBTH Shop and, Bath the Cit.ea- Rooms, 32 STATE . R. frjanawai BICYCLES REPAIRED PRICES REASONABLE We are agentts oete famousa DAIYTON BIGYOLE maladeaier Oentatolanaaca- ced ad repaired. VIM. J WENER, 113 E. Liberty New Phone 553 FOR 1900 Are bter thana eer. Prices, $25, $26 and $35. Caitles, $60. Also agency for Oriente Strig, Fowler, etc. Sundries. Tadem to rent. M. STAEBLER'S CYCLE EMPORIUM 119 W. Wahinigton St., PhoeS . ONN F. ASKET. DEWITT ALLEN 223 So. Ingall St. 720 So. 12th New State Phoe 436. New State Phne 903- Tie campus pt orap ers Have a full lie of Ui: of M. ad Ace Aror Vew. Make a speiaty f Stdnt' Ramo ad Flasleight Work, at reaoablhe prees. Viwo on o at Clkns', Shedee, Lvel, EdwrdoBros. and Shalero Bosoroe. Try The... I NORTH SIDE . LAUDRY' weTAOS15 O WE rop. 100 Braadway. e47]ell Phne SPRING OF 1900 Agent foe the heat Tattors oc Eaeth Feet t Rfooma os-erFist National Back, AcntAerio DO "YOU $MOKiE? 4 Pittsburg Stogies for 6 Bill Antho6ny Cigars for 4 Brunswick Cigars for 5c 25c 25c Old Number: 44 SO. MAIN ST., ANN ARBOR. MICH. t The Ambitious Freshmen. At the recent totting of that freslhinena class, it wtas voted to chtalhlenge list soph- omaores to a daual tradckamtet. Thtis is a sttp in alit righst directiots but it should hsavt bettn taktes tactie-casntit ill bc practically imtpossible t holald a trackc mseet bsfort examsinaations. Ithat dial- letnge tad beta sesttearlier, theo sophso- stores wvoauld havet betas obliged to either shoer teir tntrve or adasit thsat they tacked serve. The datal class meets havt alwvays beta popualar haere and also ata anasl featuare, bitt ina that getaeral trimmtainag of this onse-mtss-year evens thsese have beta lopped off. A now line of Manhattan Shirts juat in at Wadhama, Ryan & Reule. See them, S. M1ain st Moe Hi. Baldwia, tx-'03 At.. of Marioa, tnansta, is its that city that guest of friensds. Mr. Baldwsits left school tacar th ls t oftatthatftest scemester ots accouts of sicknsess. He intensds to resumase hats asoak enext fall.. WANTED-A sttudentt to wait table at that tPortlandaacaste. Staiy asrcheall hytar if tdesired. 79. Ciii at 707 N. Univ-ersity ave. see the Pickwvick Billiard Ptarlor. Goed Gorerument Club Orqanizes. At as mseetinag of that directors of that CGod Govetrnmtatclubaalash evensing, that followtinag officers sterc elected for that esuvinag h-tar :IT. L. Campbhahell, '05, prsi- deat,LUtiton, Ky.; T. S. L.anagford,. '02 1t., vice-president, Wihlamastan; E. B, Hfawks, '02e L., secretary, Doavagiaca;hD. L. Bfrowna.'os L., treasuarer, Jackasoni. Directors Schroeder, 'at a.., aid Haase, 'at L., awert presenth.t'lians for next year at-rcecdiscussed. Thatotltook is brighat for a strong course is being ar- ranged. Dr. \W. J. Herdaman, wxho. lectures on Diseases of Mind and Nervouts Systemss, wvill address that State Bate Associationa tomsorrowc at a p. tat. His subject weill hbt " Expert Testimsonvx" anadstill deah es- pectially wstilsaasphaseawhsicha relates ho feigaed diseases. DECORATION DAY RATES.h An Aro wilslexuin ticets on May 29th anad 30ths,lhailed for reetrnsto May 31st, to all poiats wvithitn t~a msiles of starting poinat, at fact anad one slated for that round trip. EEAN & O. Calendar. \VWednesday, Mtay 23.-Cooley Day Cash- ebration., :iWednesday, May 23.-M=ichigan v. D. [A. C., at Regents' Field, 4 p. as. Thuarseday, -flay 24.-Hanadicap trcteanad field met, 4:50 p. ta., Regent's Field. Adamissionsa5 tests. Saturday, May 26.-Comoe It chub pee- sea~ts "Stveas-Tsttty-Eight' as Athaes I lisate Friday atad Satuarday, May 25 and a26. -Third asnual Inste-Schaolastic Met. Thursday, May 33.-Michigan v. Illi- naois, at Regents' Field, 4 p. Mi. Pickwvick Billiard Parlor. New and Up to Date. LOSr-Friday eeninag at May Fets- tisal cetncert, a liege broachapits; pearts stiltshdiamonesd isa centser. BRstard if re- turnecd so 558 S. State street. 76 The Ann Arbor Music Co. hare aome inducementa to offer stat- denta on table boardth also one suite of rooma. DOity firestdaasin list city:litetnew Pickewickll dtiard Factor. A nest tine of Manhattan Shirts Just in at Wadhans, Ryan & Reule. See then., South pMain street. EXCURSION TO TOLE~DO JUNE to. Each year Tolede is beceominagmnie attractivst an it's EtrSCoss City, said -ichaiganpelte~se realize thahtanoasort dlightaftulilace cats be founsd to spsendc ass afternoont. That Annt Arbors Railread stilt castsits text excuarsionaso that Cen- tennial City eta Sundsay, Junse toth, leav- sag Anna Arbsor at t~o :25 a.,in. That fart far that rountrsilp siltlhat 75 cets.No otne shtouldcfailswhaile isaiTledo tsovisit Lakt EriecF aad Casitno. Fifteen cetnts pays steet ear fare froma that city so thateiarkant rehturn, anad instcudes ad- mtisciont to that Earle ansd Zoological Gardstt, also to litetheatre awhere first class tpeforansces are givetn. Otn that openainag clay. May 2oth, ste Caaso stas visitecd hy fifty thocusantdtpeotple. Pleasant to have yost call, Whetre? Assist Pickwickc. BAND NOTICE. WANTED AT ONCE-Two comupe- tetnt clarinet slavers to fill the vacancies left its the b~ CLYDE THOMIPSON, Mgr. D. fA TINKBRF & SON' HIATTEBS AND FURI~SERS Hedqarters for BATS, (AS, MSanFeceISseNG andCetopetetine of GYwNAIeU GOOSa and SWEAES. AGENCY FOB LONOILY BATS 334 South Stae Sre. Car. Mai and Huroc Sreets. Captalt,50,000. eStpus, $30,00. Tacsacte genra baaking hsiness. ft. ReMs, Poese, C.GRnaNE,ie-Frees FoE.HBELER.acCashie. FIRST NATIONAL BAN Koraie 1868 Capital, $100000.Surapus and PFeats, 4,00 Transats a gnealanaking butsns. Foeig exchangebaoght aad said.FPanish lett esf credit. . R. KINNEPos. BARISON SOULE, ie-Pose .00'. CLAKSON Cashe The flan firior Savnp~ Bank Capital Stok, $5i,00. Srpus, $15,00. Resources, 11i500,00. Organised ndes the Genea Banig Lwe of this Stote. Reeves deposit, hys and sells exchange sn the pinipa cities of the Uied States. Draffts cashed po pope idetifctionc Safety depoit oaes toarenct. Oes'steeaa ChistaaMak, Pes.; W. D, Baret. man, Tice-Pres.; Cha. E. iseat, Cshir M. JFritz, Assistant Cashier W. J.- BaTH, PaEs. fT W. ANOsL,lt ie-proe J. . Senos, id ice-prs fl I JOHN..C WALTZ, Ast. Cashia SIVN BRINK Transacts a general Banking liusineca. Makers of - COLLEGIATE CAPS, i'" GOWNS ad OODS, {( CAPS ad GaNS l ASPEC1A5LT. iq 'III-1 CLASS CNES, tl COLLECE FLAS - CLASS PIPES CtASS STATIONERY, COtLEGE PINS, SPE CIALTI ES W.C. KERN &CO 411 ' Fifty-Seenthit S. CHC51AGOc, ILL. 00E C ' 3c one "reason Tobarco - why Old En. _eacg lish Curve Cut pipe to. - bcco is so -o The curved tin box tht fits any pocket is anothe reason. No other pipe tobacco has ever made as many friends in so short a time. -It disappoints no one." A trial box' will be Sent o any one anywhere on receipt often ens ln stamps. Address Old English D- parhnment, The American Tobaeeo Co., Ill Fifth Ave, New York City. All dealers sell it. SPALDINGS Offiit Jltbltic fioods Offiiallyoddopted y th leadig College, Shosand Athetic Claha of the Caante. StnEVEYRESctnTEc Fan.., MacneSall Tennics F'oot Malt Atlaleiclee GlE Gynxewoam Spaldings Official Leage Ball Is the Offcial Ball of the Natial Leage acd alt eding coilege ae- ciatioaa. Spadilgosaso Ball Gide tor 1900, 10c Hfandoewe logu A. G. Spaldng & Bros. any address, sEs toRK, CtOau Etaanaa,. SPRING WOOLEN,5 OPEN FOR YOUR SELECTION Opening of Spring Woolens. .. Woolens for the eoming season hate arrited, the moot extensive line over produeed here to opread on our tahles and now open for you to make selectiono. We have mede eveay preparation to ctrietly retain the previous standard of our tailoring and to promptly carve our patrono. We oolieit your inspee- tion at an early date. WAGNER & .C0., Tailors, , 123 Sooth Main Street. ' :. 11 MIL WARD