THE UNIVERsiTY oF MICHIGAN \DAILY. a .+++++++++++++++++i 1°-4 3 r 444++++3++++44 s I L1IiSB adO FR S ALL NEW AND UP TO DATE, ( ODQjPJEJ.D' HaJve You Seem Our New Dorccas Sboes? a1 SJTIMNST t.L ! L G3. L L r S -9- A_ -9- _9__9__9__0_ t -0- _9 -9-A-9- ! . -0- _f_ -0- _. . _. _0__0__0__0__+_ ----------------------------------- 0 "I+"F o2".t..2" .. ".j."I""I+"I.3.d" ""I"+I".j"+ I" $" "Y" 3"+b " 3""k "$" $""2" ""Y" +"Z" 3" d""Y" 3" "I".1""i"°I"$" 2""I""I" +"I""S""I"+3""2"+"Y" I"d"++"Z"+ + 5 lw i MICHIGAN CENTRAL I "The Niagara Falls Route." CENTRAL STANDARD TIME. Taking Effect April 19, 1899. Detroit Night Expres...i.. 55 . . . Atlantic Expres........... 7 45 " Grand Rapids Express..........11 10" Mail and Expressa.........3 47 a. a. NY.Boston Special ...... ass.. 5 Fast Eastern ..........94 Mailtand Expresse............S8 40A. aM. Boston, N. Y. and Chicago .......i.92 Faet W0etern Expres .......... 1 38P. at. G.R. and Kal. Eopressa.......5 453 Chicago Night Exprce... ..9 43" Pacifio Express.........:....12 30 A. a. Steaship Tichets, all Claoses, so and from European points at lowest races. Fall infor- mation on application. 0. W. RUIGGLES. H. W. HAooS, G. P. & TAg't, Chicago. Agt Ann Arbor. AN1t2D R A o TL=P I=-TES; TIME TABLE Taking EIfet, Suaaday, tay 21, 1899. Trains leare Ann Arbor by Central Stand. ard Time. SOUTH NORTH *No. 6.- 7:25 A. Mt. No, 1.- 0:56 A. 'It. No. 2-11:30 A.Al. 'No. 53-12:30 1P. N No. 4.- 8:35 P. sM. No. 3.- 4:56 ia.:. tNo. 10.-0:05 P. t. tO. 01-9:05 . *Run betwee Ann Arbor sod Toledo onab All tHales daily 0000p1 Suoday. }Sundays oly. E. S. OILIIE, A gent. W H. BENNETT, . P I. A Detroit, Ypsilanti and Ann Ar- bor Railway. Cars leave for Detrott and Ypsilanti every half our, Deginning at 7:15 a. mn. until 7:45 p. m.1 After thor. to Detroit at 8:45 p. mn, 9:45 p. in and 11:15 p. 01. Waiting room, corner Aan and Main ate.; Detroit, l1i1(Griswold ot. S COUPON NO. ONE. Tbiscouop rentto orConduc- toes witba FistsClass Tioct reding any ditance o00r0tbe Wabash Railroad, will entitle holder so a lrecsea nour Palatial hiReclining ChairCars. They arecin doily servico souffalo, Niagara Falla, Otto Yorb City, Kansasa City, St. Lou~isanod all lcoal points. Brecakfast Ann Abr-Sup- perr St. Loois. WslaaIt . Rt. 5. Greenswoot, It1. P. A.. 97 Adams St., Chocago, Ill f HOCKING VALLEY RY. 4 TRAINS DAILY 4 Between Toledo avid Columohus, asing Union depot in both cities. Through Sleepor to Wahington and Baltimore. GREAT RAIILROAD THE HIOCKJNG VOILLEY Write L. W. LANDMAN, 11 W. Fort St, Detroit. TFlE BEST MAKER OF L Rentschler, the "J~hotogjvaphet. Mdd~n ~l -ff M~ Such aa Joseph Rolaman's Wash -4 U -anad Bruno's are nsaeatt e U (J I- EL~~~clabore MusIG store W. Liberty, only 2 doorsatrcm Mach' o eesa The Fine Tailoring Trade of the City. BURCHFIELD, 106 EAST HURON STREET Hiave You senorP RCL IS hin~; 1opt-caly p1acc in the ,whera you coo geatbhem. SPEGIXL REST[ TO SENIOR& Athletic Board Meets and Adjourne. LasvenCing tile Alihletic Board xwent thlroulgihtile usual routinle of hloldinlg a meletinlg. Tihe idvisability o:f sensdinlg S tenie aml:. 021310Cisicago swas conlsidered, 1but 1001 decided u11101. T1110tion of 1110 711iou 0 me1eting1c ill regard 10 aliowing 111e tPiarllic ilinteclass series wtas reconlsidered an1d as tile class games ha11v50 commenced0011rescinedt. 1110 Ptsarltic 10e11m wiiil1101t011111307. 1110 1111.1imptlortantl11011011of 1110eiteet- in~g 13110illregard to 31011e0sweaters 0111011the Freslt-Medfics 1110101nd 1to ar. T110 sweaters lire of agauttiel110l o l ad bisuc, julIsite landto catch 1110 fresh- 111a1's eye 11110 10111 01101gh 10 daze iany- 0110 except am1edic0. To0c11) 1110climaix, 1101 satisfied 1wi11 beiitg thuls 001sp1010515, tacy are11113inlaitrge yeiiowv"Ai's" 1a1n0 1111111 01110slnllmerals attacited 011 01111r sidie. 1110elnumserals Ibeinag at 1110 sldes of the loller, of cosarse, when a 0011t is swornlonly te 3011030 iton a 1b1u1e sweater showes. Tile 011c1u1si0n1i1 obviouls. 1110 boardl decidted if ptossible to p~revenlt delivery osf the swveaters frotm dtealers 1to11the ispirultgatlte s, if tlis is 11:t1 possileO morali 'suasion111 xiiibe 01s001 tsodiisouralge 1110eir iividuatl aip- pearance. Several repots 51erc received frosili 1110 Wiscottsitt ganme it GraittdlRaids. It was 1a losstof 11110011$40 ill 11300031 be- sid1es othler tintgs. The gros receilIts approximnatedl $425. U. oflVi. Good Enough for Him. Carroll D. Jontes of the deprtmnt of enigineerinlg feels thtitnti tistice is be- ing done hinm by those wvho are circulat- ingarepo:rt 11111atoeis 1a110011to 1100011 a ipositreon with a mlanulfacturingfirms. le expects to imatke his life wvork 7011011 111g. Per thte last tree and a half years Ito hats1b0011idenltifOie tit tile Univer- sity aIs all instrutor and itis m~ost ar- denttwIishithat11111esomay continutte ittthe serv ice of thse intstitultionl. Thse Regetnts at1 thteir itist lmeetin~g increalsedlhis yearly salatry $300. PFtr tis Iho is gratefttl. Ill retuelt Itois tryittg to shlows'his applrecial- 1t0o1 by faithtfully perfortming thte vork assigtned to hint. The " HasBeens" who Will Do Yp- I1IIlit) JUI 1gi JiUI ejbuU ' silanti's Fairest. 112 W. Huron St. N. S. Phone 13~ Prof.'T'ruteblood thas selectcedtenc m1101 whorit l iigo tit againsst thte basebllirep-~ resentatives frolotheitofacutlty of ite M W rJ State Nortsal schtolt, taccordintg to ite chtallentge fromttthle facllty of ltat insti-- tution:1, for a gamte. The 'Vatrstty teamt A MOST EXQUISITE TOOTH PASTE wvilb isompstsosedvof1f1ll-tl ioel illsr-- fessor wh oca031always 0e1reltad dupon Whitens, beautifies, onod preserv;ca-Til 1:o tttike a1 heaxy hitthley5will litte u113tooth. as followso, illtte battig orderr ANTISEPTIC AND VERY PLEASING T? ' 74E BettjattitnBotrantld, 11111d lasteASE. IArewsC. MLtiaghlofit bsld All druggists 25 cents,. or by maid -j~a AttdetvC. eL Iigiilt firt bse. receipt of price. Thlomlas C. Ttrueblo1101'becond base. C. S DENT & CO., Detroit_1 M~is~ lortitier E. Cosoley,1 tight field. JohnllIO. A1. II. Pattentgil,0011101ild. George W. Pattersonljit, picheor. Privatelerones in dancing by Me. E. FileyJohttsottrcitcer.otMrs. RosGrager.-Leason: thre lTe Normlsttteamll ii it lineu as tot- quarters hoar, $1.50. 0111cr, Next_ lowss: Mo1carialnd, pitcher; Peel, dieanAadtyaIsaartC catchler; Shserzer, first base; Laird seconld base; Barbso, ttirsd baise ;Bowelt, 51100t- _______ ______________ s10131 Whsitconb, Callinils, allo Lymanil, -___________________ fielders.RE DT E AIY. Tile date of ite gatte has 110011sot for RE DT E AIY Alosndaty, M\ay 28. Itt wil110 catted at 4:10 at Regents'Pietl. To ltmpt the cr01wd, plO~~lar 110100s xiii prevtail.4i oI nd Solderasac Howard hats at Wadhams, Ryan i i'sle, Cosh foe Rcule. Heat hat on the market at silve. $3.00. 200-202 S. Main at. W m~i Arnold, e4M A4 complete line of Adler Hros. Gsfine _____ suito at Wadhams, Ryan & Reule, 205- The Mast Comoplete Line or {t22 iS. ibain st. I n W 1 9=11 LOST' A tady's gold wvatch, Satutrday afternt~on or etnttg, M'.ay igit, Elgitn mtovemtt key xxintdinsg. Finder please retrnt to 2W0 S. Ingalls anld 00001ivero- wxard. 79 Students are cordially invited to in- spect cur cosnopild elibes of suits, over- coasx, reenas furnishings and halo. Wodharns, Ryan - Rteule, S. Main at. Edwsin C. Co:rtvin, 1900. xwas calledl 110110 becatuse of ite deatht of tis granld- 11107110. CHOCOLATES In the City~an be foaacr TUTTL E'8 338 S. Slate S. 0. M. MARTIN.,. FUNERAL DIRECTOR Embalming a epecialty. No. 2019 S. 4t~ Ave. Ambulance night and day. il dence 302 Fifth Ave. MEN Pu ritan Ofrsir AND3 20 STYLES IN...... L llii Box Calf, Kid, Enamel, Patent Leather and Tan ;110. HURON S. SThe ENOCH DIETERLE Embalmer ad (61EatWlimSreI_ i uea ietU ie st utoehl okws A R N Blt~t N Mrs. Enoch Dieterle, Lady Assiatant. of law huilding. All lindso11 OUA INE~s SAISFG~fN.I 11 tor~e ohnet sidrar y Shp E. amerf I antdal! iD~' W'VVE PATRONIZE GOODY"EAR'S DRUG STORL .0