2 'HI 'LU VE sI I01'MIC~kitAN DAILY Pubished Daily (Sundays= ex'ceped) aOseag the College year, at THE UNIVERSITY Of NMGHIGAN, OFeaia: The Inland Pres-',tHeengBack. _Both Phoesee1i2: MANAGE.G' EDOITOR. N. BENiELH tA,'OittL. BUINEISS MANAGER. o.1. OtAes, '00 L. JEDTORS. ATHLI'tCS,. . G. 1. OaNatte, '00 E. t. R. WeaataaaW, '0 . A. H. McDettaALL'Ti E J. B. WeaD, ', XW. D It.KtEYe, 'tam, L. J. eertetlaa,'a, R. H. JENatEAt. 1'0L. WA. Ktuac '1 L. V. T. BeeEVA'0. tafla LLAotN~t K. SABNatn'03. Sale of Seats of "SeenTwent Eight" Begins Toda. No otne should forget that te sale 0f seats for te Comedery clot'sterfortmace of ther Daly fare, "7-28" at the Ates theatre Saturday nigt, is teaseoeec. Thle ticets were put ot sale rhis (W\ee- nesday) tmoreiteg at Sheeane's and it behooes tloeewsolehtaeeot yet selected eieirs to hoosoerthir sats at teli ear leltoportuneity as there is sre to e suchi ate aueeiece ice tier Atiees aceSau- day e eveiegtasta'not tereeseeetere for a long timce. Stage dianeagerte fact feels tat te sork tier lects tas doe at rehearsals of this pay wcil tprove to act Ane Arot aesdience tart there are lates ted get- tlcettinteetierUiverity wsspostst so---'ter dramaertic itstinct to a mre ere At co timeterinicg tier reeatrss has there beet any of tsat nosesse thtta usaly isarkrs amarter reearsals, bte, oct tie crae ry,ery actor icethe1carst hs apteared o fet tatafup~oe Iiestor ler drsvoles t iecy of tullig te pr- formaneecetrusgt to sccess. 11cr play is partiulary ell stiteet thecorrs cosent to prduce it, asd ter cesciettioswortk tee oncg mentead seomeneclae isee odoineg tas tie co- cleesionsta ttete performsancce Sateray tnightsill srpss ic erscet ay simiar undtrertaking f tierssdets sice ter brginsning of drtrsmatics ice tier University. Whist Club Closes a Successful Year Lastr evenite ctleositg imeetig of tier UniesityWhistch±clef sashels ice tierU of M.1 l soeic cais roomts. It was attescnigticdceecersssgoests, saty of ttem eineg frome otef p t, were teaeset flerecewsere iecetls. The. gts were: Mrs. Benet. of De- trot;-Mss Welles of Denver, Colorado Miss fowere, of Y psilati ; Mrs. Mc- Grwts Mcs Dral, rs. Travis, Mrs. Holdene Ms. Joelyn, Misses -MGraw, Osena Miller sed Maste.sof AnneeAr- soc; C W.RogersanielTraey Tsswner, of Yptst1aetie NDRTHf AND SDUTH. Mts 'racis td Mt.lBrsssse.iyt -- 8 L MissDOereaned Mt. ravis. 1t8 d-ft s-0 MrsDeBennitacd NI rstall. 67 + 4 Meeril dt sh ter. 64 -ft t Mis Mil1r ad Itr Davis. .1tf2 - 40 Prenteiss sed Weiss. ad...1o _2 -0 Holsdens acd ODe etseiseid. ..-38 -- 4 4 :Miss Tosner an'fowneer. - eg6 - 6 4- -Miss Mastrean Mr. Raeer. i36 - 6 4 Average.. . ...16 4- EAST AND WEST. Mrs. McGraw ad Rogers.22 + 3 4-a Mrs. Wells ad Mr. Kelsey..1 94 +f 5 4_ Mtilleratd fHawkinss.....19 -i2 2 Mrs. ad Mr. Beal... e..17 - 0 ° Mandelbauo nad Brilhart.. - 25-9 Mr. and Mrs. Joelytn.-:.86 - 2 7.0 'Miss MfeGrawe ad Rssell.,. i86 - 2 5- Miss acd Mr. Jackson .. 85 - 3 - Adamts rod Cassidy ........ 180 Average... ... . all8 -9 The invitatons for the seior omedical class have arrived ad mayt bee obaied by allig at 73 East Huron. D. A C Will Put up a Strong Team1 The traceswehichecoomes leere fronmDr- trait, today, evil1 be muechisemore of a bsasebeall trac thiao sotme of theose wicieh thsat athletic elb has setet oralits former years. Thteir tracestis --ear is a real ibaseballctsb, compreet to comspete weith elois of omore than a passing existence. Their best pitcher, Barry, wviii he ice the sax and if leereps op his reputation seill prove a puzzle to sane of oor bat- ters. Tie 'Varsity cviii try samne terewirl- ineg msaterial. Roibert l1. Cuateing, 1903, of Acesrin, Ill., wvho showved ocy so well earlier icetie seasonehot seas poor nut of the ganme on account of a bad scalp cot is again in farm. Hreseas taknto tie traineing taibrletisweek nttd eill be tried ant today. The 'Varsity is in need of nmare pitcheers aced ir is to be leaped that lee still prove himtself eworthoy. Class 'chedule as none Recised. The dastes for tie text thsree class gamtes htave seen decided uo anacd are as followsr: igoo L., vs. t92 L., Tuesday, Mlay 29, Regreets' Field, 4:10o'oclock. 1900 vs. 0903, Tesday, May 29, Fair Groaunds, 4-t0o'ock. cs0o'M., vs. 1902 D., Friday, Jueei , 1Fsee Gersoundrs, 4:t0o'clock. fletinsees ref therse gaimesewcilsdrawc tfss a bissr Thtw teease wh-iiche arc test -a fetunaeteasto isget tie icwciii platy to see ewhech tne viiltbe ic eus l oet Cit tt as - -Ic 1 referenc-ia, " - - IJr + + Ring Albeert ' - t o00 +General Mercer " - - iOC +Chancellor -" - Jor + (Green peal -44 t00 + :Loyal Banncer " - ' 10Or -.Powell, Smith k&Co.'sttei fertoa tIe0'+ Sal Smith flussell Cigars - 10ce +Sanchez &Haya ' - l100 + STAEBLER & CO. + + 301 S. tit.SC, 0.00',Liberty. + 4- _. +1et N -+ . f+ f f fO Nf4 NtfN !ftfN4 lNt +tt Sprinting Shoes, Top Notchers at$24 SPECIAL. Bicycle Shoes, Solid Colors and Combinations, $1.25 to $2.48. Best wearing Shoes made. GLASS'S SHOE STORE, 109 Main St.Z First-Class Repair Work_. ___Open_ Evenings. f ++f~f fff ++f +++ +f Those+i new Sprng Suits~f er Jm" '/ ! -NI at the New Clothing Store, are going fast. Had yoau not helter select yours wehile the assortentnisl large. We have the nicest assortment of Newe Spring Clothing in all wool Worsteds, Cheeiots, Oxford Greya, Vicuneas, etc., that have ever been showen in the city. We shall be glad to showe then to yaocehether yout buy or not. Our Prices range $5 to $20 STAEBLER&'W'U ERTH, CLOTHIERS AND FURNISHERS, 211 5. Main St. SCHLEEDE'S TEMPORARY 3 BINDER f ) A mm;ommvl IT SUITS THE TASTE Dee ipure feutchjuices aced delicious tce Creane-thec hief of sotnmmer beverages HANGSTERFER'S, Zoo E. Washington SC. 316 S. State SC. W a te To sell Dr. Chase's Improveod Receite Book dueting eaca- S u e tflon, the best eel- Std nsling boolk tigt an agent ran handle. Our tegular Agents makse big neoney'. Can give good territory. Partieulars by railing at the Couier Office. JOHNx E. TRAvis, Manager. 100 8TUDENT8 WfMNTW9 Big; Profits, Quick Sales., A good way to make money thts soammer. F. SCHLEEDE, - - - - - 340 South State For no STAMMEiR CRUISIS take thte COAST [IN E 5TMACK INAG NE EMSTEEL e.nn _ The Grenatest Perecetian yt PASSENGER- . attatind isBoat Canastuctton, STEAMERS. ( --Luxureiaus Equipment, Attic SPEED, COoetieac.M FORT Furntahing, .. Decoraionatd ADSAFETY.' fiin evc. To DETRiOI, MACIKINAC, GOIllAN BAY, PLTOSI(LY, CHICAGO NoteLittnoftrs aaoraaofttt60tmileseul varetaditerast FoureTripsperee ketween Dee ay andt Night Seie eteen Toledo, Detroit and Mackinac rih eeensj DETRIOIT AND C[[VIILAND PEOShY, 9can EnaQ,' MARUTTnEna-et, $t.00t, $15St aateroot,$2.25 ANDDUUTI. le elnd, Coetei a eaet Cl reelandt h LO0W RATES t to itueeque MacnactandaPut - irn,- a' r saSohest,ttana etritfoealpotnts Return, Ictn g ealsandttlBethts. Atptetx- and Toled o othadact ve t. [matte Lot fromlev.tteelan, 2. 50;t.t froemaSttnday Teips dane, ,uly, Augeust, nTeo$7.25;froetoit $14.751 eptee an cer n ly.a f A. A. Sea ANT aG.PA., SDETRT5, MIIIt I ~l i II&OI1 VI 1 2 i GAS AND ELECTRIC LIGHTING SUPPLIES, SHADES, PORTABLE LAMPS, ETC., A SPECIALTY. SANI'TAROY PLUMBING, STEAM AND HOT WATER HEATING. J. F. SCHUH, 207 E. WASH NGTON ST. You see out every day come from M 0L MIE5' LI VJE R Y Phone 106. 5115 E. Liberty Street I~~ ~ vJ7OMMMTOe 7WWW7SWWWWWv~Y II WAH R'S SPEC I $3.OO SHOE The Lateet Color, Automobile tRed. JOHN WAHR THE SHOE MAN MI iw SEE OUR LINE OF 50 OENT PEARL HANbLE KNIVES AT MUMMERY'S DRUG STORE.