Jh 'of *> All, all VOL. X. ANN ARBOR, 31ICH., WEDNESDAY, 3MAY 23, 1900. No. 175. Spring Announcement G. H. WILD & CO. We have just received our line of spring woolens for men's wear. It includes everything in staples that are suitable and de- sirable for the season. We are also showing full ranges in nov- elties, in quality and style to suit the most exacting taste, consisting of Top Coats, Suit- ings, Fancy Vests and Golf Trouserings. We invite you to call and inspect our line at WILD'S 108 E. Wasbirogtor) St. Artst Wehave bougeht out Artst e5 stock sofArtist Materialsl rom Wet- Materials anad haveaddlesdto is nw co plete. Oil Paints., China ad other Water Col- orss,nDrawing Papers and Brss oa.,f all kinds Wlilder's Pharmacy THE DForseverl sekawehave u asslayinsastolck for Ilhe REIBEbysandnare raaedyvwit sflull line as LUNCHESS, CI- R LAL AtRS and TOBACCO. E>IFPBS A SP OIALTY. R. E. JOLLY & CO. Are you going to Paris ? Wthatabout yousKodak ? Wouldn'tI itabe adda tpckitonowa i le thereas lotsof time ad letaus CALKINS' PHARMACY 324 SO. STATE ST. ABASE BALL AND 4SOIF GOODS5 ALSO A LARGE STOCK OF JERSEYS tn New Styles and Patterns WAH R381 278 CONTESTANTS rig, Keegal, J.. Keegan, W., MacCo- A -NEW LITERARY SOCIETY luml, Riller, Kelie, Knapp. In Seventeen Events, Making a To- ORCHARD LAKE-BelnectL, Koch, To Studsj and Encourage Pure Lit ta ol Over 725 Entries. Tlhompson, MKillip, -MCreary, Taylor, erature Srong, Spautlding, Dyer, Batske, Tr- Entries for tleiarnterstolastic Ied rKllWe Siaete YclshRbs el acr fromo reliable sares, thata here 011rda ad a tuda dtisral -ierr society is to be started, or weerk have closed and liar management CENTaetL HIGH SCHOOL, D- rtterlasln beess started at Michigan. 'lt ,r nmore than satiefied with tlia large TROIT,'-Crasvford, Osborne, Hinds- molst sudenlt tis til prove nerite numlober. The lhigha schools tis year man Dickensot, Foster, Barrier, Mel- startng nor unwselcomae. For somse tinte sema to be tnusually entussiasi and Comna, Wilsos, M~orris, Bierce, Hayes, past, for several years in fact, liar found- till sesid larger asd better relreselta-past. of ssc a society hsosbieesi earestl lios tsas eerbefre Tie ntresfrotaFrencha, lamne, Stendal, Watson, Birds- a- tios tan ve beore Th etris fomagitated bolh ly idiidulst sdergrade- schtools out of thae eate tere 1001 as lareyote, alwisGen, Trafer, aworoscataes aad by ceraiss of tie college lierary aexetdthUnvriyShoofWilialaltOwen. journalss, pariclarly tie Inander. Clevelantd being tie osly ose tat mtater- l ANIGHrses Cie sseReader ofdetatothl]le. sill remsemsbr ialized. Tihis school sesds a strosng eanst eetd lil Cae-ttepooe all siltssak a iorosabi fo larDiez Waist, Cilds, Clemetas, Plan- I5rlesc dtrasasssla rto andwil mae vioros id or h trr, Baler, Hamamonsd, Capin, Wol- 01150>lum KhayymO5 Clubl. 1Ir the May petlnt. Almsost every toswn or city ill co, Chlad,-Lamned. Day, Porter, M- lunnmsathIere was givel a retfete of tie tis sectiosn of the state senlds anywheare Calsu.- deperae literary situaiona here ad the fromnesa to thity rpreentatives. Fire GREENVILLE.-Barloe, Fries. a fosnding ofsclt a society washlaned at of tile Derth schools enter tans. Ill DIA.Knp, asp ysn a sosution. The bject of te present al there xiii be tlirty-twvo different- scemse io aritest oeterth me Fogg, Finchl, Linelsal, Palser, Seiffer, iseete' a a tetr chools represented, nearly double the Huspre. Fosil, Bean, M nteetdierrr atrs oectr llllllbrr st all lsrevotls asers numEa oft yev~itouslOmseet te, dWhite, Capp. age literary actiity and to htripcerata Eac o th cntstatsisentre aliterary atmaoshlere. Te msesabershipi ln ross sa tosateevets bst he YPSILANTI. - Knief, Shertsan,- in fom ne o nie eent, bu th isto careull looked after and front oesltlbr col~teta~lt Brooks, Greele, Rexford, Bie, Johnson, aprills fI~~e ssddst ri as-erae for ant SrFraser, Lawtrence, Bisop. about thare. M.CE ES cntr, Wo tsay te a fey lreicted tat itill, is Thte com~petitionl till be sift ad iard sell.p10111 of seholarshisil be te strosgest or- enaough so sial is is impttrobabethasisay-sy M. PLEASANT-Aibro, Snider. gaiatialss .1ictigas. Juiors ilthIis otte personl till start itsmansy erensl. se RIT COLCL -cosd smleser, seiors ad graduate Thse list of entris twhichl folows cos- LAvND-WNisis, Snidr Danger, Sut-stusdent~ls lre alone eigiblse. Te ctb is tainste sameirof nearly every prossi- less, Qua c oee ogt. to IsaveC roms 015Stoe street and fort- uaeHrde-ora.set Itighaschtool satlteithelarstate: DTO1 SnOL FOiOY sgtly lieesary soires are to or acd. At SAGIAWW S-StelBure, mot ietusisic mseeig ihel last OSagenAN,\.SSel tr DETR.OI. -Tosrar, Hoisses, Earle Mih ItPo. i essys residesce, sffi- Otg, DBarard, Morgans, Raiey, 0s- Symsisgtons, NWheeler, Knster, Sioleilslets iassesbrble-ctrohs born, Baser.etnpru h ebr eiv a SAGIN\AW, F.5.-Hilt, Hayes, Brani- I ue, ocdt'ssrt.ose put01)11ossits feet a far less desr- sOil Ile Coki ecsHk, "sier I ENTOiN HAROO. - lummerac lne iand fareIe lsccsssy projet. CO~t Beks,1-buteFoserO lara, Dssor. NWikesermGnaneNWeadock. II.DCT.1cwel EASTtRNCITY I ielireesDE.-Final Arraisenent lier Cooly Dag It~l L~etoi ensiei~scl- MUSICAL CLUBS Bnut toffItopson, ite~ormsick. Tie vrioss sbi5commllitees ewhich Vt 1 51ElfN ft~ttS~iOOL DLHold Their Last Meeting oil the Yearisebeaatsoke1ttstefsal 1;T .-DI 0 outl ceRoac, te et, t0att forlihe ibanqutattoigttreported last tee Atinson Stlg, Tayor, iV~ilkis- adOraievoeteFtue insg andi te seior leercommsite its eon NWoolfendein.The Uniersity slmusicl lubs sateslast dcharg e annlonsce ttsthriegrn oild al01of LUNIVFESI TY SCHOOL , DE- ighs aid besites itinig uptshe bsi-ss atsI ctisalltkess at presenlt is aboutr 114011 -Breweri Jamies, Finaiey, Bar- aes of the los, orgnied for et yea. at te 400sar. Abott 550 or 2on toll Keeis 1Mitchelell Wight, Boynton, The resle of te seasn's efets twas Sate Bar Assocaiotmemeiaresill at- huh lass KnotLBaeks, Nico. thatseacs ei mbsersi eeceved ote dollar1teid th~deonvention tddaty ad at least OleNNDB. I 15. tisassshydandt fifty cets-ta large amaounit twhedn too of theracxpsdhoIise lares Trsl~ islldsaa oir oarsadelowss. ThelsemIleirs cosider ht at t tablslarmaWdio Dae ogr fth . 11. IHerist, 'Sti .,il 1FiserSwedtIHalTibbs, Fros, Riley, alygis' sot stsoasfsiltrohelt cas csale of seas amaosg the Kutliei lii Latab, reressD ard uhenajtyablae year. The seasen ht beets llsIbar anonsces a good sale asd a toZlTopots. eshessbs iaaiiiy aaIsc t elethosae orteras receielyeserdy Zelsoes lasitasoit. Nhen it is consiteedethsat somea fosme from111Class Egelard, '8 L., Droi, P ONt lAG I-Thomson, Dickinslonlueibs cindedlhese sasoaswiha a det of isw si sstsgtl lnn trr Dotssoi, Husghes, Gibsos, a, o, Smitihlab otd$40 for seashimemsbr aiy srlsus Tbosehlodig baqsuestiets iil Posundt, Freerik, Poote. is ai graeftlalnsg. easer tar Baeaeour gymnium whli etile OLIYET.-Hsaet, Finct, Longass. The eletiona of officers , tai year those whto old spetatoe's ticestill NV.YNE - McCasesy, lasdrysid, brought about ote of liar hottest frate- mr ~eN~letotgiassssa Furlonag, Nigitmas, Csuris, Esrehl, ily fights of te ye. ha resslisng Ii is sot kiowedfiilrl as yet as to Cady. cossbiaions wtere surpirisitg aid tl ie wisahiia tarbaiasertill ag. NVLLIA.NSTON.-N alc, Bred- strasige. The result last ights ras: Its the ecat of Don i. .-ckenson ntu sley, Dixos, Porse, flublbard, Lc- Presideant, FeainkK. Marvisn, soul L., baeisg able to apprsetosigt bfoer lis wCod. Phil Dela Phi, Aleron 0.;, seesretey Bar Associaioss the whlolaearming may MsARSHALL.-Brewrer, Dccl, Lull- Frask J. Bagley, ig-, Phai Dela Theta, le givesa oer hooliae baquet. Te our er, Nicheson. Detroit; miasager, Foesi H. Lascasitie,till be ansounsced this maorning Ios MIDLAND-Lea, LFever, Lyon, sot, Thetaa Delta Chi, Dtoit;t assistant st tg tUhrst al Wisnar, Gibsoi, ONeil, Hinds, Liep- manalgr, L. L. Driggs, so L., Dela The conmmaiteuerr quite put out o laat, Asdrson. Upsilon, Potland Oregon. leadee of the learn Monday tat jude Day would be PLAIN vVELL.-Gilkey, ., Gilky, Glee club, Charles J. Doval, 1901 L., unsale to say for lisa evening and take N., NWoodhasms, Bliss, L., Bliss . Beta Thta Pi, Maiste. prt at the banquet becase of the fail- KALAMAZOO. - Dunkley, Mason, After the election, lsa twoclubs sae- ar of a Micihligan Central rais to get Walton, data Bleyker, Barkenbus, Schan, d on an elaborate seenading one in Detroit in tina to catch the . & C., Hinclly, Edmonds. Two drays terra secured and enough In:30 p. u., boat for Cleveland, bus yes- AN N ARBOR. - Roberts, Leland, rhairs placed upon thena to seat the clubs. .trday they succeeded after great deal of Coe, I-ayes, Forshee, Coolay, Wsing- ( On these cosveyacres staey visited their laor in nmaing arrangnments wheare the er, Wilson, Prry, Vana Born, Childs, friends asd also the homets of he various boat will tait thirty sintes maing Tucker, Fergason, NWoodrow Fees, maembrs of the adlinistrativer board. At connecisowhlbtlhe train whlich leaves Storey, Shoeluan, Evans, Chandler, every place tere a stop tas nmad a Anti Arbor at 1:7 local tine. This Gooding, Beigar, Mayhae, Whilark, shor and variad progeama tas given, uwill give jdg Day tna to ake part fllar. as arrangd. THREE RIVERS-Willits, Shldon, Tha Beb Beats Eaters of twhicha Fred Tar speakers till be as anoucd in Mohnay. W. Potter is thanmighty second base- Thea Daily svral days ago. Ter Ho. ALLEGAN-Smaith.nman, ystrday defeated the NWilkin Chas. A. Totneais expected to speak. HOWELL-Walbers, Barnes, Bailey, Weni Wurst's by a score of ts to . Nilson, Wilson, Bcurnann, Van Ke- In the crning they took an antidote for Henry J. Idna, of Gand Rapids, renGiford BermanEdar. thedryess ofthe ameat don twn x-sti, eo tas class president during ran Gifford, B rOs rnedareen-the-rynso hegmaa. dw bwspart of hisfrshman yaar,hsow a res- MONRR-Cnso, Osorn, Geen-la-a-r. -dent of Maill, _Philippine Islands. Y - a .r 0 :r e Y Y r Y e e t t i r i s x E t 3 i t i E z t a z r I I t r t E r i i i } r a