THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY. 4 THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGKN DAILY. OOLF If you want.. DIRIVERS, BRASSIE DRIVERS, CLEEI(S, MILL IRONS, LOFT- ERS, PUTTEIRS, CADDIE BAGS AND GOLF BALLS........ . 'You cn find them at Sheehan's WVe carry the largest assortment of all makes in the city. Our clerks are up to d.ate Golfers, Muad will gladly give you any in- formation desired in the pur- chase of outfits. We are Ann Aror Agents for the following well-known clus: WMILLIE DUNN, M~cGREGGOR, HARRY VARDEN, SPAULDINGS and MORRISTON. Wring your old Golf Balls and ex- change them for new. Sheehan & Co. PROMOTERS OF GOLF, . S O., STATE ST. ANN ARBOR, rIIC IU. oflY, Barber ThO AH Shop and Bath the Ct.tes- ROOMS, 22 STATE. 1* .Tjanwsi BICYCLES REPAIRED PRICES REASONABLE Wlie are get torthe amtos. DA'YTON BICE tured andtrepaied. WM. J. WENER,113 E. Liberty, New Phone 553 FOR 1900 Are better thit exe. Ptces, $2, $26 antd $3. Citaies, $60. ;Aleo agency fr Orent, Sterlig, 'Fwler, etc. Stndries. Tandem 'o ent. 'A. STAEBLER'S CYCLE EMPORIUM 119W,. Wshntgon St., Pone 5. GHN5 F. HASKETT. DEWITT ALLEN 223 So. Ingals St. 720 S. 12th Zfew tte Phone d3. ew State Phone 20- The ,Rampus p otograp ers A BIG SELECTION OF.~ Can be found at MARTIN SCIIALLER'S, 116 SO. MAIN STREET. DO YOU $MOKE? 4 Pittsburg Stogies for G3 Bill Anthony Cigars for 4 Brunswick Cigars for Old Number: 44 SO. MAIN ST., ANN ARBOR. MICH. To Hold a Handicap Meet. Int as totch as tite students have bccn dicirived of all dttal tmeets this spring( whsich they migite reasonably have ex- pected, the tractk managetment itas de-) citdedi to hotl on text Thursday a handi- cap snert open to allthlia athletes in col-f lege. The very ttanifest itterest in last Thursdays meet has been something of atn itsduteent to britsg ahottt another. Michigatn undoutbedly tas, a good teatm this year attd thte students interested its tse wefare of ouir athtletics ask anthier_ chance to see ths ent in comspetition be- fore tse westerntintercotlegiate and uno- tier ttore favorahle weather cottditiotsr thsanth iose of last week. Thte mt itlal heeitatdicapert aceordittgt to tse abilities ttey tare shownttits prac- tice titus far and as a cottseqttency close fitsthes tsay lbe expected ttt all tisc tracka evets. It i li be impsiorittnt itsettablingC tite coachtes to gel a litte otstte tmetsits tte tmore obscttre evetnts. '1 lac tmile rett fintds fewv favorites but a good field atsd t oii of titebttnche ottr represetative at N, Chticagssottn Jute 2 tmtlst be chsosets. Thte t iractice lhtsudeterttittedtitt a great tmeas- ttre thte hitter ttett itteateh of te oter evets bttt thte wartmer xeathser cotmsing ots stay brittg ou1tte taletnt abilities ofo some, at presetnt, tttsttspected star. Tue ticylemttntshave brettbttsy of late it t isetaiinitng attd xilitaxvethteirh first chatsce to ttsasttre strettgths atttt spied tetSatturdaty tmortnitng wxvthe 1( trials xiii be cult off. .,., -- 4 41.nP - . - . 5c - . . - 25c - 25c :)EAN &0CO Calendar. Wtedtnesdaty, May 23.-Cooley Day C(Ji- ebratiotn. Wednesday, May 23-Michigan v. D. A. C., at Regents' Field, 4 P. us. Thsdaty, -May a4.-Handlicaps tractsatnd field tmeet, 4 :t P. tat., Regent's Field. Adnmissiotn 25 cents. Satttrday, Mlay 26.-Comtr lx cluh pre- sills "Seven-Twsenty-Eighst' at Attaens 1Teatre. Friday atnd Saturday, May a5 and aS. -Thsird antntal Iter-Schoulastic M~eet. Thursday, May 3z.-Michigan v. Illi- nois, at Regets' Field, 4 P. us. Pickwrick Bilitrd Parlor. Near and Uip to Date. Thte Psi U's defeated thte Deke's by ascore of 9 to3 yesterday. Batteries- Cuttitng ati Ilettitop, Fisiter atad Gill. LOST-Friday ci ettitg at MIay Fes- tivat cottcert. a large birotact pin; pearls vitht diattotndtitt crtter. Retward if re- urtned to 518 S. State street. 765 The Ann Arbor Music Co. have tame inducements to offer stu- denta en table boartdt also one suite tf rooms. Clii Psi fraternsity heid a htouse party Fritdsyttightt. STe otut oftown sguests sere frotmt Detroit, Terra Halte aTttt'o- (Otly first class intshie city: the new Pickwick illtiard Farlor. D. R1 TINKERF & SON BATTERS AND FUNISHERS Headquarters for HAT, CAPS, ME' FURNSHINS~ and Comtpetettineof GttAeeasiux GsOOSand SWEATERS,. fAGENCY FOR LONLEY HATS 334 South State 55cc. Car. Mote adt Huroeantreets. Capta, stttee. Surlust, $,000. Teasoat general anking business. i, KnmPF, Pre. iC. E. lioooa, Vice-Pee, FooD. Hi ESERaoa.Cashier. FIRST NATIONAL BANK o a vd1S Captal, $stu00,rur5opae and Pots, t,5t 'reansacts a geneal banng tusnes. Foeign echageboght andtsold. Futntshhletteeseof credt. E. D. KINNE, Pee. IHARISON SOtE. Vie-Pee. S. W. (LAKSON Cashe Theflonn Arbor savings Bank Capitltoc.$50,00. Srps, $150,tt00. Nesoreesl1,00,00 Oeganteed nder the Geneeat Baning Lwe of thte State. ecetve deposit, hy andseette exehange n the penipat rulies of the Unted State. Drafts cashed upn popee idetiicaton Safety deposit bxes t sot. OFFICRS: Ct hititan Math. Pee.; W. Dn. Horr. non, Ve-Pees.;tChas. E.tiscoeck,.Casiet;etM. J. Fritz,AsistanttlCashier W.a BOaTH,aPRES. STIITU W. AOaLD, tt Vice-pos J. V. Ca.tSREaN, d Vtsee AVING JaOH. C.wxTZ, As.asher J NO BAINK Transacts a general Banking Business. Mker of ' COLLEGIATE CAPS, / GOWNS and rtOOS Retina of CAPS oqd GOWNS. A SPECIAILTY. s II, COLLEGE FLAGS, 5 CtFSS PIPES, CLASS STATONERY COLLEGE PINS, SFECCIALTI ES W.C. KERN &CO. sat E Fifty-Seeth St. CttItAO, IL.. LvR3V Ccfis. a ~none reason Tobacco ' why Old En. ci Cut pipe to. - bacco is so D The crved in box that fits ny pocket is anothe reason. No other pipe tobacco has ever made as many friends in so short a time. It disappoints no one." A trial box will be gent to any one anywhere on receipt of ten ents in stumps. Address Old English De- partment, The Ameriean Tobacco Co., Ill Fifth Ave., New York City, All dealers sell it. SPALDINGS official Jltbktic 60oos Ofiially adapted by the eadig Cotleges,Schols sd Athei Cluha of te Conry. .EVEREQISTE O Re... ' Mse Bal Tenn~is Soot Ball Athletcs Golf Gymnassuma Spaldigs Official League Bali Is the Offciat Batl of the Ntionasti Leagerand alt leading college ass- ctattons.Spidis ae lll ud ofr 100. 1o Haedue,,te Caafo sldu rs fAtdleiei;raete re' -eA.G plin rs any address, 55cansR,CHGDEVR SPRING WOOLENS OPEN FOR YOUR SELECTION its thte Interschtolatstic mseet, 278 itt alt, it xvii sr er tiffcltt o itd acotsnod - A nexy line of Mhanhattan Shirts dust wil b vey iffcut t fnd ccmmoa-in at Wadhams, Ryan & Rernie. See tionts for tll, atanatyotne xwit is wilitng to them. Sauth Miain street. entertaintotne or ttore of liar visitors wiii pleaseitatnd itisttatteratad address ai CotrellatndtPrincetons wiii told a once to A. C. Brownta, 431 Thontpsut t s. rdual meet its E'lmira, N. Y., on t Maa 30. eatd receive a compiminttary tickel. 795 WA'NTED-A student to wa it table at Call at 707 N. University ave, see the thte Portlatsd cafe. Steady siork alt year Pickewick Billiard Parlor. if desired. 79. t l A new line of Manhattan Shirts juat in at Wadhams, Ryan & Reule, See them, S. Main ut Plieasaniteobhtve youcall. Where? At the Pickwick. I s BAND NOTICE. FOR SALE-Reserred seasx for May WANTED AT ONCE-Two comipe- tent claritaet slavers to fill thae vacancies Festival. C. N. Barthsell, 326 5. State s., left its the ba?-d second fleor. 74 CLYDE THOM,\PSON, M.\gr. / sara / Quiekputon Shirts. save a falt lise of U. of Ass Arhor M 1 saes Mtaho a specialty of Students' Rooms .1 I 5 .iandasdt ight Wtorhateassoable priesn. Tbe NeW O tpen-Front Sb irt. ies-nnsnue at Calhis', Snhledee'o, Lovellos, Buttons oil the Woy Down the ~EdwardnsBros. and Schotler nsBoohstore.- Frorot. Slips orb and off like a Coot. Diffreot Lengths of oslli~i~StlSt50IIu~~ Sleeve. Perfect Fitting. 10RT SIDENeglige--Semi Neglige--Ploit- NORH ID a ged Negligee. SLAUNDRY WGER&O TWOS. RiOWE, Prspr. .' PIN A ti& Orne 1002 Broadway. 47 Sell Phase SRN JT ibrahr SPRING OF 190?0 MI-LWARD