THE UMIVERSJTY o , MIcLUUAN DAILY. 3' T RWKNOX, AND ALL THE NEW ONES 0 NEW BRAIDS, NEW BRANDS MICHIGAN QENTRAL I-E -i 0I The Niagara Fais Route." r lReutschler, the liotogiapher. iAlarm Clocks S ty CENTRAL. STAND)ARD TIME TFaking Effect April 19 199 .,-,,. ,~. . ,rF ,;.m -",F .A U. of M. Pins 50C to $10.00. Fines oso ccEAT. Wtch epairing aSpcat. Detoit Night E pess......... . 5 55 A. ..go.Ac NsEuWecLaN E Matl. i~ 1a~rst...... "..1 7 .L HPAN EEE N.aY.lBstE peci........... a 4 58 ALNWLN . $1.50 GLOVES ~ 1 HPAJWLR Fus Eastern. . .... 9 4$.2.s Mail and Expoes...... ...8A4 SO Bosto, N. Y.oesdtChicago .........91 Fat w estern xpess ........1 38 r. Wash Neehkvear, i. all the latest colors and shapes 25, 50, 75c. G. R. and ]a1.Ekspress......... 545 ChcaoNght Espreso ........5943 " Dose it Lisle and Mererised. . . . 400. Pcitlc Express...............17 30 A. a.u FncLJHy e Steamship Tickets, all Classes, to ad frons H a e European points at lowest rates. Fol ifor- Large Line oif Tie, Resoce to ..........25. matonon ppliation. Fro5 ad 75cects seenou or ORCELA INS? Flu. 0. W. RUGGLES. 1H. W. HlAos, thgovoly ace otth & P. & T. A.'t Chicago. Ag'tAnn Arbor. RAa;wur.yu argeM.em M A . ~lCKICadCO. Pl1 fI8T EIR + i9 -" ~~~~~~With Evry $2.8 0 Purchase. . SfGfLRiE OSNOt ssd Strength fiest. The collagsts of the lae Professor ~ Br~ ui tli At oa ttbr of tie asterts colleges George A. Henh, iead of teuepart- 112 W. Huron St. N. S. Phone 11IV si5D szRxsRaxI zzws: ad afete of te westernstrngsis tests msento of Gerstasi lagages ntl itea TIME TABLE lhate beentaskentite varioussresslts tmti ttre-. ate presentesdte Lostvessity wtstis VV. Taking Strret, Su adoy, MayI, 59 U I3gUhE~~ Tran leave Act ArooryCeoul ans d tser iite Colges awsardedi rsrasni ae- a large oil portrait of te deceaed h rd Timer. cordiitg to their numbtsier o nsf . Lst sork wsa exeetuted by Fteerel Fiern"" SOUtH NO~RTH yeasriilsi sti: ciostthte cotest ansd still of Cicago, a brther Iot ofeo No. 8.- 7:25. mti. No. 1.- 3:t 56 . . silartvard mtan, Coelseos, holds te Partts C. Freer. 'A MOST EXQUISITE TOOTH PASTE No. 2,-11:331 A. m. No. s-lasSO P. sm indsiidtus altamionshipithstat treciol oaddasat ofios ly. No.4a.- A:t5 P. Ne o. - 458 r M oad asa WdanIt.n i~o. 103-T0his.ya. Nrs.olu-bia a.on thteochampio n-. Rcule. Hst hat on te market a0 'Whitens, eutifies, and preserves the .tton betwoC Ann Arbor and Toledo only X3i er osst~s o t ieeiat~st.5.00. 20022 S. Drain t. teeth. All O"In:. daly esceoptSuday, s.5it sit a toal of 9,489.4 kiogramts._________ANIETCNDVRPLSNGOTW4 tns oly.OYa ltas sicondth 5.3,(76 5poits, -Mit- SpNTiSsPTto U.DofER1.PDailyGMay 27. E. S. GILMtOIE, Agot. SanaltoUoft aii,'tyi.-TASTE. W H. IOINNITT. 0. p. A ssota et, 52,43.3 followstedi by Atm- Nore Damse defeated \isosio 15 to 6. All druggists 25 cen, or by mail upon Detroit, Ypsilanti and Ann Ar- etstwitht 49933.5 atdlfiftht, \esicystt receipt of price. e1uisiltig 44116.5. 61sle anld t eotsy" As comlte line of Adler Bros. oine C ET~c. eriMc. boiala.tiidreo beause sof wantosof soflitesmls luts at WVadhan, Ryan & Reule, 200 Cars leave for Detroit and Ysilanti t0ereMiss. every half our, eginning at 7:15 a. m. teest mog their coltetaots. 22S.Miut until 7:45 p .; After that to Detroit at 8:45 p. m, 9:45 p. mn and 11:15 p. a. Chs. A. Touwne Will Probablty Speab LOST A ilady's gold ttatc, Saturday Waiting room.,ecorer Ann and Main at the Coolety Banquet. ftersoos or eetig, My igt, Elgin Piate lsesons is dncig by Sr. o os.: Detroit. 111 trisold st. Fitnal arraingemtsst for te Cooley mossvemsett key widiig. Fider please qnrtes hor, $1.5. Oc, Resi- Dais banquelst are biig pressed as rapidly retrtn to 210 S. Igals ad recives re- dene nd Academy on Maynnrd SI s posie Thtesatt arc being lbogt swaro. 79I Jjf 1 syapilhystnd te senior latws ieie taketi upII nisrciy al of theirs. The local bar is e- ngr.tP G. ait, 00oM. is reeitigte -EDTEDIY coin rety nerstdinte aqutcottrttlationlt of hisisclassmates today RA ~EDIY COUPO11 1NO.1ONE. and wiO~latendtvery tcthetcausbabeingedue ttefact thst he jliSe Ths copon presooled to our Col dc SKIrbstlih asetencarge of te icket ssceessflthy Ipassed te examitiot e tr ihaFrtCs tce edn n cnl edi oeofritnsinothre Doutal distnceove t WaashRalroad il sor tiss delcgation. 11010Cas. M an o entite hlder toa floeseats an aour Palaia l os esilb s \ts ro ilt orSt. Vincenlts lospiiial located titat city.Cahc servcto faoag a c C a ll p s,10Newy hMri. Taistatste sccessft la idicate ill aOld Gold an srco o n~so Ngac aot N nI td iis15nowt probablestsait le till e Slve Yoh Ciyy Nais. it,'St.Louisand atl s . 4 . te exainiationtl055of ttenty-fiewsoto localycpois. iBreahfastlAnn Arber-Sop r adds.di50ote list of speakiers 5atsJithn-trefoi.Tsesstalsot siie J~1 A*suI Ladn peroperSt. Loos. s g st. A compslete lprogamtttfor te bit-triedsfr tiisit y aie osp iit its n 11o1 thelt, ilodl 1. S. Greenwooaaesl . P. A., ijtet till he ptbllished tottorrosw. lagsintecyadan ner hpm1 J w lr Waash It. It______________ it is conssieredao l uso'Iitst TheAdams St.,ChicaogiIll. Crol oe u Luete _______ _ Te MstatComplete Line of _ " U. of IM. Students are cordially inited to in. LOWNEY Tie LErser Elecrical Cosstroctioso p .e our templte lisienf ots~, over- CHOCOLATES HOCKNG LLEYRY.coas, men's furRneiss and hats. H C IGV LE BY Compiny of Colbus, Ohio, ae teir W adham, Ryan - eule, S. ManLa.I the Citycus hoe foaaO yes 010 one of SMichliga' tpromtiinent TUT b ,' 4 TRtAINS DAILY 4 itstrulctor to fill a very importatOposi- .IUSICAL CLUBS NOTICE. BewesoeoadCoubsuig';iontnth thleir firmt. Carol D. Jone, There sill be a1 lmeeig of te Glee, 338 S. State S-. depot in both citi0st presenti is 011 istructr I inte egileer_ Basosad lancoinlu bbs tis eeibtg Throug.h 81eeperto Washiogtocand Baltimore. ingepamntlost, atdhils saccetancee of at 9 p.I10. il romtC, for ie eletiotlo 0. M. MARTIN,. t GREAT ROILROAD this stfer stould caise a great loss to the officers sand leaders for tetes ~ti5g tCear. ' Univesity. Last Satorday ir. Jones T. . WOODROW, lPes FUNERAL THjE HOCKING VA4LLEY sas caleid to Toledo o cofe swit J.- DIRECTOR w ito ~~~~.1Erner, presidet of tecorporaiono rof. bWigusoshas benloiliifoi a Icfew blsa pcat.N.295 t L. W. LANIISAN satdlie sened v-ry anlxious to scuore days and tiablse ositted his classe. Ave. Ambulance night and day. Reo- 11 W. FortS, Detroit. Ihis services. He is mucim sproedl today. dnce 302 Fifth Ave. Puritan Oxfords for AN 3 * 0 L20 STYLES IN...... r Bx al, id Eam lPaen Laterand Tan 110 E. HURON ST. CO1 i'CC L'Embalmer and nvest 613 East William Street VVTRR N hi ENC iEL EFuneral Directs. Unve sit io one-hair bloch west WLARREINTEEf lawGTbuildinStreetAllkin ~s {{{Iat B ER Bft Mrs. Enoch Dieteele, Lady Assistant. f 5w hsiicgfeAlkidoe UA1NflcAISATON o 16EaLbrIISret eidneF3i ho h p} E geLfsamet o. u rth Aye, Both Phonesi5x129 S oeShp,.LEr. Pho' W E PATRON IZ E GOODYEw!OAR'S DRUG 5TOREzp