' ; _ ; . C k j e VOL. X. ANN ARBO L, AUCH., FIDUAY, OCTOBER 13,, 18'99. No. 17. W I L DWAS APPRECIATD. I Facuicti Concert Has Large Attend- ance.-Corcerts for Children T T will be Gicen. HFine Fall and Winter H p)al'cthecj) ethl o h h-0 E Suitings, Golf Suits, ~.~ilts~sitOwLi t Ann Arbor Medical Club. ATHLETIC TRUST FUND. clu, a th. rols o T-.'.Jaes Assocciation wil Tri; to Keep a Sur- nr-sl in ho 01cci- plus on Hand. Luti asiotobins tep;- i al 7. tI flla. s isp a toi'th1eT Ini t~ih i ii h e ct1g ; ryi t ar o ii -is tno-soali T A L 0 Fancy Xestings. DRESS SUITS A SPECIALTY We Carry~ the Largest stock In the City. 103 EAST WASHINGTON ST. An lito- T inr Q «Lt as A > t e ' 1 ei itra a G i avo -h s 1 liW and varied r):'o- 132rnai'd Stn1'n His rentll L_')n 'olll the co11C'(l'"(), _)Iams . Fat' CL is - c }111i(jlli' and. dc-ep \ "aS at t?"-- "'1'y g." by Mics Von ticall-v- received. (l "'Danlon OPERA CO. 'la -onVtazoi I i tisAdaisotModerto -onott, P'op Phl rises, 10,20 san 0its.. Vo tsls -iiotsotsatLs Stltittees esery ttdayltec Msiiday.- OOT B AL L dobtlyp wie os ppulatian t at -CLOTHING fla isto ie sotit tiiitirlili ctrsfrtelittle titlis 111100 - otits .l .n le 1t' 1- Lt v" l- 1. toiilsi-i5si-satr tdown totlti-stits gha- 1". Stitop oit Ilroit, who htppineistoti hein tthe ctty, Ittisa5gues1 tcfthe 11lu1. ar ets i.cest ito wei unditet-- t C Ditit his )iiD. Li Al 1)o,, . J. OLF QODS Jerseys and Sweaters at WAHP'S te fltisaind irilsitosdoubstpritest a Strtongcstiusssiss utr1551sit--studysito i tchildr steniThetconacersatill0pro- lasttFriayiofeeshimonths Tomorrow's Games. MLiehigals vs. Western iReseives. Wiisconsein vs.Niorthwerstern. Illiiiois vs. Indianai Chsicago vs. Corisell. Minniesota vs. Carlton College. Pennsylvania -s. Carlisle tndians. Harvard los.WesL Paint. Princeeton vs. Coiumbia. IiItOasa. ite situr whnth1 scal - )t 'lpha 1NsiOct. 14, aS9) ofthe meoelt~tingt tdosed coilds[h o 1s1s Auic is i ;ipropt 1 1". left fte iur reii elit-htone s t 10 e 15515 ' redig,\1.iohn- eboaito, elu si th sr-elsto aigCrte olI' " ii\e h tteBiihgvrinn m:o l is jliliit in 5 1 i eilinthe 15 titO to5i Three On the Colleqe e tli toiii tattoos "Af.,Al tvens, tal..sIsiti itir ile, Mr, Kce ieli" iTe troctiysat-r-ay,--ileotttttb asstitttiiitsi il spi ited io ss01ar thatwih to i lac 01111 s um e, nor a pltcest ir stroit> oftor e ,\ot 110 It s ~ it oft(cue01 Jut uts tt tistlpeti o l ftteo ughlo-inssis'sthel ii wellinto i ltli Syil, tso totei st s-soa-iandtihe a r otwdaob f s 'i pstti eit 'iti tilsolt ii tl it Luooir sitho T ret sissoe p''le e ll Si ltrtit --tlto l ist O lc t. 4 111 pied 1d11 itosi hatstseiitilstil'1115In n Ii- 5os5 liis10Iilsil gm:l~ oiototeitosskll edit heet1115 iltL 1awayiiihead of that sioloas % lveland:opioogstile Sfute ldiesutooi 111orleiithreim-e stonl ethe 1.slprn -etti Josep h aemLbte rlain', Hisegeteasusig endbrn si ol iotaMr.ittli 1 eci muicstisn oo i- bein itay ath of the canoebtiitl, Al,, aopaim1e00,51 ha ilkenson; Le1 1adbTethseadheienis, hte t"ts 50Soolyven lhatit s u indiilinaiysbealgtod cinthistleg n egsinrtrconale tan demad ge hicaa ritanafimtvmltr