V .-m- fl *OAO'll '47 h lOf ° f 0 11 VOL. X. ANN ARBOR, MICil., TUESDAY, MAY 22, 1900. NO. 174. Spring Announcement G. H. WILD & CO. We have just received oar line of spring woolens for men's wear. It includes everything in staples that are suitable and de- sirahle for the season. We are also showing full ranges in nov- elties, its quality and style to suit the most exacting taste, Consisting of Top Coat, Suit- ings, Fancy Vests and Golf Trouserings. We invite you to call and inspect our line at WILD'S 108 E. Wasbipg tor) St. Artist W av ogh u th tokofAtist Materi t osloot oti andsosaveooddeddto. Oil Pits, Chis sd othr WtrCo- os, ODawi Ppeso ot attdtButstes of al kid Wilder's Pharmacy THE OLD Fo everalweewohavesso been ooolaytginasotock forothe REIBEboy,, sd newaseeacedy with a hill lnec or LUNCOE, C- RELAL ARZS sd TOBACCO. LPIE0ES A SYI-'ALTY._ R. E. JOLLY & CO. Are you going to Paris?I it be a goodtidea to psckit otnowo whl stherettisolototimeos ood Itetovs CALKINS' PHARMACY 324 SO. STATE ST. BASE BALL AND 4gOI4F GOODQj ALSO A LARGE STOCK OF JERSEY.S tn Now Styles and Patterns Another Change in the Batting Aer- ages. Though 'the Grand Rapids game wa etremely disa r o-fr 1112 eant aoa oshole it proved to the advantage of certant itdvdual pantsrin toh wvy of fattening thleir batiog aergs :t 01015 started ot fo01r'12 tol cr;te : ,again atod had Dovcs tsr, battd lort stetassly as oel "Sattk" wouold nose be peredoeinit first tolace lyle. U: otree tos ,t at lite ;ea ,d ItwOo sole tt:1 fase run soliitraised iiprossi isc rrs 298 to .;33. Mslstte'tssaibi re to rust netoe sowih the i; liropipedthitsfrIt t first to ssxtsac. Cptinssts sioss hit saly tiricowuset.21 boostm -sat bat atn Dossies- e aiSowtssecato got three sae ottouslt o fivt itlots. In thte fieldintg tie sigle error lo-y ot dont stoiled a beutsflt record. itt sas te first moistlay soeIas toote site te first gamoeisliEclctstott April 0. His record tip to sate nwsow5155s t o if61 chastes bitourlttelisseeleto retsed. Three o tesecanss i ite first one games. For the msothin tervetning be- ten. errors tl-e2 andelourtse beaccepted in ninoe gamles ano coosisisnsred catses. The statintg o otts te instoo1001 tart iso Sattrdays game is showt ly the foloosong tsttery: Gates Eres. Bat. lield. Pt-so-.lRiuns.o. t. D~avies.0 ...3 17 .351 .784 Cosdott. .. 14 4 333 "s76 lettcssss .. to 6 .333 -539 Stiose ... 14 20 .316 .900 MceGinnsis.0 ..4 20 .31 .976 Mlattesson..o.. 14 12 .310 .85 Wshtitnesy....14 10 .8 .97 tn-slb.... ...... 8 7 .33 So Fteslsr.1 ...4 7 .17 .77s Uticy-..... .....3; 7 .071 .777 Orace Board Election. Antsenttstiastic seeisg of the frees- moenocass s oilsIcd yesterday aternooot iss rooms C. About seventy-fiv eswere presentsand sa oticeaslslcfeature o te meseting ws the1asescer of msrosly orstsoricsl efforts. A cososoittee of bsaseal mtstes sas al- pointoed to collet ss ctss tax swhicti wass leviedlfr te usstrtostsesspovisingtes teassm switsweasster,. The class vsted ttnanimslytoe1stossa- Iencisotophtssoores to assot-door seet -tosocur soetimses swithinstso PThe racle elections sas the tssmse lo- ceesding of te etire mesetisg. PTe tidk- et elected ad tno serious oposition, the othser apirantsswitdraswitg before tes mseetitig withioeexception, E. I. His- tots of Marshtall seho received 44 otes. ~The ticket sas elected as follows:s Indepenenlts-Miss -Mildred Smsit, 72 votes;2 G. Steswaste fi votes; Charles Holas, 67 votes; J. Cadot Ftl- lerton, 66 voes; Albert aerrnsteis, 69 votes. Firaternities-Miss Grace Reyolds, 70 votes; J. Elliott McAfee, 72 votes; Harry L. Crustpacler, 72 votes;Carles lR. Adaptis, 71 votes; G. King Beatty, 72 voles The vow was taken beore the class to nmake te racle next year te best ever issued sad one of whirlstMihigan eats feel jiustly protud. Comedsy Club Rehearsing for a Fine Production-Seats on Sale Wednesdatl. The Comedy elub perornance of Seven- Twrenty-Eight on Saturday night promises 10 b one of the best productions ever offered by the ctb. The cast is an usually capable one eng headed by Karl E. Harriman. 01 the others nearly all have had a year or more of experience on the club and have slhowns their fitness to fill teir parts. The play is uusually well adapted 10 a university company and is bright and clean. The play has a number of ex- ceedinsgly fusnny comoplicatiottoatod oill be a laugh-producer all the wsay thsrough woithsout having a sinsgle objiectionabole lise. It is of ithe highest, brighseest. asod breeziest cosmedy. ~Te ilay soll be msade otto of thselearl. log social events of else year ansd a large ntutmber of faculty ladies soul grace it by their presessce ao paroneoses. Mloot of te fratertoities are plannsing to give thseatre parsies atnd a issisbeor of oter iparties Isave already beets organized. Lasst sight the ws-ole tplay seas guise thsroutghswithi and itse comps~any sacdtore- feet comsssansd of thseir respective tparts atnd already showeed rensarkable fisish in their acting. Seats soul be placed ott sale WVednsse- Increases in Expenditures in Next Year's Budget. The budgetI adopted by tse Board of Regents for ntt year shotes the followo- tog raises iss salarie-. Thse Regents are keeping rttnnitng expenses very close so as to prosvide futnsds for tihe scienstific butildling. OSLARIES IxCEASED. iliiasmt t. Buttts (smathtessatics) .$ 200 George Rebec (phsilosophoy) .. 400 Jos. Drakre (Rontan lasw)... 400 PssThms A. Bogle (lasveptl.) . ... 500 Mte. Lucas (choosiest dope.) ... 0 H. O. Setverasice (library) .... 00 Carrot Jonses (Esiglish dept.) .... 300 Lydia Do Wilt (histology).... 00 A. R. Cutstny (histology) ..... 20 Homsseopathsic oospital (htelp) ... . 360 day msornsing at 9 o'clock at Sheehlan's Total. ... .........$2,910 boktr. The sidvance desmand hs sill r oS Eovcon. boots tory large antd a snumiber of parties ihlCod n c eicld.). o save requested seats. Duetusee satnage- A T oaicaleshdpartmsent..... . $ 300 sieost tas steadfastly refused to reserve Lat e dpartmsent (ass- prof.) .... - ,floo assy sessts its advastce oxcolpt for the pat- Chseckisng cleric..... 150 ronsses ansd lsis assures a fair chtance Gosleral library.......... 300 foe ev-eryboody- owio desires seals. Eat Esnglish depart. (stsecialtlectrser) . ton tisose soisiing good seats swli hasve to be Engolisht dept. (adlditiontal insrttisc- to)..... . . .900 ott lhasndearly as thoere still be a rsosUniversity- hosptl....1.. ,023 for theton OtWednesoday siornintg. The moasagemeontlosssraogod to hane 'Potalst- - - - --.... 8....4373 electrie fnsoo thathsse laudieiensce ill " ." 5 sEXRA APLsx'ES AUnTORIZEo. loe pserely- rossfortabole10nosatoer list Geol o ss icaldepsartmt.... ..-.. 200 thte wealter. B-ot3n rldtpartssent- - - -0.... 23 M slt i n .. . . .. ....- . ... .. 023 Essglsis depasrtmt....,l.- - -, 265 Prof. Worcester Made a Bet With a Cisglishl dept. (camnsilg increase). 220 Filipino. Electsroicaletsstrtitooottt- - -420 Professor Deast C. Wsorcester, of tt la-ol 103- - - - - -98nt.. 0 Phlilipinise dommillssionl, tells of a curi ouls 61tis 1- - - - - --......... H9 wa iger ihe oncee smadesoit- it insso. WshiesnMr. Worcster, is a sttudenst, ws Toalso- - - - - - --... 8.....$23J6 sWilh tileSteere rxtlriiiost. aiv11e leasd- .s'l 001.1 toes. ingoaissnd ofsot over-frirstdly 1bsi 'ios -stani letoittees-sto-... o0ooo aptsiroacried thse litosoisreeis slept ansds For Socialist Students. bseganss toshidot. Wisesthsie Amuesicantu Tie socialist stosdesots of thse Unsiversito- sitsoke, tise snssives mas~de knsossnithltat of Porstaove lissuedt s call for sanisnterooa- siseir lesaesssts so mans whoms nothingstttonatt congress dof socilist stuldentsantd cosuld ki, ansd tpromplttiy challenged the grauast I to Ibe sold itsParis text Sets- Amiericasn to try Isisstess-fashsiossed eap- ~tt-ie Tt~ o iielrsootsso ifso i1ie thossughst tlere sois tny 0vitle Ill thi 1ndttefir-Cthas-isng beno elo odinil them' .Brussets iss 1891 stod ssseconsdinItt083 .llr. !Worcester fosusd thsat tite I ii t I Gettesva. Titrosugholte socialist papeor, ptins s cossfidre isl- in use siiposed Ls Petsse Republhsiqute, ass invitationo 1 at- etfsisac- of si smsgic tiere of paplber castiesd tendolis cxtendted to all suiversity sts- by te Icaesr. This issier hasd 1powerdlto lens orssgraduatses sswio acceipt1he gets- 15 serb dotf stlldansisers. I'he leadesrciaseeloret' in cilses laiddb lown tolos-the ttttersts- te Asmerscansso soot, sand swaved is btioal Sociist-eCoungres, viz., Ittersus- sf.in il smsusnsoerssthtuadethuercontse- tinalundlersltandhing 1and sctions of osork- Ittessees of sa refsasssiseemutdubious. 01515101, sod organisti- onlof thte plse'tariat Mer. Worcester stoiped to sargue. T'e'ino111to rosooicandtpolitialiclssipart- Fliintos sat onre ljumpiedh to thsedoil-thtie socialiizations of Ite 'measso of preosdu' ritisionsoha tiihle Americasss asoifraidl bus tiotn and exchasnge." Stdodensts wooare weaponss wouhd prove --osoerbesagaitot usable 1o attenld are torged 10 sond re- so gresad a chtarmu. 'Tenteeosato de- ports upsontite queostiooos to dontte before iasided that if Air. \Worcester teas su- the Cosogress. Comousnicationts toay be woillinog to soot hue shsosold surrendeer Isis sent direct to Joseph Botocher, Cotosnis- rifle. 1110 Asmericani hobetd, ansd, as a 1011nd'Organlizationl, 23, rutedeo Pototoise, comspromise mteasuore, offered to flee at Paris. or to use Attseicant Comtoission' thse malgidclpapier if use Filiio oulstd Oecearo-, 36 Thtssyer 1Hall Camtbridge, ilace it agssinst a tree. If lie matdse a Mass. bullet holo it the isaiser tile ctarisowlos to esue-A:NtatE-. go to buts. If slot use Filipinso twat10 Socialist agitsstiots itt university circles. have thso rifle. a.XWhiat bias boon donttotius far. 'Pho target seas duly arratuged. - M-r. 2. Ways antdtOOans of extonditog it. Place of socialist stsudonts in thoe labor Woreostor fireod at psoint blaotk range. msovemtenot. Te papeorteas knsookod fromt its place 1. Socialist oducatioos : thsoretical dis- stud oboeFilipinsos sot top a sout of victory clossiots, patussphets, heriodicals, stat- 'They imooginodte chuarmo lad ijustied to istics,cotnferenotes; ati-m~iiitism; organizatioon of younug osen. avoid thte bullet. -But examsination shoow- 2. General educationo: popular univer- od it punctured and the naives admsitted sity, roadioog clutbs. their dolat-Saturday Evening Post. siieos, Toyntbee Hall, Rtuskin Univer- 3. Agisationsiou favor of social by- Wisconosinoswonthb~e dutal mseet front guiose :fighse againtst alcohol asite-uob- Illinois al Chsattpaignslast Saturday by S cuosio se shlelob soeai a very sooall mtorgin, only one point. PTe I. Statistics, getooral resulhts. trackr toss tarrowc and in a poor condi- 2. Professional organization. lion, so toe rocords sere 0n01 very good. WVsys ands meoanss to ostabslisrogulhar re- Rain prevented the baseball ga e t- laliotus betwoen thte groups of all countries. Iterntionoal Bullotin. gether. WV. Bredsteen nmade his usual It is platnoed to bold a mseeting of lobe in te msile wealk, isis utie beintg 7:37 socialist stuenots fromNo eow England col- a-3. Withtout a doubt he wvill stand a logos to considor the enclosed call. Cons- atuoncations front any students interested very good shots= to trio out in the inter- wsould be welconme. Such should address coollegiate. te secretary as soon as possible.