-<' TRUE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY.. GOLFj 'if you.want. DRIVERS, BRASSIE DRIVERS, 1LEEKS, MILL IRONS, LOFT- FIRS, "PUTTERS, CADDIE BADS AND GOLF BALLS .... ~Yacan find them at 'heehan'S W'e carry the, largest assortment o:f all makes in the city. Our - lerks are np to date Golfers, =andl will gladly give yen any in- formation desired in the pur- chase of outfits. We are Ace Arhor agents for the following well-known cluhs: "WILLIE DUNN, .McGREGGOR, HARRY VARDEN, SPAULDINGS and MORRISTON. Brinfg your old Golf Balls and ex- change them fur new. cehn &Co. ISROMOTERS OF GOLF, SSOj. STATE ST. ANN ARBOR,, PITCH "Fled aow thcrsullen m.snrsoapthe north The splendid raimn oth Ie Spr icg peeps forthi." It is with a feeling Of pride whiclc we think pardcaletbat wecinvite yoor early inspection ot ocursew linerof SprngandlSccerferittngs just received,t"resh andctemt- ing as tho uncuttravesof Nature's serial stnry (Oer 300 patteer nnomthe Leading Tailors at the World. ccite cod Oticoeatc. . Tailor made to your measure at the prior of the naocl-soe-doc n. . . . L. C. GOODRICH. Agent tar the hest Tailors on EtarthTene eatsRomovr rsie National Bank, Ansa Aeba 4 Pittsburg Stogies for - 63 Bill Anthony Cigars for 4 Brunswick Cigars fotr - c - 25c - 25c' Old Number: 44 S0. MAIN ST., n ANN .ARBOR. MICH. L L.r i' t Cooled Oats Banquet. Calendar. Ticketo werer placed 011stile for lice t\ edncesday, May 23.-Cooley Day Ccl-- Cooley Day Banqtite last Friday acnd tier rbration. liitied ccocccber of 400 ccill probably be Wednesday, Alay a3.-Mtiehigan v. D. etntirely disptosed of today. It is not A C.,a eet'Fed .m kncownl as yet howcmnty of lice Slate Bar . lRpas il,4P t Assciatiocc scenc till atteccelbelt they Saturday,, Slay 26.-Come Ivc ltcb1pre- trwill Iprobcably screll lice nuctcber os-er tli c ts to Sevelc-Tcrelcy-Eigicl' at Athcens 500oemarik. All arrancgemecnts are cro- I Iteatre. gresitgtticely 1111nl ithbnqutpromises IFriday ancd Saturday, Slay 25 and a6. to be a big succerss ctcev-ery cway. Botic I -Tird annuceal Incter-Sciholaatic Sleet. lice Waterman atcd Barbcour gymnalcsiumcs ThursdaySlay 3i.-Slilaigan v.Iliii- tatve beetn tbtaied for thte eret, thcis lbe- tois, at Regents'IField, 4 l. itt. mcg founteelrcery, bercause of tile great iecrease ic seats sold, lice origitnal lantfl AN1ED-A youngtmil citicsotte catving beetn to hlcd tile exerciecsin knoeode ofsingadckngtat lte Barbcoutrgymnctasiumltandrilimcit ltce dgofalipaedCitlgoac numctberto 300. 1Hocrerer, lice eclderielk- as "crewr"011 yachet fromceabouet middle -i crtil e t..1 altctC of Junee to Sept~emcber it. DOter lpar- incg cccwthalety tpappcrocalotthfomtlticulars 011 applicationt.A. SI. Hayntes, tier law stcldentts aned facly andr later Day City, S3tith. 73 crhenetlie State DBer' pace 111p11itstaquet ________ ____ of lhsev ceet, it becamneesesary In en-- TPhe Ann Arbar Music Co. have large on thte origietal pities. 'lie receptiont till take place ine the some inducements to offer stu- Blarboucer gymncasiume aend tie banqucltet dents en table beard; also ane suite propecr tand sprreches ice tie large Waler- of rooma. ma1i111gyeeelitlec. wherrrtlic. L.of -i. beand (23pieces) ccii lecfrneihmsic A newv line af Manhattan Shirts ,just untcil tier srpeing bergincs. in at Wadhams, Ryan & Roule. See Tieorccwioehalett nt ve trchaed cithenm. South lAfain street. seerie comrirteetoce.Die crniecieiv Acml ieofAlrBo.fn D. 4l TINKER~ & SON [TATTES5AND FURNISHERlS Headquarters for HlATS, CAPS, Mto'S FUNaSHNGSos and Comeplete line atof GYNASIUM OODSand 5SWETES.oc AGENCY FON LONGLEY HIATS 334 South Slate Stre. trI &lkhathlm3rn Cor.tanoandlHuonoStreets. Capital, $5a,000. Surplus, 30ta00. PTransacts geralsbahnoing busieness. a, Kaiser, Pes. cC.oGENono, Vice-Per TonED. H BESERn. Cshier. IJAT~fMAI DA!!oatAttn Arhor FIRST UPIUALCSK 15 d18 Capital, stae,raa. Strluso atd Petfite, 140,000 ransarts a general bnicngelbusinotess. Foreign exneboghteandesold. Frih letters of credit. E. DI. KINNEPes. HlARRlISONt SOUtS, Vice-Pres. S W.CLARKSONI Cashint The flin frbor Savin_-s Banl Capital Stoch. s50,000. OSurplus, $50,000. Resources,(+t,50,000. Organized tender the Geneeal Banhiog Laws aft] isState. Reeives deposits,bhopendslie ehange onthe prioeipal cities ot the Uoiled States. tDrofts eashed uon proper identificatin. Safety deposit hoest to sent. OFFICEoS: Christian tak, Pres.;W.tD.uHarr- non, V~ice-Pres.; Chas. E. Hiscoeh. Cashier; M. W. T. rite, Assistant Cashier j W. AROLao Psen, tVice-peyo pj J. V. SHEERAN, 2d Vice-Ile 500 NG tetrNC. WAres, Asst.Cashier ~1lU BINK Transacts a general Banking lualness. Makers of COLLEGIATE CAPS, GOWNS and Sf0005. Rooting of G APS arnd GOWNS, h1ft \ ISPECIEttTY. GLASS CtPNES, COLLECE FLAGS, p CtPISS PIPES, I I CLASS STATIONERY, j COLLEGE PINS, I' COLLEGE ! SPECIALTIES WAC KERN & CO. SllEPifty-Seventh 51. CnIC'AO,ILL. p !E Q~r one rao Tbacce . why Old En. _ dish Curve Cut pipe to. is ~ .. The curved n box that fits any pocket is another oasesn. No other pipe tobacco has ever Bade as many friends in so short a time, "It disappoints no one." lTa he ' 01Ll PtOnly Ones in seaectsir erseatrceecandes holibe.sutatl IVeehains,Rain & aeule, 100- -i~P andI Bath the City.Ke- oetcinierd Irelltebnutcnmte.u .Mi t sonablerstes.ec tir leece1 r R 505 SATE. 15 Tra nassAiliceeled tecter of 'ice latter cwilber OOU, 32 - pJ R rjaosi od.Laeecstudirei ensnaap-leotd ces> IOST1-A Delta Gaetmmea pein srt withe notI Iater -thinttonighet leeO. II e.. ele eteia otnds. Finetrry etrto II 309 eil- DFDREPAI 6f4 E. rrrbrty teteelndthers ccil e- elot sitetand recerc erel. RaItES1REAO ABL'isE ecy-lyAe tec eeelltel Prof.los to Locate in Detroit. DAYTON Bl IC3YCLE tier SencctcrsI ci loled eas reon ande Prbe.eelbertoeeJeeastndelhi-s ifr, Filse tlet~at 0011iteabean-uetieeeetitt KansasCtFAleo , e l..Iieeeedey VlitGrteli-Jonase.eef tleesc- leeiof teetic .auand examie.ee ntltol. iaufc Jitter p. ieceeleg I ee.-er ieeo ccill crespeond iliesreereeet o-l re Atc.ro _ared and repaired. toiaeelssepartmentelrlilleleave-.AnnetArbor - IV . EOR,13E tibrt, NwPhn P3rofe-sor IHarry B. Huchrlins, dearaof tetherctite of tie lpreetterem.They ther law ideeeep rent, andel Proessor ewiciroen a schoeel1of intisoeillin Detroit llHenrpy C. Leiteece. inities oldEBagley hoesretadl one \ainl- r r Whist Club Will Close the Year wuithicgotaie.'tleter.e-,ea II ,'~~~~~i ~a Ladies Evening. elteirtrtert 'hlc as.t regular tecereleg of ther Wit Hoatard bats at Wadhams, Ryantt cluebccil be hld Teseday er-eliW gyaed culrne. Dest hat on the market at 1900trill lee teleedies' ereneing. All ladly went$90.00. 200-202 S. Main nt. 7player-, bothe of the Eniversity andel ee teecity aercordialily tnted to atreed. B.XW. Sherwoods, 01'oe. ti, seei _ tsettee lb n vr .Prices, $~ 5bQuitca lnumbcer of Ypsilatila tdietre rr1tet_,tlieit te~tier i.ei .ad0$35. Chilesas, $60. expecertead a fewr f remeat rroeit. Tlicle ohsbnei Tat]c 1.o aigo agency far Orient, Sterling, club expces to lease at least tC eeles tectet elf lice illiness of isi.antotlher. -oteler, ete. Sunodries. Tandenms occupieed. ITe platy rill ibegine Irotejely Srent. at p:45 inthIle Sla-ne cltb romov eer BAND NOTICE. --Calkines deugetosore on Staetetcc. V7es AT -s- C FTf n... 4-STAEBLER'S CYCLE EMPORIUM ice W. Wastitrho St, Pisone 5. ltHlF. HASKETT. DEWITT ALLEN 223 So. Ingalls St. 720 So. 12th * tS-wtate Phone 436. New Stae Phene 2903-r D~e -ampus pt~otoqraphers Hae a fall line of U. of M. sod Ass Arbor h4ij&sa. SMake a specially af Students' Rooms wne Flashlght Work, at reasonashleprices. -5aes-on sale at Cainis', Schledee's, Losell's, .3W&wn da-Bros. adSchaller's Bookstore. NORTH SIDE 'LAUNDRY TOS-S. O5WE, Sope. 1402 1 roadwayv. 457 Sell Phon A new line of Mianhattan Shirts just in at Wadhamo. Ryan & Redo.e See them, S. Main at FOR SALE-Reserved coals for Slay Festival. C. E. Barthcell, 326 S. State st, second floor. 74 trot clarinec tcia-errs to fill the vacanccies left ice thelae CLYDE THOSIPSON, Slgr. Studento are cordially invited ta in- Mpeet our complEte linees at suitn, ever- eoas, men's furninhings and hatn. Wadhams, Ryan - Steele, S. Maie at. Opening of Spring Woolens.... a Woolens, for thte ceming oeason have arrived, the meet extensive line ever prondered here is opread on eur tables and now open for you to make selectiona. We have made every preparation to strictly retain the previous atandard of our tailoring and to promptly serve our patrono. We aelicit yeur inspec- tion at an early date. WAGNER & CO., Tailors, 123 South Main Street. :-. A trial beox will be sent to any one anywhere on receipt of ten cents in stamps. Address Old English De. partmsent, The American Tobacco Co., Ill Fifth Ave., New York City. All dealers sell it. SPALDINGS Official Jltbketic 6oods Offiiallp adopted hp she leading Colleges, Scoolsnhd Athletic Clahs of she Coasatrp. Base Ball Tennis Feet Batl Ateisc Golf Gymnasaiaum Spaldings Official League Ball Is the Offiial Ball of she National - Leaguead all leadint collegeaso ciationsS. Spaidtings lost BaitlSGuide Is, 1900, lOu H~adsoelCatao efga A. G. Spalding & Bros. anyaddress. tNE tORK,CHAGDEVR SPRING WOOLENS OPEN FOR YOUR SELECTION SPRING OF 1900 MIL WARD Ar d