THE UNIVERSITY Ulu -2IICUIG AN DAILY. ® KN OX, AND ALL THE NEW ONES OL EFL% INEW BRAIDS, NEW BRANDS GOODPET MICHIGAN CENTRALI " The Niagara Falls Route.' CEN'TRAL STANDARD TIME. Taking Effect April 19, 1899. Detroit Night Expresso............555 A. X. Atlantic Expresso.........7 45 Grand Rapids Expres.......11 10o Mail and Expressc.........3 47 P. a. N. Y. EBoton Special ............4 585 Fast Entrrn............S..dl4 Mail and Express........5 40 A. a. Boston, N. Y. and Chicago.0.. 9234 F'ast WestrnExpress.. .. ...1 38. G.ER. and Kal. Express.o*......545 Chicago Night Expeess.......943" Pacific Express..............I12 3SA. M Steamsihip Tichets. all Clannen, to and fromc Europenn point at lowest rntes. Fall infot- mation on application. 0. W. EU'GGLES. HI. W. DIAYcs, G. P. & T.Ag't, Chicago. Ac't Ann Arbor, TIME TABLE Taking Effecte, Sunday, May 2S, 1899. Trains lae Ann Ariber by Central Slated- ard Timr. SOU~ri NORlTHl *No. .- 7:25 A. M. No. 1.- 0:50 A. l5. No. 2.-11:3)JA.5I, 'No. 5 -12:30r. s No. 4.- 9:55P5't. Nosee.- 4:K5P.'.a iNo. 102-0:0.,5a'. a. iNc. '01-9:03 A. M aRan htnec Ann Arbor and Toledo oniv All trains dailly excpt Sunay. ,Sundays only. E. S. GILMORE, Agent.j W H. BIENNETT. 5G. P A Detroit, Ypsilanti and Ann Ar- bor Railway. Cars leave for Detroit and Ypilanti every half our, ooginning at 7:15 a. m. until 7:45 p. in.; After that to Detroit at 8:45 p. in, 9:45 p. in and 11:15 p. us. Waiting rooa, corner Ann and Main ste., Detroit. 111 (riawold st. G UO NO. ONE. The% oupon preseooledto orCondos- toes with irsPteClassTicktreading any distance ov esheWabash Ralrnadsil entitileodereso a Ire noat in: osuePalatial ReolininegChaoirCorst. They aeeindaily [Iservic so Buffalo, Niagora Palt, Nt(so Yorb Cipy, Kantsas City, St. Louis end all 100a1 points. B~rahfasi AntsArbse-Sop- pereSt. Louts. Wtai t t It. S. (Greenswootd, SW. P. A., LItA Z, Adoams St., Chicago, Ill. H OCKI NG VALLEY Ry. 4 TRAINS DAILY 4 Between ''oledo aced Columsbs, using 'nion depot in hoth cities. Through Sleeper to Washington and Baltimore. GREAT RtglL ROAD TI-IFMOCKING VEILLEY Wrice L. W. LANDMAN, 11 W. Fort Si, Detroit. Fin- :., i TIfJE BEST MAKES OF 1Rentzchlev, tbe IP~hotographer. F l vaffakSuch as Joaephia~ohmna's,W SO j and Brno'sare on sae he-- W. Liberty, only 2 dooes frons Mach's Cornes The Fine Tailoring Trade of the City. BURCHFIELD, 106 EAST HURON STREETI SUCCESSFUL FESTIVAL. previous ill'ThisFlying Douechman," did (Contined foosespoge 1) list appear. Time "Horn Novissima' is by tse orchsestra, and wsliberlly ar- a reldmife setting of a niedecersl poes. It plaued slby tse apilsecwos ntr snict tieiges adgivesgrsetprosi- tiss nmusisianes retainsed tiilbsthelast. sissesti :thebest orchestral effects. .\s -to. lGeosrge teonl Moore, lessor. naes wehsioslieshe ompolsitionlis regarded tee Mr. wilm -iles baitoe, wo a e e mst iiorianit yet iproducedlby ass 'Cr Geiiysi uss leeriose. els: cee e~sricane. lieauiseeeswas ihigihly aoe ipaered iin tse first econcert ofltlisserielospesiveof lieswcrk aind distribueted aendr _Mr. .\rthucrrK. Hladley, 'elliste, seerseeitshsespartiaely oil solots,schoruis asse lies sooiists chose eroritaded valretcy io tihsesvidesse ofithiri ties eO~ls5lO~ll ~ lb.Mile plebasure. ITsoy seildosmibroke mtsoieavsy applausse. iTie festival orchestra gaes slng-ties recitates te an ei, froi the first lelselibsO, Bratiess ""Tragee,' Speohtr's "Faust," Liebeoisi die .Zarteerltur~e, ,\r. Molleselaisso calling his Bltett,'caed G. W. Cisaderisiss settineg mseni 1o attentionl abousi fifteens minu~ttes tee misciof 'tse Englishs ballad, "Youniglater luau exisecteodby thscerowd wheichs Loeiisrar" aicothebaladrosis isg hadolgatheredi early 25is eqestedss. PTse Locinvr, aferthebaladrecivng scoeriture is aimpoljsin~g scompositioni, de- hsansdsoise bouieiuet of carinations fro n iassliig ties utoetst sil. Butsieverv adbmirers is the auidieisce. Thse singer's tdeiandsi eas slet in the moelst esicianly poever of symspahletie expresion, to-lmaniner. Then Mr. Sisielev at once took to. Itotleihuiaer's iplace on tse gethser cwithsbis richs, rell-trainsedlvoi~co.scosdtitors stansd. limo soloists enteord gave aisatractio to isis wools cwlech the and "1 he Rhsythsm si Berisaird De -Ior- auienie cosuidlist resist. Mr. Miues laixon, use Celestial Cousntry," was tee- sansg tie part of the tie Highs Priest sef gins. lrs. Eouisa Juchl-WIellmans, so- Dagis s te 'aissss asd elials ofpranso;Miss IeabelleIBoutoisecistralto; lb.Evals eWilles, lessors assd Ml-. laest year's festival. ilbl. loore sancg use IDavid tBisphtams baritoine, meade tup thes bseauetifu~l arias 'Ausour." fron Goss- roll of soloists. Mr. Lleecellyii Renseicks isotd's 'Roumesaisd Jutliet," aisd made a acftedl as ogasnist. Tihe! hortisewas schs better imipressions thsealie did at inaeturally tile chief attractiin, intl te- his first apspearancse Thusdstay iiighst. HIis seres5 nothling b histes warmsest traise for voice is of good teiseer qusality, aned le its cwok. -Ilora Norissiessa,, lossesses singss ithi paiinstakineg ears. He seas smucshldiffifcltyfor ocsoral lpresenstations. haensomsely irecedetby tiesaueelisoait Bet Proef. Stanmleys slendidliy traissed ties cosscleision eel L'.kmmoesr,"responsding cosis rOesonded as sise person toeeveery lee eempehatic sails weiths cileaotsing eincore. csomsmed of Ihis assure batons, to tse eind Time'settee solo by ItlicesHaley occurrig thait-it is a very comimlons ressarke tonsight in tihe Voitsssamss Sereende by ties or- that no etroneger o better bods fy ounsssg ciisstrai eas oiee of use isost aptetrecicated e n 5101anidiio0men11hasgraedtiallAinimAr- leans sf the prograemssme. hoer hlay Fesstvl for a lonsg tisme. its After limecomnlueiois of tse regular best weok was seena fnltile"A Capella." programsmae, Mto. L. Reneewisk, of tse intshue seconstiisart. University scisool of muitr eated those Aimoneg ties soloists, judgiseg by time ap- of tseeseui of toeen visitors wceared to plauise thsey received,. ft is hsardi to jsidge remaims to a brief recitailsins use Frieze eicsm sas time fav oils. Mrs. Juchi-Wsell- Ilessoriasi orgamm, seleose greatl bulls occui- manlais rssrecalildrpeatendly anisd itnot ipies tiesemnire rear of thme pelatform. Mr. detmactoime the ]cest frot her envsiaeble Reniwick is assorganmist of exceeptionsal repeutations.tier spiri ted actioni sas very sklan:md his ielayimmg evokedsimush sic-leaecsing. lervocaslizations perfect. MIiss served applau~tse. Boteemoms heightemmedl the effect sroolimes ley leer scots imm yesterdlay afteroomis Time elosimng comeert Satuirday isighmisoiscert. Io. Bisieham was warimly laited less amn Isi houirs, althaoughs it greoted by time aumtiencse as ass old friensd wvasmonc of temsot generally emjoyable cando sang weithm a direetness and voice inma niy years. Still tse sdraniatic sipirit, wiih brotighst selltime heartiest applatuse itme stoery thmreadrifi youm ciil ichissiwsas of use evenimng. Mr. Williams seas gooed so promsimnenst andsentmraninig last year is lie ever is ansel sas generously troateod in 'Sanmson aimd Delilahs"aind the year y tse aumdiemeo. Hiave You seen oar PORCELAINS? Pig - ss 1 ou-esly place in lbs ;wheeryoscan getmthema, SFE5IIIL RfITES 10 S[NIORS- 1116 I5rumalIStuioQ 112 W. Huron Si. N. S. Phoeeiii~ A MOST EXQUISITE TOOTH PASTE- Whitens, beautifis,and presorves ~a teeth. ANTISEPTIC AND VERY' PLEASING TfhTL4I TASTE. All druggists 25 cents, or by mail nanc receipt of price. C. S DENT & CO., Detroit, MchL. Prinvatetesonin dancing by Mr, o=. Mrs. Ross Granger-Leson: hrec- c artes hoar, $1.5. Office, Remi.. drncesand Academy on Maiynard St.i READ THlE DAIIL. . Dutal Gohi"' 1 i asdOSoldess- poi ~Sale. Casha!o Old .Goldan Silver. WiVn.Arnold L~ending The Moat Conmplete Line of LOWNEY CHOCOLATES Inaths Cityeao Isefoain&-" TUTT,51'8 338 S. State S.. 0. Me MARTIN~. FUNERAL DIRECTOR Embalming a spectnlty. No. 209 S. 4thr Ave. Ambulance night and day. Ries- dene 502 Fifth Ave. n1xo d AND' Puritanuoufr WOMEN 3 120 STYLES IN...... Box Calf, Kid, Enamel, Patent Leather and Tan ~ E UO T Funeral Directs tantt one-halflbloch wet lie RB[R Mrs. Enoch nieterie, Lady Assistant. of law huilding All hinds OLI1tiTE. SO lPOTO.No t .Lbet tet sdnel f repairing Lently Idoand a l Wo. 16 oLibrty tree.ShoedecShop ME, Lambert.IR n a GRfNES STSAT N Fonrth Ave, Both Phoneus. ds~ WE PATRONIZE GOOD""YEAR'S DR %UG 5T0'mRrW