m f Awl, VIOLOW 'VOL. X. ANN ARLBOR, MICI., MONDAY, MAY 21, 1900. No. 173. Spring Announcement 0. H. WILD & CO. We have just received oar line of spring woolens for men's wear. It includes everything in staples that are suitable and de- sirale for the season. We are also showing full ranges in nov- elties, in uality and style to suit the most exacting taste, consisting of Top Coats, Suit- ings, Fancy Vests and Golf Trouserings. We invite you to call and inspect our line at WILD'S 108 E. Wasigtor) St. Arit w hvebought cut Arit th stck oi Atist Matrals fromicWet- M~aerialsmonsBkStr t the sam u til it Oil Pits, Chn and othee WterCcol- ors, Drawing Papes andd tBrushe f all Wilder's Pharmacy THE OLD Forsevralweekiwehav RELIABLE bops. S' newaerad ithC- PIE'E~S A SPEOIA.TY. R. E. JOLLY & CO. Are you going to Paris? What shout your Ko dab? Would't it be a good idea to pick it out now whle thee is lots of titus and let us keep it for you? CALKINS' PHARMACY 324 SO. STATE ST BASE BALL AND QIOIF GOODS ALO A LARE STOCK OF JERSEY AS In New Styles and Patterns WAHR3S A SLUGGING MATCH. I scores in her hulf through six hits for a SUCCESSFUL FESTIVAL. sioiled Iby Davies beg caught tyig to MYihigan's Errors Caused Her to steal secoindiaid Witntiey failed in sit Satrda'qj Concerts Closed One ei the Lose to Wisconsin. atttmpt to go outs from secodott Most IEjoable Festiables in Failre. lat ailre, s th sumandBistles single.leiig citoff titseplate. Yas Paior. ia filtre i te uis nd Its the third Horsy after acepting Yas suibstattce of Saturday's gatue. Failure pass to first comipleted te circuit bring Saturday nigti sitesscc te close of to score shenic iecessary atid failure to lg Wiscotsit's total to it. Two sore te seethMy esia.Adamt keep Wiscotisitn fromt scorinig. And catite Michitiai's tay ithue fourth whlile etttiaPsisa.Atia ot Wiscottsin's fotr rors serer beitg stcce sil fe~ s iti sas. It sas a ficat- attottg oilier failures that to teae ex-mstds 'fTesesethil came as antoter vil atursu-cal success. 155it55 titlst lbe recorded atmong tie itost mhatch itt error ntaiitatnd hard Bitintg. '~ui s xc iue atytb i i giaitg. tte rcrlti tttttittitgtoAfter the first to Wiscotnsint teithad O titrtc ftt nvriyistia aboutti$250 ishee hardly sufficitnt to cover goteeasuihoriuietiloththit Unteercleat ttuaisas ilt eetities lfreitet gotute, eleris-to first Whitinuey's error actsatcel lita socety are satisfied that ts receiss froti itng aici mtovitgosrtieamt leave alone tics lase trenst sh iottltihatve resulted ito all sorce till a little tttere tatieqtial guarte.itdtetat mitsibe aid tiNusoe- tieatut which swottl itsve retired te tse pseissof ts fessutiva, a1ver 1im- slee it. actl stegatse bien laved at tottie -ltsThismuttcht dote Beitletpassd totiu it s sitt il eieibre ts itttip ari of teusenttderalkinsg aoter itansto first, atd a sigle, ap ti n atrwe i srmmee sould hardly late failetd so tdisaly adtilamebe n ahrsnle it hti foertmayyears te Alae stisal it is not certinusit that te retll' oftitl.adtie.ttltoitrstgs ut - tse gauss tmighti atvs ieetidifirent iset asecuid error iy Nhinuy mixed itt did ot pay expensoe. Roughlytsaig thisadedsupptltoriitat swotldehave eatbedlflveeniteito score. Againthisortiestra atd soloists cost the oats-wso tewa ah n swn froisstilteside tites atd a famill~t os l itarsesot ueiso pthatdst tg amtth lis ear $,0o. Te epetses nitontd to lay ot. The -rotitids at Gccnd a mgieyclb lutt fotr coublss a sngle tand a lotte rtitnittlysentt fotr menof Iritig, aeltrtisog, ushers, tusetic Ratpds sere ttit of te bst. Chief aicross te late svhere lisely base eu- iatd oter things eeded till reas a attotig its beauties sas a hickory tree tttigwudhv on odr.I ahlag diinlsm right field iito iswhichs te Badgers itttgothermiininiingueseboth ides wnts ai iesaillia t seetmeel to have a snacs of ksnocking ifut imeoeaitwoithgretett outersidstsel Btt as a uuictl esetttits ettccess sas tiles. Otis of these Davies stcceeeed in fitalscoesoe 6t 3i fvro raIn oaleTecnet eet captsturing as it ibottndedeethrottglhthethe adscorosee I ot iifa-r osret uaitfota sTtm]ters er h brattches to the grotitd buti tso others ttBager.hsti }ifrul good of atte fesial of sers toidiffiuttliattd errors had to le Tie stmmttar. svecaliiyears. Every programmiisas att scotredsin hst in. WISCONSIN. excellettiatdpopelar0one atsdlesery So i ts toil onirecorud oss MichiganmsAB .H-itS. RP. oE. artist ot thilettiapeared anielcre ttp 1o cli mutintedlist calsces for tewiserns 'iilists 'is ... r o 2 u I eetionlits. Tere ters iohitcthes, chs-nspionssiptsof 11300yitt Oh 1up5 tt Hoveyis.Isliii ci .4 4 i1 0 2 2 0 n amre ie 1 tfroesoe it adti agesit'sof layitsg nonictiegroittnss 1111ci it 1. f. 1...63 1 0 3 00nofiusadoifeorwkTs wth tita fiielye tobs of rooters sitnte Cris,1 1. -..3t2rITo sis w hitase te oceters s tiorotgle sideties A ipercemtge pshutantitibtle iesree, . ....5z30 2 3 1r5enjoyablelaid togee sitlthticfator- fobltwd amtong the lig tiintcof le itest'-til the0, p...t.5tIsis is abe eatledeecs-such large cross-s. ecol ctlege s lice lstSelcite amttdcies iotllCeteletis 1 f .. 1. I 0 o3 I0 D ousmi bihati iiisoto pltile tesuitetiumsber of gmtes witilt1iibins 1 .50003I0 fcusth rilattimho ecit of the oter teamss andtI owa aiteluNitilsiestsF . . o z tiitte. Seistusosti-Henl sandelsrtienit- Viissue ol ta itrlys-ploytamossitsh ie ilt- - - ent. 'i'he geouie tan1 sioistos st- at all.If pireta111eccotuldi itscountted ai Toal:.. 43 10 Io r27 12 4 iiiiliictthssaittst-- i-i-i l ~ ~ ~ MIHIA. or judcminof chatiyusipiclatuis MIICHIG ANcuicls ilIc i o itttii x icuausitutuht sceduilb iuuule s ee'of lnsA.R .S .A1 peele ai ~~ itil tsf til setet tutte -ts ursuc tlst5colic'ges t Indiaitiuan0111Nor li{,rni1,,11l.f. 1 3 1410- '3etgo-ctuu ube stsern'tatut, ssinintg, theist.un11 up itsi iitt i- 2 0 1 sil-i, 1 'iser-it-. NVWilitite e s-ccut. c pl-ithsut s tio s 1. 1 1, .0.; t 0 o tproof lth t the' ii iiitgi-tilei t ihadi 110tilsil eliminat1 e .d, cive uissulu e St-cusditii'i NIi tilt sdut .-400a I0 ituss o soier eat ci fesl. Bteaside fout suiteseries isithIlinois anth ChicgotuDtgsihis i f .... .. .5 I 3 0 1 0 2 thus suc essofIthe' Shiiium -Ifink cii- fat recimis thatutW~isonsin hostsice Blncoc, 2h'it - 5;1t3 0 I 4 1 dhf itu ts tt uur'u-u le t itii Ihe lieu 3b - .-4 t 11 1 0 r cerwi .1 uh ih rattlei t'Uive'siy' miusic- piosuipli Whiiule mimastc e houts ev ni iitidi d -.. ..5 2 0 i6 0 2 at historidwit ue Il af s tutu Clte wiih this Btaeges their recssrdlwstitel Ule0 0.... 0.. 0 0 Io t2 sconedel, ttises set 15 sasecesionis- ethr esolleges usousdhlau-c suoiled tei Be 0sie i..s- - -..2 1 0 0 7 oh. 'Eertcocet icuding thu-s ii uhitumissa11111initim een cmi ouirItueu-iimnmth aferoondrw cowed-ou-sa- froum tie oher se wsuldhveibeeless leits .....44 13 b 15t, eese7 hetTltids se secues i tile hiupiitsin as if ue hd Inig. t234 5 6 7 81o13-R.it.Ltisusei aitcheligitust tusem-This fac mis-ilmeN isinsinmt iilimiut hiai d ftWNiscottinmm6 ft 40I0 di0i 0 i10 4 siltkties iuueic sfote mmeosresigueauth 1Illmmois, Chidagos anii "s ihmse stils i utci"atim.3 4 00 0 4-10 0-1 Stivsdn hih 1arranigedl te phum's tu tusse aee sf1-ie. tBaes 1o11h1lits-Dii Beisle 3 otI.let-std eetdtheris tl-i. ce iees 'Niichigtan hit thue islliall igtht miii2 Oeti t itueiu t I . Huuity p iculhiet itall ht tl e sessc 1tsli ifs utr itt-ited el didhilbultoutsie f useeliii- Its1inle ihSum idlen0tucbsaheisticd'foretfter- plydUley .Sr u y1,e. Fiteerose isides liii'pasedhuobae lls IDt u i '2).NWhitnimeystynonsas bulls,. 1115elii bypliched itbtll smithflue5 ') hnow, lcem Har14islet is. T 'fu''ehibmcsset wsthie-loic tal billes 011 stlls is te timet5111o1taliof Witt-Thr lueebase t ttu ieummis eusel mutiic Samrst'afeusom.h tls et'. Utley amd Bustes cotrutiome-isto Homm lii odomhumos lcit t uese wasicism5fi ts er mie cause. h ie four remlii g mu roFsised b1alls INhimtuet(). GI tie1uuulreydvtdt clcim o r ctuhaue ms to uicims to ibelong" to -l I mts''imiec iiatull2'30 cetsa5 tid'se' raunge f cosmoussiionmbu- out nrsbcuehhantpatedupcatching stlls falthu tog h im stie rte mum 111cC ii chosen.i.tEicry- lphass of urhesrl tiii' branches f atrlie Stupidmbasesrunu t iichmu5''smi8lbhuls ii Satur11diy' iae suitastitempiltedhlmti~tttliim ningsglositledst soi tie precty.Ntiotwemefo to mutl oh 35Ia se, Wi cousism itscu mof ibie gcnerltresspect ouchdtit- esvenM uctiismuccetdedt it stealig 50olullseses for i5 bass. Elsivcmiof mirtioufelt for Mcsiemtimuer's imou- em blose atimdwsootihetstee caeughtsat .\Michiganm'usnusiswee aned lit-cleni tarble orgaiztioni u. humthe oeingmi secondmutimmediaetlyitatfter singimng. Sf ittinug. 'li butt outsof Iliscuuusutums rus that onlsy 3-nnts tierslime trodut ofte8mlwsies madeaoftectheuside soulithave inethueuurnm ons prgramume this ''igaris htlle.beemsretircudtumd wulashaveom'sbeets re Ifisbusst''oeeutews u 'sseecedset 5one W~isconusin strteldout in this first to iredstd nitherrors teens mae its plas of tiebacst eamplfes f Miiar's puest irofisty Filet's errtatic piuchinmg. This uffputm-utsm. imthis sensst tfter tecy-sti. Thus orcesra producedh it i-t first rmitsu i hel omt hishorelimithue sarteud to hit tie bait four ems itsnueramrbes eln nddlcc-olwn et udrass a itals amd nuusuuer three hull earnesdtb' clan hitig, lit thu sidetilmettefcbmgahtedc-.ohssmg limbs lasiess'tree. Another ass t first shouldhet ossbscinreirecdibefore the uswtim vaoritionssdn tie''AmsritnsNation- followedut iy a singe, aim error by Uteysartedeto hiti, at Hytmn" lit fat-di, ishists apeasreduto a twvo dagger amd antoher singe tnettedt tstkec'thus facy of th i setnce is- six rums before Mahery, whto had ben Soph-Medics Win Out. mensel. Thhe tird orchestral nsumbmer tie first omt again sit ilmntote air amd againm wenut01 retirimng thes side. Michi- I hissastroed to be pehas thus frt- was .Moart's Sore Sy'mpthony its G, gains started iumediatey after enouighmo tist cassgalue of ts 1900 series tiesritens as ear as can itsdeermsined balacnce te score. Mctetinniis got a hres soph.-mtedics dfeated tie frestumumeumof we h opsrwsbt1 er l baggcr. Consdon sinugle amdSnoow hit their departenit Saturday mornimg by slemIl opsrs-sbt1 er l omt a homise reussand hres scores were its, a score of 9 to 4. The numbther of errors amdtffordingim its producioms at this Mattsons seent owe to first, Davies eoub- was reisaraby low for a cas gamss itte asin uteresting comtfarisotiih thes leed and Blemnco singsed. The thisas- but those of tie freshsmens were by far ltae creations of Mioart This "Sort" tee sent out tryig to steal second whileI this mons cooly amd ose the gamse ii two0Synptomy wsaptlayed for te first tie Davies was held scurey at thtird. irmntis. Thle batteries of btoil teamts dd Fleshuer thensfied osit sue the side was good swori. Pillsbury for 1903 muedics its Annm Artor amd as iterpreted by Mur retired taving tree rmus to show for srucks out 9 muet std Yarringtomn, p- Mtotethauer was a very enjoyable as five tits for a total of steven bases. posing himtu stuck out 6. Street's play- wels significant piece of swork No- The second ismnimg wsa almost a cl-ii-lg at secomnd for this sophie ias foe this sheecits thus series of programmsiso plicaue of tir first. Wisconsin scored greater prt good, ele erroro cargsdteeuatoauosiiiisoftels four timenso on errors by Condom, Utey against slums being excusableots. ~ teeuesoulptiile so tsfo and Bletncoe, a passed al amd two Thus scors by itnigosas as follows: tiatnmore clearly itdicated tam here. sioges. Durinmg tte troubhle Beisle wa Inings. -.I 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9-RH.E.Tw moe ntfrmSisitD io, subtited foe Uley andoe ofIthe b nte oeotAeia opsr tits is chargeableuto itu. Out thus whoe 92 tedico .4 0 1 0 0 3 0 0 -9 6i b molurfnuuseAue5as ospsr considering his porcelaims arnm, Beistle did 93 medics . o i0o0 t 0 0-4 95 Artsue Foote, excedingly choary pro- wel, for whets le toots thus gamue in Bateis-For sophs-Yarngton ant ducions, std H. H. Hadley's Fetia charge the score was 8 to 3 in favor of Nll; for freshmumen-Pillsbury and March comipleted the nustmbers presented Wiscoosio. Miichigan gleaned four inre Chanmers. ICninsedton Pole 31