:: THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY. __H NVEST F IHGI' AL " OUTFITS If you want.... DRIVERS, BRASSIE DRIVERS, ECLEEKS,_MILL IRONS, LOFT- ERS, PUTTERS, CADDIE BAGS AND GOLF BALLS......... You can find them at Sheehan's ;ecary the largest assortment of all makes in the city. Or clerks are up to dlate Golfers, and will gladly give you any in- formation desired in the pu- chase of outfits. We are Auu Arbor Agents for the following well-known clubs: WILLIE DUNN, MCGREGGOR, HARRY VARDEN, SPAULDINGS and MORRISTON. 'Bring your old Golf Balls and ex- change them for new. Sheehani & Co. 5OMOTES OF GOLF, stia 50. STATE ST. ANN ABO, rIGH U. & Y, Barber TAPO ATS Shop and Bath thene CirtosR ROOMS, 322 STATE J. R. Trjansski BICYCLES REPAIRED PRICES REASONABLE Wae agets tr the famous DAYTON BIGYLE -Cal ndexamne. Dealtoolsomaufa- turd and repaired. 'M. J. WENER, 113 E. Liberty, New Phone 553 FOR 1900 .Are better than ever. Prices, $25, $26i and $ 35. Chales, $60. Also agency for Orient, Sterling, Towler, etc. Sundries. Tandem 'to rent. . STAEBLER'S CYCLE EMPORIUM 119 W. Weleteateon St.. Ptoe R . 43N . HSKETT. DEWITT ALLEN 223 So. Igalls St. 720 So. 12th lkw Stte Phone 436. New State Phoer203-r Tile Rampuls photographers A BIG SELECTION OF -..~ Can be found at MARTIN SCIIALLER'S, 116 SO. MAIN STREET. DO YOU $MOKEi? 4 Pittsburg Stogies for 6 Bill Anthony Cigars for 4 Brunswick Cigars for - 5c Old Number: 44 SO. MAIN ST., ANN ARBOR. MICH. Financial Report of the S. L. A. Thc following financial report has bccn made byr Trcasurcr Janius B. Wood, of thc S. L. A.: Dr. Season tinckcts...... .... ....$4,240 92 Single admissions.... ...... .. 784 00 Prospectus advcrtising... 23 75 Previtons, Board ...... ........ 25 52 $5,074 15 Cr. Attraction- Gagec.......... ......$ 15 00 Frye.... ...........00 0 Bollivr.........300 00 .Bcndix & Co....275 00 King.... ...... .....t oo 00 Carletont.... .... ....200o 00 Sousa attd lBand...1, 287 00 Gravs....... ......tioo 00 Jiordant.......... ...t oo 00 Smith.. ...... ...... 150 00 Oratorical.... .... ....125 00 Clark............ 200 00 $3,252 t00 Advertising- Seasontittkct canto,.. .$355 50 Prospecttt..........99 26 Periodicals-- U. of 1. Daily.$fia 00 Wirinkle....24 00 Alumnus... ..20 00 Titnie........6S50 Angtus...... ....t16 50 Butllestitt.2.. 2 00 Chturcht Nws.. 800 $t59 00 Bills., Argtt ............10o5 00 Bill-.,Itnland Prcss. . 6 00 Cavas sigt.... 2 75 Bill distributittg....25 70 Btll postintg...... ....... 20 38 $773 59 Progratts. ... ...... ......... 59 75 Hall itncidctlals..........57 00 Livcry .... .. .... ....... .... 41 75 Stationary, statmps, etc....30 06 Telegratms...........28 85 Ettrainittg guest... . 28 25 Miscllatncous.... ...... .......9 25 Telephottc.... ...... ......... 7 71 (cash in Brynk........ ......... 885 94 $5,074 t9 A new line of Manhattan Shirts jtist in at Wadhanms, Ryan & Reule, See them. S. Slain st DEAN &0CO Calendar. Satutrday, flay a9.-Michigatn vs. Ws cntsin at tra ri Rapids. Spcial traitn leaves .l1. C. dcpot at S a. in. Saturday, May t9.-902 1Slrdies vs 1503 1l.e'iics .r .Athletic Ftild, 9 o'ciock Satutrdi~ ay, :9.tS0oLaw vs.2.93,1 Mcdics at Atltict Field, 2 onion's P. tnt. Wenttsday, Mlay 23.-Coolcy Bay Cel- ebsration. Wcdncsday, Slay 23.-Slichigan v. D. A. C., at Rcgcnts' Fteld, 4 p. nt. Satttrday, Slay 26.-Conefc I club pme- strtn "Scevet-Twcnty-Eight" at Altens 1Teatre. F~riday atnd Saturday, Slay 25 and a6. -Thbird atualIntecr-Scholasltic Mect. Thursday, Slay 31.-Sli1chigan v. lii- nois, at Rcgcnts' Ficld, 4 p. io. 9VAN TED--A yotungtmatt withtsomte kttowoledge of sailintg atnd cooking to ant 's crew" ott yacht frotm abottmtiddlc of Jutte to Septetmber t~th. Othtcrtsar- ticttlasnotaisplicationt. . .i.Haynes, Bay Ctty, Sich. 73 The Ann Arbor Music Co. have come inducements to offer stu- dents on table' board; also one suite of rooma. A new line of SManhattan Shtrts Jnst in at Wadhams, Ryan & Route. See them. Sauth SMain street. L.OST-Sitnall gold pin in shape of cross-gtuns. Finder plesec returu to Soros Houfs..172 A camplete line af Adler urns. fOne soitn at Wadlatos. Ryan & Route, 200- Mo S. Stain at. LOST-A Biseta rnra pitt seitwitit diamsonds. IFitndnrrrturtnto t305 99i1- mtot t at.ntd recive resward. LOST-A lair of gold boo-nd spec- tancs, Ttuestday evenittg. Rectunit to 12214 Nassbtotaw svn. ansircensecresward. 72 Howard hats at Wadhams, Ryan& iRculte. Beat hot on the market at $1.11. 200-221S. Maiti at. BAND NOTICE.r WANTED AT O NCE-woomnpe- tent clarinet Dlavnrs to fill thec vacatncies left in thte hb- CLYDE THOSMPSON, Migr. D. Fl TINKEA? & SON HATTERS AND FURNStHES Headquarters for BATeS, CAr, Mas's FRNSNSe ad Cnmpeteie ot CyNAsea GOOnd SWEATE. AGENCY FOB LONLY HATS 334 Suh State 5r.. Cor, Mate ad BHors Steet. Captal, 50. Saeitttn.1130,o00. Treeeare geerattbaing busaenes. iR. KEMPF, re. 1C. E. bae, Vie-Peer Fee. HB MesR. Casier. FIRST NATIONAL BANK~ Capit, 10000. Srpue aad Pofit, £40,D0t Taswts a genalt bakig busne. Foreign exchangebogttandeeldt.PFurithtlttrsreof credit. E.0D. KINNE, re. HARRISON SOtLE, VicePeer S. NW. CLA45CSON Cshiee Tirflan H Mror 8avinp ~Bank Capita Stok. $5t0,000. Srpu, Ve50,00. Resoueece tsn00.. Orgaied uneris the Geeral Bkig Lsr of this Sate. 2Receve Iretobhyr ad sours rxchagoens the prineipot citee of the United State. Drafte ashd po propeidetificatin. Safety deposit oes to rot. OFICE-: IChistis Mrh, Fes.;tNW. D. Bret- mo, Vie-Pes.t Cho. E. Bisok. Cher;otM. J. FritzAssistant Caser W. aJ. BOOr, PEa. SThi.TIr W. ARNOLD, styice-prey L J. V. SHEEHsA 2d Vie-prs JoreoI.C. WAa., .Asst. CashieefVIu BRINK Transacts a general Bankhng Business. Matersof COLLEGIATE CAPS, -, GOWNS sd HiOOS, s T CAPS apd GOWNS, A S PECILT. CLAS CONES, ' COtLEGEtFLAS, - CLASS TATIONER, i. COLLEGE PINS, PECIALTIES SWC, KERN & CO. a1t E Fity-5seth St. CHIAGO ILL. 4tVEQ8,. lone reason Tobacco 4,. why Old En. asuamr~el ug. lish Crve Ct pipe to. - bacco is o 0 ~.... The Eurved tin box that fits any pocket is another reason. No other pipe tobaco has eve made as many friends in so short a time. ~It disappoints no one. A trtat box will be sent to any one anywhere on receipt of ten cent i stamps. Address Old English Do. partment, The Amerian Tobacco Co., II Fifth Ave., New York City. All dealers sell it. SPALDINGS Oficial atltic Goods Offialy adoptedbhpthr eline Cllees Schoolsad Athrain Cusof the Coanrp. Bane Bait Toccata Fet Bail Atletis Goeif Gymnasum Spaldigs Official League Bait l the Offcial Ball of the Naional i Lage and altteag sallere so- ciains. Spadigs ae Ball Gide fr 100, toe of thletc $f5 rNe e A. G.paldiug & Bros. ay del e a noe,CHAGDEVR SPRING WOOLENS FOR YOUR SELECTION Students are cartdialty tnvited to in- FOR SALE-Rcservecd scats for Miay epect our crompiteslines of suite, over- Festival. C. F. Baribrell, 328 S. State t. coats. menus furnishings and hate. second fBoor. 74 XWanhas, Ryan - Reule, S. Main mt. / - - / Quiekputon Shirts. W~ave afail line of U. of B.and Ann Ar nO'ews. Make a speialty o Students' Seams .15 1 aaflaeh light Woarta at rerasonalepraces. Tbe New Open-Front Shirt. VIiews on saleat Calkins',Schledo ' overl', fButtonsoall the Way Dawn Lbs ~Awedsira~ue~ehtlos~oleaereFront.' Slips on ond off like a Coot. Different Lengths of s s8515l~~l1l~~i~~~ Sleeve. Perfect Fitting. V RTH Neglige--Semi Neglige--Ploit- 11 'ed Negligee. LAUNDRY WAGNER & CO, THtOS. MOWS FPrepe. SRIG1-AT ibedshr 100"3 Broadway 61SBell PFoe RN AS Hbrahr SPRING OFMIW R 1900 IWD .4