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May 19, 1900 - Image 3

Resource type:
U. of M. Daily, 1900-05-19

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YCOUNTS when you boy-See that you get it-If we can- '
not show you better styles and quality for the moneyr',1
L J A& wheu you buy neckwear, don't huy-Null se-5c to $-
1117 South Main Street.

',The Niagara Falls Route"
Taking Effect April 59, 1899.
Detroit Night Expre...........5 55 A..
Atlantic Expesc........7 45
erand Rapi ds Express.........1l 10"
Mail andEpress ............. ^7 P. M
N. Y.Rotton Specialt............4ts
Mai and Epresc.t ......8 40 A. x
Boston, N. Y. and Chicagk.~......9 235
Fat Wesern Express.......1 380r. I.
(4. R. and Kal. Napres...........545
Chicago Night Expeso............9431
Pacific Expes.............12303 A. M.
Steamoship Tickoets, all Classes, to and frcom
Earopeans points at lowest rates. Full infcor-
mation on application.
GO. P. & T.Ag't, Chicago. Ag't Ann Arbor.
Takilng Effet, Suanday, SMay 21, 1899.
Trains leave Antn Arbor by Central Stand-
*No.6.- 7,25 A . . No. .- 8:56 *A. 01.
Ng. 2-11:31 A. 7-v. No. 5.-12:30'sP. 51
No. 4.-- 8:35 P. o. \(). 3.- 4:516 Y. %i
tNo. 102-8:05 P.I..5. tNl. 101.--9:05 A.
*Run borweoAan Arbor ond Toledo asic
5.11 raltte IdailycexceptSunsday.
tSaodoye oly,
E. S. GILMIORE. Agent.
Detroit, Ypsilanti and Ann Ar-
bor Railway.
Cars leave for D~etroit and Ynsilanti

lVcutschiev, the Ilbhotographer. AIl,



Wash Neckwear, in all the latest colors 2a111 shapes 25, 50, 75C.
Fancij Hose, in Lisle and Mercerised, . . . 40c.
Large Line oil Ties, Reduaced to............. .
Fro50ad 75cents


arm Wlocks 3S
f Al. Piels 50c to $10.00. Fint*
Watch iRepairing a Specialty-
o0 ne Ssuths.
ave You.
seeoureecPORICELAINS? Fia.
thing cr1-only place in the
whecc y to contgettheta,
a Rappaim-in CtnduH

A U. of M.
With Every $2.00 Purchase.
Cooletj Dau Exercises.
11he Cooley Day exercises will be iheld
in Uiversity ball next WVednesday at to
a1. m1. Judtge Grant of SupIremle Cocrt
(If .\liebiga 111wil1 deliver 2110 .leuorial
a~ddress.. A paperO will be reald by judge
Graves,2110elollyosurvivinfg Imemobor of 21h0
court 1o1er whlicht Jud~ge Cooley plresided.
An original 1111211 w1ll 1be0read by113John~
F. Haskett. Th~e mlemblers (If the Stale
lia:r Ass~ociation will lbe present2. Thec
law1 clssescof ihe University will march
10 the ball in ai body. Thle lpublie is cor-
dially iied and urged 1to110 present.
Todat's Games.
iihigaicvs. iscoVien1111 t G randl

MACK & co.

Good Gocernment Club Election 1116 Liil I IIl1tI1lNUUUI
Todapj. 112W. Huron St. N. S. Phone 119
Th'isI 1morn1ing at 111110o'cloek the 1 __________an-________________
coal eleetion of ltce U. of M. Gootd Gov-
ernml elnt clubwlll 1 e 5 feld in r100111 law . lD.__________
building. Th lb bhas recentcly become l. ____________
inceorplorated,uder a 1n011statut~eaicd
11as atliiled the bWare prefeeia01111 s-
temo of eleetion. Dy this syst1011heIie11 A MOST EXQUISITE TOOTH 'PASTE
oritv seeures rep~resenltationl.
"IDherr bhas beent, for several dayo1 every-
ev idelnce of a closeerongeyst.oe bun- Whitens, heautifies, ande prenervea that
liredl tandleighit lmemblers have registereed, teeth.
registration beinlg neeessairy for a role.
Unlder the preesentesystem~, lie eltub 11imp1- ANTISEPTIC AND VERY PLEASING Tot THE
ly eleelts501011 direetors, 1wh1o choose TASTE.
thleir 0111 offieers. Tiec.aenldidlates 1111 All druggists 25 cente, or hy mullf upoin
trave beenl iannouncled 01) far are as fol- receipt ofpie
ows: T. L. Cam~pbell, 'oL., L. H.l . IDEpri;Ce.,DtoMih
Sechroeder, 'oi L., 1). L. DBrown, 'oi L.C, ET8 O, eriMco

every half, our, oeginning at 7115 a. in. Rapids. L1ngford,'02 .I, .i B.OClark2,' 2 . O,
until 7:45 p. inm After that to Detroit Northw~estern at Chlampaignl. 1R. E. Springett, '01 L., H-. F. Haiase. 101
at 8:45 p. in., 9:45 p. in and t1:15 p. mn. Yale at East 01 aige, D. A. C. L., anld C. P. Hallt,'01 L. eatironindaigbSr.1
Wuitng rom, strnrmAneandMainCampbylell and Schroeder were the SMre. RosGronger.-Lessoa: threer
stat; Detroit. 1it Griewold st. Dorona hrsi.leadinlg aspiratiis for the plresiedency. (bcarters hoor, $1.'50. Offce, Reel-_
1Voire Daince 211 Chicago.,\e go to pres10o early to give thle cc- dece and Academy os Maynard St...
Wi\tlliamcs at bWost Poitct, salit of thle electionl.
t h , ut Iola it bAmes. Thce retirinlg boared of Idirectorsl ha2sad-
Leig at11 1Ea1ston.(4 vancedl tile workt of the club greatly, ainc
Harar u mu iui *Elsp Lig astn.yvanaths broughte it 1110 goodl worklinlgorder. READ THlE DAILY.-
. Th.FU LII)~LI aI11c 1Pltslttt.Ile excelete w cc onstittiont andcl fy
me COUPON NO. ONE. Pur1duc it Deboit. 1laws are its chtief w1ork.-.
Thitsccoponpesente1110occc Coodoc. I Princeton at fItc./
tr ith airstIlasT icketreadinlg asp Oberlin at Co~ltllbia. Everr famlily t111nAll.rbIor oughtttoM u
distance overtile Wabash Railsoad, will hav___________ tle 21 good etncyclopedlia aitd a dcltionl- IIISalde-a
etteholderetc a Iree seat inlour Palatil21 111tteei 1 st illytlaa12n11 :Sle th
Relining Chair Cars. Theypare itt 112l10 Oracle Election Next Mondayt. aty dtay10herettisrea11011why that want Sald.GCandfo
Yorktys, Kn sat City, St. Leouit and all 'Te Draicl .eeetioit an~dtbaseball iteet- 1o(101ctcion1tandtee 100 11011a01102h1)i511011
locaI point. Breakfasit A hc-Scp- 1
pee St. Ltoast. ing11lof'03 lits attd engi 1ers llbe 101hel1d (11 l 1110 at11 cl eI72 W mJrn l eweler
100111o CC _folnday2at 4:115fp. 11. A Vili"_ leDoo Aleweler50.1
07 A nsats St t opcciall 1tinitatnisexitended to Ite girls..Cicg, I alin Si., anld get1s111e0of ite barga itnsThe IMost complrte Line off
J- acctrni ~lg to cutomlth111 opportionl-1intntdard an~d up to elate htistories, po-
________________________ m_ leat willi be at followss: Four fraterinity dtry andcfitiou. 7 L WNE
memtbers, four indefpenl~dnts, o10 sorority I CHOCOLATES*
HOCKING VALLEY BY. memberlonect0itdepenldentt girl. The EXCURSION lTV TOLEDO. In the Citycas be faaadf
01111yoad lesits c 01111e "officers.aTIotsfar Grand f peniwe oe Eric Park uand
4 TRAINS DAILY 4 htimlself is iE. I. butlon~. Stunday May Both, thec Ann Arbor rail-
road will give an exctursion by special 338 S. State S#.
BrptwenTld c olmaosn tnAsllt l Gtte' cdll 0 rainto Toledo and retunl. Train swil
deaihohnie.Iigh~t,9010 12 ocltocke. Several partics of leave Anlt Arbor at 10:25 a. 01. Fare fi M RTI..
TIhraugh Sleeper to W~ahngton and Baltimore. students an~d ladies hiaie tirraiigedl to it- for tlte rou~nd trip, 75ctt.O +I3UIli
GREAT RAILROAD tend11 after the concert,.elate the Lake Erie Pary and Casino, the FUNERAL
mlost attractive su~mmier resort in thg
TIF HOCKING V~gLLEY _3101. R. E. Van Naten of Copperstoswi, wool and the pricde of the Centennial city, DIRECTOR
Write. Pa., hbeen1)011visiting tier son ,R. K. l still be opened with an entertainment that Embalming a specialty. No. 209 S. 4t
Vail Natenl, of the mledicail departonent alone stiff be worth the price of an ex- Ave. Ambulance night aud day. Rea-
11 W. Fort St, ii trait, ops sel.corsionl ticket. Don't mliss it. doee 32FfhAe

Puritan Oxfords for -AND_
L 20 STYLES IN ..,..... WOMEN. 3
Box Calf, Kid, Enamel, Patent Leather and Tan 110 E. HURON ST.
ENRICH CIn TEflflU end IUn ir 613yEast Willam Street
The ! F , uneralel Direesc U lI erIL just one-half black west 3
IIIIILII BA~B~ NaMWe. Enoch IDieteele, Lady Assitant OLdust5 building All ksnds'R
O3U R tINTEBW SOOlTiSP4GTION. Foueth Ace, Bath Phane s115. i " a d alelf

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