wpp 2 I ilL UN iVEsA'ill I UVI IGHIGAN DAILY i Publish ed Day (Sudy'exceptd) during the College yea, at THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN. OrpicE: The Inatd Pee", iening ttls's. Bth Pheese1t2. MANAGING EDITOR. F. Eeevassss, '01 L. BUSINESS MANAGER. 0.. H eS.'00 L. EDITORS. ATHLETICS, G0.. Rcues. T'St E. r.R. Woeorow. L. A.t1,.MDu.'ALL,'tlE J,.B.WOD, 't, W L, ItCEEY,'0M, L. J.MssssttsnERttt'00, R. H. JtssEtttt.s'0L WA. ENtGHT '1tL V. T. EANSs'0. MtisLILLIAN 5K. StBIEt'3. SENIOR MEDICS. Less Than Hallf of' the Original Clas Remain. It is softetn heard rettarksed that nearly half of those whio start as freshsetntist the medical teprttmett stop tleir corsro ithe Uniersity.Tecauss'sseetmsto he varios asse at tittes tnumterott. Somse good sudentss howeer leae for othr slools to comstplete their corse ott actcoutttsf te etter lostital advan t- ages, or heatse of somesttptecialtintdtte- mtenttwssithie s offered ssatter istits- tiotns. NWhesetsls year's class St'r tel ash frelsttn53 stre esrssles, of Iis issust ber as greats msasny lhae left fsr osher scholsoss, asnd at presnt tsere se otly 45.75 per ectnt of eile origisal clss Ires- ent, egty altssittg depassrtec fsrstier sehools. sTe stadditioss to ele class iasssbeets lasrge, tssety-sx lhsase eseteredl sice e fresmanst yer; of tese rigt sere tsk- ssng the six year msedical coasrse;s]sisle wsere fssrmerly cesctede ssisth etees- tealslepasrtmsent, bsst fosussdlis necessay o remassinssts asyear;sise isasselsesssas- mititesd fros thsler shools. At present tere are niet-six csroll- esd inth ie sesior class, sof ssth sstsssisr 26 per cent hsas liteary degrees, thee smajority beisg grasdusates sof te lierry deisartmsentsof te Usiersity. Dental Course Chaned to Four Years Ossr sf thetttost itplortttsatctints" sf te oard of regents for tis mostshs's sessionsss the adeotpstios yeserdaysfa chantsge inth~e lentgssosf ie sental cusrse. A comtsttsticttisstsfrssmsstie es sr - teats Lague ,f Dntsal societies wa5s reade, tskisg ts lUni- versity to extesdthtlis cusrse frots thse present thtree yeseocftitetothss easehsto fssur yers of eigt tmothis echl. DeanTss'asft swarttly secssndteth ~e reqest oly commtsendeing it ssstat te costrse setl e fotr snie-msots sesrs. lie si thast thseireset corsto sf istsrucrs twill lesstticet o cre fsr te eihange sansd rise chsantge testsmatsde ssit little or to di scussons. E. A. Andseerson s s' ppossitesupt et- intteettof t e opsssthslti ossita vice 'sr. Johntsosn, ressgnes. lothle ttewrcotrse itt business sl tttntulr s- sicee swhihs sill Ie iauguetr'tet 'y er tihe foloswitng lectuertssereappinostd: Prof, . . I.Jotes sf N'scotss~t tinot. M. N. Strageof avd roflsstl . obto ert 'I. IHiil of te UtttdiSttets goog tcalsusrey, 'f'hotsas L (eenessso te Manhasttan Trusst Co,IT E.Cooly of Chicatgo, N. 'I. Willougbiysf tete partments of labior, Dr.Jsh5A. Fat-e (admtsiistratie las). I. S. 1Pesot is msade ass assistatt fsr a speciali cotrse. Oil patittitgs, osne of Fredericks Stearss, te gift of iis ot,sntidte otier of Prof. Geo. leei, te gift of friensti stereriresented to te Usiersity asdth ie Bloardt acknsoleged temseoficially ttankissgte doors. Prof. George iietsil, t Io ocutpies te chair of Btglislh pshilology satn l swho hiss hatd charge of te Germeass deisartsets ditrinsg the ast year, its additioso Iis owns,' was relieved of the latter ciarge. Its Iis strati Prof. Max NWikesrrsas tp- pointeditmporarily teeed of te de- partmsetnt. T5he news cece hll was disesedi sonse ttor and, pusrsat of the plats to slert its coestruteiots ithietear futusre, the Regens spent one iner in lookieg over seimtets of hbrck its order 1o kow whlat they are doing wiessestitmates othsie huilding are presented o tens for ation. After ding this they adjorned tuttil the next reglr nmonthy mseeting. Latws Win. LOOK TO US Ints he class gatme yesterday hbetweetsORF ste '00 iasts and 'osismedics, thte lawsswere F R . sictorious. Tise score 55 to 1i spraks for itself asnd tells te siory. Tise mtedics played a fine gasmr at tinses, and had it sects steady as all tims5thse score stighss iasve seen differet. Costly errors at third Oune first ofl ansd shtort permssitcdl sie lawsswsith ismiseiy the htands, itisig to score io every innsingtghesosse. BLOCH CO, Hartard for the msedics played a good tsr ie repre, gamse at seconsdbis e acceptinsg a snmbesr hiere. Ne nr of difficelt chsaeces. "Happy" Broses at patterns atr first, for the mesdics, did oweli also. iHis fielding seas spilendid atnd his hsitting timeely. Amsonsg othsers lee had a siree bagrcakdist i rei.Frjte laws Consverse did te best work. LIN D EN S He faced tier plate six tiimes, drawinsg too hases ott sails, atnd getting fosrsafe iss,osse of thsemt a ihomse rtst. Attd seh times he comspdetedite circutt, havintg six runis so isis credit astsite finssis.NWits fielded o cli for isis teamss, atns for the '.+O+f3+O++O+0+41 moost part seas effective its his isitchsitn. Hr struck outs sevenssess atnd allotted * F E nieis. edsing usehielbyitngout a home runalso. Thse score F E Itnstsse.1?23 4 5 6 759-R.H. E.0 19ot stedieso 00 o3 0 ft 1 0 I-ti 9 7 0. tt300 fans. .3 3 e 1 0 3 2 ( -55 e8 e3 Batteries-For te Lawss 'sttt anssi Chambeais'5tn; ' for' 'sedics - Kt itbride C0 sande Pots. Umspire-Dick Frane. Fine Clothing, flats and Furnishings Bering consiste of the advance style, frech from of the foremoet Faehion Mlakere, THE STEIN[ }.Every Fabric that has strength and Charac- esonted in t his collection; every style in vogue is merchant taler will glee you the same styie and 50 per rent. more money...... .. .. . . aCWIITT 209 S. 'Main Street a ,0+0+0+0+0+0+0+0+0+0+0+0+0+0+0+0+0+0+0+*p ek Interscholastic fMeet. I11tsesisntisellcolasstic steed to ite helds hsere on ttNay 25 ttndsi26 AnnssArbsor Hfli Schsool still ity nos seatns takle st lbtck seat. 3'odasy te preliiminasry mstcsfor Annts,arior still ise runsoffsat Rieets' Fielis inte'tmornsing. 'Tucer, itRorts sansd Lelandsi are iprominntscandssttidaltcs for te stirits. fotssrs is disng goodi sone inthe sisuatsrter sile. Ws'sintgcr, Coolcy andss s'silsott sill liksely reisresent nAsss.r- bsor intshie stile runt. Csaitaint Perry, thte ssinne5r of testile wsaslk last year, isroses- i'es tteli so treieats itht sprfsormsance asgainthisfs yeatr. .'liiicr, Chlsstier ansd Evas wtill stork for te hltf tmile. Tusckss'rss'wiisl rbalyli isete larsgest 1poinst wsinnter it intesteet. as its sadsitisststo his knsoswnsablits a Cts5isrsier its passt seas's, ite is toss tteesowsitngshe hissser fsar be- yon ose nsty expctatsions. Gosodintg stnd IHay~es still tosste lesad ltl for te loscali highsschsool. Intsesite ieliaesr Reiger, Masylsestwsalnd Witlsark wsill seakse tintgs lisvely for shee sisitors. 'ThsoUntisersity ssf .Michtigsntsslssti asso ciations of thse Sothwsest still hldit sa retutiotn stnd bsanqutet its Kasass City, Mo., 'l'hursdasy, Jsssse 7. Amseong itose sthst still respsonds to toassts are Presi- dlent Jamses B. Antgell, Prof. Hasrry B. Bsttcins,sdesans sf te esldeiparttmetnt, andss Prof. Hentry C. Adlamss, of tei tssrtsrsst of isolitiictl econsomyt. STRAWBERRY CRUSH FRESH FRSUIT) 10Oc QUARRY'S De fric,'. ART $TfOLU , A new Assortment of Oval Frames and Frame Mouldings, just received Do not fail to see them. a s e A A i m s ?ES '.',. 0}qO { { MJ yAe * f w 'YSY yy a7 C3 We have the exclu THE MAY FESTIVAL Stop in at PARKER'S MPUS CAFE and get a good, cold glass of Soda Wnter. Strawberry Crushes l0c. ssive right to the refreshment stand at Athletic Field. a3 §S 41, r SCH LEED E' S TEMPORARY BINDER m 100 8TU..DENT8 WRtNTW Pig Prolits. Quick Sales. A good way to make mosey this summer. F. SCHLEEDE, - - - - - 340 South State .For a SUMZkMERZ CRUISE take te COAST [IN[ETMACK INAC NEW STEEL, M. s The Gireatest Perfection ant PASSErNER attained in Beat Costructison, STEAM ERS. .r' Luxuious tiqutpaast,Arestt SPEED, COMFORT - Fursnishing,.. D ecoration ansi ADSAFETY. 1~~ot'~' Efficient Serice.... To Dilil0il, MACKINAC, GEORGIAN RAY, PIJOSKIIY, CHICAGO Foue Trtps pereek Between Day and Night Sevi eteens Toledo, Detroit and Mackinac r Dy nd DEITIROIT AND CIL[VELIANDNihFae$15EthDrton rETssKEY, 4"sIEn SOs," MRQETT~EestBerthees, .0 $.Se t tereeom~, $2.25 AeNDULUTH. Cleveland~ti., Conetein sse mteat OCleeaed wth Pu-t- E arieset Tzaets,for ellposess Fost, Seout LOW RATEtS toitus ue ei e and p5.0 -i etS an ou~thweesstd a et~otferale it5 se Ris ~ete iuingeel e ths55. Aepproxt. a dT lde Nessrtlitdtothwet. itte eeCo s etimCeela,ss $20 t.50, from adT ole o. Snday Teips dune, duty, .Aegus 'Tetedo, $ee.25 o m eeDetit, $14.75 Septem~ber and Oeetto esis, Sn2cfoIlutaedi Pomphlet. Addres, , OI&F f t1 Nv o A ASCeTZ,G'.A,DETRases, tee.e. NIJ [IIU ygI1lIIa GAS AND ELECTRIC LIGHTING SUPPLIES, SHADES, PORTABLE LAMPS, ETC.,. A SPECIALTY. SANITARY PLUMBSING, STEAM AND HtOT WATER HEATING. J. F. SCHUH, 207 E. WASH NGTON ST. Chose JNew-,,,,, J3i1,ze W u"a" la you see out every day cone from Stabler's Art Store,NeStePhnt7 HOLMES' LIVERY, 217 So. 4th Ave. NwSae pha17Phone 106. 51.5 E. Liberty Street ~W A H7R13S SPECIAL $3.00 SHOE The Latest Color , Atotoile Red. JOHN WAHR THE SHOE MANSHWINO JOHNWAHR218 SOUTH MAIN II !«C' 7s 7C SEE OUR LINE OF 50 OENT PEARL HANDLE' KNIVES AT MUMMER'Sa DRUG STORE. v ..: