THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY. a Have Yu See, OurNew Drcas boesALL NEW AND UP TO DATE S F W You SeQ Or Ne Dorcs Sb1s?9 SOUTH MAIN ST. MICHIGAN CENTRAL THE BEST MAKES OF 'The Niagara Falls Route." N 1Reutit cbber, the jphotograpber. M niln r CENTRAL STANDARD TIME. Taking Eet Apri 19, 1899. Guitars GIG AS.- -_j Detroit Night Sxprse ........ . 555 A. . FSch a Josephlttdsaan',Wanlbuai'sE'SAlni irc ........... Grtand Rapd4s Expres ........ .. 11 10 an S uo r o aea h " UH F IEMail ad Express............. 310 47FioofeM~i tr N. Y. Boton Special ............4 58 . FastlEaster . . . 943sheel MsGM r GON a s't W. Lberty, only 2 doors fron Maches Corme Mal and Soprs .. ......... 8 d03A. at ________ Boin .adChicago.9Ni3h__________.........__..__9_943_1_ ChicnagoNgt Mopores....-..5 43 The Fine Tailoring lc v o Pacii ilacExprta ................1358 A. Stramship Ticht, all Clases, to and frot Europran points at lowest ratrs. Pll ino- mation on applicatio. TradeaA of the O1U . eecoarooPORCELAINS? Tie : 0. W RIJGGLES. H., W. IHAYs, 1d LI ~o .12chnot-only plac in the ..&T. Ag't,Chicago. A'tAnn Arhor. wiac sou can gthem. f, ~BURCHFIELD, 106 EAST HURON STREET SPGL IESIO SNIOR& Itllectual Footba . tiecss.et00promiss to b' totypopul aIihe 15Gr111hn Stuioi Years go it as thecustan to 1101 0ithis i d recy it loe owit Ptoesso t 12W uo t .S hn t Yostro ozTIME M lionLE zt=ltES0 Coct- i lla'sfootbal clobdhelos. lta i 12W ae S. N S hnoE .&.O0D RT~A. RIEI~ .05~R; 00 thelos a -tiv e srcogt of footialoaboutosforlol er,. Minnesooa IDais fakingesoM 8on Siay, borsMy 21, 1 O8,00b8s9,prot ioo eortr Trains leavo Ano A ro y Cetralsoad- 00 rt.. fhoe00theio Nisoospolo..ptape.r; S. Ltosree Bigelooo, pooofessoto and Time. s 0501 is. c 0oohost mistr i n the100 ivu r sitcy ha p 50 SOUTH NORTHheadtth.s-oEli too sltc10 sed siootgi t ho c dfbooerSagosy,- fooxN RT '~ r -ot s 'tf o ns.s. o o " tsle J. if. Cottiog residec ot 11i11 'No. .- 020 A . Noo1 . 5s 8:D8.1.lo. strees,.fle oooierration pidewso$f,- A MOST EXQUISITE TOOTH PASTE No. 2- 11:3v A. 5. 'No. .5-1215050 . s i ootgof tof sits . l Foobll 0s 000 lotger, o No. 4.- 8,35r. ti. No. s- 4dre P. N5 f itoeers , o ntstt020 Olto f omoeoes tteighot tN. 12.-l:t5 P. a. IN 01.-t:0;tA. . hyia to to. IIt ow o noo -rotWhien, beautifies, ansi prserves tao "Runohetwon cn Arboor osoodToledo ocay tst Oof boaioot, of trtegy jst5as mucthlt attinq Aerages Saken up b Trip teeth. All trains daily except Sanday. a s coso oftphyosioltentholand en-Tthle percetage columnsoooit ortig odANIETCNDVRPLSNGTTH tSaudays only. drne ucns fmn ntefedfedn hwamre hnea h NIETCADVR LAIGT H E. S. GILMIORE, Agnt. tottto1oo ls illlilltg ooss o tale eotg o lt IW . BENNETT. tG. P. A i avtoa 5 so qu ickess~e- of lo T h'ie resolti of sle recento tritp. These otooiTSE D~rits.'ati n A n Ar ey laye r i0 5 s. o.the o notsi oetoaino. totble chattge i10ilot hocbatting tiolhioh All drggisto 2 cet, or by mail -sgsonn Detroi, Ypslantiand An Ar-He tosuto t ci tot rhits00ri lth 1 le MiattelonoatodiDoies loase poled aieadlreceipt of price. bor Railway. pohysioal ian o ts00 kso o o v~0 0seromettoe t sop010ofthe coutmonoaov e Conooo, C. S DENT & C., Detroi, Mich-, Cars leave for Detroitanod Ypsilanti istvantoftainedotOsyins tts bnott net 0. iof o etat teexoon Bs-eo h e. o eol ofte every half our, oegioniog at 7:15 a. stint, foooo tfoo1a seoot f o .rpos ftt elns o until 7:45 p. mso After that. to Detroit \ustait s hios el kesteses inth ~e 0000 Ss og os ilers wotosetoted beter sbe t 8:45 p. s., 9:45 p. so and 11:15 p. son otmediate lot. There hos ].seen o 00educa to kessep Cotdoot froo tinoooog safe otore Waiting room, corner Ann and Mlalen fise, otnd progressivrely, tno fooball. Noo n t onc00000n05a0g0000. Piate lesons in dncng y Air. o' ate.; Detroit, 111 Griswold St. thotse re saniding all atew, sildin s.Mc inist, Coodono ond Doit Co payd Me. RoesGragr.-Leson: three> u htosnsohe words fioest moteorial t i s 0alfotr gmeoososwitotinotoerror binigo quoartrs hor, $1.50. Ofic, Reel- - p ope lha s o lod, fromoothe start, soreo 'ginst ether of teonoutothe et dnce and Acdemy on Maynro St., e ieto gv pae rsafota oodu_ f sloe botchte ad toohleir offdy otd os-re h ills aio.trphhercod f h nwo wsl o tsetd asoery- remtrabc aodtaoentools t1elos.0asor l ayefitr'os oito oeta toO Ott Ottrs ta ben doted r ie erlo: Rtyr 00Ot 000 EAD THILEDAILY. Ec onaeeiginPoeorCOUPON NO. ONE. Etro-lot>tys.s oOG amotEaor. at. Field. 6uJtin eso rciaon ro oo ~t osswill beloas:ePPlyeod. Ruos. v \Av. DNM l601 Thisacocupone ~ stdo I i on adao 000.on football. T1 00001esbecoo nts M teo . . ..3 1 3 5 t lors ha 1-irsoGlassTceodngany totiko-i dostanoo oer ote Wahash Ralrad tll i'tdy a 1d i sbe 1a10000resivool0 . 00Dvies. . . 0 ..3 o6 .37 .12Sos Caa o enltitrholdeo to a loresoat orPalta l lor. ilitoss, otor otoctristoitocoo- Conon..loto . . . . 1 'C4. 98. .u .r-. s l desfor Rec long I Choa. Th e o otartottes siCto ooinieiotda031i94 .91Ol ldy oosevcto BuffaoNagra Falls Nrlattomution.......inPaeA]cini.. ... .4.........oldhan Yoh CtySoKansaCtsStCoLousad all 0 d torse 00005oil desitohle omo'terial lettoc. . .p. 5 294 .$4a Sle. iocalI poins.Brahfas 0Ann Arbo-- p rtotlani 01thissiesor. Iisp loly sar Sote sos . . ...13 o18 88 .82 IlIT 13 hirCoolus, grossthot eos-ctry 1 a0 tseod thelct~ures rotiotooys. 0 - 3 9 91W n r od.277 .Genod l.P . n o is igeoe e ry l7 0 .2401J0111.p, WabaasIt it ot csspoie oo tlp'tr ffot ise . . 1 10.786 97 AdamsThe StoatgCo-.p.ot__Line.of 00Ad iCh wo l l sbe texplailed a r loocl toso dooto fletoteft. . . -1 7 76 - alsine ilb icse n us 1en :. ..4 It.12 1000ThMotCmleLief _____________________ ostoatoold. I t ts.epltootohaeithiso t~t oey.. .4d 2 07 .866 LOWNEY plites all ifamtiliarto theteoc1h110qte of CHOCOLATES HOCKING VALLE Y sacoral oimpotanttplys so ltht whletn EXCURSION TO TOLEDO. isfl G 1rtts. opetosslos tbs.fl los.e ssmtn till GCrototof Otio2in Lakec Eri Pale lInthteoCitca tbo fon aeagooristo0treto st'rt w oitho.Csino. ' 4 TRIAINS DAILY 4 There is aitotoher very imoportnt fea- Soondoay flay 2001, thocAni Arbor rail- tore. Not allthoc plOayrsrthis. to be road cill gve a00xcson110by spciaol338 S. Stae S., Beweeso Toledo and Coloaoboo, using Union ot afternoooosthissop01n0g00 °000000g to b dpo i btlotis.tem too ledo aod rturnTl .r'tinowil11 depot in hoh cilico.WorkT h ios cor so sowil be essecos1le ate AnnisArbor a 0 :25 a. 10 Psic. l FareI~ Throogh Slc perto Washogonand Bltinor. sotlsi etoothms nditisco t e tort-for toe roontodOnl, U7 rols OsItat Ut lr aM l MR IN,.,a GREAT RAILROAD sire ta Oey attroos. date hoc Lake Erie Pary aod Casono,the FUNERAL CaptaiosPoge csloe omtoCh00der 0mot atrcotove surnmr rsort iclthe T EH C IGV LE atte oloc Pio u f oose Niody evecongost rolaooolthocprioe of thocCeoteooial iy, DIRECTOR C.ritoeooaondte courseof lctre~o s ws o t oliotedl till be opcoed wstillsaoenterainmseithatEmbalming a specialty. No. 209 S. 4t 1 . Fr ANndA, thuepturpose expinetodIlTre was oaloesill hoeoworhs 1110pric of ao x- Ave. Ambulance night and day. Roten 11 W. Foo ,t Detroit otaltl otolooootootrtd od ooso~lce. Oot010it. dnce 302 Fifths Ave. ~ Purtan or sor WMEN hAND 3 llI 20 STYLES IN . ... Box Calf, Kid, Enamel, Patent Leather and Tan 110 E. HURON ST. WH E EOH -TEL Emalmer and Unvrst 613 EstMllam Street LDIE FeeralDie-trinstone-hloch west LI Biht~f e ENOCH DietalLLad d Unsssan. vher f taw bilng, llfid i_ in Wf~N~~ ~ lrE e~rd~ Shoe S hop f repiineatl dne. Rand WE, PATRONIZE, GO0DYEAR'S DRUG STORE