2 T1HE UNI1VElt6IY01, j'MICHIGAN DAILY Gt~od Ripids Herald -Prof. Henry j.r Booming the Business Course. C. Adams, holding the chair in the Uni- ?ubIteedDaiy aitge ea. a terst of Michigan of political economy; PbihdDiy(Sundays exc-epteld)emn-theand fnnchos accepted thelienovitationit Coleg yer.uttendered tint by Superintendent of THE UNIVERSIIYOF MiCHiGAN. Schools Hathaway and will deliver the -oniienceino addreso before thc high BFaC: h an Pes eit. , Bok. cchool graduating class cit Junte 22. Both_____ Phones______________ ibout one and one-half years ago Presi- MANtAGING EDITOR. dciii AngellI, of the Uiisersity of Mietti-4 gait, visitied Granid Rapids anid delivered4 F. BEaurunan, '01 L. an adsdress before tie board of trade oii BUsiNESS MANAGER. the inecessity of a trainced diploitatic. O. H. Daae. '0n L. corps. Sincco then the Univcrsity of' EDI1TOOIS. Sificligait has beeii derclopinig the line of; BTHLTIcs, . . D. 1). tTeeee, '01 E. swndt for a naew dctpartmencit, one that would give young msen ouctsan erduca-' T. . Woo~ow,00 . AH. c~oGAL, u Etion as itey ivotld nteed ini the diplotnatic B. Wane, '00, w. at. IciEe, 'it , eroice of the country, fitl theist for isorb L. JT. MasaaadEeaaY, 'to. R.Pt. Jacacasa1, '00 L. 117 bautsac, cud ini genseral affordl them toe WA. KNIGTat '01 IL. .V. ST. ~Ecsa0t* opportuitty for a tmodernt busintess cdui Ma~ Cario K.Soane 5. citin.bProfessor Adams tiatstakeact _________ -______ -leadintg fpart inite socrkoig out of the ®?isles anti the Uiiversity of Michigant will be the finst great eduicationtal itnstittilotn to utpetinaicch adetpartment. Somse time ago Sutperinitendent Hathiaway swrote Alumnus with Athletic Record Re- to Professor Adams, sayitng that turns as Referee. lihe rcgardedth le newr departmsetit as ait Hr. Fred Boinu elho acted ts referee ' mprtn detpartre, cute that had the poise of soorkinglugmt great tigs for ini yesterday's tractk itect is cite of thus u e n' anid suggescted that it onus best kntowni athletes -Michtigani ever pro- somtintg that shl cd largely ititerest dutced. A carefuil search of the clef pal- tie high sccls. It wsn ii that lie ladittits shoot that lie established the exitended the iitiation iochl the crc- Vcisiiy teccrd for tnetis on ______has _ustaccepted toonsetids ltin 1ho.He iranor.Question For Minnesota Debate Next a coarse sohichlisislihtly up hlll andtYear. theurs cii vai s cairefullyomearediacidsu T hticnrauaite cciiittiee cf the Cenitral vecritfid.LI.G.Pircitymantait5 s ci tsi Ochbaingiii"Leagueoe ldia meuetitug in Cti- detl othe ttchkletic Asia t tiontatithalit sagibo iin -,Lyi4 oastchose the cquesticis time aniid aito ouOics forit.lie sidi furiewt5year's debaotes. STie seiinadii tht a ll tieIfact0sirclrding lie rice cwecre w tiitehtdoil'tianuiaryit2iat-dtfinsgs i.U ad te ircordiiacceptcdl -citti-Out-, stilt be hld1t AnAtt rbor, u~ti it at riditrt i tctt~ ~ taus gn g \liuucsoa the choice of by ten- nd ceditd toDr. >0- ie ite iet isnfo furdbaes nin. Aongthetie-kepes wreIiies ou'dtht isvt is uniseitrulrtste SSprinting Shoes, Top Notchers at $2.48 SPECIAL. + Bicycle Shoes, Solid Colors and Combinations, S$1.25 to $2.48. Best wearing Shoes made. GLASS'S SHOE STORE, 109 Main St. Z FrtCasRepair Work. Open Evenings. t ill)' / _ t - /f Those new Spring Suits at the New Clothing Store, are going fast. Had you not helter select yours while the assortment is large. We have the nicest assortment of Newv Spring Clothing in all wvool WXorsteds, Cheviots, Oxford Greys, Vicunas, etc., that have ever been shotwn in the city. We shall be glad to showv thems to y onuvhether you boy or not. Our Prices range $5 to $20 STAEBLER& WUERTH, CLOTHIERS AND FURNISHERS. 211 S. Main St. Wa titso sf Ann tAtbciitid DHiSchcac- berle, ittit director of Lich aboervtsoiry. Bdesides lie reciord iinlicetoo yard cicashl, Hr. Hontietmcadeitile cfolloig:ii 8o yard clash, 8s econids;a to yaitt dashi itsct- onids;l 50 yarticdish, 5 ',5 secontis. Tlu5 tact is a remaisrkble recortd c-i ii to the timte lost ini the stat. HDtritig the clue sp rungt"tlie madc hisicrecordtinitthe too yar l shlolll.iBo- inieiNcocitsip firsts anicionc sccondt ti tile antnuial field day. Her r ied off first hiotior ini the So y-airicsO, t i crsaitiiItO ytarss hes, te hstameriithrochigh ond in otte oilier evecii. Latcr itt the yeartic citiered the Sicit-Havten gamtis its Slicliigai'c representastive,-e.oitigthe first western man in enter. In that race he ran awoay-fromtiBaiter, 1Hitrvardcsfititoas splriniter, ccoticstesrxprcte-tlto ciiin fit ttic race lie display-ed to a wo-oiterfutl de- gree thle adicantatge of a tquickt start ini the dashtes. He got off io rquicknly- that lie gaintwcibo yards ont the sart andc fintishtetd almlost ini a stalkn. So grcatc ccas tic start ttct the judiges beliesved lie hatd stariced before the plotoI anti refuscdl to allow i ms h thurarcit. Bitt it cois aftcr- owartsccliviccely proved thatlie tid ntitactrt too sot. .atnistanltneous phtographsi(otte of tle ftrot)Icc-itakleni by- colle tite in the crowtd. This shiowecd the sitttke cof thepiistol tatu Bonineiwth tite fot oil his tmttrkianteothe eilrin the air cohle the oilier compihetiors had notitiovedh itlittl. Hi. Boninte decltiredh himltcf ititih grtatifietd iithi yeserdaty's meel anth te- cltiredh.iliigaii tad twouor diree first class liriliters. fdc believeciithast Leiblee lostsin opiportuitly in crests the recerid itt the firsithest. He fuishtetd ute cisfic' anitdhloketilack set shle oeiredi the tithe. Hat hIctunotione so ciibut c osird aso liecouldt'lie msighit hiss-cometc tndter the tent sccotid mairk. Bitt li.Hoinei tinkils lie mauy yet dn an. Hr. Bconinueis still tutdthenthusuiat ont aihltics i ds a iysc le hsliti ssucedhinly otic 'h'nsuigivinigtdsy footballhgatue ittClii- cago sitice lie left college. He wats ticvcu a compimtentary ticket to the coticert. H~e accepitd it bitt left S, oitiuout loss- ig Ishisuame. 'Thte umanagceentleirnetd rhsere it caethcfrcom. Gift of $2,000 to Maintain Free Bed in the Hospital. Adecree hstbIece uteredh ittthe case cc-lure DH Forest Treat aplpeas froitsthe tdecree of te probiate coturt allhoccitig and adutiting tu probate thue last wilstud cotdicil of rlal L. Treatcwell,owhich cro- oidetd for a $a,oncudowmucent icr a free bed at the hospital. Upont consenta of the attorney for -Mr. Treat, the tost- umonsyowas takens andi the will is admcited in probate. The Uiversity cili noov gel its legacy. Good Government Club Election, It ciiili e hteltdtoismuttowat o9. mii. in rocom A, ducst floor, last hbuilditug. By corder cithue Bocactici Elections. +1 Monte0 Cristo Ciguara, - - 10c + La Prefernciua, " - -if0c Ic. ing Albert " 6 - he10c General -M\ercer "11 -1id .+Chaneellor .ur --1i0c3 Gree ( wo eal " 10-cf +BRoyalBsetter ide-10 ..PowelIlSthbr- Co.stPeifectnsh 10c3+ SSul Smith Runssell Cigars - t0ce++ + fSnehez & Flays ' - 10c SSTAEBLER & CO.' 301 S. 'Atain St., cor-. Lttberty.* IT SUITS THE TASTE Our pure fruit juices atnd delicious Ice Creams-the chief of vssusser beverages HANGSTfEFER'S, SCH LEEDE'S tSilll _ IIl S'i TEMPORARY BINDER 100 8TUDBNT6 Wf'INTBD Big Profits. Quick; Sales. A good way to makse money this summser. F. SCHLEEDE, - - - - 340 South State For a SUM MER CRUISE Caklreh 1 COASI [IN[ERTOMACKINAC 1 NEW STEEL "WThe IGreatest Pertecion yet PASSENGER m' attained In Baat Cinrucatint STEAMERS. i Luxarious Eqaipment, Artistic SPEED, COMFORT Furnishing, .. Deoration anti ANte SAFETY...5 Efficient iervice. To DETRlOI, MACKINAC, G[ORGIAN BAY, PIJOS(IY, CHICAGO yN otriun ffrs aPanoaa eof 460ilesofqiualaieiu tyandintt. Four TripsperWetwenDayand it itu i tt5i tat eteen Toledo, Detroit and Mackinac hiet i an D[TROIT AND CLEV[ELAND Fare, $1.50 a ecio n~n. PETSE Y,«teSOn," EAtRQPLEEBet, ,$1.00i, $125 ta tuteoom, $2.2t AND DULUTIL. Cleveland, rCnnetisareumade a tCleelan ith :EarlieTauin, oralt pontuastoout imta Csuutg utCl uuultnd,eitu.50utufrtm and Toledo. unaTi pJuitn nelA es 'Taoleda, $1uu25;uroanDtrueiu, $14.75 Septembierandutobauer tt.i,. S2e.forinllustiated iiimp at.drs, I~II~l6O~l I A. A.SCITtZaG. 1t i.,DttROI, XCtote -&-~eOO OV O.M (GAS AND ELECTRIC LIGHTING SUPPLIES, SHADES, U PORTABLE LAMPS, ETC.. A SPECOIALTY. SANITARYT PLUMINGutu, STEAKS AND) HOT WATER IHEATINGt. J. F. SCHUH, 207 E. WASH NGTON ST. l~hs 3ikv ,,, e coo B. Wuashingtont St. 316 S. State St. YLou see out every dlay conme from .3.l.l+ 3.3..3 ~~ O LiVES' LIVERKY Phone 106 . 5t5 E. Lherty Street ~1WAH B'S SPECIAL $3.00 SHOE TeLtn uoAttotnBd SEEHOWWINDOW~ N JH W H THE SHOE MAN 1 L x: 218 SOUTH MAIN .S. a,3 SEE OUR LINE OF 50 CENT PEARL HANDLE KNIVES AT MUMMERY'S DRUG STORE.