THE UNIVERISITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY. GOLF If you want... DRIVERS, BRASSIE DRIVERS, ~LEEKS, MILL IRONS, LOFT- :ERS, PUTTERS, CADDIE BAGS AND GOLF BALLS......... 'you can find them at Sheehan's We carry the largest assortment of all makes in the city. Our clerks are up to date Golfers, and will gladly give you any in- formation desired in the pur- chase of outfits. We are Ann Arbor Agents for the following well-known clubs: WILLIE DUNN, McGREGGOR, HARRY VARDEN, SPAULDINGS and MORRISTON. -BTring your old Golf Balls and ex- change them for new. h eehan & Co. PROMOTERS OF GOLF, :32o SO. STATE ST. ANN ARBOR, nICH1 ..ool1, Barber VTPORBTS Shop and Bath the Ct.Ra Rooms, 322 STATE. 1. RTrjaowsi BICYCLES REPAIRED PRICES REASONABLE We ae agts fat the famosa DAIYTON 1IGYOLE Call andaxaie. Dntalatols manufac- turedad repaied. VF. J WENOER, 113 E. Liberty, New Phone 553 FOR 1900 -Axe btter than ever. Prices, $25, $26 and $35. Chainless, $60. Also agency fr Orient, Sterling, Fiowler, etc. Sundries. Tandems to rent. in.STAEBLER'S CYCLE EMPORIUM 119 W. Washington St., Phone S. '0HN11F. HASKETT DEWITT ALLEN 223 So. Ingall S. 720 So. 12h Wlew State Plint 46. New State Poneo 203- The Rampus PIotograpIhers "have a Tll line f I. f M. ad Ann Aroe 'VsTa. -ake a speialty of Stdet' Roomsa andtolsalighl Wrk, at reaonale pie. 'Views n sale at Calkis', Sahlaldec, Lvlls, Eldwd dos.atand SchalleraIBooktr. NORTH SIDE LAUNDRY THOS. .O W E, Propr. 1 A003 Broadway. 47 Bell Phne SPRING OF 1900 A BIG SELECTION OFD... Can be, found at MARTIN SCIIALLER'S,, 116 SO. MAIN STREET. DO YOU $MOKFi, 4 Pittsburg Stogies for - - 5c 6 Bill Anthony Cigars for - - 25c 4 Brunswick Cigars for- - 25c Old Numbor: 44 SO. MAIN S., D AN . O ANN ARBOR. MICH. " A Seniors Win a Class Game. Thea tost exciting class gante so far this season was tihat yesterday betsveen tihe junior atad sctnior lita. Tisa latler se- cured a lead in the seconsd insninsg and nmaintiained it unttil tihe seveathiswisetn Mil- icr let downs and garc a couple of passes to first, whiicih assisted by a fasw timealy hiss and somec rank errora on the part of the seninrs enablcd 290r to lie the score. It stand ltera at 6 to 6 at thea atd nf lisa tnithtbttintetealnthtlisesniors scored tweica by butnciitgihits. Tha bast work bsy far swas that of Colburn, at sacond, far ihe sentiors. Le spoiled lmany prno- sing sits by his speedy playing. For 190I, (Graysont carried off lisa hottors at sitort slop. His tihroswing wcas perfect and nipped te hopes of several aspiring sentiors at lhisititial hag. The batltig sworik for tite juntiors was dosse by Hfill attd Kinssey, swhile M\iller aisd Buscis officiated in like positions foe 1900. Tihe score by innings swas as follos tIsnings.. .. I a 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 I0-R. 1900...2300100002-S 1901 .. .. 20 0 00 3 0 00-f6 Atnal Varsity Fild SDay at Rtegent's Filti s Afternooan at 4:10. It weila be a Record lBreaker A complete line of Adler Etros. fOne suits at Wadhaso, Ryan & Reule, 2ll- 202 S. Main at. fCalendar. Satturday, May 19.-Micitigats s. Wis- consin at (rced Rapids. Special trains leaves -A1. C, depot at 5 a. 01. Satuirday, May 19-1902 Medics vs. 1903 Mlcdics a." Athlietic Ficid, 9 o'ciock Satsurday,. ltv V.-i900 Lass'vs . ;5; Medies a'. Athletic Field, a o'clock .s Wedhsesday, May 23.-Cooley Day Cel- ebrations. Wedneasday, May 23.-M1ichigan v. D. A. C., at Regents' Field, 4 p. ns. Satttrday, MNay 26.-Goose iv club prea- secrts 'Sevens-Tswenty-Righst" :1 Atits 'Theatre. Friday and Sattrday, May 25 and a26. -Third ansnual Inster-Schsolastic Meat. Thursday, May 31.-Michigan v. Illi- noats, at Regents' Field, 4 p. 01. 'Te lecture ass insansity, givens by Drc. Jamses I.iNL itunstons of Traverse City Asylns, to tihe senior msedics yesterday, swas se' 7itstrssctvato thocsec shotaare iterested sin tact spsecil in. of cork. He chsose for iAis subject lisa"Etidlogy of Inisantliy." 'tI'sis mosrninsgliealecitred on thse 'Classsifications of Insanity." L'OST-Smsall gold pin unshsiape of cross-guns. Ftinder please resorts to Sorosis Itouse. 172 D. 4R TINKEF?&'80N' HATTERS AND FURINISHIERS Headquarters for nATa, CArS,MEa'SFURNISHaINGS ad Compltlinetof GYMASItUM GaOS and SWEAaTaaS. AGENCY FOR LONGLEY OATS 3,34 Sooth State Sire. Car. SMain and Heron Strets. Capital, $50,000. Surplus, 515,000. Ttasacte genttal banking hutinest. R, Ear, Ptes. C. E, GataNa, Vic-Pree Fats. H RasLSEa, Cashier. FIRST NATIONAL BAN K osA d16 Capital, 8100,00. Surplus and Ptafits, 840,000 Transactsa aeerali Saking bsieassta. Fareign exchanat bought and told. Furaish lettrt at credit. E.0D. KINNE, Ptes. HARRISON SOULS, V ice-Pres, S. W. CLARKSON Cashie Th flInRFrDOF Savings Bank Capital Stack-. 050,000. Surplua, 0150,000. Nesrces,$1,50,000. Organized undertheli Geaeal Bankiag Laws at this State. Rectives depasits, buyt and selle exchange an tke ptincipal citiets01f1teUnited Statts. Dtafts tatliad span proper identification. Saftty depasitboxasato cant. Ot~EsetsChristian Mack, Pres..D.Harri- man, Vice-Pres.; Chas. E. Hiscaoli, Cashiar; M. J.Frit, Asitant Cashtier W. J. BOOTH, PRESa. f WT. AaNOLDa,1ttVice-ptes J. V. S.nWALT, 2d Vice-pres Sl I JOHN.C WALTa, Assn.Cashiar SIIO BflNK Transacta a general Banking Business. Maet~rs 0f COLLEGIATE CAPS, GOWNS and OODS0, RerOtiang of CAPS arld GOWNS. 1 1 SPECIAILTY. 'CLASS CA1NES, I COLLECE FLAGS. CLASS STATIONERY, COLLEGE PINS. COLLEGE SSPECIALTIES W.C. KERN & CO, 411 E. Fifty-Seenth 51. CHI'AGO, ILL. ~ "A slice to Go 01100 pipeful" a -' CL, one reason Pipe Tobacco . why Old En. n ac ave r su ' _ lish Curve Cut pipe to- bacco is so ' ~ popular.. . The curved tin box that fits any pocket is another reason. No other pipe tobacco has ever made as many friends in so short a time. '1It disappoints no one." J.. \V iibaisks, captiissof teOUsisvcc- LOST-A Dlcta Gansisaiii set swithlitoiy of Texas football teais for isext diamiosids. Finsder retuiris ta0309 'iil- year, is visiting Isis brostser, Krecisel Wil- msot st. anid receive rescued. haniks, '01 L. LOST-A isair of gold bsossed spec- LOST-The per-snwo le ft a bicycle iacles, Tuesday eveiisg. Retulrnto1 1214 at thisatahlesic iel1 last Thussrsdlay isighst X''asislelasc ave. aind receive resward. 72 may hsave the samse by calling at 548 S.. A new line of Manhattan ShirtasiSaie street and proving property. 71 just in at Wadhams, Ryan & Reals. Hwr asa ahmRa Seethem. _S._MainatEcule. Hest hat on the market at LOST-White Bull Terrier. Finsder $3.00. 200-101 5. Main st. please return ino20TaoSults State st. BAND NOTICE. FOR SALR-Reserved seats far May WANTED AT ONCR-Twoa cotupe- Festisval. C. E. Barthell, 326 S. Stale 51., teist clarineat olavers to fill the vacanlcies second flaor. 74 left is Ike ba-- CLYDE THO-MPSON, M'Vgr. At the last mseeting of the athletic CAG FHU O OL board the pharmsacs ware allowed InCAGtOoORFO OL enter a departuent leans it the class OGY LECTURE. series. Owing In the concert lis ev'enintg, the The oinstrel show mainagemnent re- lecture int Course 3, Zoology (lisa evolu- ported the earnins of the perforntance lion course) u-ill begin at 6:45 instead as $36i. of 7:30. ________ The Ann Arbor Music Co. have Students are cordially invited to In- somo inducements to offer stu- spect our nnaPlete lines of suits, over- dents on table board; also one suite catas, man's furniohings and hats. of rooms. Wadhamns, Ryan - Mauls, S. Main at. A new line of Manhattan ShIrts Just Dr. Robert Hi. Wenley still deliver the in at Wadhams, Ryan & Menlo. See comncmenaaut address of lisa Marahall, them., South Main streLt.Hick., high school, June 18. / / Qttiekputon Shirts: The New Oper)-Frort Sbirt. Buttornsoal LbsheWoy Dowr) tbe Froot. Slips or) ord off likena Coot. Di ffererot Lengtbs of * - * Sleeve. Perfect Fitting. Neglige--Semi Neglige--Ploit- r ed Negligee. SPRING HATS lHabeirdashers A trial box will be sent to any one anywhere on receipt of ten cents in stamps. Address Old English De- partment, The American Tobaceo Co., III Fifth Ave., New York City. All dealers sell it. SPALDINGS Official Jfiblfic Goods Offcallypadopted lip the leadine Colleges, Schaols and Athlic Clubs afthtie Country. ... EvEREUSIa~TaFO... t Base Ball Tennis Foot Ball Athaletias t Golf Gymnasaium ' Spaldings Official Leagoe Ball Is the Offcial Hall afthIle National -- Leaguo and atl leadisgtaollege as slattass. Spaldiogs Baso Dallieo r 1900,10e -adrlosl Catao u-e A. G. Spaldlsg & Bros. oafA tiltfic SjorTs ree anyaddress., NW R, CHCAGu DEVE SPRING WOOLENS OPEN FOR YOUR SELECTION MIL WARD j