THE UNIVERSITY OF' MICIGAN DAILY. a lY COUNTS when you buy-See that you get it-If we can- not show you better styles and quality for the moneys when you buy neckwear, don't buy-Null sed-50c to $2- tj 1kGOODSPIED'S 117 South Main Street-. MICHIGAN CENTRAL ",The Niagara Falls Route." CENTRAL STANDARD TIRE. Taking Effect April 19, 1899. Detroit Night Epress ...1....555 A. a. Atlantic Ex preal ..............7 45" Grand RapidsExRprecs.........11 10" Mail and Expreso .........3 47r, a. N. Y. Boston Special ............4 58 Fast Eastern ...........9 43" Mailland Express.c ......... 8 40 .. a Boston, N. Y. and Chicago.0.....923" Fastl stern Expreess.........l ar,8. G.R. anag Ral. Expres ........ 545 Chicago Night Expres............943 lbacilecExpes.............1230IgA. a. Steanaship Tichets, all Classes, to and frocm European points at lowest rates. Foil infor- mantion on application. 0. W. RUGGLES, H. W. 1HATES, G5. P. A T.Agt, Chicago. Ag Ann Arhor. TIME TABLE Taksin Effort, Sanday, Mtay 21, 1899. Traine lease Ace Arhor by Central Stand- ard Tine. SOUTH NORTH *No. 6.- 7:15 A. M. No. 1.- 8:58 A. 31. Ne. 2-11:30 A. 01. *No. 1.-12:30 P. as. No. 4.- 8:35 P. 51. No. 3.- 4:50 P. A. tNa. 002-8:05 P. e. tNo. 101-9:03 A. u *Run Soereecn Arbor and Toledo only All trains dally ecepct Sunday. tSundaye ally. E. S. O1ILIIOHE, Agent. W H. HENNETT. G. P. A Detroit, Ypsilanti and Ann Ar- bor Railway. Care leave for Detroit and Ypsilanti every half our, beginning at 7:15 a. m. until 7:45 p. m.; After that he Detroit at 8:45 p. in., 9:45 p. mn. and 11:15 p. mn. Waiting room, corner Ann and Main eta.; Detroit. 111 Griswold st. Gut h CUO NO. ONE. This couppesencted to eec Conduc- coca witS a First Class Tioctcrading any distance over she Wabash Railroad, will entitle holder so a lre stnouor Palatial Reclining Chair Cars. Thearein daily [srvicr to Buffalo, Niagara Falls, New YoarS City, Kansas City, Si. Leoisanad all local points. Brsahfast Ann Aror-Sup- per St. Loots. atah R R. S. Greeanwood, . P. A, 07Am tChicago, Il. HOOKING VALLEY Ry. 4 TRAINS DAILY 4 Betwsen Toledo aned Columbhus, using tUnion depot in hoth citie. Through Slesper to Washington and Baltimore. GREAT RAILROAD TI tF HOCKING VtILLEY Write L. W. LANDMAN, 11 W. Fort St, Detroit. 'Rentschler, the Pb'otoxwapher. Alarm Clocks$ ___________________________________________________U. of M. Pins 50c to $10.00. Fi~ A NEW LINE' ALL $1.50 GLOVES $1.25. Wash Neeftwear, ill all the latest colors and shapes 25, 50, 75c. Fancy Hose, in Lisle and Mlercerised..........40c. Large Line of Ties, Reduced to............5c. From 50 and 75 cent A U. of M. With Evary $2.80 Purchasa. MACK & co. (Continued Coom agocIt chatiroman, Illinoois; J. C. Donaldson, Pres. B. M. Thompsoon of the Slate Bar R entucky; A. Ely, Jr., Newc York; B~aisloll::oci bIowa; Mat. Thoomas, Ass.ociation, whichol lmoets lhere 011 t1eCUtat; L.1 1Ehrloh , Msoui;A. E. .3:1 andrth,110oun000cd ycstcrday Ithat Boyn:ton, Caiorn:101E.BJ. Dachicr, the Ba: Baonquet, oct for theoeveningOhgiBo:W.VOB Kyle,'oMonta0na; Wm. Kay- of the '4510 willt b01 te ldt 000nowtndthe1 :0::: hoCo:rado; SeoatoroC.A. Woard, 000000:1 be ooo ed t atiio Michigan; R.t: 11 H.IIJernegan, lot:diana; B. men ill e icite toatted th bi ;1 n. nsa: J.B. Bantdridge, ColtleyBaonqtoet tbe nighot before. IToxas, 1 : (C..G. Mcr~oatldNebroaska. ITh. foot::vities 0areto ta:kep1a1e0in tooe11 t:a :::~ e ld cttyesteroathIe oo Ba0rbour gymnasiumoo, sbot Ioshold tohis:mince :looeto ld eveon0 cto :ltoe m:ad1e roomove::oto beto5::o atl, thoe Water-a 5~~o tf i- n obwo 1has 0atcket man gymnoaosiucm wil:11 probably be oh- to I: e flioor:: 11 be 11e1ooitted :o lbuy t ootamed. OI1s 10jtooo n,:otol oo 110tan:100: tickets to thec runnoinog Abo1t o17sen os lo eo io tandtrock wlhere pov:i010on wll be amaefor 73 resmenlas hve akn tckestoh.I ldies or: 'corthleors as th~e cool- makngan ssmbage of 350 lawosctol-oloitte omay se fit to allow 0103th~e tradk. denots :aloooe. Sloe enotre law fcufoolty' n These tickoets owill be ced0o1n10sale 'Con- botord (ay.of oegeonts, 01o00resideoot lecturers cla.y, Bl:an-Aetrfer ct11 rateraond thec 100 the depoartmlent aood some00ottoers aeU.o 1.kooc 3pees a be n loeeoo too:ted 10 participa:te as guoests bf . of ,1l.olaoy:lti3p t hieces.tashee:too.t gtheoclass:t1ese- willtoumlee soome t0aortoast more cAsdkseoitheocStote r visito30rs0begion.lione cembosed lprogrammo:eo coon- more0. A~ oOoohcStt ~rvstr i~io of a coser aond sox page insert anod it amay be seeon tht theIo total otoumber so oove beet: ordered. Thoe tickects are of pltesc Iaid at tSle baooquoetwict11t 0301redaond corteotos ushoers owt11 fall muoch shoort of 30o. ~Tere are only sow eachrsi on~o to tos seat. abotot fiftly seals still openo. Oonthe whtole te banquoet oct11 te thoe rThe speakers for Ike occasion soill be largest affair ever undertakeno on tke moeno of stale aondoatioonal reputtationl.capsbancls. It is confideootly lhoped andonI cless Oltheaposbancls. tonexpocted thappens,.toasts owt11 te re- sponlded to by Sloe followcing odistinguishedc To Grand Rapids Saturdaty. geoteooen : Presidenot Jas. B. Angell;1 Next Satourday Na sconlsto conoes to fudge WV. R. Bay, U. S. Circuit Court;GrnRaistplyheoyrmiig Boo:. 1l. Bickinscono, Post Mlaster Geoo- Ga~ aist lyIeol eoto coal cnder. Clcvetaood Administratiooo; game of Ibis year scith Michigan. Oo Ch~ief-Juostice .Montgonmery, of Sloe Soop- Ihe spring trip thoe 'Wolverintes score de- remeo Cootrt of Michigan;t Judge NWaooy, foaled at .Maodison by a score of 8 to 3, P. S. District Couirt, Graond Rapids ; and hoave lout a single remtaining choance judtge Atkinonoo, of Port Huroon, aitd to wcipe out 11131 defeat. To loose agaoin jcdge Graces, of Detroit, thoc last onaoned ilt eoreeate Michigan: to the tirdt being theon lly loot:: oemoeoor of Sloe old sottfberth ostiog tercefrcan suprenme bent12, of whtich Jul go' Cooley pionshoip hoonors.. To win by a decisice Noas a noemtoer. score oct11 even up matters on gaines wcon Deaon Hutchins of Shloasw departomeott aond leave our respective positionts in Ike 113s consentted to ac1 as totntaster of prcoaeclm ob ee~ooclb toe evenoiog.protgescoluin o11carydte rinerb The banquetclwill lake place direetly Asp oil tranl arycolle es. otr after Sloe addresstoo Uoniersity tall ott fromo:htre leaviong te Michigan Ceotral Sloe eco.ooog Offlte23rd. deot at :1SoclocktintooIhe oornoing so as Theocconomittee in echarge of Ibis bog to arrive too Granod Rapids before coon. unodraking cocsists of tke followcicg Thoe rate ot $1.75 for Ike routnd trip does seniors: :O. H. Hains, choairooano, Iondo-toot ioncitode admnissioon to tloe gameo. Re- aona; C. A. Niotooo, BOhio;1 C. P. tot- tuning, tickects oct11 be good tontil Mon- Keonzie, Michitgaio; C. 21. Limte, BOtio, daoy morninog but loot later. Illis expectedt anod J. A. BOppenhteimter, Isoca. toat a good sized crowcdoct11 go 0w111 Thec following comomoottees kave beentohte teamt to do the yellicg, int spite of Ike app~toin~tedola act bytheoot: fact thtoios is Mfay Festival wceek. Thoe Comm::ittee 000 Prograomome-WV. L. trill to Grand Rapids is not as old a Day, cbairman:o, Bo; Harry Ilfooaio, story as toc one to Detroit and its otovety Mictoigao, andc Geo. S. Wiley, Illiois, as wcott as toeodesire to suppotort thle teamo Reception commoittee-J. J. Crowcley, oct11 actuate noany to go. Watchl Repairing a Specialty-.. JiL CHAPMAN, JEWELER 20)55 ia nSnaitb. Hjave You senour PORCELAINS? 71w, thing oct-only place in the where yoa con gel them. SPEGIR1L RRfETO10SENIOR, 112 W. Hares St. N. S. Phone IM A MOST EXQUISITE TOOTH PAS F Whitens, beautifies, and preserves A ebn teeth. ANTISEPTIC AND VERY PLEASING TO T 's TASTE. All druggista 25 cents, or by mintrjwo..s. receipt of price. C. S DENT &f CO., Detroit, lFIfaL- Private tessons in dancing by SMr. sr rs. Ross Granger.-Lsson: thre {qnartes hoes, $1I.E. Office, Real denee and Academy on Maynard 0 READ THE DA1LY'.. ad Solders for ,a Sale. Cash Car Win. Arnold, Jeefj The Mst Complete Line of LOWNEY CHOCOLATES- In the Citycan be fouaatY TUTTbEJS 338 S. State St. 0, M. MARTIN.,. FUNERAL DIRECTOR Embaling a specialty. No. 20 .ak. Ave. Ambulance night and day. Ra. dence 302 Fifth Ave. Oxors EN I III ~dhIEAND mwumwn fommfo WOMEN3 20 STYLES IN .... Box Calf, Kid, Enamel, Patent Leather and Tan 110 E. HURON ST. TeENOCH DIETERLE Embalmer ad 63asWl iamSre W A R N!Funeral Dlrecto' nies Y jest oe-half Stoat west Fin NoRBR . EochLietrt e ide Ases nt.rstyof law building. All hinds ( n d a ll F .oh OerrofLd Asslerc epairing snetly dsne. OUORSNTEE. 8 SfTIStdiGTION. liss aAyeBoth Pho00 s129P E. Lambert. R n a 11 ' WE PATR0NIZE G00DYEAR'5 DR'UG ISTORE