2 'flE tUN iVEibI IlXOf MICHIGAN DAILY Published Daily (Saday aexpte)l durig the Clege yea, at THE UNIVERSITY OF MIHIAN. Orpic: The Inanad Pets, Hening Blck. Bth PhoaesIt.. MANAGING RIDITOR. F. EGEHARDt, '1 L. BUSINESS MANAGER. U. . HeA, 'tt L. EDITORS. ATHLETICS, ..G. D.H NTTtiaa, t E. T. R. WOanalti'0i L. A. R. MCDaaAL,'0 E J. B. WoD, '0, W. a. IHEuat, lootIM L. J. MaNTecaaEaa,'O, RH. JaaaaaA. 100SL. W.A. KNIGHT '01 L. V. T. EVANa '03. MettarLLLI~Aa K. SEatata O. SEVEN--TWEXTY--EIGHT. The Club Working Hard on Ths Year's Production. The Coaedy Cliug had considerable troubie tlis year itt selectig a stuitable play, but ar last, was very frtnate its obtainitag Atgtiti Daly's "Sea en- Twenty-Eight. "A Night Off," swiicisatgiei last: year Wili great success was swrite by the alie assthor ad this years pay is oae of actiesite llecharacter. Its the origital comapay cere Jont Drew, Jamles Lewsi, Cha. Lecereq, Ara Keiatiatd V5i rgiia Dreer. 'Twso stories ras htrotgi the play. Dne cnaerr around ott old getlemtai awts sas foolish enotgh to tatvite ioetryI to ti i re srhett cotirntg her manity years before. sie a sa etheseceversec aindiis firsly coinltceth iat her htisbaiid ia great poet. A1 literary mtotebaik, who edits a miagaine otetsibly for the purpose atf ptblihinig aorty literary efforts wvhict the otetisagaies ae refttsed,ipblihec a cotpe of tie old ! geitlemia's polemisisitcha to the gratifica tlots of their athtor, as wl as ltof ift wife. lHe cotvitces ue old miaithtat le otight to write a iovel, aid togeter they go alt "saiiintg," etc., ii order to get maaterials for one. 'ihe aould-be author' dressed iiiati outlardist cosumse is caught by'hifsaife at the tiaatre beinid the scenes aith the chorus aid tiaiy anmusing complicaions folow. 'heir daughter ahile abroad ad pafinted a picture of lerselawiti a beau tiful msastiff at her side. A young lord' sees the picture ad desires to buy the dog. 'l'he utmaber of the picture is "Sev- en-Twaeity-Eigt." e scnds ait erratic Italiana to this conitry to fid aisiobtai the dog. OH traces its oners to their home atd the mthiler tikig the yatng lord is its love wita her daughter isaes her refuse her real lover. De Ialia manages to tmilx things tp geteraly, until finally tlenalove tritimaph and everything is explained. Likre "A Niight Off," this play is not a one man play.' Most of the characters are important and te players hae re- sponsible parts. 'Fle clb is extremaely fortate in havitig its this year's cast !Mr. Karl E. Harrimaan, who, it wiii be remtemtbered, played the title role il Gilettes, "A Pri- vate Secretary," three ears' ago, wits such nmarked success. Mr. Harrimnt is a prominftenttimetmsber of the Detroit Coi- edy Club.'The nemaber of the club who was cat for the part wa unable to spare the toe necessary and Mr. Harrimatiota heitng called upota very generously agreed to help out the club. The olloawing is te cast: Courtney Corliss, at gettlemtata of leisure, with a theory cocertng boomerangs employig his idle ltiae in the pleasant pursift of htunting a face. .. .Mr. Bruce Broad. Mir. Launcelot Bargiss, a retired party becomaes the avictina of the ievitabe, and is ound, Maep- pa-like, to ila aife's hobby.... . .. Mr. Mark Beattie Paul i'loliyisocl, his sui-in-an,te- voted to iis potato-beds uttil the Templar cones. Mr. R. E. itgerald Signor Paniro Tamborini, late Maitre de Ballet, Covent Gar- den, nosy on a misisiots atar searching for an original...... ........Mr. Ralph Page Professor Gasligh, ivitor atid foutnder of a reftge for the out- casts ofltetsn.......... Mile. Karl E. IHfarrinsan. Mrs. Hypatia Bargiss, a lady pos- sessed of ancestors, aspira- tions, and a hobby-. ........Miss Scbll Stewart. Dora Holyhock, her daughter, with a grievance, and who becomes at once her husband's tempter aind victim... Miss rances arr. lo, the iitchs sougtig, "7-0-8... ......Miss Marguerite Giso. Jessie, withi yearniniig beyond her sta- ion....Miss Mariana C. Kaiouse. The proceeds of lisa play wiii go to the hospital circle of the King's Datgt-' As usual, list performnace ciiihr ote of the leaditg social events of the year. Several frarntities ciii give theatre parties aid already calls froiiiott of towni for reserved seats have been made. It is expected that miany visitors at the inter-schloastic iseet ciii reimaii for the play. 'hie dais has practically decided to take io trip of any sort this year thotgs offers front seeral neiegboritg cities have beets received,lilacplay ciii be prented Saturday, May 26f. A taciaser of electric fascvi stelput into the opera house, insuring the cciii fort of those attendig the performance Object to Decoration Da Baseball. President Agel has received lisa fol- lowiing letter ini regard, to Decoration Day gaies : Lansitig, Mich, May Sigoo0. To the Presideitiad acalties of the several institutioitns of learingii nl the State of Michigan: Knowiisg that you all fully appreciate te imploranice of the teacinsg of Mlemi orial Day, atd have gret respect for the patriotic setitrent of tie lad wvhici caused the ay to te istisited to le kept as a "Sacrerd meitory cay," I isost earnesetly aitiealto 1youttanditto ailisvwhr are resolnslae itlily say for te coi- rdic of the studeit iiyort seaerl iusliloiss, ini behalf of the surviig solirsr of tie ciaiiwastr, rereseteilip our orrer, to sid its sectritg the iroter oslervansce of this day. 'Atd especially tdo arc urge you to use ayor iiflueiiet ini keepiing the thetic cli r sortig clutts of aniy sikin, cosiected ciii yuri resplective instittttos athtte otttta nap. aidtr ll iowvteimslves to ie iiiedi aind to go outitas drawiig cards for tile soring ctubs of the neighoriig villages it s recraiig the ay if aly should be so disposed. There have bieis soise rversighss adt somse abses along this line ad they have ot tendsesi to icrease the regarl of ue piulic for the college froisi whics tey came. \e all kiow "boys ciii be ops" andae all loe them and their sports aweu guided arigt. \e believe oine of the renmaiing works of our order ciii le ini aiditg teachero acd parets its Iireetig te thoughts of the youg aong lutes whiici ail tend to sake theis pa- triotic, lawv oserving acd order lovitg citizenis. Tours respectfully. R. R. PEALER. Comanitder, Departmet of Micigai, Gratid Armsy of the Republic. STRAWBERRY CRUSH (FRESH FUIT 10OC QUARRY'S ART $TORK. A new Assortment of Oval Frames and Frame Mouldings, just received Do not fail to ee them. Stabler's Art Store, 217 So. 4th Ave. New Sate Phae 173 LOOK TO US FOS Fine Clothing, flats and furnishings Our firat offering canaiats of the advance atyle, fresh fromn the hands af the foremost Fashion Makers, THE STEIN BLOCHI CO. Every Fabrie that has strength and Charae- tee ia repreaented in this causaction; every style in vague is E here. Na merchant tailar will give you the same style and patterns at 511 per cent. more money. ..... LINDENSCHfIITT i& A PF h L209 S. Main & A ELStreet ยง 0 I) cs 0 4. 0 + 0 + + 0 AFTER THE MAY FESTIVAL Stop in at PARKER'S CAMPUS CAFE and get a good, cold glass of Soda Water. Strawberry Crushes l0c. We have the exclasiva right to the aefreshoment stand at Athletic Field. W. S. PEARKER. 4. 0 4. 0 -Ia .1. 0 .1' 0 .1. 0 + - 0 -In 4. 0 4' SCH LEED E' S TEMPORARY 13 BINDER 100 3TU DENT8 WR'NTWD Big Frofits. Quiek Sales. A goad way to make money thia summer. 1F. SCHLEEDE, - - - - - 340 South State KU For a SUMME~R cRUISI3 take the COAST [IN[ TO MACKINAC 1 NEW STEEL a The Glreatest Perfection yet PASSENGER aitainod in Bsat Construction. STEAM ERS. . Lunurious Eqaipment, Artisic SPEED, COMFORT - Furnishing, .. Decoration andI ADSAFETY. -- Efficient Service . .. To DETROIT, MACKINAC, GEORGIAN BAY, PETOSKEY, CHICAO Noaothter ieoferslaaana a 40 ilesofea l arieatyaniteret. Toledo, Detroit and Mackinac Iigt eten e! 150aD irection PETOSKEY, 'THll SOO,"-MARQUETTE Beth,$0, s $1.ole5StSatero,$s.oe AsD scooTs. Cleveland, Conntaisa e a dci e aleelaadewith LW SATES 5 toPctur'eqe Makinac.and Pot- i n -Ba' EaradetSouthwtaisadat alDetotits foali ouip th imaeot froG Celnd. 10.50frmoattat an.oe . Sanay lTpue, Jly, August, M end tc.f lutat eia Pa phlet.a Address, A. A. acoasas, G.P.A., DETOI, MICH.N011&11 V 111Y Coll.10. G~AS AND ELECTRIC LIGHTING SUPPLIES, SHADES, U PORTABLE LAMPS, ETC., " A SPECIAL.TY. SANITARY PLUIMBING, STEAM AND ROT WATER HEATENG. J. F. SCHUH, 207 E. WASH NGTON ST. l~boe New..,w IJL:ihze Wui~r% Y ou see out every dlay come from HOL.M.E.S' LIVERY 'Phone 106. 51.5 E. Liberty Street I ~rvevwJWE7MYti7WR7WT~W III WAHR'S SPECIAL $3.O0 SHOE The Lateat Ciae, AutOnaINDOWlimL OH WA R THE SHOE MANI JOHNWAHR218 SOUTH MAIN II SEE OUR LINE OF 50 OEN'T PEARL HANDLE KNIVES AT MUMMERY'S8 DRUG STORE.