THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHtIGAN DAILY. 3 CUTNveyobu-ethtyugti-feca-Inot show you better styles and quality for the money, when you buy neckwear, don't buy-Neff sed-50c to $2- iQ..ALIY COODSPFFD'S 117 South Muin Street MICHIGAN CENTRAL I , T.H ,, Y."E ,. ., OF y .,. ",The Niagara Falls Route." 1Rentschter,th P ooga erM ndlsad CENTRAL STANDARD TIMEknEfetArl1,89. ._. .a - a, .__ _ .:pm--" Gutr GOING g EtApSiT.1899. Detroit Night Express.........55 5iAoxUU* Such aJoseph Bahmanx's,Waalabsaeaa'a Grand Ra pdsExpresso 1110..... .....j.-11 1 and Bruosoare n salet he I Mail and Eprs .......... .. 378 U UKm N. Y. Boston Special ........ *5 '* -r -Mdsstr Fat Eatern 8......r..Mus943tor .oon WEST .w. Liherty, only 2 doors front Macis o Crer Mal and Nopreso .. ........840. oxg ti 1 Boston, N. S.srnd Chicago .....923________________ Fast4 Wetrn Expresso........ .1 3r a1. Chi cagoNtExpes.........93 Night Expresso........ 543 h ie alrn PlcfeEpes..............12830 A. u.IT eFne TioiigHav e You SemhpTickets, al Classe, to and lroot European points to bost rates. Full Infor-JCiy mahion on applcation. on our PORCELAINS? Fin O. W.NRcGGLES, H. WRAYESilTrode ULof tething ot-olp place in the _ G.SP. & T.Ag't, Chicago. A't AnnArbor etthm - BURCHFIELD, 106 EAST HURON STREET SPEGIL RTSTo S[NORS Nta~ s otes. I Senior Lanw Initations JThe BI3PPuI11I Studilo Npaper enttled, A.Pothologic Stdy 1Tie01rdir 1130 bei giv en for the onll 112 W Huro S. N. S. Phe 119 .N= m s. sxasx 11x27=; of Eighty Pintot, of [lie Maiutry or law invitato to cliss ciy and cotti TIME TABLE Gland itoh Spcil Refernce to the mtenemenct eercie The n ittons Taking Effec, Sunday, Mlay 21, tO99. Oeecurrentce of Maligitaiey, by Fritz C. ar1uciorilaoat0ha hoeof Trains leave Ann Arbor y Cntrl Stad- Hyde13 S, stff asistanst int the palio aeoch-or-elborte+he adT e.logical lboratry itaiperedl i the Joutr- atytreviots class.1They- wsil be in oot SOOTH NORTH al Iof t \the eican itledical .t. o~lt, formt. ilie cover till be latdsomely binfr Nitireli041900. engraved, te wiords Uniiversity of No. 0- 1"21A. 5. No. Is:5010A .'is cloti peaigacos h ac n A MOST EXUSTTOHPA E N. 2-11:30 A. n. 'No. 5. -taho P. m. Di.Robest CBosrlcisd, itsruccor ileigt ipaii lrs i ieai QJST OT AT No. 4- 8:3 r t. i. No. .- 4c:M1P. 5. anto iat n sccthtese icl sdeacrmnts, left aiiiescellenticrepresenttioniof he ets tNo.to1-005t",. cs. IN. 15.-Scot A. M. eitc y ttNs rcCt, t lew cibilig at the bottom. The steel W ies h "Run etwec gA ora nd Too only specnd die iseel:i he city cand usc Sacu- cle c u 0 h wtuligesi sscc et hs.uiprsre h All rutns sdsily exceptSunOisday, dayc ie stll sil ot Europr.pI. isis l fruia ts lcograph of the liuilitg tleteh E.S.GL~IRE Aot ideticyiic ietoltelyssie icfi roso t1cc norsthwescorier of the cast- ANTISEPTIC AND VERY PLEASING TO THE. W . BENNETT. . 1P. An atomiila bus toics cof Belin cd liTsheicslsof te Un itt aoc ars oge Alieruggstsand oitlhii~swayIhomse le will Thelo the tirlf adcoirnersifty ce t r ugiss20 cent, or by mail upon Detroit, Ypsilanti and Ann Ar- vstais eosttioenipierrefteicptc euiceofrhecute bor Railway. ~Anitontthe ourses offeredsintse st n tto colr y ellows cndclblue. This eal reipOfrc. baslaefrtoya ndlw iay ile esiAmoonigci Yst'ycd ci-l sbout a cci iiancsd cc quacrer ii disiss C. S DENT 8& CO., Detroi, Mih. every half our, eginning at 7:15 a.mncg btroesoOtncii lyor the er stagis tes iviiatisccons itilecs until 7:45 p. im ;After that. to Detroit tie givPtoesrthisiFredco rse sill Ie yo.divided heinvtheion roberags f olsclo t in e at 8:45 p i., :45 p mand 1115 ip. m.besctween imo eysaid atcing in cabouiiithe liticloi srie, cd olivg ae Waiting room, corner Ann adMain ratio of to to ote Thle wor in ec tseachilliigalrortoci 1ccas Poialsons10 i00n11dning y Aitoro eta Deri,1daiiods. 015 e tl iilil ol ber ciill- ecy cainclcommoencemientc cxercises, 11ce Mos..Rose G eangr.-Lsson: thrse ate: etoit 11 riwol san sbjet il inlue ot thor ad is- eisbiers of te faculy, asucc mistplee tate hoo, 51.0. ofie, Rsi- lory On lie hisctoric idetie eper- list of te imetibers of liec lass. dne and Acdeny on Mtaynrd St. el e f usroto csisiy ciiie cie Orders for teincitation. ciii besoui- 0 t -i Ms iiu w t ilco csi ierabl e com ipre e si en ess . e t o c y m m b r f t et e v Amorh u ngthlie ariclies iithe escociifti eelat ac lcee y i c oa cltheinvit andu bIII ~ ini honor of Abrcli ticsJa co iisesti-LL.onelsot t elcatlctieebeii. e COPNN.D,of CoianivsicsJicomIBL. teisi csi ec.Th acoes f HAD THE DAILY. o a, uie lltsviseh bimmaMc 6_csbr, ociii inhW oior CUPOO NE st issvniehbrhay a h itetscsec r M\essrs. Coslon, Tyler 190uOi eits coijoistly by Dr. T ops oos r klod ur 00Codso Vietor C Vcughain,ean tshue siedicl tos 0i01 0 Iseaasdil hiitiiescaitlila .atlnghlf~i ~ ta o t thFirs Class Ticket oeading any Dental.BardrliriecGfossdi tirstanrceodo ovr e sbas Ralrad willgo and Solders fr enttl hode t a re sat n urPalatil o nothie subec, 'Souse bacteriologic Pol- yesterday' morsinsg. Fie rltleft ccigt Sl..Csfo Reliing Chair Cos. They aina dily uslar Csh r servit 0o Bufao, Niogooo Flls Stat o s i ik, asd 'cll Iia dtt ics" The for Grand Rapids to lokicafter te ad- 4, Old old ad tohCtEss gCty, Lit o s sodial IFetscirft is ass internationa cntribi- verlisig and oiler details ii cncnectionc Siver. looal pot. BrakfastAsn Aror-Sop 11011 to ttediccs itiierature, antI cntains ithcc e ll c iiigtnstVIcossiusgaule there A ." I.1eadIng per t. touts, articles fromcstdiscemietiphshysicians of SturdayW l. C i~ e ee R. S. Greeswods~, AIP. A, tie worl. Dr. Jacobi recive theolon- ________________________ __________________ _______ Aabsasha1R, R. o-ry ereo otro asfo 9 Adams St., Cicago, ill. ay dge fdco fiisIoi The Mot Copee ine of t1e University of Msichigasn in 1897. OWE --- The seniow lit play ue junior lit ss UaTI7 CHOCOLATES H OCKI NG VALLEY RY. fterstoon at ocloeb. Inthe City:a ho fossid 4 RiSDIY A eomplte line of Adlr ros. ine T T 6 ' 4 TRAINS DAILY 4 suits at N aflams, Ryan & Heals, 200- F R ( >O38S tt t Between Tledo acd ColsusngEfUnian _202_S._Mainst. ___ dept is both cities. LOST-The percsncelho left abiyl Are better than ver. Pie,$5 2 Through Sleeper to Wshinglonand Bltimore. at lihe ahleticefiel last Thcurday night and $35. Clalless $0. GREAT R(IILROAD may ave h amec by calling at 548 . Alo agency for Orient, Sterig, FUNERAL TljF MOCKaING VALLEY State stree and proving properly. 71 Fowler, etc. Sndries, Tandems DR CO wrrcI11c to rent. DR C O WribeU.of.btane rsilarbe madsrdrall a M. STAEBLER'S CYCLE EMPORIUM Embalming a specialty. No. 201 S. 4th L. W LADMA, b obtine orwil be adeto rde atAve. Ambulance night and dy. Re. ll W,. Fort S, Derit. 30 . Sae st Mrs. Fingerle. 110 W. Wasinton~l St., Phsne . dene 302 Fifth Ave. ~PrtnOxfords for AND3 20 STYLES IN ....'3 o Box Calf, KiddE[amelatent Leather andTan 110 E. HURON ST. ThRRE ENOCH DIETERLE Embalmer and Uiest 613 East -hallam7Stee WAKKEN BThe ,FuealDretr niesiyduoe-halrblckstkydoste. 1? Iaj)hFine BRB re. Enoch Olterle, Lady Asistnt lfaw buildig, Allkindold al il GURNE S STSFRTION. No. 116 E vLiherty Street.IoldeeaasShe ho E.Lm WE PATRONIZE GOODYEAR'S DRUG STORE