2 THlE UNIVEtbIIY 01 MICHIGAN DAILY 410~ Prospects for Thursday'sa Meet. ~ *4i~ frI.~f~R.I~* Nevet before ints e tie1fstory of Xlichi- gan's tracks attletics teas tihere beets uchs Pnbltthed Daily (henaes excepted)t during the ass array of taent as i sbowintip til Collge ear atyear. Tite track esvrots as wrell as thee THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN. field bave tent tryitng for heotnors wviose Orairet The Intend Prests, Henntng Btetk.,tsbilty is far aeaed of those ota treviose Boh hoes14.teames. Withs sssuc en sessLeiblee, Wtest- MANAGING EItTOR. fatt, Nusfer stud Breitenebach, good tisme F. ENGELHA,ee,0i L. meay be expectesd in te too-yard ed-sst. BUSINESS MANAGER. Thee sate isoldstrue of tise 220 itswhsichs O. H HAN, '0 L.Teetzel sitd Barrett are esntered besides 0. H.Ha~s '50C. te alcove menetioned.'Thteeqisarer irosts ED)ITOeS. iee sto be receedingly cose and ewitl be ATHL~iCS . .0. . Huenne, ,t B. excitineg frsom stars to finies as Teetzel, JT. R.,Wenna, ' L. A. 5. EHIeCaloo1 E Barrett, Nufer anti Haces are atl out for JB. Weee, '50, w ... H.ICEYe , .~recordis. Thiesete squeads consists of 12 L.3.Mesenac,'5, t . sscnae, 01C. sten hseaded by Juiuiss Wood. Withe WA. KNssHs '01 L. V. T. EAct'eta. Mckeans, Robeinson. and ttseass its tbe Mses LILIAN . SaBNcE *03. husrdes we case be assured of swortshy - ctreresentsatioens sed fast timse. Dsorak'si eoineg it feet 6 ineches intshue pate vaulit speaks5 for itself. Tierhisghsjumpsicentries ____________________________________ inecluei Arstvrosng, Tr-yon, Flouernoy asse The scbscription peers at theDAILT is$2a50 oreeHollister aned sometehiieg better tans the college yeas. tith a regular delivery hetose feet en feches wil certainely be done. aoeachassty. Neticese, comamuniatioas, andInteie ld eyenes weehave better mene othesraaattes intended fee pubhicaionamast he haaded in at the DAtLYsofsieshefoes8 p. m., or titan ever before. Franece therewr the die- mailsd en the editoefohete3 Sp, . Eoftshe cday ens i28 feet, ibreaing tierldnns record, presioueseothat en which they assenpeceted it vro ti iesse irtsseeeroe 3 appears. eyhstrw h amroe 3 Suhscriptioanssey bh efste asthe DAnLY sies, fee, whieiSiegmundset tas bresspsutting tier Meyes's, or Stoetsewtstand, or withsuBiaess shtot 41 fret regultarly. tee stanre, Micii- Manages.Suscrihersawelltcoatesa avteensbygate hasetierbces tall-arouned sqiuads e resportiag psroaptly at this oc.tcs any tailcres tta vrsaofdeit go ecsrg carriersato edelivess peper.haevrhdndwtgodnoug- Alt changes in advertising mattets ansthbe ia strleetcecrtainlty oueght to wce ietheter- the ofe asby ap. as. en ehe (say trevious to that csllegiate. on which tes are te avear. Unclaimed Letters. Mang Entries fior Interscholastic Tier followsinggtters remeainsunsclaimsed Meet Next Weak.-Chicago at tier postolfice: Sends Two Teams. AndstersonsJamste5K. ; Neter, dire. Eva; Densosn, Fret ; Bieaich, NN. A. ;Bige- lNiteager Brosse reports tihat every- 4)we, tHerbeert; Btiaiss, .Nir. Cis.;t Brown i, thing its coctc ittns sith tie'Iteter-Soo- Niss N ggie; Cite via.EsvcretPerstons astircsmeet ott.Nitiy 23ands sct26is tprogres- Graihaims,dirt. Tihomeas NV. Hasetings, in 0fiely nd llindcaion Uoito heJaimes: atisotn, Wne. B. ; Jadeon. ANIre. 1 _ Sprinting Shoes, Top Notcners at $2.481 I ~SPECIAL. Bicycle Shoes, Solid Colors and Combinations, S$1.25 to $2.48. Best wearing Shoes made. S GLASS'S SHOE STORE, 109 Main St. + + First-Class Repair Work. Open Evenings. * -n ,_- . . G I I +; I Ii, ( (t z ® G - ' __ } -- = 1 - - 1 ri , - aC - i L ftwF.f;u: ilSattft3:U i! 1r Y