o 0 ift VOL. X. ANN ARBOR, M~ICH., WEDNESDAY, MAY 16, 1900. No. 169. . Spring Announcement G. H. WILD & CO. We have just received or line of spring woolens for men's wear. It includes everything in staples that are suitable and de- sirahie for the season. We are also showing full ranges in nov- elties, in quality and style tn suit the most exacting taste, Consisting of Top Coats, Suit- ings, Fancy Vests and Glf Trouserings. We invite you to call and inspect our line at WILD'S 108 E. Wcasigtor) St. Arit we hae boght ot Aris th stack of Atist Mateiasfom et n e- oe's BokhStoe is nee coplee. Oil Pats, China ad otheeWateeCol- ors, Drtanig Papes and Brushes of all kids Wilder's Pharmacy TH OLD* Foe seveal weeks we have bl LL een laying in a sok foe he boy,ad new ae eady with R ELABLE GRad~ o.C_ PtPEIS A SPl5'IWOOLrY. R. E. JOLLY & CO. Premiosi Kodaks 20 per cent off Koronas 25 per cent off All sppie at low pies ICALKINS' PHARMACY 324 SO. STATE ST. BASE BALL AND QOIF GOODSi ALSO A LARGE STOCK OF .JERSEYS n New Styles and Patterns WAHR'S 1 OWINED THE TOWN. Symphoonic Eludes... ..Schumnn MICHIGAN 7, ILLINOIS 3. (Inthoe forml of v ariationso). r. Alberto Jonas. Knights Templar Talke in the Uni- "With Verdure Clad," fromo "The Utletg Allowas but Four Hits-Team cersittj and City. Creation"...,........ ...Haydtn Flays Fine Fielding and Bat- Yesterday thoelowna atas crowded awith 1110s Alice B. Bailey. viior.Ticocaol a hefot-a.Thte Questiotn... i..olstettloolone ting Game. vistor. Te ocason as he ort-h. Thte Answter.... . Wolsterdtoloac Chaampaigno, Ill., May 15 (Special to foturthtatnnual cotnclave tf te Grood TMr. Retntrci.tile U. of M. Daily) .-Ctaacigna is Coouuaatdery of thocKttightts Temaplar a. "i'tan Lives Butcte,".......... pltttgetd in grief. After yestercday'o easy of Michigatn. Thte local conusandery ''' . . Straussos ~ig itrtespotr fte"li ha aegetpeaain o ne-b. Turkisho Marcht. frot thoc Ruins 0 dotictpprro ftte"tn" tad atae geatprearatoto fo eIer- of Athtens" of Beethoovetn.Rutbinsteitt got thaeir barrels itt vast numtobers, with taininag the visitors, butthie attetndattce c. Valse in C shtartt mitnor, . Albeto Jotnas inentt to bttrntthis satme tonightt after teas muchl greater thatn expected, attd thte d. Toccata ... .... .... ..Alberto Jonas today's victory. Bt alas, todays vie- accottttodattiottstwere taxed InoItheir ut- e. Rhtapsodie No. 6...Frune Liszt torytoa eet tlypthda d mlost. Th tet a ut a p ac,"Jeatnne .dAre,";.. Th. Dubois tiirable gamte attdteas effective itn every ptearancee. A large tumttber of the buasi- I Mr. Rettovicic. innlintg buttile second, atheta, ithtwco ness places attd lmany' private residences- out, Johntstotn sittgled attd Wilder crackc- tre decorated twitihte Temoplar cobors 'The election of officers for thte Grand ad out a terrific haome rutn. attd Amaericatnattd Britislt flags. 'Sle Cotntatndery takes 1p10cclthis mactiug After Ibis thtere wtere but tlo hits hteat toot excessive, but othoerwvise the and untder the establishted ctustomt the ttade off hitt. His supptort tvas superb. oveathter wa~s all thtat could be desired. rightt ettinent gratnd commtoander gets his Martisott 1)10yed a wvonderfutl gatme at At tent o'clock the Auto Arbor coot- diplomta of graduatiott into a past rightcshtort attd Fleesher ovas equally good at tmatndery went to meet thoc comntlldery emnt gratod commnnttder and thaentthe frott Adriano, wticho arrived on a special ranking officers are proutoted one round user thte Attt Arbor railroad. At eleveno intthie ladder. Very seldont is tis cut- o'clockstovo specials ot t he loiciigan tootn deviated fromo. Cetral brouoghoc ittthe Marshlall, Jackon T h''lis oill makse Juodge Phtilip T. Van attd Kalamuazoo commoandeeies frott the Zile, of Detroit, thte text presidintg offi- toeot, atod a special frott te vast broughst cer of tile Gratnd Cootitatadery of "Micho- te Detroit attd Datmtascus cotoattntd- igatt. Uttder thte systetm it wootldlleave cries. A psrocessiont tas formted at te a vacaoncy intthie lowvest office in te cotni- stationt,ttnd Itroceeded ct ottce to te tmantdery , viz., thtat of wvarder. atrmoory ,-towhtre dittter 000s oervecd to thoc 'or ttis office Fred Botnite, of Holes, Sir Kntighots. 'Teir ladies owereeter-istsloholy cattdidate owh o a tts far taine tovl Grattger's. t'rov isiotn hadolbeen - a red ,ciontte field,.lHe reachted Itere tttace for abot twon ttdrerl ladies, btat 1 ng1h11 ttndis renewtintg old acqucaitc- ovatly fire httctvred %vere in ttenctodtace .11c-s. Mrt Bottittetrill be rtetttmberevd STe Att Arbor ladcies owere absle to str by Atnto Arbor pteopole, eecily those m11unt1 tecdifficulty, laowecver, tiit ver towho twagred thteir montey ott "Nib-)"' little anoynyltce. M'Stu n, t a certaitt occasiono, attd if hteis At otte o'clock a grattd paradle toa-.soo a ttttttr for office tosite was 0 forttedl ct tilelrmoory. 'lie litte of 'p rotcteovwtentit th~e Uitversity 1cc coo ttarcht tas tuptMaitt street to 'Williamteltottotalreaody 1101. alotog WIilliamt to camptusa, thece nor0 t N olsy" Moore ovas tte sride of .Ann1 alontg Staoce to Hutrotn, atnr down'ttHuron Abor tat cie eairly So's wh'len it catte to In thte armtory' agatint. Betwvenotwbo lpicking otot a too-yard dashoi 11an. Annt o'clock and fourtehie Univ-ersity groutndsAtbohoe itiIt paterd in thteir cats thcat lite atad buildings were thronged u-fit io ats a toorld healer. Fred Botoitoe cav~e cuors, woohad heent specially'inovited byhoterc an tnknoown qutantity andlice saot Treasturer HarrisoSortie to intstect te an opp~ortunity to ayitui tiiontat te various depbarttmentts. Tite mtuseumttantddecpensec of thosse worinthtotughoctwel of the art gallery seetted ho tare tite great- Monte.Sloe race awas arranged for atod cot attraction. Bottine tmade several Atot Arbor sports An immnense crowd gathered at Re- wisho that he had tever etered college. getsl' Field at four o'clock In witness the Pet hCr o a etnl nmarcho of the commnanderies, aud in par- ticular to see thte fine drillitag of tihe De- For thoc May Festival, thoe D., jtroit Commnandery No. z. Thtis cono- Y. & A. A.- Railwvay Cuompanty nmandery has for years been the crack lavaetmade arrangeents to see that jdrill conmpanoy of the country, and its cars enough are provided to seal all wvork yesterday afternhoon delighted the persons desiring to attend thoe concerts spectators beyond measure. The tmem- at Ann Arbor. Manager Merrill has h. ers of the conotandery were loudly ap. taken charge of the natler of transporta- plauded, atod of course the U. of H. yell tion hinmself, and wiii provide enough was frequently given, extra cars to provide for all conocert- Folloawing is a list of the conantd- goers immttediately oiler the concerts are eries represented and their nunmbers: out. 'She arratogemeth oill be a great Adrian, 71 swords, 7fl ladies. 2 drum- imaprovetneno over fortmer years, and are nmers; Windsor preceptory, 37 swords, atn evidence 11101 the rood awishes to do 00 ladies, Scotch bagpipe batnd (six oil witihin its powner to provide for its pieces) ; Jackson comnoandery, do patrons. swords, 63 ladies, Boos's baand ; Kalatna-, -zon conomandery, fin swords, 30 ladies, Next Year's Wclesetan Guild Course. Chatmber of Conalerce bond; Marshall The Sunlday evenling lecture of Dr. conmmandery, 50 sovords, 35 ladies; De- Woo. F. McDoawell of Newn York closed troit commtandery, No. z, too swords, the stronogest course thle Wsesleyan Guild 120 ladies, Schremaser's bansd; Datmascus tao giveno in the Henry M1. Loud lecture- commnandery, Detroit, do swords, 110 ship. All its advertised lectures ap- peared, and on thoe dates advertised. ladies, Metropolitan band. Thte course has beeto arranged for next In the evening in University halt the year. atod ill he as follow's: Dr. Jonas faculty of the School of Mlusic gotve a R. Bashford, President Ohio Wesleyan cotmplimentary concert to the visitors. University; Rev. Samuuet Cadutan of Ite In pit ofth het i wa vry arglyMetropolitato Tabernacle, Neon YorkI In siteof he eatit as erylarelyCity; Rev. John H. Potts, editor Michib- attended, University halt being paeked gan Christian Advocate; Rev. Nehemiah to the doors. The progranm given wnas as Boynton, Congregational pastor, Detroit; follow's: BisopoChlas. Edwvard Choeney, Episcopal, "O the Coast," (Four Tone Pic- Chicago; Bishoop Alpheus Wilson of M. Echurch, South Baltimore:; Bishop C. tures, No. a) .... ............Bucke C. MlcCabe; Prof. Henry Van Dyke of Mr. Lleowellyn Renwvick. Princeton, Presbyteriat thirdi. Condoto played as ttsual at first, whbichlo s-.excelletnt, hbtt itwaos at hat andoon tt hocbasesthtt hocboy's did thle bst wvorks. Thtehtits soerc aoltacntmerous, soot tey' alays catmowhenocthtey were needed. Smote started the scoring itt toe fouortho oithoccsinogle, hto stels atod a sloritcitofromtothiird,aswhentohoc halt feltlo taty feet backs of Steitsweiodell. Ito lice text innoinog tato0 pas-es, tto sceals aoonr Sowts cutomcary ht cotoedi tt-n more. Blenccoec got arounod intohbe sixtho ott sooterror andrFls'ere's rattlitogcritple. 'Shreemoreoere ad dedrthobevceth ott sobase octbascoi to Croton, anther hot Iby Sonotw, c single by- Datviesand Blecoe's thonbagger. Scnre: MIICHIGAN\. .MlcGinntis, m.tot .....4 1 0 0 0 Cotordon,.Ito............4 t t th o Snow,. f..............4 2 34 0 Mattison.o . .......30oc19 Davies, r. f .... ...5 tIt1o00 Blenoe, 2.............. 3t I I 14 Freshter, 31).........4 o 1 0 3 WSshotney, c .............3 1 I 4 1 Uoley', p.to ........4 0 0 t 0 TSnoas.... .....36 7 8 27 17 ILLINOIS. AB R x u A Cook:, mt................. 4 0 0 4 0 Fulton, 2b.........2 1 0 0 3 Adsit I. f .......3 0 0 15 0 Daweld, r. f........4 0 0 0 0 Mabottew'o, s 5 ......4 0 0 1 5 Johntonol, c ...... .......4 1 t 5 0 Wildr,1. f............4 1 2 2 0 Steinwoeidell, 3b...h .. 3 0 1 0 1 Lundgrenl, p............2 0 0 0 3 Falkenbherg, p ....2 0 0 0 1 TSotals ...... ........32 3 4 27 15 Inlnings.,..123456789 Moichigan .... ....0 00t12 13 00-7 Illinonis ..... 020000010-3 Errors-Sntown, 'Whitney, Utley, Mlat- tew's a, Steioneidell. Sholen bases-McbGinis, Snow 4, Blecoeo, Whtnely, Johnston. Twno-base hits-Conldonl, Witoney, Bleocoe. Thtree- base hit-Flesher. Monte run-WVilder. Strutck out-By Utley 3, by Lunldgren 3, by Falkentberg 1. Bases on balls-By Utley 3, by Lundgren 4. Hit by pitcher -By Foley 2, by Lhundgren i. TSimoe of gameO-I :50. Umpotie-Tindill. The bInland Printer (Chicago) for May cotinoues otn illutstrated article entitled Gutenberg anto InIvenotion of Printing by Byrotn A. Fitney of tile general li- brary. 'Te paper was givenl by Mr. Finney as a lectcure before thoe Unity Clubh of Anto Arbor, Febrhuary ad, igoo. 'She samnumtolber of thoe Printer also contains a htolftotne of thec Michoigato Es- say, Moichigan's first toewsptaper, a copy of whticho is ianoboe University library. Thoe total number of lockers in use in te nmen's gynmnasiuno lost year wvas 1,192. With bloc preset year lice nunmber has inocreased to 1,330. these figures indi- cate the moinoum number of students who use the gynanasium at least as often as once a wveek. L1