THE UNIVERSITY OF MIICHLIGAkN DAILY. I~f~~[g f1O i an OXFRO~ALL NEW AND UP TO DATE Hajve You Seem~ Our New Dorcas Sboes? 11 SOUTIH MAIN ST. MIlCHIGAN CENTRAI "The Niagara Falls Route." CENTRAL STANDARD TIME. Taking Effect April 19, 1099. Detroit Night Express ......55 IA . a. Atlantic Express .........7 451 Grand Rapids Express..... ti..... to0 Mail and Expresa .........3 I7 P. a. N Y. Boston Special ............4 8l Fast Eastern ..............9d3l Mailt and Express.. ......... 8 40 A. M. Beston, N. Y. and Chicngo.........923" Feet SWetern Exprest......... 1 s8 . a. G.ER. and Eat. Express ........... dl4 Chicage Night Express ........... 94 Farluc Express..............12 3ISA. a. Steamnship Tickets, att Classes, to and from Burepean points nt lowest rates. Fall tafor- 'matlon es xpplication. 0. W. RUGGLES. H. W. HAYS, G. F. &T.Act. Chicago. Ac't Ann Arbor. TIME TABLE Taking EfeterSurnday, illay It, 1899. Trains leave Anx Arbor by Conceal Stand. ergTime. SOUTH NORITH *No . -1725 A. MI. No. 1.- 8:56 A. 31. No. 2-12:3 A. M1. *No. 5-12:30 P. i No. 4.- 8:35 P. ;1. No. 3.- 4:56 P. w T~o. l102.-8:05 I'.. 31. TNO. 101-9:0 A. . aRson betwec Axx Arbor and Toledo cxlv All traoixs daily except Sunday. tSundays oly. E. S. GILMORE, Agent. W H. BENNETCT. G. P. A Detroit, Ypsilanti and Ann Ar- bor Railway. Cars leave for Detroit and Ypsilanti every half our, beginning at 7:15 a. mn. uatil 7:45 p. m.; After that to Detroit at 8:45 p. in., 9:45 p. mn.xnd 11:15 p. m. Waiting reem, corner Ann and Main eta.: Detroit, 111 Griswold st. W 6111; thg 0111 S COUPON NO. ONE. This cocoon presentesd to oor Condxc- torstwith a istClass Ticketrading any distanceor thebrWabash Raliroadwill entiale hldere eca irrr teal inour0Patato 1 RecliniegCihcir Coos. They arein daily serrvice to Buffalo, NiagaraoFPetitNew York Cily, Kantas Oily, S.Iis caand all local point. Breahfasi Ann Arbor-Sop- per St. Loans. Wln tI It. S. Grernwooed,t1.FP.A. WaahR5.L: 7 Adams St. Chicago, Ill HOCKING VALLEY RY. 4 TRAINS DAILY 4 Between Toledo ad Colanabue, aaing Utnien depot in both cities. Threagh Sleeper to Washington and Baitimtore. GREAT RAIILROAD THF HOCK(ING V(ILLEY Write L. W. LANDMAN, 11 W. Fort St, Derit. _ . V I l~ntschlet, tbe ilPbotogapber. lAlarm Clocks $ SU. of MS. Pinia 50c Co $50.00,. Fin,'i N i~w LI NWatcht Repairing a Speeial'ty- A N W. L N ALL $1.50 GLOVES J, 1. CHAPMAN, JEWELEIPO. OF $1.25. 206 Main Suh Wash Neckwear, ini oil the laitest coiors anid xhapes 25, 50, 75C. Fancyj Hose, in Lisle iced Mercerised, 40c. Large Line ofl Ties, Redioced to...........25. Frocc,500acd 75 cents A IU. oM. A CO With Every $2.8 0 Purchase.y .L EO.F' lilOb, r t. I ovs nsd lo 211frihsc cIIiersehlg1 rn otIo bl caoscofrct a simpressViowich Yefori dacey'sit oyaothetratcofmDnoras Coutny Bar which admits to loder to w ho vauslted over tile tar at st feet 61 practice in all the couts of toestite of inlches, clearing it with as mutch apparent Michigan (the Soprenie Court inlulded) ease ax lie does at i0 feet. The other for Iwo dollars ($2.oo). If a Supreme 101011seenmed to do proportionlately well Court certificate is desired in addition though no tiled trials wvere run. The the cost of bothl certificateosowill be $3.50, meet Thursday promises nmuch and if large size. Parchmenit, fifty cents extira. the meii can do ao well in comopeition ao J. F. SCHUH, 110e' have doiie in practice many newo Counlty Clerko. mairks will be set among the 'Varsity ________________- records. Neiv additionto have been nmade 1 LOST-Thle personl who left a bicycle to the lnmber wowxiii compete in the at te athlletic field last Thursday itighit sorority handicap race in the persons of mayhav th sae b calin at548S.Seigmutnd wcho will rota for Alphla Chil mayhav t~e SOObycalito at548S.Ontega antI France whlo wearx the colors State street and provitig properly. 71 of Alpha tota Epsilon. U. of M. banners large and nmall can A complete line of Adler Bros. One be obtained or will he made to order at sitis at Wadhams, Ryan & Reule, 1050- 320 S. Slate st. Mrs. Fingerle. ( 201 S. Main st. Have You seeo oar IPORCELAINS:' Fia. thing out-onliy pinein the whsere50oucn gt them. S'EGIAL RRTES TO S[NIORS~ 112 W. Hurun St. N. S. Phase II1 A MOST EXQUISITE TOOTH PASTE Whitens, beoutifies, andt prescers tha- teeth. ANTISEPTIC AND VERY PLEASING TO, THtLE TASTE. All druggists 25 cents,. or by maito-,ic receipt of price. C. S DENT & CO., Detroit-, Mix, Peivairteoesons in dancingby lMe, os Nr.Ross Oranger.-Lesson: three q1urters hoar, 11.10. 01icc, Resi- dexce nnd AcademGy on Manynard t... READ THE DAILY- Dentl6Gat' (i;' yil ndoderes for Slir Cash for Win. Arnold, we The Most Complete Lone oLt LOWNE' E CHOCOLATES In the Citycaa bo fo u mC T TUTT6BP6 338 S. Stale SLix. 0. M, MARTINI., FUNERAL DIRECTOR EbligaseilyNo20S.4Ave. Ambulance night and day. Rena oe 02FfhAe SPRING SIJOES (INDWah Widw OXFORDS NOW INou 110 E. HURON S. 3%-- DI 1 1I L r. ~ ffU fIETEDI E Embalmer and "I lEast William Street Th NC uea Drco nvriyoflsUn-afbc Its a h pR n d . EnchDiaterle, Lady Assistant. alw hailding. Alt binds iiIIIL i BRRI1ER a10fLiet tee.Nsdne he Sho lofepnringsLeatly done.fl 1 II - OLISIRIMTEE& 8ISTISPPIGTION. NiF. eart y ret.Phnsience9.ert.J3P ForhAe ohPoes2.E abr.W E PATRONIZE GOOD"YEAR'S DRUG T R