THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY GjOLF If you want... DRIVERS, BRASSIE DRIVERS, ~LEEKS, MILL IRONS, LOFT- .ERS, PUTTERS, CADDIE BAGS AND GOLF BALLS..... 'ou can find them at Sheehan's 'We carry the largest assortment of all makes in the city. Onr clerks are up to- date Golfers, -and will gladly give you any in- formation desired in the pur- Thase of outfits. We are Ann Arbor Agents for thc following well-known clnbs: WILLIE DUNN, M/cGREGGOR, HARRY VARDEN, SPAULDINGS and MORRISTON. "Bring your old Golf Balls and ex- change them for new. PROMOTERS OF GOLF, zos SO. STATE ST. ANN ARBOR, lIICiI IL o Y Barber TVAPORlBATHSi shop and Bath theeaibl ea ROOMS, 322 STATE . .Trsianswnkl ICYCLES REPAIRED PRICES REASONABLE AWe aregets tee the tamnos DAIYTON BIGYGLE C~all and eam~ine. Dntatl toianufac- tured and repaired. WM. J. WENOER, 113 E. Liberty, New Phsne 553 I i =1 I The splendittatesmeat of theSprtngtpeeps forth." It is with a feeling 0f pride which wae think pardonahle that we invite year early inspection at outrnerwlineof Spring and Sumeroffringsjust rceived, "fresh andtemtpt- ing ast theunacattracve atNature'c seriatetorey. Over 3000 patterns treat the Leading Taitars at the Warlt. Salts ad Overcoats.. Tailor made to your measure at the price at the Heed-ate-down. . . . L. C. GOODRICH. AgettforthehretTaitors on Erth Front Rtoatover FirstNationaltBankAn Arba Crescent Orient Sterling PR'l I P'lPRFowler Al c A. STAEBLER'S .YCLE EM'PORIUM L1 V1V 1519 Wl Washington Stri DO YOU SMOKEF? est 'eet 4 Pittsburg Stogies for 6 Bill Anthony Cigars for 4 Brunswick. Cigars for 5c 25c 25c Old Number: 44 SO. MAIN ST., D M ANN ARBOR. MICH. D A 0 Knowinq Ones Predict Success for Tonight's Minstrel Shots. At the last dress rehearsal of tite Athi- ceti Associatiota-Minstrcis, tite press atti profession wcere admitted. The rehearsal setatrhrotgh st-it htut fccwhitches alli cveryiihintg xwilsurely runtsmthilly to- ntiglht. '1hoae woiwscre preocnt, wart iced in their ipraices of the ite shositng. Mlaity' of theisthatd seeno formsier sstdeist ctmpaieis atnds so wera compelttenit juid- gas. Sewcarci Cramcer wcio ihastvittessed every MicihiganiUttirersity evenlt fcc the tast seveit years arid is an autihority cc uniiversity lore, said: "The hlaale faae circle healtisoy pervioulscite acre three to cite. The jokeso are batter aitd tite soigs itiore catchy, tll of thteitis iaeilcal scords swhichi canntit fail tc catulreite autdiece. 'fl o ustistshoculd he crasswc- ad." lTe chartosoill lbeioipet todaty itttil 6 o'clock at Siteahacos. After tit timie, scatssiitble secured at tsheobox office. 'lie inicatios arethiatt asery ccrceservi oct still haetaeiandtdhiatt manty owill liaise to lie contctted wstolaningtifroomt. BANXD NOTICE. W ANTED AT ONCE-Twcompitle- let cclatrintauilaisers to fill thesaicaticies left intshie b;." CLYDE THOMPSON, Mlgr. The Drily iill im'st scores of today's gianie with Is linois oss State street. LOS''-A Dclta Gamista pintt octh i iaitinds. Finder returni 1o 1309 Wiii- mot st. atid receive reowardl. A new line of Manhattan Shirts juet in at Wadhams, Ryan & Reuta_ See them. S. Slain st GRADUATION FEE. All candidateo for a degree itnJtune are requested to pay the graduation fee at oice o accout of the liitsed titoe ini wchicht to prepaare thie large tnuimber cf diplotmas. JAMES H. WADE. FOR SALE-Reserved seats for 'May Festisal. C. E. Barthiell, 326 S. State st., secod flocr. 74 A new tine af Manhattan Shirts lust in at Wadhams, Ryan & Recta. See them. Sauth Main street. Calendar.- Wednesday, May 16.-Free concert un- dee auspices cf Kinighit Temiplaro at Uni- oversity hail. May 17-19.-Seventh annuat May Festivat. Wednesday, MIay 23.-Michigan v. D. A. C., at Regents' Field, 4 p. mI. Thursday, May 3t.-Michiiganl v. Illi- nois, at Regents' ield, 4 p5. Ii. SAYTCRDAY'S SCORES. ITe collage hail gameas Satunrdaty ye- sultecdas fclloic: M ihligatis.1i; Chicago, ti. Nctre Datiet, 12; Nebraskaa, y. \ iscectinIti.i; INcrtisvecttct, ii. Putrdutt, tc ; Inodiatna, c. Pennylvisantia, 6; Cortiell, 4. P'rintcestnis2; eccetaittn, 4. I laivrs-tt.i1; Columita,. 3. Birownt, 7: Yile, 6. i-oward hats at Wsadhams, Ryan & Rcule. B~est hat ono the market at $3.00. 200-202 S. S'lain st. ENCURSION TO TOLEDO. Ceatf OptitiigLife Erie Pittkhatti Caitto. Sundcay -Mat1 octiteaAnntsArhcr rail- rcadl toill giveanaiticutrsicti ha special tratintioisTcledoanti relurnt. TIraiii scill leaise Anni Arhar at to :25 a. im. Fare for tae rointripn, 71 cents. Ona that dte the Lakee Erie Pary aind Casiiic, the most attractise sutmiter reaort in the wsot anti risa dte of tisa Cetetniial city, scill he cpened wsitho atnentertainmttata atloltescill he ivorthi the ptrice of an ax- ciursioni tick-et. Bou't miss it. A complete line of Adler Eaos. fine suits at Wiadhams, Ryan & Reule, 200- t02 S. Matin at. The Ann Arbor Mustc Co. have name inducements to offer stu- dents on table hoard; also one suite of mamas. Students are cardially invited to in- spect our co.mplete tintes alf suits, aver- coate, men's furnishings and hats. NWadhams, Ryan - Recta. S. Main st. LOST-A pair of nose glasoes on Thursday just hefcre ditnner swest of thoc tennois courts. Fitider retutrn to G. A. Howcard, 311 5. Division s1. 19 r r t t t 1 I D. 9 TINKBRF & SON HATTERS AND FURNISHERS Headquarters for HAS, tCAS, MS'sFRNSHNS ted Comapete line aofrxszuxi GenS and .SWEARS AGENCY FOR LONLEY HATS 334 suh Sae Se Cr. Sain and Hnron Srets. Capital, !50,00. Srplus, $3000. Tranacs general asing bsiness. R, RSaEx, Pes. CE. GEENEs, Vice-Pes FaE. H BELER,.Cahier. FIRST NATIONAL BANK at Ann Arbor Capital, $1t0,'0. Srpusand Pofit, 4,001 Transctsngenralibankingtbusinss. Freig exchasgekoght and sold. Fiteish letters at credit. E.1). RtNNE, re. HARtISON SOUL, Vice-Pres. SW. CIARKSON Cashi The fian fRrbOr SavinugBank Capital Stock. $t50,0i. Srpl, $150,00. Reources.sl1,150. Organized under the General Banisg Laws at thi Sate. Receies depsits, bys and sells exchangaen the principal cities at the United States. Drats cashed pn peper idtiictin, Saety depsi boos t rent. OFFICERSt Chritian Mac, Pres. W. D.uarri- atan, Vice-Pres.; Cha. E. Esoch. Cashir;tM. I. Fritz, Assistant Cashier .BOH RS P T W. ANOLD, 1St Viepres J.VJH.EsNss,t2d Vice-pee, RVN JOHN. C. WALTZ, Ast. Cahie JIO BRINK Transacts a general Banking lBusiness. Makers of {- COLLEGIATE CAPS. GWS and HOODS, SCAPS ad GOWNS. CLASS CNES COLLECE FLASS CLASS STATIONERY, j. COLLEGE PINS, COLLEGE SPECIALTIES WC. KERN & CO it1E . FitySeeth St. l'H15'AGO, LL. rr r "A slice to pipeful ("P C-j, ,. 'c one reason Pipe Tobacco ' why Old En 05511 Por~ut -_ gish Curve Cut pipe to. - bacco is so \ popular.. . I .,, .. The curved tin box that fits any pocket is another reason. No other pipe tobacco has ever made as many friends in so short a time. " It disappoints no one." A trial box will be sent to any one anywhere on receipt of ten cents in stamps. Address Old English De partnsent, The American Tobacco Co., ill Fifth Ave., New York City. All dealers sell it. IT SUITS THE TASTE fate jaure fruit juices and delicious Ice ,Creatr-the chief of summae heveragge -AT- HANGSTERFER'S, L.Waohington St. 316 S. State St. 1 9 1 NORTH SIDE LAUNDRY THOS. BOWS, Propr. 1.003 Broadway. t57Sell Phone .PRING OF 1900 Opening of Spring Woolens].... Woolens for the gaming season hove arrived, the moot extennive line ever produced here is spread on our tables and now open for you to make seleetions. We have mode every preparation to strictly retain the previous standard of our tailoring and to promptly serve our patrons. We solicit your inspec- tion at an early date. WAGNER & CO., Tailors, 123 South Main Street. I;-- SPALDINGS Official Jllbketic 6os Offiialypadopted hp lbs leading Colleesn.Schaosaend Athletic Cluhs at lbs Country. Bass Ball Tennsa Foota Ball Ataleirs Golf Gymnasiusm Spalding's Official League Ball Is lbs OffiialRBll at the Natieol Leagae sod alt trading college s so- ciatons. Speldings Sass Sell Guide for 1900, 10c of ethetols e A. G. Spalding & Bros. any address. NEWYORK, CHIAGOsEa NVER. MIL WARD A SPRING WOOLENS OPEN FOR YOUR SELEOTION