4 THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN ]DAILY 4 TIAJI UNIY1~RSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY If You Wart... Drivers Brassie Drivers Clubs Mid Irons Lofters Putters Caddy Bags Golf Balls YOU CAN FIND THEM AT XWe carry in stok the Mforris- town, Spalding, and are city agents forte celebrated Willie Dunn Clubs Bring os your old GOaLF BALLS antI exchange them for new. SHEEHAN & CO. Promoterg 320 S. STAE ST of Golf ANN ARBOR MIH. STUDENTS' LECTURE ASSO- CIATION Twelve Numbers to be Given Iis Year. Tickets On Sale at Wilders. COURSE OF 1899 - 1900. 1. Lyman J. Gage, Oct. 1 2. 2. Congressnan J. P. Dolliver, Oct. 7 3. Max Bendix Company, Nov. 4. 4. Brig. Gen. Carles King, Nov. 1 7. 5. Senator Wi. P. Frye. 6. Will Carleton, Jan. 1 7. 7. Jobn Temple Graves. 8. Sousa and is Band, Feb. 1 9. 9. F. Hopkinson Smit, Marc 1 5. 1 0. Oratorical Contest, Marcb 25. 11. Cicago Alumni Number. 1 2. Announced Later. Season tickets $2.00. Reserved seats 50 cents for te course. e5 oA ' i U. of M. Station- ery for all depart- *ments. \Ve Sell Fountain Pens .... from $1.00 to $4.00. All are guaranteed. MARTIN SCHALLER, BOOKSELLER DOWN TOWN, 116 South M0]ain Street La. fl. TINKER & SON HATTERS AnFURNOIHERS Headqaarters fur IATS, CAPSe, MEN'S FURNSHIS snd Comspletcblinesf GYMSIUMan Goos d SWEATER. AGENCY FOG LONGLEY SHATS 334 South State Street For Coo. Moen and Huaros Streets. 0 The Capital, $50,050. Surplus, $0,000. Transacts a n eI Igeneral bankinsiess / R EmPr es. C. E. Gasss,Yic-Prs. WHlY NOT GO OUT IN STYLE FIRST NATIONAL BANK or~nd6 WITH A FOUR IN HAND Capital, 100,(00. Surplus and Psofits, 40,000 9 ~Trasa~cts ageneralibankoig bsiness.SForeign ILI esochosigobought and 'old. Fursshblettero of 0 M "701K1NVCaP'e'_GARRISONcredit. Plione ass. 515 EastLiberty Street. E . VE PoHRI ONO __________________________________________S. W. CLARKOSON Cashieo LAMP FORZ 3 T UEm.%Ij N S 'TC Rnflrbor avinqs banR. Capital Stock. 505,000. Surplus, X1l0,000. Wo Savs a fooeoassortmenst of Center Draft, Nickel-platod Lamps, including The Reyal, The Ros~usoo 1.500,000O . Rohste and thePlaasewood, The Brlin..nd Pertofnt~. Stoosso Loampo Organized under the Generao Basking Lows any Lauofotsti oud. We con ive ou thenbst sLamopfor the Sbaos. Daf s seduon proper.identification,. C2~AMT -~~-~-WSafety doposit boxe soet. OFcosrnist bian Mackoo. Pres.;W. DGBrs'.- COME AND SEE. than, Vice-Pros.; Lhas. E. isocs, Casieris . . T, rtz, AssitnttCashier Old Number:- 4SO. MAIN ST., .sssns, svoPRSon j .AROD1sViepo1gu"'E A N eL ANN ARBOR. rMsICH. 0 0 , 4VbJ. . nHN, 2d lso.eoos SI I ______________________________ JOHN.C. Oonoo, Ass..Ca~~shSi WI Reuobeno H. OIossoyc, fCom0000 o ot sI Culendar. l({B E ( On~ iva~r -(rc ~rn~iv tPi(Blc NK siao orso ootasndoonusicarot ospnositiosn Saturday, Oct. 1Cd-Varsity vs. 'Wont- ,sithe tbo orbciteacingo.Studio e2rn0 Reoserve University. O io~o ~Wednesday, Oct. 1Sb-Varsity vs. __________-- Notre Damne University. St floeSsoot bolos so vosyomuchb-work to seaon thesomanoloino.ThiGonsiting is on good tinstrumnost, thensos a blf lout rosinhodayrood you soon are a lalyer. Buyoou ooromanoloin ot the Mousic too. lMis -Boell, odressmaokiong asnd tasils' taoil orng . 9S9PE. Ansot t. 81 For Sale.-DOse No. 118 0000w \anin- boorsoManodolin, $18, Coo $12; 1 Noo. 115 50005Washtburno bandoliso, $15, CoosUS. Botho those instrumenots asse(0:e0 aon haovernevesoSbetn ussd. Address X,ocare of Daoily. Mooderon ringleoo0000fooronent. Sosquise 727 E. otts. ane A complete line oC Adler Bros. Cooe soils at 'Wadhamns, Ryan & Roots, 200- 202 S. Slain st. WS. S. Savesoy, 'Si, bhos boon elected to theloo unto y btoooar oschoool examosinorsofo !Waoshteonaw 5onoOty'. FOUND. O Wasingotoon street, M~osnday, to largn carboon photographl. Owserscnsassloe samne by sailing at 8it N. iluronsotreet tond paying Coo thnis notice. ForsRot-One stogie room. 513" Thoopo~nst. Ratio, furance, heaot arid ligtgo; 11.22 persnook. -52. Alt claso teaswsishiog tosonter i the clas sries tootball ganmss msoot hansd thneir n amsu to noe by Wednesdtay, Oct. 1S. Managessmbost hand too a full 1ast ofthir sen by Saturday, Oct. 14. H. K. Crafts, Ass't Mgr. Mooderon sinogle roonm tororent. Snduire 727 E. Pots, ave. -1 S.G,. Ploso loliSSE, bao a poosition00 0000 a Saogiono:tbrtidge builing foos at Sol.21i- so , soichst. (Will giveo board anooltoso pleasaont sroots So thrsee studesoro teon dollars a 55eekl. A. R.T>0t T T l !)O! AVositenas asve. 1. .7, A now tine otfStonbattan Shirts just ins at Wadhamso, Ryan & Roots. See themn. S. Stairsrt. Tine Anon Arbor Musie 0o. 0000r' a tol lne otf Waldo, Ao'asinbtsn, Moartis non Brandt guitars and nmandolis. Proot. A. C. Mctsauglisnboo gone to Muskesgons on acounost ot the deathn ot hio nother. Hr slniisot seeot h lots se s this s ee. Transants a general liankssng lusoiness. School Of(Dancing MiR AND 25iiMRS.OSS GRlANGER~, I'?t'.osTOoS. ,,Bice dnt AcO odoli~Ol 132 1a hdso treont-one block Nvne5 00f50 00e.st00et0s000en. ];el, Phion e No. 2A1 U. 0f M. Barber Shop teti~ ~, and Bath Rooms. "hlltOo.5O snSall 322 State St. J. R. Trojanowski, Prop... TresTTreTTTroTroroorrorTorTso rrr.rI TTr , orIs sor T CALL.,PU SNOW LAUNDRY STATE PHONE, 520. Your laundry swashed clean antI -oell Zstarce nod boned. vtig bleachoed " and airedsantofdoors. Toyaus. j GUO'IRI4NTEE.3 5 tfTI6rFfSGT1ON. UNIVERSITY SCHOOL OF Gentlemeon's bionintclass.Monsdaoy, 4to .so Ladies' begininlass, Wed., b oo10pooo. PINK BR~OS. Instructors. 06ic nAcaademyNiekelHall,334-"3365S. Stats SPALDING'S TRADE-MARK footballS$ppllcs joofball FOR 189o The Spalding Official Inltercolleiate Fessihall' used exclsivesly by Talo', Prisoce on, IHarva rd, cennsylvniaol, onell. Piesoisr tot Cicasgo,. Mihigans,0andlevery leadngtfsoooaliiteam. Uniforms, Shoeanad Every Requinse for the Gagte. Spaoling's Ortisiat Fcoobll Guolds. Edited by WaltersCanipo, 1599 rules,wihndx ansd explanatoory sotesrorod:, photiogrophsof O leading teams50,posti00d, 1oc. loonsoooooly ilo:,. troteddCa~togue of tilSports smaildlfree. (I. G. SpalIding & Bros., New Yost: Chicago, Denoer 0. Ms MARTIN,,. FUNERAL DIRECTOR Embalming a specialty. No. 209 S. 4th, Ave. Ambulance night and day. Rs- idence 302 Fifth Ave. AGN , 9. 1, TAILORS TO MEN Exciusi ollection of S.MI Elrgeve Novelties 123 S ANST, 1j MILWARDJ, THE, NOBBY TAILOR. STATE STREET