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May 12, 1900 - Image 1

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U. of M. Daily, 1900-05-12

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Ulf> of

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f I r

G. H. WILD & CO.
We have just received our line
of spring woolens for men's
wear. It includes everything in
staples that are suitahbe. and de-
sirahie for the season. We are
also showing full ranges in nov-
elties, in quality and style to
suit the most exacting taste,
consisting of Top Coats,. Suit-
ings, Fancy Vests and Golf
Trouserings. We invite you to
call and inspect our line at
108 E. WasbirgtoQ) St.
Artistk o Aris
Materials and haveaddt
is row co plete.
uil Painss, China
adother Water Col-
and Br ses otall
Wilder's Pharmacy

Game Betwseen Freshman and Sen-
iors a Tie.
The fourth anneal open day, which
atas held yesterday afiernosa. at tir Bar-
bouir gymanasiumi, svas ussr of the most
successful evensin iithe history of tise
To the maey spectators whio filled tise
gallery ass alt ides. the ex~ercises terre a
isost pleasinsg asuenijoyable sight; tbut to
those wvio save anixiously swatclhed the
growstlsof: Wihlee sonic*J,'A XleF~arisiieist,
this open day stas nmore thoa samere ex-
hilbitions of1phy steal iraininsg. \ isen se
consider that liar Barhouir gymsnsasisima
hsas heero in existence less thasi four years,
anad that in so short a thme tse great
hare runom whlere gymsnastircsvwere first
taugiht isaaseelotped itufuse offlces ansd
hesautifsui paroles; tisat a spaeios anase
swell-eqtuippieet gynasium shas gross-itp
inits ste ead; that, hesides alt these a
hune liictueoomahas heena addeed,ave
cainnot faistoinadmaire te indeefatigahle
still ithatihis i biroisghst ahoustthese
elianiges. For it his Iseenathsrousghs ter-
si'ssst effors, t-alis o mucshhas bhens
acecomipli-s~cd;saldstats- hlousghs siany
thing areyet l slin, for te first timle
tits this-toiy is te siuias~uiiiinear rail-
Th lpriograliim0orectdswithte grassd
starch, ledibyhy iss _Mauste Daley assis
MlisiBerthiasStusart. tiwas isaspretty
sight-te sel-trainted senliors i hi
Wht <it, ,vsthisheasericet anida
isilitars. hetritng andttile sliretisids
fre1sitenis. deckaed its ile, 1s itiss estlopen
lass tears.at sewt andtsleIaltogetier rot-

_________ ________________electexpi ee. ste mict eceased anitt
TEL For several weess we havethelengiilinsevantithed, te crowd est
TH OD beenslaingin asstackleorslit
boas, and trw ate readty wish gallerleasatswitshsaspplasea, trovitaa
REIA LEa ieasnd rTOBACCO. LNHSC-tile auienesssrul-Is gn
EtmistS A tS'ntGAt.TY. A lesson it Swhsedishsgymsicslri-
R . E .IJ aL L Y $t& CO. lowae,wicislone esf theimposrtanst irs-
_______________________________ tilesif tir yas imtiiwaonra, beisig its
valtitblein s tatissy sawiftnss in
thouts anliteel n.
To P oto rafer irhedussbtshell exereises assistpole
To hotgra her srutl of the first yearclals stNverr el
eloise ansd gavea evidenice of carefulisni-
Mr. 1B. J. tHolcombe, represttling t structions.
th aianasures f'VitLOX"'
still gist apsuslir demstreationsi .hisTranics Boynitons,'03sisedic, sir-
oritinlg ad deselopinge, is lighstredthe ausdience wisiti erskailfiul
NEWBERY HAILL exiiitiossCf cuiswaisigisng.
'Tile fanscy stetps assetclimbishbell srutls
FRIDAY, MAY,. 1 1, 7:30 of the senior classesa aere perhaps the
Te sahiel yeuad alin ternstld irettiest features of tir afternoona. Not
friensareisivited. Brieg your osly awere liar classes fortunsate isa tie
pet neaivee adhave a pintsmaeed electioss of their exerciseslusttary
sTRote is WRTHsansA POUtttOa execreted themisthalsagrace asid squick-
ARUEN.neatass ich iay tacitbe eni-ed,
CALKINS' PHARMACY Thsatiffesrset insds of u-orlk nlighst be
324 SO. STATE ST. conducteteein sectionss. Whilete freas-
rope-jtuminsig, hoomwokaonesd jousrneys
A n- A I L 0n5the gisat stride, liar sesiors sid somse
B AM S E ~ finronohelartrav-ellisag risngs.
In liar hasktenbalt goal ltsroawisngross-
AND test, for attins there awere tancve entries,
exieenst rass higha. Earls girl wvas at-
iQ01F GO~e lotted five tharows frost a six-foot liac,
iwhere earls hasktie counited our, and tse
samte nusmser froma a twseve-foot lint
ALSO A LARGE STOCK OF whiere liar hasktedcousstedl doue.eFor
somer timse, else freshssmess lead isa tir
J """ cntet;hut isa tse second trial, frossatlia
twelve-foot line, list sesiors easer off
victorious. Miss Florence Bowen was
In New Styles and Patterns the hseroiner, cashing thrrr baskets in the
first trial and two in the second. The
prizer was a hint silk Michigass banner,
presented hy Miss Snyder.
lAII~JD'QProbably the event 'of the greatest in-
V VA I 1 terest was the game of basket 'ball be-

ttrest freshmensansdasenisaors Never ta-
fore ad liar freshmenrs atemaped to play
agaist schi tsprior sill;andass sa-
imutchasathtie sesior trait is our of ti-
finstlini tir counstry, tey aere avry
douthful abot that isse. Te first
hlst of tse gamie, wshichs nas a very x-
citisng onr. resslte ii a score of 2 to o,
ini faaor of the sesiors. Ii spite of tir
excellesntwarkon ssbohs sides, sohintg
teas chiefly ini tar seior court. At at
tir.freasens succeeee isageting tlia
haliatoiatile hosme court and throug
fure ashet aworlesawo 1poitsawere scored.
Insasmsucrh as te fondest hopes of tar
freshimsenahatt bees to score respecably,
tacy-aterr jubiantasvcc thur reult. Bots
teamss are desertissgas great praise for
their sklsleed aork.
Altogether tir afterrsoon uas a sorer
of mucsuhsenjoymisett, osd alo of isstruc-
tout us slusataithg strk doie trogh-
asiutilhe year isa lia gymnsuasiuims, The oe
tinsgawhicha thur exthitoiscannuot ret-at
to spectators i s tir great fire exercised
by tile instrctoras i ei idis as-chofre.
Nos girt rulers. tir gmnsasiumil withouot
twvosloroughlsexamsinatsionussasdh ter sir
a lpeatureoigslur y-ar is thkeatita
carefslly istes.d C.riat c-dud fortlist
isathfufnsis dusicDr.'itosheslupaer-
intiendenett hy clisrcinii the
The effects as careflshtrinig ani
festedshstrs sghsste til exci dss are tir
Highestrisste 5to te isltsuctdrsilss
Alice f. Si astr silt aill 'radute tsicst
aeast fismithe miedhicalsellaistet, assis
nau'is ite : I Abrhg col
Acuquets Cus Cic Btassirhseis was
presentieud eacii th irsofte yst-
nlasiumsi, a slight toIkci of thesistreca-
tion wshic hi slt feel.
Press Censor For Maroon.
tipres, censor is tir ltaisst sastirc
romsed5c~ forthstaffof the faulti of
tile lUiver-sity- salChiceago. Thur isiscre-
liosn1ass tir tarecal le editors of slur
Dlai-y Marooni tssublisiie thest ntilc
bsosel, wshcstessusendsedlcircultionsaiilech
nsdatly- igh, is ltar causesf srthprail-
tar. Thle cittrsrof ueAMarooni as rcosse
thur prsoposedetitdeitin, ass they- tre asx-
ousatos'havtte sirpsaeronaasfirstsibasis,
ataselasvindsicae tharscsseas inthsureyes
f tirespsbsic assistare eadt o go ache to
their scissors ansd ipaste undselrtesluse-
tersisiosn of a membeshr of thur facely,
swho asill act asitpress cinsor. This atass
seciedesd uon aidas meeingsofathue Maroons
staff ysterreay msornig.
Parties wh io had sgsned cntracs for
"as"s'isa tir Maroons aterr iscensee yes-
tereday, andsiet .houslghu they got their son-
ey ack they densouncedetsu college start.
ThurUsnivrsity of Chicago Wekley
msade its regular apprancse yesterday,
sect itsan edioria praisethstar Maroasa
for ft briliant o, btlamenusuted liar
fact tat it cansged 50o50011 fromssuaroots
to yellowv andtess susede-Ttmes-
Lectures in the Summer Session
Dturinsg use continutanceof liaresumser
sessions of tlaweedepartmaent of liar Uni-
versity the folowineg letures saile
giveun,swhichs wil be free to all students
of liar summuaer sssonss:
Expasioss and the Costittion, Pro-
fessor Bradley Ma. Thonmpson; The San-
iedrins. Professor Jerome C. Knowlton:
The Hlabitual Cisial, Judge Victor H.
Lane ; The Rght of a Teacher to Inflict
Corporal Punishmsent, Professor Eiso F.
Johnsoun; SonarEenments of the Trust
Probletm, Professor Horace L. Wilgus;
The Torrent System, Professor Janes
W Brewster.

Senior ILaws Plan a Coole Dai Ban
Than sesionlay catsset yetrdy
fornsoons andsdopetoed a plusnsuitted
hy is'hanqitet commsaite 50 doa awayait
tir cusatomary senior class. banqut ad
'sbstitute ini its place a new adcqute
farmsidable ssndrtakinsg. The class pro-
poss to ihod a ie "dollar aqut rust
outh strsamae order as thurasquets. of
lhis lindetgiae nthelarlarge cities by- tia
political paties.. Plates awilhbhrlidietfor
300 andselun isctioss aibehelard ithta
Womsat's gymnssasiumtison ltareeigyof
Wednrsday, Atlay 23rd, whics is he day
set aside as 'Cooaey Day-'isa than last de-
parstmuest. Thin pan is to ciii out alt
speches hy class msembaers asd its their
strait substssiuetaddrsssly-promsinrnt
staritsh legal as-rd. The Cooey Day
exerises sod msetng of thur Satr Bar
Assotatiosn i Cinsnn ror assthin 23rd
waill srnug a niuer of smestof snatioa
repuatoasto thin city,asd tar snsirs
asill tot osly- isitsr these gesttmnisa to
he presenst assetspak,. ibu5tilt also i-
avic thi ntsire lose ftculty to sted.
The tsrla1n is to maktihis eventan a alut
afairt s o n sduscte lby thinsnior ats
class eacrtsyealr. It is a st of thi ar-
ratigeiie-ssto lo h uiranasetfresh-
men us.hs-es. tauiiteIcii tireibanqueit,
and af.tier tesnos aeprssedss
scat t hine ist ills.iibieopesed to thin
low er li-es scrt snirsIaeals-
reads iouhtisi tsandatpreset it
1ooss assifth ie comitittee asieusisle
to supspy thesemahnasd ou snt s.. Word
hia coeatehistispisssbalthboit40ttets.
wa i he wathed ha Dciirat Bar sinusws-Io
asl ie hrnductesetonsa simagnifienhtain
tmit s succeesse s asreadsy assusrse. 'fle
spseaksers. ad comittesses. aill e ta-
nunsssed ini asfest-ciy.
6000 Tops Sold.
Thinsesion lastss.'stonest someithinig
sten they-iaugurateethtie tepspinninitg
At first isas. a fad asmaog thursu-
lTsnthin smallstbhy causgt out suet it
hecamuse ss masia.
Thirsthungtrls, than c-eds.ad somse of
thur instsructors. tole it tisi,std it is thur
A young 5ersons witout a tots is.ltee
a fishi out of water. Dr to not ia i.
Es-ry raenutty siter ssuer crowds
cns he seenuuits rot of every ordusg
pslacec inishun city std tltare ent onsoue
thing-spinnintps 0. Ina act than tthe
city is ist a whtir oser thur toy. Fathers
get sot adtetachthsuryougidesosto
spin. Mothers ole admiringly ons.
fSrngers sand aghast and thikithre
are as. msanuy "'wheels" ithsurciy- as there
are lops.
At canvass watsmuade yserdy of he
diffenee tlntty-shop~s and stores wheare
tops cousld hr foetnd P-1+attnsubser
swhicht earlslas sold this spring esas
ascertainsed uisisthin folowiung reslt:
JoistsHarr....................1. ,500
Maice & Co .... ... ............. 250
1lasasarog ........... ,300
Markhanm's Bazaar .... ..........,50o
Sheehan c& Co.............. oo
Sechleede ...... ............. .. ioo
Missalovnth..... ..............6,150
This means that, at five ents each,
over $325 has been blown in on tops.

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