, -4 THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY _.. , GO LF OUTFITS -If you want.. DRIVERS, BRASSIE DRIVERS, IXLEEKS, MILL IRONS, LOFT- ERS, PUTTERS, CADDIE BAGS AND GOLF BALLS......... 1 1 1 i The splendidhtraiment ef the Spring peeps foorth." It is with a feeling Of pride which we think pardonable that we invite, year early inspection of our new line at Spring and Saummeer otfferingsejast receiced, 'treeth and tempt- ing aa the ancu eavt sore Natatret-r" erial etory. Oce 3! 00 patterns from the Leading Tailoarsat the Warld. Suite and Oveecaats.. Tailor made to your measure at the pricerat the Hand-mr-down.... L. C. GOODRICH. Agent for the best Tailors an Earth. Frant Roam acer Fleet National Bank, Ann Arbo Crescent Orient Sterling Bcg~sFowler M. STAEBLER'S iseq West CYCLE E11PORIUM Washington Street D. RI TINKE1R & SON~ HATTERS AND FUIRNISHERS Headquartera for HTSr, CAPS, MaN'S FUrInatnS and Complete lineaof GymAsruxtat GOaDa and SWEATERa. AGENCY FOR LONGLEY HATS 334 Sauth State tagee + Car. Rain and Haean Streets. Capitat, $50,000. Sarplae, $30,00m. Transacte general hanking husinees. tB, KEnxrF,Free. C. E. GRENEa, Vice-Free FnED. H. BaLSER. Cashier. t IRST NATIONAL DBANK OafAnn d16 Capital, 6100,lO0. Surplasanad Frofta, 840,00 Transaets a general hanking husiess. Foreign eachange hoght and raid. Fureniah letters at eredit. S. D. KINNE, Free. HARRISON SOULE, Vice-Free. S. W. CLARKSON Caskler The6 lnnfRrbor Savings Bank Capital Stack. $50,S0t. Sarpluso$,000eO. Resaarces. $t.500.000 0rganized ander the tGenerat Banking Lawei af thea State. Receivea depatits, hays and mles exhange an the principal cities at the Ignited you cRn find them at I Sheehan's DO You $P4OKE ? "We carry the largest assortment of all makes in the city. Our clerks are up to date Golfers, E."nd will gladly give you any in- ,1ormation desired in the pur- chase of outfits. TWe are Ann Arhor Agents for the following well-known cluhs: 'WILLIE DUNN, -McGREGGOR, HARRY VARDEN, SPAULDINGS and MORRISTON. bring your old Golf Balls and ex- change them for new. Seehani& Co. PROMOTERS OF GOLF, sznSO. STATE ST. ANN ARBOR, IlCH of 1'M Barber VAPOR BATHS The Only Oaasia 'Shop and Bath the City. Rea- soaablr e ra. ROOHS, 322 STATE. J. R. Tralaanakt BICYCLES REPAIRED PRICES REASONABLE e are agecas tor the tamoas DAIYTON 1BICYCLE Callatadenamaitne. Dental tolsmaaafao- tred aad repaired. IWM. J. WENOER, 113 E. Liberty, New Phone 553 I r _c a - 4 Pittsburg Stogies fot 6 Bill Anthony CigarsfR 4 Brunswick Cigat-s for- Old Number: 44 S0. MAIN ST., ANN ARBOR. MICH. - -- 5c YE - - - 25c - - 25c DEAN & CO. II Sahtfe~tv .depoit boxc.,es.oret t A Remarkable Operation. A reamarkable operatiC-i owas iperfortoed at the Merry Hospital ott Saturday by Dr. Sztidrawski aooioted by Drs. Ellis and Ritte. The operation is technically known as laparotonmy, a cattinog throoght of the wcallo of te obdomteno. It ovas performed for the purpose of remoovinog a large tunmor owiich has existed for a lotig period. The psatient owas a Polish woimatn, lotng residet in the city atnd is reported to be progressintg favorably towards re- covery. Thte growvltowticho bad assutmed s-cry large proportiotns, wiltlibe sent to psathiological departmsent at Attt Arbor for psreserv-ation. Dr. Szutdrmvskoi is a yototg Polisht thysician recetly establishted itt Mantis- tee, whio began te study of medieine at bhe University of Wlarisawsacidtompltteted Isis sltdies at Antn Arbor attd oilier ovell- tetoso-tinstitutionos in tttis eountr.- 11ltisti-c-Dily Yates, lMar17. A new line of Mannattan Rhirts juat in at Wadhama, Ryan & Reul e. See them. S. Main st A Wotman Sttffrage cottventtiott is to be held itt Newvberry tall, Friday atnd Saturday. Mayiiatndiu12. Thee seers will be Rev. Atnta H. Shtoatoad Mrs. Mlarthta E. Root. M'iss IHarriet Mills istaager. Admtission free sritht acl lections after ite addresses. LOST-DARK red poeketbook con- taining $24.00, twvo Choral Union tiekets attd sonte receipts. Call at 910 Corttoell place and receive reovard. 65 GRADUATION FEE. All canodidates for a degree in June are requiested to pay the graduation fee at onte on accouant of the linmited timte itn whiichs to prepare the large tumtiber of diplomtas., JAMES H. WADE. Calendar. Friday, May ii.-Fital Ctip Debating contest at roonm B, lawc builditig, 8 p. mn. Saturday, May 12-Michigan vs. Chi- cago at Marshall Field, Citicago. Saturday, May I2.-Ann~ual tradekumeet at Regettts' Field. Satttrday, May IA.-Engineering ban- qtiet itn Hangsterfer's ball at 8 p. to. May 17-19.-Seventh annual May Festival. W~edntescday, May t6.-Free coticert un- der atuspices of Knight Tetuplars at Uni- v-ersitv tall. Wednesday, May 23.-Mlieligan v. D. A. C., at Regents' Field, 4 P. lM. Thursday, May 3i.-Michigan v. lli- ttois, at Regensts' Field, 4 p. li. The iEiectoral College of tite Sotudenots' Lectitre koociiio 0iiwiltMeet itt rooms9, Uiversiity tail, Saturday mtortnitig at to o'ctoik. Alt electocsmtotttpresent cre- dentti als. L\F AYETT ZE Y OU NG, Pres. Otir facilities for repsairintg, refiittig, stud uptstetring catttot ie ottrpassed. Outr lite of cooveritngs sucht as Silk Da- mtask, Velotur, attd Tapestries oct11 coim- lpire woithi tte bstassortmcetsinlthc city of Detroit or Toledo. MARTIN H ALLER, Catripets, Fiurntiture attd Drapteri. 66 EXCURSIO TO TOLEDO. !CratidtOpenitng LatbelErie Parfk aiti Casino. Suttnday May soils, the Atin Arbor rail- road ooitl give an excuiont by special traiti to Toledo attd returnt. Trainitlt1 leave Ann Arbor at 10 :25 a. n. Fare for ithe rotttd trip, 73 cenits. Ontthiat dlate the Lake Erie t-ary attd Casino, Ite moost attractive suttmtmer resort it thtl ovest atnd the pride of thte Cetotettiial city, will be opetted owitha attentertainm~oent thtatr alotte oill be ovorthithie lirice of att cx- cttrsiotn ticket. Doitttomiss it. r IT SUITS THE TASTE f~ur pure fruit juices and delicious Ice -Cream-the chief of summer beverages -AT- HANGSTERFER'S, .sco E. Washington SL. 3i6 S. Stale St. :TIry The... NORTH SIDE LAUNDRY THOS. MOWS, Prepr. 1003 Broadway. 457 ell Fhone 9 i ;. OFFICEnS: Christian Mack. Fees.;W. D.Henri" man, Vie-Fres.; Chas. E. Rierack, Cashaer; M. J. Frite, Assistant Cashier W. J- BOOaTe, PnES. W. ANOLDe, 1tlVie-per ~ lS T J. V. SaseHAn,2d Vice-preys fl IV JsN.aC.WALTZ, Asst.Canhier IVN . BRINK Transacts a general Banking Business. -Salters at t~.- COLLEGIATE CAPS, GOWNESoad HO ODS, - Rno~tng at i CAPE at~d GOWNSa, E1 EPECIOLTY. GLARE COINES. _COLLECEI FLAGS, CL5gSS PIPER, CLAES STATIONERY, j COLLEGE PINE, COLLEGE EPECIALTIES WO. KERN & CO. alt E. Fifty-Seventh St. CIiCAGO, ILL. G IA Tfl lo "A slice to pipeful" SY C one reason Pipe A Tobccoe - why Old En. gush Curve Cut pipe to. bacco is so S popular.. . The curved in box that fits any pocket is another reason. No other pipe tobacco has ever made as many friends in so short a time. It disappoints no one." Atrial box will be gent to any one anywhere en receipt of ten cents is stamps. Address Old English De. partment, The American Tobacco Co., III Fifth Ave., New York City. All dealers sell it. SPALDINGS Official Jllblctic 6oods Offiially adopted hy the lnading Callegea, Schaosaned Athlnaia Cluhs of the Casntry. EEnRREQaSIEOR.. Bane Renti Tannin Feet Malt Athletics Gelf Gymnasium Spalding's Official Leagae Ball Ithn Offciat Hall at the Ratianal - League aad all leading callege aasa- aeaatn. SpaldingesBaseBall Gaide Ian 1900, l0c Hadom ata c e A. G. Spalelis & Bros. af/AthaletcSrt ee p any address. NEWsORK,gCICmANVE. SPRING WOOLENS OPEN FOR YOUR SELECTION I l i c c A new line oig Manhattan Shirts just c In at Wacdhams, Ryan & Reule. See them. Sauth Main street. As complete lint- af Adler Bras. tine suits at Wadhama, Ryan & Reule, 100- WANTED-Young nd with bicy- 202 5. Main at. cles to canvass the. slate for Michigail newspaper during sumumer vacation. The Ann Arbor Music Co. have Liberal terms to right nmen. Best of some inducements to otter etu- refereatces required. Address "N" Daily dents on table board; also one suite affice. 67 of rooms. 3 31 sa A 1 e Opening of Spring Woolens.... Woolens for the coming season have arrived, the mast extensive line ever produced here is spread on our tables and now open for you to make selections. We have made every preparation to trictly retain the previous ntandard af our tailoring and to promptly nerve our patrons. We solicit your inapec- tion at an early date. WAGNER & CO., Tailors, 123 South Main Street. 7 I- f , I m I + ' SPRING OF 1900 MILWARD