THE UNIVERSITY Or' MICHIGAN D)AILY. 3 r- -T S ST'S.=Z "'_ /_ 1_ /_ l'_ t'_ /_ /"'- 1 r- /- /'- /_ - f-' - /'=r EQULIY COUNTS wheu you buy-See that you get it-If we can- not show you better styles and quality for the mioney, when you buy neckwear, don't buy-Null sed-50c to $2- QOODSPEED'S 117 South Main Street. T TIT T T : Ii L -r- ° '-' '_T'_ 'T_' T T T ..:T'"T- .-_ -- - ==_k.T T --T - S - 5. S_ T .i'_ 'TJ-T- -T-n-T-- -'-!- T T - F; MICHIGAN C E'U . 'The Niagara Falis Route. CENTRAL STANDARD TIMEI. , Taking Effect April 19, I19:. %\;:. Dietroit Night Exprss ........55A.X Atlantic Expressa............74" - Grand IRapids Exprecs......110 ;) Mail and Express. ........ 7Pa. NII N. Y. Boston Special ........... N.45 Fast Eastern ..........94 Mtall and Express. ........84 Boston, N. Y. and Chicago....". i..i0L Fast VW etern Express ........13r.lI G.ER. and Kal. Express .......54 " Chicago Night Exprecs.......943 PacificExpreeca.... ..12 0 A. . Steamsahip Tickets, all Casses, to ad ft tao European points at lowest reetes. Fail letor mation on application. OW. ROOGLES. H3.W, Havo. n G. P.&T. Ag't,Chicago. A0!,t .Ann Arbor. ii - , F. SC TAB_. Tai..t ttfcit~, .sass I , t, 1899. Te,s., ILoztiAita A:-! -r yentralittand- S0OUTH11NORTH *Nto. t6~.-7-) A. . 2o,1 -- 0:565, 1 No. 2-It t 1 S . N).5 -';:1 ,, No 4 .-- t o..--4- ' iNo. 101.--t8:0.5. m,55 ' 1 II .1 isA.h *Ruuc bet~e-Ara oS %1Bd'UiFl All trains dt eec B J t~undays only W H.Pt. IN N1."1 . 1 5Etg Detroit, Ypsilanti anda1Antn Ar- Las officers bot Railway.held at Catrr leave for DerlctiNitd 101ilitinetxly( every half cur, eegillcit,e 7:1 a. m.1arbus anti-' 7:45 p. m.;After 1: aoIDetroat ira r at 8:45 p. m., 9:45 p. II Waiting recta, cc~rn-:,junitor: ata ,Detroit. 111 (rit- v- Withef S COUPON NO. ONE. retary, This ceupon pretested tsouaceCoualee ds o tort wills aPicsClas Ticketretadistg ony ofG disaectsever te Wabah Railroad, cwil beard, enitle iholder so altrer teat itoureat tttial lanti lRelining Chtair Cara. Theyaei al risevice to Buftalo, Niagara Plls, NEW Fit. York City, Kanss City, St. Louis antd altlaunfille local points. lBreakfaslAnn Abor-Stup- pee St. Leaist. Wa tItI H' R. S. Greenwood, 1. P. A., Rcule St Adams SI.,ChicagoIl.t $3.0e. Fer HOCKaING VALLEY Ryl cviia 4 TRAINS DAILY 4 Fur: Between Tolsdo aad Colaahas, asing Union depot in both cities. Through Sleeper to Washington and Baltimore. beDt GREAT RAILROAD 320ob THEF HOCKING VERLLEY Ste. Write asect L. W. LANDMAN, Woats, 11 W. Fort St, Detroit. Wd h THE BEST MAKES OF ei bier, the liJhbtographer. Mandoins dll -- Gu11itars S U HL EEl' S Such asJosephBohhmn', Wahaanaa'. ~U1L LU~ and Brno'sare onasale at thw TEMPORARY SshaoDerie Music Store i W. Liberty, only 2 doors from ac's Corner Hjave You 100 8TUD1"DNT8 YVV11NT5Db seen orPOOCEANFi thigout-oly p lace in the Proftit. Qiclk Sales A goodtilway to make money tisotsummer. where yucanos get them. HLEEDE, - - - - - 340 South State SPEGIAL RA 1S8TOSNOR - IF-L D Th16 Bcrumao Studio u I F L112 W. Huran St. N. S. Phae 118 I va e of the ity.A MOST EXQUISITE TOOTH PASTE Whitee, beatife, and prcoreeo the RC,:-$FELD, 106 EAST hUR N ST EETteeth. CHF -L~ 16 E ST - U OI' ST EETANTISEPTIC AND VERY PLEASING TO THE -- - - -TASTE. not eiq Societi Elects Oic~ers Last Lecture e .{oi tetan Guild All druggists 25 cents, or by mail upen evednceg th annuaill eetoion at ciin . receipt f price. sof tie Entgintering Soity was Dr. GW. . IMDa cl, at New York C. S DENT 8c CO., Detroit,l Mich. ad tose abhotre to runitsil affairs ear twere cosenrl. eloe the reg- City, whlit deiver. te lst . slyat, ;mess Iteetiethtie story o tie ast- Gilidt lettre ortehils yar 1\. p. takby ttythe nachiatnicocluring E. cttrchltott Snday eve . xsa itig to~; Was. tottold by twootahe casmate in college olMr. )J-..aso Pivtelestoconsandacig by Te.or s awit were cwih tie paty. Mr. Io raer-Lesons hem ott~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~h cittotlblitblteitgoiost deligted hin attdtctc 00it its tcotcshea, 1.00. O01c, Rsi- t]lotwing 10011 were eleced, their lecturetwlo ees, ago. For e years ece and Acdemy oa Maynard 5.. at office to begin witil next year. Dr. McDowell oa. chancellor at Detver lentl Jno. C. Parker, eol of Detroi; Uiesiys e i epcially fitted to____________________ resident, A. H-. Benectt, '2, atUlvesf 50i it, corresponding secretary, A. E. speako to an adience to a college oan. READ THE DAILY.- nb, 01t, at Fentont; reordicg se- Ie has taon fot is oubecct"Titc Bible- R. H. Meril, 'o2, at Grand Rtp- in Lieratre and Lie." ptl[ 0( £ Fit;H librarialn, V. L. Pag 03 , D na n -and Raiids;echairmaant tfIIt ic SUMMER WORK. 5,1 t JUIV A. H. MDougal, 'a, oatS5psl We are ferng for a ew odrsfr treasurer. B. \W. actl, 'b2, of lviihbetarinbtoc ISale Cesko, The office at tegiat.a ittet dents. The emplyment is ci r sle , d untis i sane ttttttO 10. to a presidential campaig ld W ' .ealn garanty given and pizesoftIf s ides W .Ar.nodLd~ ard hats at Wadic u, Ryan at salay mtade. WVrite r cll as sects as Jeweler ,. est hat cOR lie market at possible. TeMs o 200-202 N&Sain t. E. J. McLAUGHLIN, TeMaCopete Line ot -66 3327 Wilmoit St. LOWNEY house cleaning ae recmmnend C O OA E cr Cedarine poish and ur lace Puritan Shes.-Up-to-date hape. C O OAE in sretchet. Yell oil find boihIbh ic nb on o yotl good work. We have recently hipped several old U T .E' MARTIN HALLER, mahoatilt nieces to Detroit owhich we citre, Carpet antd Drapery Sore. scaped, finished and polished or parties 38S tt t fi6 residintg tere. Wse tink this is the 38S tt t. best recmtmnendaiion we can ask or OM MATN. of M. banners large and small can MARTIN HIALLER'S 0.M MATN. amned r will be made to order a fit Furniture Store. Slate st. Mr. Fingerle.FU E A __________- WANTED-Two reserved seas fr FUERALR denta are cortdially ivied to in- May Fesival. Address E. X., are DR C O our coete lines oilsoits, ver- Daily. 62 Embalming a specialty. No. 200, S. 4tke mnas furnishiangs and hats. Ave. Ambulance night and day. R- sata, Hyatt -- Raeule, S. Main at. Puritan spring shoe.-See them. t dence 302 Fifth Ave. 4woe~s frtWrnun 3.50 Watch our Windows .... 110 E. HURON ST i _I(T L '7Z '7-STS T '11" .--. _ SPRING SHIOES AIND OXFORDS NOW IN I un ~~~-aENC IffU ElTED~RL Embalmer and "'~ I Eaat Willham Street lIW f-iI The ,UII MLLIL1Funeral uerlDirector Unfiversity Joot one-half lack west E I IIIII I ABR Mrs Enoch DiaterelLady AssitantI. Jo a ulig"Alt hinds 7aFn O~fi~fNTEBS fSTISfiGTIO . Na. Fourth Aye, Both Phone ls. Sh e ho ofrPra 13st. WE PATRONIZE GOODYEAR'S DRUG STORE