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May 11, 1900 - Image 1

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U. of M. Daily, 1900-05-11

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d107 a1l

VOL. X. ANN ARBOR, MICR., FRIDAY, MAY 11, 1900. No. 166.

G. H. WILD & CO.
We have just received our line
of spring woolens for men's
wear. It includes everything in
staples that are suitable and de-
sirahle fr the season. We are
also showing full ranges in nov-
elties, in quality and style to
suit the most exacting taste,
consisting of Top Coats, Suit-
ings, Fancy Vests and Golf
Trouserings. We invite you to
call and inspect our line at
108 E. Wasbirgtop St.
Artist the stock e oArt
Mateilfeone Wet-
lmi'1 eeceBooktStore
isnw cmplete
Oil Paits, China
and othe Wate Col-
and Bushe of all
Wilder's Pharmacy
THE OfLD Fo eealweeks we have
bUL een layig in s stock foe the t
asfll t lineo LUNC9ES Cs-
To Photographers
M. B. J. Hocnmbe, repesenetig
the tmanufactrerscof "X'LOX,"
will1 gie apbli demonsotatio
of printig and developinig, a
FRIDAY, MAY 11, 7:30
To swhic yn and all inteestd
friend ae ied. Bring yor
pet negatve and haepit made
theefron. Ac ouseCiEnoDEON-
In New Styles and Patterns

Second Annual Cup Debate Between
Webster and Adelphi Societies.
The second chacmpionsslip debate for
the Detroit Aiumni Associatin trophy
cup will take pice in aco lecture room
B, toniglt at Seo p. e. Tie con-
testing teamss being enin he Webster
society of lacy department acdlie Adl-
phi society of the literary deparimen.
Tier aluinci cup whichicisi a mcagificent
tropihy cup fifteen inches lhigh was pre-
sented to tie Oratorical Association lot
year by the U. of M. Ateumci Association
of Detroit. It is to ibe contested for an-
nusaly in a series of snter-society de-
bates, lie cecmnbes of lie oininig team
of each year to have their nanes en-
graved upon it and teir society to hold
te trophy for lie succeeding college
year. t cisc cnd of tcenty years it is
to becone the permcaect property of
the society whose representatives have
won it lie reatr nuber of times. Last
year the championship was won by the
Jeffersonians society of tie law depart-
ment. This year Webster acd Adephi
by virtue of victoy over the Alpha N,
and Jeffersontian societies wiii strgge
foc possessiona of sle trophy.
Thce questions to e debated is "Re-
solved ctha cisc noic of Great Britaiin
icc ciscTracsaatl sjustifiabe. Webster
wiii be rciprsented by Msrs. Stracsky,
Downcincg asc Irrice;.Adclphi by .sc.
illtis, .'Matewvs acd Dccc y. lie
judiges ccii e -conikLoge ccidiF. MW.
Robbinis of Detroit, and Dr. A. B. Pres-
cott of Anni Arbor. A presiding ofice
ccie sentlsutiii h ie Detroit Auicc
Asoeitioicand wittiproably eleiriher
Mr. Earle Babsct or Edivics Demiy
No adicisioic fe wilt e carget ad
t sexpectedithailit ii,.acdawsilccitutrn
outl ice great niiiibers to encourage their
reert ice :camis.
Basket Ball Teams.
Occc of the proienit feaiures of Dipeni
Day cil ie a batked blttigaime'
betwveenisaniors acd freshmni. LastI
year se senir plyed against ci coii-1
bused force of sopihomorec asse fresmen
bet neer before ave tic freshmencicaoiie
atitemiiedt to copeteieth i such supierior
There haece hc ire fresihmiencteamis'
practicing thitic ar, cisis Miss Made
Dairy, Miss Mitnnieic MCorcicictand
Miss 5Foreince Hedges coachincg. Fromc
ihese tree eamcs tte freshenec have
selected snie players to comcpete for tens-
oct today. Athtoughc te freshmcencealmn,
is not over-confidient concernincg vicory,
it hs every reasocn o be proud of its
players, who, cosiderieggcisc shurt ticee
they have practiced, pclay remarkably
lice senior tease is proiably onie of lie
strongest ice lie contry. Its members
are all actice in atletics asci are welt
acquaintedI wih lie gameeinccllottchd-
nicaities. T'he tease is coicposee of lie
Misses Daey, Stuart. Hedges, Bowen,
Minnie McCormeick, Nelie MCormeic,
Wood, Smith and Raycmond.
'Those cvho will oppose the seniors are
lice Misses esent, Bailey, Voorhee,
Chase, Chubb, Thompson, MNerney,
Schieids acd MKinney.
Varsity Meet aturdal.
Thce neet of next Saturday, which
gives pronmise of beg the scut success-
ful Michigane lis had, is arousing great
interet among followers of ahletics.
It will be the only ciance for themn to
get a real line oni the teame before the
inter-collegiate meeet acd frons present
appearances it looks as though a large
number of spectators will be present.
Thce events in thenmseves wil be close
and interesticng. Leiblee, Nufer, Brett
enbach and Wesfal in lice oo yard
dlash wil furnish a race that hos never
never been equaed on Regents' Field and
the same holds good of Teetel, Hayes,
Berrel and Nufer in the quarter. The
same nmen as in the ioo yard dash will
also compete in the 2ao nd an exellett

race is to be expected. Michigan is
exceedingy strong in thee weigt events
tsfs year, Seigmcund holding hic own in
Sthce siot pt, chile Avery and France are
pretty wel tied for ,hocors in lie hac-
ser throcw. France threw' te discus 18
feet 6 inchees Thursday, wvichci if doce ice
compceeition old lave broken the
trecord. Tice presect estrn Iter-
-colegiate record is maz feet.
The ihandicap Sorority race ciuc-
doubedy be of interest. The soror-
ities ciii r represented by cisc folocing
ceecsscho cwileear teir colors:
Hayes, Kappa Apha Theta.
Teetzeel, Ganmna Phi Beta.
Leihice, Delta Delta Delta.
Nufer. Sorosis.
IMcLeacn, r-.appa Kappa Ganmna.
Wesfal. Deta Ganmma.
Breitenbaci, Pt Beta Phi.
The band wilt be out to liven uip af-
fairs and an addiion rettrns ciii be re-
ceived frocmetlie Cicago-iciigan
Minstre Seats are Going ast But a
c enw Good Ones are Let.
Thce reserced seal chart for the Mis-
steel shocw cos opecned at Sheehan's yes-
terday mcorcnicig. Te sae of eas evs
brisk anld before evecnig over haf of
the seats woere takecn. Most of those
that hacve beecn takecn are lie ihiger
priceitoces ini the parquet. Tis sections
anth ie frt oco of se dres circle has
bee recerv ed at ocec dottr. Te re-
tmaindcer of thie docci stairs seats cilte
reservedi at seentiy-fiv e cets a piece.
Secveral of te fraterities citt atendin
ai ody. Mot of tese hiockied off their
seats early-. ecsnear the stage a pos-
site. esidsetuethere treci einumler
ofi dsirablce 'ects left. Ifitsiproiale that
tiese ciltltle talkenibeefcre thec cndiof
erice. Yesterdiaicccw01rccccs.reec-ci
frcimia p'ely othelisDtritsic liiui, re-
elitincihtcicnuhmerof sat iehloic-
cfffo ticem.icIi aconsircie numbiler
atendicifromitiicii towncc catoi eite lilec
coid'cisrin g te fit iiiat the KnCigh
Teiciiltr conocionouancd 'ity-Fetivali
cccert-s ccill trccodseas cill
ie ateacpremiucmibilisore5nisxt cceki.
Complimnentartj Retal.
'lendceredi tie'.GrandiCoicmiii'erc- of
ice State of 'Miciganmiiy- lieUniciessity
Schoocil1of Mulics Uniecisity hial, 'lies-
dea, Mayciei 1.8ho lo
"Onc the Cos. (Fourii Iour Pi-
ures. No ) .. .... ...-Bck
MI. LisrletcynL Remmvc t.
Sy-mphmoncuic Etuds..c ...Slimcamu
(Ini ills formc of Vrat itons).
Mcr.iAlberto Jona.c
"'ithleVerdumreicld"fon "Tier
Creationm ..... . .....Haydme
Miss Aice hGm Bailey
c. Thueion..... cWlecholmec
Mr. Timenwcc ick cco, n
a. "XIlet liees but ome"..-Srass-Tausig
b. Tuishictm Mrris frotm thur "Ruins
of Athemns," . .Beethcovent-Rubinsteinc
c. Vase its C sharp mior. Abeto Jonas
d. 'Toccata ..... ...... ....acme Liszt
rRhaosie No. 6...Franc Liszt
Marcl, "Jeannue d ci . T. Dois
Mrl. Reuwic.
Death oil-a Medical Graduate.
Thee lolowing is o dispatche loneRous-
eo, dated My-Dr. John Greenshilds,
a groduate of tiemnedil departmcent of
the Umniversity of Michigan, died at his
conic here tlissmsorning as theesucliiiof
ace operations for appendicitis performed
lw-n necho ago. He lad prcurced undi-
cine with Iis father, Dr. Wilianm Green-
shielids, for lie pst nne years and hcid
worked up a good prctie. Deceased
was 34 yearo of age, a member of Roneo
Conmandery, Knights Tenmplar. Fuer-
oh with be lucd Saturday at t1:30 p. h.
Hie is survived by his father acd moter,
a brothcer and a sister.
Let every nemucber of 'on who call el,
umeet under Tappan Oak today at 4
o'clock.,I-n devise nmethods audi oeans of.
out-rooting the 'oi class, whose baseball'
"team" is supposed to play the sentoris
toncorrow, 9 a. us.

A New Course in the Enineering
The University of Michigan is soon to
give a necv course in it engineering de-
partment, on unaa architecture and
mearine emginering, under the super-
vision of Prof. y. E. Cooey. Prof.
Cooey stated to his class yesterday
that he had found two available men, one
of whichci wold be chosen for professor
of cmarine engineering. One is a prom-
inent naval and nmarine archiect well
knowon ctie eastern seaboard, acd the
other s nosy acsisant professor of naval
architecture at tie Ucniversity of Gas-
gow, Scotland. Boils men are widely
knowincy ticircrofession. At present
there arconney three colleges giing this
course, Cornell, Mlassachuets Institute
ci Technulogy aud the - -r-al Academy.
Time course at Cornell covers only a
year's cwork. that at tie Massacusett
iccstitute a hal yar, acd the Naval Acad-
emy a year. The course tht eill be
offered at Michigaun ciii comprise a
year and a all of cornad will con-
sist of two courses, one iccnmarine en-
gineering, and one in nara arcitecture.
At the beginninmg ecrt course with be
givens hal tiletimee, but wenem the course
is meore dccveloped thee choe year's time
nill be given to acti subject, tie student
being alocoed to choose acd at tat imec
tie teacine force nitt e enlarged. Thee
subjecltcsmmcl a mew n ie asMiciigan, as
Prof. Coolev a offered sevral courses
its tier iorks for thi last mnineeeyears,
makcing -Micis athuttim ly' collg be-
sithe cN av at-Acadremyilad a gteen
thec ccositsfor uch ac tenisd of yras.
Prof.Cooleys v ers-entuiasocctcc0cicvrte
subjcctimd tutintere is a great fu-
mmmcc for theisvemmcsici m marinec cok.
iVitima racciii of atinred iles ae
"'mie of tie geatet slp-uioclingin-
duitries mum thiseictry tmmiitie grecimort
commuec ssm in mshccworldthere ibeig tie
'hip yarmds t Detroci t olcido amd Port
Hiurnu, aiith catlsipinig of tie
gretilakeo s. mieumhinks that tier United
States is soion to ecome tie greatest
ohip-uild-inicg catiomosm spurey natral
camuses. 'lhes upplcy-of rots icEmrope
isgroiiim al amd it ttil cny bea
Shot tie cchur thiemnamtura rources
of sleUnEitedStates ccouthi ouely alt
tie foreignm demmand. lHe thiniks that thee
great tites cilhbecome an imporctant
factor icctmits develiopmencmt, acd hat
LaeEriKecwibtthe megreatest prodcdinrg
ectiuon.Thius cwiii e caiues Iy the fact
that ciary'alt omur routollesfromectie
great ates district andithus aomne cill
rauetmie large shiptyards to erect tuei
pliants oc thmie leshecamuse of the ac-
crssiiity tatu cheaipneso of coat and ioc.
Whmenstie dcciiwarerwcay is completred
tie products of limelalec district could be
trainsplotedany cs-lure imic cisingelad-
mg amd c great feet of tras-Atatic
freighters roud e tieunatraresul.
He thinksithat tier Michigane stendit eill
hae oocetmumitis that cwill be sur-
pasoed by ccc othintsituion.Cornel
is hanmpererd because of its ilacdica-
ticon, and tie fMassachumstltustiue be-
cause of itisihort course. W'chene the
present scheme is comupleeted M~ichigoan
ciii have thee best meariue egieeing
dpartcmmnt cccthe country- with te ps-
sible receptions of the Naval Aademy,
acid Prof. Cooey with obtain me recogni-
tione fce isis eorik ic establising thee
course that ie so justly deserves.
Senior Class Meeting,
T'he postponed senior class neeing
whiche was tn be held today as 4 p. nm,
ciii notice conveuned until Monday, May
14, 4 p. u. This further pstponemcent
is ducc to tie fcI that today's hour is
lie hour of several other events, viz:
Prof. Taylor". address in Tappan hal,
the Openc Day at the Woman's gynm, the
Sceinarytue rencdewhichsis cmade up
entirely of seuiors, and a qui ice thee
law departnment in wch all six-year
nmen are interested.
This mceeting is to be thee umost ice-
portant one of ele year. The various
standineg conmmitees are to report, the
class tax is to be lee-ed, and the Mem-
orial is to ibe decided upon. Every nmem-
bee of the senior class whio pretends to
identify himself or herelf wills the class
organizaion should be present.


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