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May 10, 1900 - Image 1

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U. of M. Daily, 1900-05-10

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_VOL. X. kNN ARBOR, AM[R., THURSDAY, MAY 10, 1900. No. 165.
CHICAGO WINS tg into t1 e air The one time that he A NEW SONG
Sprinwas able to pt strengtha enogha in lis_
- blow a to baselit resulted, btut tsie
J l 1+p~f~ f,,e a A Poor Exhibition oi Base Ball- tar flied ott left and middle feld. The Future "Michigan Song" nwil
Announcement Numerous Errors by Both tHis felditg wartattked with tre cot- be Heard for the First Time
ly errors. Hr accepted eighta chances Mondayi Night.
,a, Teams-Michigan's tought,~te-ntgttcGe lbadam
Errors the More Whiltney's single error had it betta ast e t ed arele lugebtr.a ll ie
Costlal.put ottawould hae lesend Cittagos tk atd are saltoerte tiaroh
0. II.WI L D & "coeb trethnhtsbCOe n
Theitt umt o~ntt o a thei eato sesoe bypase , f r atoe bydeaoulatd awitaawit a im asd vigor that promises
wtChcg w a t atoughticrou tio eesstaur-s y wello ia id ratd ascifor tiaeir recetioonontarotnMonda
~ '~55 s al Citeao asa, rotglotalsttaYeserhae been retired before all toese slato-tniglt. Tie sogs ae a switg and
oa die ay a t tmaost stsfactory taoaster-for ities befell lad "Nbhli." oly itug Otaoolywict atttfil nca nd lo
Wef av jstrecivdgitcag.rt omimeis'tsrgato diito tie bath and no riad aroatnd asay ear of tae audience. Taere are coon,
of srn ln or m n's iiligan oIoni to be a wintner, thougho fromsthterilae awith it later. Hre accept- ltnsos a itr aa eaiona
wear. It includes everything in ale first four innitgs otud stt a sitgle cclseetaciatces amotg taetm atm exceed- o~tatutri otot.aa eiait
stales that are suitable and de- score, tiat Ieongigtoanliarvisitrs. itgly difflulatigaotl fly. NWitthle Cog.latheamsticnag a a ra- c itais. ct
sirable for the season. We are 'Te srotg breeze blowoig uas nt cann stick e wasacnt a great scess tiough iosad is; Prof A. A. Stasuley and Dana
alsosho ing ullranes i no- ducie to aty geat amounst of comfort Iis sacrifice did trp Davies atog 50 osrino L iettl f tm
alo ho in fllrage i p ut aidtie cold is probably responsibe for Isisoaesrof tir bases. Tetiitlh sit die
elties, in quality and style to aoie of athe errors echaked rats againstitothle ostfield ashis aser rirompty pareatime t ig as o t ue anfail o maor
suit the mot exacting taste, bthteaasms. Several, quie, witiout ex- cared for. Bese's eye wsa off and twsice issatisstantas f tl pttr
roehtafT pCotS st ue tihouagha are an be founsd, especially tar failed an counet switimtae ball withinm ro att cats be dour today. It is just
consisting ofte 'Copam' wrk tleliiCoatske touhSu itdw ait schoa soag as sudets ilerosig wans
ings, Fancy Vests and Golf Pin t h ballor fta somrtam' ana ieui fstrihdis iansagim taradid asar ntered arounsd tie table for a conotiiat
Trouerigs. We nvie yu t Piyiugtim bail tardidMiemigto ooter for four ipoor oaes and tsed tie raig Dectly s-oetiooitsa
callseans.s eou ineyato asolutely sonelaimotto asito at any tiame. oath soas Smsiha issued. His ight cashsenig heiatealysh isitiswtiswie hinoscl it i
caladisetorln'tThe-amaaner issswhiti1hr players fauat- fielding chances founsd bau ssrnerefased. loaiougto ae siritas ata es it h
tted easyinam tefow a e nhaudghoem ottonaittsaima eaiohemasic cs rta t naaespecially for it by
fietItatntoLDo9dsaSemrgh ocoamescaole. Chiago as astoo more Prof. Sausatr. Itss te isrry'aodt as
eaa fsst u o t lr heat ftai attti- csests t tittg h iam ae avee rolicisg mselody-attis sats it es
Ps apisra .lin oucehi ainpSamih, wsatasachad 'Var- o remasrmber.
Thatetaeasas exciig renougho for tie aty epesricoer for somea timse. His asild- Besides tisi disiincively- local soag
10m.t ost ex'sacg.Seteratimthaa5aierewere tars itw tat amust hbe motst grric h ssc frrot hsladedos g'nt
Wa I r)g gtotilaortanfororiectedr trustseisga"ihastb iaroaiediwasirishis oatphomosieat
hiters sup.ys Trdiffetrenct ayintat tshsiown asiselssf to iaae as cootihead aay tttttaac tsa asi aars od-
Chiscasgosgnerasy sceedein scscorang anerttsttva-iltscsttoace a0atf f o au t yat nd ahastiade ir hate.
avehar taghtart someacof hatrtsen tefosrbig e scted ae at's dattatage manytt-imesasbofor har tseare satsass-et teracthastthansetsatahi
Artist ase bugh ou tilthte M\tchasan mens]mitlasyions sao lss
Ar i t the stak uofAtst Smsathihad tar bater of t ass str s ttrseaditt att teurtttmintsteli terformsances
MteriaafaomSWet- of1pisa tc,,for thought ie broke eet CHCAC.GO. 1hitsas w ic es th asoilts 1cad cisr-
m e utBoakthStreue tsis e t n theoa inuassbr ot its lB. iR . B. S. C L
i~ i r a nhav ue added s lists tt lassthat asintnsas t sasma tes Eei t ie55h 1 hi . 4l z.15 0
t the samuntil ait '5c'sratsad iesa vebur t o n a e ss os 5a I4on a o 0 o oProf 4oaetras Partyi
~is n omplete. bsaltshislei1 asei gase thre nso tfi e ineder, 1b....5...it 4 s1i0 ona c-, >( 10 lh btngi t ii . romlit Dsae-
oil anatas Cina alte. ichian hunhtdslthr itstss sa ter F r ,ats...... 3 1 o 0n n tasit I trls hs a stat ntGerC-soy
handtherisPaints cweter, th55t5 i,-,id biisot a f . 4 0 0
thassi Criso ut thelttii ss'ac ae - -. ......; 1I o fr mtet t i t 5 4ii a0t . ocS. S. is ts
Wodrs, rPh n arma ry List it s sttaad a sfe 51 r s a a t ns . 1....3 0 0 0 t s 0h Ob ttai3 sitils i
isadssBtulithatsftatlNi Cl-IheINh.a d r sa e- party hnd sssssgeC an
t ie- t he ist teireasit fasi ss it atc h i Be i . ... . .i..; S. 0 3i' ss Ci sswcrp o ssssn ilatd its as saop o
TkindsiFo ctWoodw tt urhs' tth.Litahst5.t.ttt..iss.4 i0i s01. 5 2 d cyt0o-it
tsoyauast for Michigan'and S nth iar.. c.. . . t5 a a o 6 -o0' hism staLe-cal ro cxd Hnol ulut't'
tt~dP' thar ac y forit a goslats itstoattoat Ni H r t his eash0-0- 5 14 at hss1srsit ay iclsass) 5555: S.Isass
Ptttt050 stwo titstl'tt-Oftfiveltha is at snaa. ti l '.5.. s37 5 6 0 7 i; s ck iis weithe sssd s'fine. sr
RIEn.J L ~ cs tshetaot hinsssae as I. oh Cisd . MI.4H2G0N 0 a xa tsto hlvea-mo ahas hsasieaso
Dti c ast, ws thirti t05S t ssss and sisipe5 ah NbsiBss - -~i. t i ii 5 ut her wat us he stop ofc
THE OLD Foritseaertltweeki wethaviit c tied 1aissi t Sit aiii i i . i . 1>.-- -PF u o'rJitst inedy nivnc y- al
pKasi iene r raywih.ltsaahy 6, ithut. er r.T ewoi Sen~., l. _ r n rgnteto Lam erClass Me etig.
RELIAB E a f111ruc1 LUN IFUS, )I- O _A~Liisthis 55 the3) bls ies tossntteenw f.....4 r 1 0 0 0 tp-iokhmiasop. T u o
I2 ~ nS ade TOBA CO. bet tatlha s dne b i".ls" tel i tg hiiii/ i tviti
15 per cent ff it I its s01)1)01 alis-'0liaise}bntsisasse-unti(liiiip,5in1o0 n i stitt attn c sri.
IsiS NC sass hittstotteltasethsss liceed hecro d o ftne siss, t.f .....4 1 0 0 01 tish n castledcw days t Soa
is E .i a sisal+ sans as to 01uc tfro hosst. oothsn-sat e Ss4c-sti0t b 0 asit 0nt iss s1 i l; tSa ts 5o5sefo teit Oil'ti a il ta
K o d a k nt-setismest sie r0551edtit ouisas fats a tvt bi NC - I .4 1 1 4 4 (ltha si sass'expec 5Ostd iat e atohi-ot
20 pe en of hiss tiles secnclass asd- ar 5strihtits oral his ibiscit-. at.sic. Lest0551hr.1ZJansaser
thatcrissttn taic, st o ss assen te im ts ts Nsa inCic iso sj B-s..3 0 0 0 as6iis oi tth s5 t' sa sti cn c rt
KKeonna a tstditiis'sa"iatsasi.ssty HtCasi 3 sI tss a CCtba at aysc c- - - _ _ _ Snor awit C lasin Mtest itq. iss
p e 7 sfCedtce nghyct-ri a.itsaely o ffs ss ittisgivs tsing Sin 6 3ai i7 s 15 a i isna s a it ed IrvsssPr essaenta
hipemcntof mosttavetagestat 33that as l t ai l Cba1cbameisat2 33h 4 Is 6Cyis 9t CotoilS otrilait lt bttrit t cass catit- a
sassparsisal offa ttitey the ha seittlefolowine st trtoCit s sat "-lisa.-". is"sats a itt i s w ece ot i Jictimsoto
at ilsc irms C i ntat .this a sosha t o '0t-le e it-n C .statist a 3 C 0s3sahanto s .Tat e sasie tit wsicaledthi
Al t~ 1cheasi htsepiaa.hsingsts th onl t lid e'aesl teo as a ss ,Whey esel.'Mcar'o a class oasstr.iS omebod mad iie atmtsion
h sis t Said asiwse e uteu alalail )V nPtn mthif fwo 5ba s lat hiehs' it ciii bfhoaticai footbal
2 pe ce tof ht S it sus atist strikeing t B s- aris PacesLft nIas s i ee t e t tit ess's p ae M. it. Cacic
224 50.thSTATEt ST. t ist bt itheatiiieith reign,4;Chca on asorad ls hicie s its ngii t~ shst sit eseeaisa s
hestredthn gongb httn sfey - h ese, ;of S ih. I sit by -sly 50 Suld lit tt rpse ts st ine clas
2y-erae t ass tc, ulaiastth matc- a s t ai dthis eisl, c;abhonis tr6 ased a ls bs c histuiso ftills hemoved atatsa
pureadsi mpleii. CiHte hadistolens . these- S . ims f am hur,51n si b eetedSir.th Jasc is is
citSnistesH re st wpol.Snw 0r n c.Upreth. is cit bs At thesmassneen.de a sia ihthisNi
Al1uple)t-o rie. scis ad te b l asti go ne a thro''hiat stanlisa1,200.a C o titthee be .sita ss ofai fsive hiltes
Veaf a sarn i a ttc attuuw a tsasl st)sitll(, ofifi is thiaalists wichhena ed5Bl5Alnti'Sotal
7 a t he in s itecaught. leris Ii si h' tsi ssuti w itsarigh t iilacsoli
ToMa te s it beontst hi att t faitsci is- a o aete oe tie _r a ck-ti
th ifild in i ingist fumla Beristasish.f 7 j h s ortil h hlnsLo ena l tir-it .hil t Isit ' ittitlis
evey me ti sieco geled i imsicotecw rma dey'u0liNot e nih b anth 5e is itti Isof i e ts
th atano tIit nintthhe byh- ia ln hneorM cCak . T enm, b l atinsc wereLisiaon.
ALSO A tAO~ttIlTOchrn i c ha sosoubclaehiatipbt ii t b sit ar f sto .isy i t ta edsi', nd I B rt, aCi sict ia if h itup nsabA
Emr ma ea rortssad lat" uho hi un t h at~i iju s eas i esl lowi d to tp~asse.Cthisialassis th e ra s hsas
an tbag 4sh sasesisme.to eoadanca as a d tl .siC.aihhMc ahit o f Asshti-rdls ects aha mor m vdtCitte i
sL D t elb tyu frwie. h g r s- sga sofCu. G l5 ub oue atsisec t baiso ,g sofcthisrcommattee.sa
as h li i s it's smc aretsa febis e R ln I sB f t bi o Cartis i ostwesr Charescissore hiss ass s

liarechtances out oh seren uric recorided attrat of biology at Vasar, last yeast sit
In New Styles anal Patterns its the error colaasum ad tour of thmem sinscor isa liarUtnirersity, bias resiganedi VieUnisversity of -Minnseota uad thte
coat a total of ie rnsa which wsouldrito acerta apIrofessorshitpitt zoology at University of GitagsoliaiseIbotslanted
toot hate econtricmadtdheoy brassptilotut. that Utniversity of Chicago., aily college ipaiper this aserik. Tis
The single titme bloat ice reached first was Prof. A. A. Stanley gave time first of adds twro amare an the sall list of col-
on aim error by Mderrifield. He stole see- Isis lectunes yesterday afternoon upon the lege daily issuem. The U. of M. Daily
A o~nd thmen, but seas caught almomsttiume- nausic of the May Festival. He delivers waslime pioneer in the wrestern Utiver-
W H. H diately again, taking too great a lead. another one of the series this afternoon allies followed by time Cardiala one year

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