4 4 THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY. . GOLF OUTFITS If you want... . DRIVERS, BRASSIE DRIVERS, CLEEKS, MILL IRONS, LOFT- ERS, PUTTERS, CADDIE BAGS AND GOLF BALLS......... You can find them at Sheehan's We carry the largest assortment of all makes in the city. Onr clerks are up to dlate Golfers, and will gladly give you any in- formation desired in the pur- chase of outfits. We are Ann Arbor Ageuts for the following well-known clubs: WILLIE DUNN, McGREGGOR, HARRY VARDEN, SPAULDINGS and MORRISTON. Bring your old Golf Balls andl ex- change them for new. Sheehan &Co. PROMOTERS OF GOLF, 320 SO. STATE ST. ANN AREOR, rIICII U. ofl Y BarberVAOBTH Shop and Bath the City.lRea- RoomUs, 322 STATE. J. R. Trojanoski BICYCLES REPAIRED PRICES REASONABLE Weare agents for the faoss DfiYTON HIOYGL5E Calland exameine. Dletal tools manacla- turedad repaired. WM. J. WENOER, 113 E. Liberty, New Phone 553 "Pled now the sullen murmurs of the north The splentdidt rairnent of the Sproingoopeeps forth." It is with a feeling Of poide which we think pardonable that we invite your early inspection of oar new line of Spring sod Summer offerings just receivced, "fresh and temopt- ing aths ascot leaven of Notuses's seeial story. Over 300 patterns teom the Loading Tailoes of the World. Suits and Oveecoats. . Tailor made to your measure at the price ot the Hood-me--down .... .. . . . ... L. C. GOODRICH. Ageat foe thse bent Tailors oEerth. Front tRoom ever First Nationul Bank, Ann Arho Crescent Orient Sterling M. STAEBLER'S CYCLE EIFIPORIUM Bicyjcics Fowvler iiq West Washington Street DO YOU $1'OKE ? 4 Pittsburg Stogies for - - - 6 Bill Anthony Cigars for - - - 4 Brunswick Cigakrs for -- 5c 25c 25c Old Number: 44 SDEANIN&ST. ANN ARBOR. SUCH. D A ® Ladies Tennis Court Rendtq for Use. At the mtoinog of the Atloletic Board last tight the treasotrer reported a ba- ance of $668. This was all appropriated, hoowevrr, to allow bills preseoted. Thc chtanogrs intherWisronsitn gatme, May 09, to Grand Rapids and ther Illitois gamto Maty 30, to Detroit, wcrc appropriated. A week-roodrexcurstont will br rutn by the M\icloigant teitral to Grandr Rapidts ott May oig for the Wisconsigaecat a farr of $1.75 for ther rotuttd trilp. This fare lorostoot includreradmissiono to thec canme. "Tiortickertstrill tic good leavinge Saltiridaymio.tn:tog oc the sc rial-atod ott regutlart- rainis trnintg ttip to atnd in- cluding M~ondoiy. PHYSICAL LXAs1I t.5 - i0NS. Itrill br at the gymnasiumncrloevetn- ing frocm 7 to g to tmake nrev or romo- parativeexamntaions. of KEENE FITZPATRICK. LOST-DARK rrd pocketbook con- taitniog $24.00, two Choral Unioon tirkets anood sooerecrripets. Call at 900 Cornwsell placeatnd rereive reward. 635 Merrifield at Newvberrtl Hall. Fred Mrrrifield of the Chicago base- 1)al1 teamt,wso is also promoinetithlt eb religiooustwork at te Utniversity of Chti- rcogo has roosrnterd to sporak at Nesw- berrry tall tonsight at therir rrguolar pray- cr meoetiong. Platns arc beinog made to have tProfessor Stagg prrsrent also. A new line ef Manhattan Shuirts Just in at Wadhamna, Ryan & Reule. See them. South Main street. WANTED-Younog tmeto tith biry- rles to ratovass the slate for Mircigaon nirsplaper eloritng rsmmer varations. Liberal termos to right tooen. Best of refereoires requtired. Address "X" Daily offirce.6 Panticsloaning rootms to renst or table board for May Festival visitors are rc- qoested to leave their address at the offic of the Utniveroity Schsool of Mu- sic. Calendar. Wedtnesday, May g.-Mirchigan v. Clii- cago, at Regeonts' Field, 4 p. too. Satuorday, iSlay I2.-Eniginering bant quoet in Itaogslerrrs haoll at 8 p. mt. May 17-19.--Seventh annoal May Festival. erdnesday, May 23.-Michigan v. D. A. C., at Regronts' Field, 4 p. in. Thuorsday, May 31.-Michoigano v. Ili- nocis, at Regeonts' Field, 4 p. itn. ffl A onmber of textbooks ansd other ar- ticles have bett foutod in the gynasiumto duritogtile wionter. Owosers omay get teir property by calling at msy office. KEENE FITZPATRICK. Changes In Class Schedule The folloswiog chanoges are anounceoord in the class series: oo L vs. 'otSI. Satuirdoy, Slay 0g, ot 4 P. ino. oo lit. vs. 00i lit Satuorday, Slay 02, at 9 a. 01. in laoe of theio looop-pliaroooar gaime. The lonotowts hare swithidrawrn atnd the phoarmsacs faied to apperar before Ohr board to astk for ot departtment train. Last yeaorotory twere allowed ais a spec- il note to haver a depoartmoenot teamo as they couotltoot organion e 00ino a setoaratt claoss of the drlrsltint. 'To hare the righot to cooler as a departmenrt thOis year tory wotold bare to asik speciodlopermois- sions whlich obey foiled to do. All protests muoost be filed two daoys lie- fon- gameos. A new line of Manhattan Shirta just in at Wadhamo, Ryan & Reuole. See them. S. Main att D. fl TINKER & SON HOATTEROS AND FURONISHES Headquarters far HATSe, CAPS, MoNS FURSHNS oud CompletelinoftGYNASIUM GOOeS ond SWEATERS. AGEsNCY FOot LONeLEY HATS 334 South State Stree Cee, Main und EnoneeSteets. Ctautl, $50,000. Sureplus, $30,000. Teaneucte genoeral banhing tusoness. R, Mor, Pese. C.5E. GRENE, VticeO'eee Fans. H.BELSERa. Cashiee. IRST INAIONAL BAKOesguotrso Capiot, al,c000. Surluseaod Peofits, td0,W, ransoctsnageeral bonkingibusiness. Feeic. excheboughotunit seid. Furnish cettens of ceedit. S. DS. KINNE, Pees. tHARIOSON SOULE. VicePet S. W. CLARKSON Coohiee The flan M~ror Savinus BanlK Caopital Stock. $500010. Surplus, 150,000. Rtesources, $1,00.000. Oeganized undcerthe lGeneral Booking tLawo of Ohio State. ORecives deposiitstbuys oed msel exchange on the principal cities of the Uncited Staes. ODeafts couhed uipoeenuetifcation. Safety deposit boxces to reot. OFIERS:oooChristianoMack,Pese.;W. . Haeei- man, Vie-Pese.;Chas. E. tiseocto. Cashicer;M. J.Frt,Assitat Csiuher W. a. BOOoTH, PRE0S. Tl W. Aeseos, let Vice-ourey . V. EHN Osess, , Vr. Curce 3o~t. C. WAoTZ, Act.OiCshiee SfliWINGVS BtINK T..ransacto a general Blanking lBusiness, Maktuers of 5. COLLEGIATE CAPS, -' GOWNS sod IJOODS, Rerotingsof CAPS arod GOWNS. A SPECIAOLTY. CLASS CAONES, COLLEGE FLAGS, I CLAOSS PIPES CLASS STATIONERY, COLLEGE PINS, W.OC KERN & CO. 4100E. Fifty-SvenhSt~o5. CHICOtAe, ILL. " A slice to pipefol" 0 -C~r % % one reason Pipe Toacco , why Old En. rti aaa guish Curve Cot pipe to. bacco is so ~' popular .. . The curved tin box that fits any pocket is another reason. No ether pipe tobacco has ever -e ' 39I0 IT SUITS THE TASTL Our pore frtit juires and delcoIcte Creano-the chief of snnomer beverages -AT- HANGSTERFR'S, 200 E. Washiongton Sh. 306S5 State Si. Try The... NORTH SIDE A LAUNDRY THTOS. MOWS, Propr. k 1003 Broadway. 457 Sell Phone i a t made as many -friends in so short a time. A complete line of Adler Eroa. ine nunt at Wadhams, Ryan & Reule, 250- " It disappoints no one." 2112 S. Main at. I The Ann Arbor Music Co. have noane inducements to offer atu- dents on table board; also one suite s of rooms. Opening of Spring Woolens.... Woolens for thes cominlg season have arrived, the moot extensive line ever produced here is spread on our tablea and now open for you to make selections. We have made every preparation to strictly retain the previous standard of our tailoriag and to promptly serve our patrons. We solicit your inspec- tion at an early date. WAGNER & CO., Tailors, 123 South Main Street. ,. A trial box will be sent to any one anywhere on receipt of ten cents in stamps. Address Old English De- partment, The American Tobacco Co., III Fifth Ave., New York City. All dealers sell it. SPALDINGS Official Jltbkt i 6ooas Ocloy adopted hy the leading Ctolleges, Schooltusod Athlic Clus of the Country. S..EYRESTEtooORe.. Basen Btall Tcsnnis IotaBSall Atleticsa Golf Gyinasiuatm Spalding's Official League Bali Is ths Offiil Boll of the Naiional League and a00 leadingecollege a0110 ciationsu.Spaldiags aasesGall Guide tsr 1500, l10c oandsome CoatoseA, G.Spalding & Bras. ofAtltic Sports Free aoy address. 0NEW YORKsHIAODVR SPRING WOOLENS OPEN FOR YOUR SELECTION SPRING OF 1900 MIL WARD