THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY. 3 rG. r r= °r --rz -- r r r-.r- r- r r - i- r- i- r-- r- r- - r- r- - r- 'fir- -° r i- ° __. - t-. . r- i--- r-- r--- ; Y COUNTS when you buy-See that you get it-If we can- not show you belter styles cand quality fortheu money, when you buy n ekl~eac, (ecut buy-\utI sed-50c to $2- 117 South Main Street.U LIL'-r= MICHIGAN CENTRALI ',The Niagara Falls Route." CENTRAL STANDARD TIME. Taking Effect Naovember 19, 1899. Jetroit Night Eapress ........... 5A. NX. Atlantic Expres.... .........7 4 rand Rapids Exprsse....... i....1 1 Aalland Express ............ 3 47 P.. 14.Y. Boston Spcial .......a.sS8 Fast Eastern............... 9 43 Slail aeed Expesstt.........40 A. N. Dloon,N.Y. and Chicagoe...... 923" was% Sextern Expres......... 1 38 P. a.R. and Kal. Expres...1....5451 Chicago Night Enpress ..........9 43" Paacific Expscess ................1 30 A. M.1 Steamsahip Tickets, all Classes, to and Ices.: Suropean pointN at lowest rates. Fail infor- smation on applicatiosn. 0.W. RUGGLES. H. W.HATES, a. P. & TAg'tChicago. Agt Asn Arher. TIME TABLE Taking Efifect, Sunaday, Mlay 21, t899. Trains leave Ann Acher hy tCentrsal Stand. ord Tinse. SOUTH NORTH *Ne. .- 7:25 A. M. Ne. 1.- 8:16 A. N. No. 21-11:30 A. sM. 'No. 5.-12:301P. MN No. 4.- 8:31 P a. No. 3.- 4:50 P. a. t~e. 102.-8:05 cP. . f e. 101-9:05 A. M. *Rssnhetssee Ann Arhoc and Teledo enly All trains daily except Sanday. gSundnys only. N. S. GILMOREN, Agent. Wi H. BENNETT. 0. P. A Detroit, Ypsilanti and Ann Ar- bor Railway. oars leave fer Detroit and Ypilantii every half our, oeginning at 7:15 a. m. until 7:45 p. mn After that heolDetroit at 8:45 p mn, 9:45 p. m and 11:15 p. mn. Waiting roesn, corner Ann and Main sta.: Detroit, ill1(Grisweld soh COUPON INO.OE SThis coupopreseted to our Conduc- sors with alFistnClaTO cictradngtsny dstacsover sicWabashlRailroad, oil entieholder so a Ices seal snourevPalatial Rclinng Chair Cars. Theyaceein duily seric t BffaoNigaanFalhosop YokCitccso Kansatitc, S aLousn l perSt.Loots. Wabh s . RN N L97 Adams Si.,Cicage, I1l HOCKING VALLEY RY. 4 TI1AITOS DAILY 4 Between Toledo an~d Colacshas, asing Union lapel in hoth cities. Through Sleeper te Washington and Bltimaore. GREAT REILROAD THE HOCKING VEILLEY Write L. W. LANDMAN, 11 W.FortlSt, Dstrsit. .-. ..- - _ ..,.., - ... ... m~:._ a- an- - -~c:: ..'/ 7. ' > .----- z.. za -c a.. 3.a x m e m JI r TfiE REST RAKES OF 1etschter, the lj'botographer, aoln JOHN F. HASSETT. DEWITT ALLEN ~ Sacla as Jssephsa Iolias n's, Wahurn'n 223 Sa. Ingalls St. 7111 Ia. 11th cf. 4J Jll D and I~ranso's aresnnsale at the New tatePhon 436 NewStat Phoe 293-r 1 h larle M u si Store -di W. Libecrty, ony 2doos fromsMack's Crer T yA Ys(flT GVflhIIOITE TAI51TU DACTFT ~ ~ ' ge ~Itens, heutifien, and prUUe tS theI C~ampus Pr oto~rapt ers Ravesall linself. or M. ond Ann Arhor Viewa. Maks a spscialty ef Stadsnta' Roems ..nd Flaehlight Work, nt reasanahle pcices. Viewc en sale at Clkins', Schlcdsc's, Lovell's, Edwards Bros. and Schaless Booksoroe. teeth. ANTISEPTIC AND VERY PLEASING TO THE TASTE. All druggists 25 cents, or by mail upon receipt of price. C. S DENT & CO.. Detroit, Mich. The Fine Tailoring Trade of the City, BURCHFIELR, 106 EAST HURON STREET' Have You cenor PORELAINS? Pen thinc oue-only ploe in the whee ucan gctthem. SPECIAlL RAlES TO SENIORS 11w rumdn Studio 112 W. Huraa St. N. S. Phane 119 IA (gent for 0 IATribune, Stearas and Barnes Bicy. IA es. Rentiag asd rspairinsg af all y IA kinds. LEON SHIAW, 117 lE.SAnnSt.. Typewriter Copying Osaly 13c per 100 Words. SCHOOL OF SHORTHAND 707 N. UNIVE2RSITY AVE. Piate lesonsin dancing hy Atr. o M1cc. Soc-sGrangr.-Leeson:the (b:artrs hour. 85:54.0. Oce,Sei- dececcasndAcademy onMaeynsrd St. IMAD 'IEElE DAILY. Sale. Ctssh fcc ArolJeweler Pennsylvcania Women to Start A Club. The clot for womten students ot thy Uiersity of Pcennsylvaeeia leas growni rapidly, and its proemotcre, encouragcd by Provost Harrisoni and Dcan Penni- emane, arc layieeg plans for its future on a scalc that will rival thy famous Houston clob for mnc. Daring thic last few years thec numebr of somn stodcnts at the ueeiversity has growne to about 400.Itt ie highely probable that in the ncar fu- ture anie cduwllueit food will be secured for the miainitcnance of the club.-Penn- sylvanitie. TRACK MEN NOTICE. All entries for thc track meet Satur- day neust be in by Thursday at 6 p. m. The names will be taken at the training quarters at Regen a' field. U. of M. banners large and small can be obtained or will be made to order at 320 S. Slate St. Mrs. Fingerle. Thse ladies' tcennis court beide the fac- ulty couts . on the southeaet corner of t:,e -tlnpile is ready for thc u.,e of 1111 1 idlees who are metmbers of the Afhietic A ,' ociatiozl. SUMMER WORI.. We are offering for a fcw days pusi- tively the bent bargains before thc stu- denets. Thle emcploymnet is noeecruliar to a presidcetial campaigen. A good, geuaranty givcn and prices offcred bcides salary nmade. Write or call tson ne as punsible. T . J. 1'tcLA Te(-rISiiN 1327 Wilmot St. 66 Hdoward hatn at Wadhama, Ryau .2 Rcule. Beat hat on the market at $3.55. 200-202 S. Main nt. Puritan Shoe.-U~p-to-date shapes. The sniteor medics will eanvc Ann Ar- bor for their visit to Parkec, Davin &E Compaeny's wvorkes in Detroit, -on Friday morning at 7:30 o'clock. The Detroit, Ypnilanti & Asen Arbor Railroad has Thelost competerl Line of mlade a special rate of sixty cecnte foe LOW N E Y the round trip and will provede speceal CH-OOU care to leane the waiting roote at the I te eitC tinme stated above. [ U T T., .ATES caa be foand S. State St. WANTED-Two reserved neats for May Fentival. Address E. X., ctire Daily. 6 Puritan spring shoes-See them. tf 338 OmM.MAHTIN. FUNERAL DIRECTOR Embalming a specialty. No. 209 S. 4th Ave. Amihulance night and day. Rea- doee 302 Fifth Ave. Studentn are cordially invited to in- SaefrteAhei soito spect our comrplete linses of suita, over- SasfrteAhei soito coats. menas furniahings and bats. Minstrels will be on sale tomorrow, Wadhams, Ryan - Itents, S. Main st. Sheehan's, a. m. r; =r_-= L= - _--L -[" - == - T 7 _"'}s i .5, -t r e T _Tl:-iT {'i"3 Z 1. i _1_~. ._ .T II SPRING SHOGES (INDWac Widw OXFORDS NOW IN Wthour Wnos.. 110 E. HURON S. w IN lij n riiThe ,ENOCH DIETERLE Embalmer and nvriy''EsUilimSre L9Funeral Directo lvr siyjast one-hatefclock Ness + n Bl Bf Mrs. Enoch Oielsrle, Lady Assistant. sf law bailding Alt kinds"" 'I Fn INa. 116 E. Liberty atreet. esidences[8 sh e h frspairsng Lpaly doe OUS'iRAN TlEE.S SA'TISFASCTION. Fosrth Ave, Both Phos12a9l. She ho E. Lambert Photos qs90WE" PATRONIZE GOODYE AR'S DR U STORE