wpo 4 THE UNIVERSITY OF MICAIGAN DAILY. _. _ _... ._. GOLF STUDENTS OUTFITS If you want.... DRIVERS, BRASSIE DRIVERS, CLEEKS, MILL IRONS, LOFT- ERS, PUTTERS, CADDIE BAGS AND GOLF BALLS......... You can find them at Sheehan's We carry the largest assortment of all makes in the city. Or clerks are up to date Golfers, and will gladly give you any in- formation desired in the pur- chase of outfits. We are Ann Arhor agents for tie following well-known clus: 'WILLIE DUNN, McGREGGOR, HARRY VARDEN,- SPAULDINGS and MORRISTON. Bring your old Golf Balls and ex- change them for new. Sheehan & Co. PROMOTERS OF GOL, 320 S. STATE ST. ANN ARBOR, nicH U. of KM Barber VAPOR BATHS Shop and Bath the Cty. ea- senahle rates. Rooms, 322 STATE. L. Tranosi BICYCLES REPAIRED PRICES REASONABLE we ae ageets for the famese DAIYTON BIGYGLE Cllanexamesine.tDetltoolsemanufac- tredeendrepaired. W. J. WENER, 113 E. Liberty, New Phone 553 ART STOR1F, A new Assortment of Oval Frames and. Frame Mouldings, just received Do not rail to see them. Stabler's Art Store, 217 So. 4th Ave. New State Phone 173 ATHENS THEATRE TUESDAY MAY 8. Miss Manle Lanor Supprted by 17Fedsik Mulsrphy i "A Wise Woman" Prces, 25, 35, 50 and 75 cents. Seats n Sale Satrsiay. 2'ry Thle.., NORTH IDE LAUNDRY THOS. OW, rop. 1003 Broadway. 457 ell Phone SPRING OF 1900 remembher that we can supply you with a $1.00 Founstain Pen, the Laughlin or 'Waterman, whichs we fully guarantee. Wisat ntere can yen ask ? Try on. MARTIN $CjHAI1IZR Crescent Sterling M. STAEBLER'S CYCLE EM'PORIUM Bicyjcics Orient Fownler 119 West Washington Street DO YOU $MORE?~ +.'+._ijjff.P.+*44444444 "+8.I 4 Pittsburg Stogies for 6 Bill Anthony Cigars for 4 Brunswick Cigars for 5c 25c 25c Old Number: 44 SO. MAIN ST., ANN ARBOR. M~ICH. ! Athletic Notes. Special preparations are beinsg made by atbietic management fer tomorrew's gamse. Wire ropes wetl be stretced atrotnths e icdiamtonsd. These swill be tearer te diamiond tisans they Stave beens lost to spectators sill be allowed in- side. A wire wcillstiso be stretcihed froms tite flastitost itiste cornser of te grand saiseS to preenit spectators frett gettitig ott te fled. Te 'Varssity was giventspsecial bat ittg ractice yesterdiay. Bacets, a soutth- psiw frosts D. A. C., seas imsportedi for te ttesmttopratctice tittisewtssosite Jits D~onnclly of thsis city. This ansd sthe sttccediitg gas wcssithIsltinitois attdiCihi- casgo try of te greatest itmpjortantce is frosts presettt insdicationts thtey wiii settle te weesterts chasimpionshsip. Two chaissnges arc atntottncedsiintshie cass bassebasi ceduisle ott accounsst of sa confltict te 'Varsity iseet ott Ssaturdasy. Te ties)gamsses chsangedvilleitiis lasyedi is follows: 'oo L.. vs. 'oisM. Satiurdasy, Maisy 9 at 4 P. In. '02 Mi. vs. '03 M. May iy 9sit it i.as.n PHIYSICAL EXAlsitN.- .SNS. S wiii be at te gymnsasienm each evea- tag trout 7 to 9 to mtake new or coin- parative exainsattons. tf KEENE ITZPtATRSCK. LOST-DJARK red ipocketisook eon- taisisig $24.00, tseo Chsorsil Ussioss tickets sissd sonisc receipts. Csill at 950 Cosrnwellt plice atiss receive reweardt. 65 Parties having rooms to rest or table board for May Fetival visitors are re- queoted So ieave their address at tise offe of use University Scisool of Mu- stc. At si practice goose yesterday after- toontshie seinior laiws cleaised tup on te sopiiomsore msedics its a srprising uman- tier, te score being 26 to 9 its favor iof vise sites.Hosw te clssschtamipionsipi setl resist is at presenst rathser dousbtfutl is seversl strongsegSamsshiave appesared antd are shsowving ip tech. Thse first gaitme .of te series is text tFrislay at 4 P. at. at Steoctts' field between te 'ot ansd '02 lasws. Admtissions free. Fransce trew te hammeasr 128 feet 6 itches its iractice yesterday. DEAN & CO. Calendar. Wedtnesday, Mlay 9.-Michigan v. Ciii- cago, at Regets' Field, 4 p. mt. May 17-19.--Seventh annual May Festival. Wedtnesday, May 23.-Michtigant v. D. A. C., at Regets' Field, 4 p. to. Thunrsday, Mlay 31.-Michigan v. Slli- stois, at Regents' Fldis, 4 p.,its.ffl I ise St pspittittg craeis spreadintg raiily antdhssnows iecomse coissssis sssssssg te cc-ids whio seemsiv) hlist Itist a sisecisil enjoytmetnt intshie gsamse. sAitSevess a fsicultyasesisber is oc:-a- ~tsittly tot a' erse 5o 'tryintg it' ens sre ( ct'tcrs a crowed of his ppi;s Isisity cvisgeciit inte spiort. Onte sect- sdesstits ts4itpettcd. .\iss Lout I-IsielssLt, '03. seas :stessekover teecy:o 5 ssC st~ay bty a intg estopsandcccevdaes isighs tct. A numsber of textbooks ansd othser ar- ticles have been found its the gymsnasiumt duiring te witer. Ownsers tss1ay get their property by callitng at msy office.j KEENE FIT PAFsT'RICK. A new line of Mannattan Shirts junt in at Wadhams, Ryan & Renle. See them. S. Main st Thse Daily is nti responssile fosr sisy stsitessessts tisse iii csttmunttication--, ap- ps5 s'riit Its coliumts. A comptete line ef Adler Bros. fine suits at Wadhams, Ryan & Rteule, 200- 202 S. Main at. 'Te sophsomsore miedics defeated te fresh tmesdics Ssaturdav tmortning. Score 21to 50. Bastteries-Osbsornte sitdYarrintigon; Ro~btund ilsotn. The Ann Arbor Music Co. hav's some inducements to offer stu- dents on table board; also one suite of rooms. A salltforce of msetn andstScoms wilt be set 1to wo~rk levellitig Regetnts' fielsi south of the besseiers tomsorrowe. A new line of Manhattan Shirts Just in at Wadhams, Ryan & Reule. See them. South Msfain street. D. 1R TINKERF & SON% HATTERS AND FURNIHtERS H'eadqarers fr HAS, CAr, MEN'S FResInesos and Cemptetetnef GYMNSIUtM GOen snd SWETERS. AGENCY FOR LONGLEY HATS 334 south Sate Sre, Cr. Main and Heuron Streets. Capial, 50,000.OSrpus, $3000. Tasaest geneal bsskieg bsines. R, Snapr, re. C. E. Renwe, ViePre FRED. H. BriLose. Cashier. FIRST NATIONAL BANKor l rR Capita, $1i0,000. Ssrplstsand preofts, $4oost Transtgetneralen intsg sinseies. Foresee. exchangetbogtiansolnd. Psinish letter 0' cedit. E. D. KINSE, Prs. HARRSON SOULE, V icePres. S. W. CLARKSO0N Csihier Tli@ fnnflrflr sainup Bank Cpitat Stork. &50,500.OSrlsi$e0SitS, Resrces. $sit000. Organteed unde he GenrealBsnking aws of ths State. Receive depsiti, bsys sodseltts eschange en he princitalo tie of ie United States. traft caseestpopnoeeer ienti catin. Safety deposit boes to rent. OFFICERS: Chritian Meets, Pes.; W. D. lriset sein, VicePes.; Cits. E. isocek Cashe; M. J. Fritz,'AsistaotsCashier W. J. lBeurn, PiES. SfT W. Anser, 1t Vice-ptres BAINK Transacts a general Banking ininess. I~o COLLEGIATE CAPS, ~' GOWNS nd FHOODS, Oeotg of CPS esd GOWNS, ASPECIALTY. ' CLASS CANES. COLLEGE FLAS CLSS PIPES, CLASS STATIONERY. COLLEGE PtNS, SPECtALTIES W.C. KERN & CO. Altt E.iy SeertisSt. C'1ICdAi, IL. CpVE C,,,, -, one reason Tobacco . why OdEn. - glish Curve Cut pipe to - bacco is so ' ~ popular... The curved tin box that fits any pocket is another reason. No other pipe tobacco has ever made as many friends in so short a time. It disappoints no one." A trial box will be Sent to any one anywhere on receipt of ten ents in Stamps. Address Old English De partnment, Yhe American Tobacco Co., lii Fifth Ave., New York City. All deaer~ shllit. 53ldi 7' v7i ~sy l 7hl 3i.3 mviU5 et v~ .uwee ertVl vl vJ / (2)ie~icbn 'n hir'o i wyivXF 16V11ass.csss ).j1111 LO- SPALDINGS Official The New Ope)-Fot Sbirt. Jltbtfic600d$ Buttorns althe Woy Dowr)0he Offiialysadopted by the leading Frorot. Slips o o+)rd off like a Cu ft etics.osoisstrydAthltic Coot. Differerot Lengths of ...EnEYRuse SEFessese - S Sleeve. Perfect Fitting. Base Ball Tenniis Feet Mali Ateis Neglige--Semi Neglige--Plait- Golf tGymasiu~m IBOIY I ed Negligee. Spaldings Official League Bali Is the Offiial nall of te Natiinali Maker YY G C ' . Leagegnsd atl ledisg colege a WAGNER& C , iasiess. Spaldings Base Ball Guide far 1900. 10c SPRING FHATS IHaherdashers Hsofemhe siorssy"' -A"..Spaldng & Bras. SPRING WOOLENS MIL.WA DOPEN - MILWARDFOR YOUR SELECTION